Geneticist Frankenstein - Cover

Geneticist Frankenstein

Copyright© 2024 by Flavorfulcorpse

Chapter 11

Thanks to markf52 and sorvinofan for the editing help.

All sexual encounters are between characters that are eighteen years of age or older.

Trevor called at eight a.m. saying, “The bank is foreclosing on the house that Cally and Sandi are living in. They’ve got seventy-two hours to be out of it.”

I told Trevor, “The bank doesn’t own the house, Sandi does. I signed the deed over to her and Cally.”

Trevor said, “Two big guys served the notice and then left.”

I asked, “What does Michael have to say about it?”

“Michael said it looked legal.”

I told him, “Something’s not right. I will be there as fast as possible, and please, call Marty.”

I told the maidens what was going on, and my ladies got their things ready to fly home to the states. We got to the airport and took a G8 to go to the states. With all the upgrades the nanites have made to the aircraft, we can fly at Mach 1.4 and never miss a beat. On the flight back, I made a call to buy an Airbus H225 and have it ready for us.

Mom told me, “Just have it land at the house so the nanites can do their upgrades, and then I’ll pilot it to the airport for you,” so that’s what I did. Mom ordered eight of the H225s, four for the states and four for Australia.

I filled the maidens in on my thoughts and how this had to be something to do with Tanduchi and Hughs. I asked Mom, “Please get everything we can use against the two of them from their servers, phones, and social media. Hopefully, Marion Corleone, the boss of the Corleone family, will give me an audience with him and believe what I’m showing him.”

The flight was just over ten hours, and when we landed, we had to wait for customs to ask their questions and do a quick search. Satisfied with our answers and their search, we were released to get off the plane. Taking the baggage we had brought with us from the plane and getting it to the helicopter, we flew to the estate. It was after midnight when we went to bed, and we would get started bright and early. The next morning, we loaded up in the Jörs and went to Sandi and Cally’s house.

Trevor and Michael met us outside, while the ladies went inside to talk with Sandi and Cally. Michael, Trevor, and I talked outside, and I filled them in on my plan with Mr. Corleone. Michael didn’t like me dealing with Corleone whatsoever but knew that it was a good plan.

I told them, “There’s something I need to show you in the house,” so we joined the ladies inside. I had them gather around where the hidden staircase was and showed them the button that would open it.

Sandi asked me, “Why didn’t you show it to us when we moved in?”

All I could say was, “I didn’t know if you would stay in the house or not.”

I pressed the button, and the false wall moved to show the staircase. I led them down the stairs to the door and had Sandi give me her hand so I could put it on the hand scanner to add her biometrics. I also added Cally, Michael, and Trevor to the scanner. Once that was done, I showed them the room and what button to push to get the false wall to hide the stairs again.

When the door to the room was closed, the monitors came on and showed the interior of the house. Melissa spoke up, “The house can burn down around you, and you will be fine.” Then I showed them where the supplies of food and water were located.

With that done, we went back upstairs, where I called Mr. Corleone and asked, “Can I have a meeting with you? I believe I have information that will interest you greatly,” and I was granted an audience with him. Melissa and Charu would join me at the meeting, while the others would wait at Sandi and Cally’s. We were told to go to the local floral shop so we could discuss the information I had for Mr. Corleone.

When we got there and went inside, we were met by some of Mr. Corleone’s men. The three men were in suits, and one had a metal detecting wand. He waved the wand all around me but didn’t get any indication that I was armed. He put away the wand and went towards Charu. I told him, “You can use the wand, but you aren’t going to touch my ladies.”

He smirked at me and went to touch Charu. I kicked him in the back of his knee, putting him on his knees. Then I grabbed a handful of his hair, pulled his head back, and used my other hand to grab his throat. The other guys went to try and help their friend and were placed in the same position as their friend by Melissa and Charu.

“I told you that you could use the wand but not touch the ladies, did I not?”

He nodded his head.

“Instead, you decided to disrespect me and tried to touch one of my ladies, didn’t you?”

He nodded again.

“All I wanted to do was give your boss some information I think he would want to have, and you had to act like a horse’s ass. I could have given all the information to the Feds and not been concerned about Mr. Corleone or how it would affect him and his family.”

A voice from behind me called out, “You three get up and go to the back room,” as I turned to see who I presumed to be Mr. Corleone standing behind the counter with some scissors in his hand. I introduced myself and my ladies, then pulled out the laptop with the information on it. Walking up to him, I placed the laptop on the counter, opened it up, and launched the program that had the information in it. Then I turned the laptop so he could see what was on the screen.

He told me, “I don’t know what I’m looking at.”

I asked, “Can I come around and walk you through what you are looking at?” He motioned for me to come around and join him.

Over the next two hours, I showed where Tanduchi had stolen eighty million dollars and had several of Corleone’s men killed or set up to be arrested by the Feds. What pissed him off the most, though, was when I showed him that Tanduchi was using the girls at the Home for Girls as escorts.

I asked him, “How well do you like Tanduchi?”

I was told by Corleon, “I’ve tolerated him because he’s married to my god-niece.” That led me to open the final nail in Tanduchi’s coffin, so to speak. It was a video of him slapping Corleone’s god-niece, knocking her to the ground, and then kicking her.

He asked, “What are you planning to do?

I told him, “There is three hundred fifty million in a hidden account, and I would like to give one hundred seventy-five million of that to the ladies he’s trying to illegally evict from their home, and the other half will be yours. One other thing: I want to give the construction company to a friend’s father, who is a damn good contractor.”

I showed him that the Superintendent of Schools was running the escort service at the Home for Girls for Tanduchi. Corleone’s wife walked out from behind us and told me, “Your terms are acceptable. What else do you want?”

I asked, “Would you both meet us at Sandi and Cally’s house? Bring Tanduchi and Hughs, with their wives, with you.” And gave them the address.

I introduced my ladies, and myself, to Mrs. Corleone, to which she told us, “Please, call me Martha.” They agreed to meet us at Sandi and Cally’s at eight p.m., and they would have everyone show up.

We had a lot of time to kill before eight p.m., so we went to the Ranch House and got lunch. After lunch, we went to our own house until we would meet later that evening. When we got home, the ladies went and played with their horses, while I did my workout and ran. While running, I decided that I wanted a landing strip at the house that could handle a seven-thirty-seven, buildings to store it, and our other aircraft. After my run, I went in and took a shower.

When the ladies came in, I had them go to the armory and get what weapons they might need. I told them, “Melissa, Charu, and I will take our bikes, and you will fly overwatch and fast rope in if you are needed.” The ladies went to the armory, got what they needed, and got ready to go to our meeting. Watching the maidens go from happy-go-lucky to having their game faces on was both arousing and frightening at the same time. When the time arrived for us to leave, we gave hugs and kisses to each other and went to our respective vehicles.

We let the chopper take off first to follow us to Sandi’s. It was nice to be back on my bike, even if it was for a short ride. We arrived at Sandi’s at seven-thirty p.m., and I saw that Sandi had closed the wall to the safe room, made some finger food, and set out some drinks if anybody wanted them. At seven fifty-five p.m. the doorbell chimed, and I answered the door to the surprise of Grady Hughs. I invited him and Deborah in and offered them a beverage.

Deborah asked, “Can I have some lemon water?” but Grady declined a drink.

Sandi had just handed Deborah her drink when the doorbell chimed again. At the door this time were Anthony Tanduchi and his wife, and right behind them were Marion and Martha. I saw that Mr. Corleone had brought the dumbass who tried to touch Charu at the floral shop for some reason. Deborah came over and stood behind me, which Martha noticed.

I began to speak, “We are here tonight to right some wrongs, to expose those who have perpetrated those wrongs, and to give those who were wronged a bit of justice.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Boy?” Tanduchi barked.

“Let me see, first, you tried to foreclose on this very house. A house that was not even capable of being foreclosed on.”

“You can’t prove that, you fucking punk!” Tanduchi said.

“Or the eighty million you stole from Mr. Corleone.”

“He’s a lying punk, Marion!”

“How about all the men you had set up to be killed or arrested by the Feds?”

“All lies, Motherfucker.”

“How about you hitting, and then kicking, Mr. Corleone’s god-niece?”

“Never fucking happened, she’ll tell you.”

Martha asked Cecelia, “Have you been hit?”

Cecelia told her, “Yes, I have.”

I was going to move Cecelia over to my side of the room when Mario, the dummy from the floral shop, grabbed Cecelia’s arm to pull her away from me.

Martha told him, “Let go of her and never touch her again.”

Cecelia spoke, “He thinks he has a right to me because Anthony makes me suck his dick when he wants information about you, Uncle.”

“You are a lying bitch! You just wait until I get you home.” Tanduchi yelled at Cece.

I took Cecelia’s hand and moved her behind me, then I walked over to Tanduchi and picked him up off the ground by his throat. “I should rip your throat out, but it would cause a mess, and I don’t want to make extra work for Sandi and Cally.”

When I put him down, Mario went to grab Cecelia again. I grabbed his wrist and a handful of Mario’s testicles. I squeezed his testicles until I felt two distinct pops, which caused Mario to turn ashen white and go to his knees.

“Now where were we? Yes, yes, the final thing, and this involves you, Grady. You run the escort service that’s run out of the Home for Girls, where you use girls as escorts.”

“I do no such thing!” Hugh protested.

Martha told him, “I have seen the evidence and have gone to the home, speaking to the girls, and they said, ‘You not only run the escort service, but you use the girls too.”

Deborah walked over to him and slapped the shit out of him and then came back over to me. I walked over to him and stared into his eyes, where I could see the fear in them. The doorbell chimed again, so I opened the door and invited Jerome in. He brought Richard and Justin with him, but not Gerald. I asked, “Where’s Gerald?”

Jerome said, “He’s with a friend.”

I introduced Anthony, Grady, and Mario to Jerome as his new acquisitions.

I could see that the three wanted to say something, but the nanites prevented them from doing it and made them do whatever Jerome told them to do.

Cecelia grabbed my hand and interlaced her fingers with mine. I looked at Grady and told him, “Your wife is pregnant with my child, and you didn’t even know it.”

He called, “Bullshit,” and asked, “When have you been with my wife?”

“You remember the meeting at the school about your nephew and the dance?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“When I went to the restroom, I took Deborah with me.”

He looked at Deborah, and she nodded her head in agreement. You could see it in his face when it hit him.

“That’s right, when she kissed you during the meeting, that was my cum you tasted on her lips. The best part, though, was that she had a mouthful, and she spit most of it in your coffee.”

Anthony managed to say, “I’m not going anywhere.”

“You can go with Jerome or get measured for cement shoes; your choice.” Marion and Martha both smiled when I said that. The whole time I spoke to Anthony, Cecelia had a death grip on my hand. Grady and Anthony picked up Mario from the floor and carried him outside to wait for Jerome.

I told Jerome, “Justin and Richard have not only killed my parents, but they also killed my grandfather.” The look of fear on their faces when Jerome said, “I’ll deal with them,” was very pleasurable to me for some reason.

Martha asked Deborah, “Is what he has said true?”

Deborah said, “Every word of it.”

Martha then asked Cecelia, “What do you want to do?”

Cecelia told her, “I wish to stay with him and have his babies.”

I told Cecelia, “I can’t take you to Australia with me if you are pregnant, because I need you to be safe.”

Cecelia told me, “I understand, but I still want you.”

I told her, “It will be best if you and Deborah live together at your house so your aunt and uncle can look after you both.” Martha liked it and agreed with the idea.

I took out a card and handed it to Mr. Corleone. He looked at the card and asked, “What’s this?”

I told him, “It’s your ‘get out of the drug business free card.’”

He looked at me funny and asked me, “Please explain,” so I pulled out the laptop from earlier and showed him.

“This is an account I made using the one hundred seventy-five million that you got this morning from Anthony.”


“As you can see, there is four hundred million in the account.”

“Yes, I can see that.”

“Like the card says, you are the CEO of Corleone Securities and Financials. It’s a fancy way of saying you trade money on stocks and bonds.” You made two hundred twenty-five million today.”

“All that money is mine?”

“Yes, it’s all yours, and if you keep it in this account and trade and buy stocks with it, you won’t have taxes on it. Now, if you pull some or all of it out, you will have to pay taxes on the amount you pull out. Do you have a shipment of products coming in soon?”


“How much is it worth?”

“Two hundred million.”

“Call and tell your shipper that he can keep it.”

“I’ve already paid for that shipment.”

“When you call and cancel, giving the product back, you have just put that much money back into the shipper’s bank account.”

“Go on.”

“They’ll ask why you’re doing it, and that’s when you tell them about your new business.”

“I’m not following you.”

“You’re able to take a large amount of money and use it to buy stocks and bonds, of which you get a ten-percent upfront cut and five cents on every dollar made.” You could see when the light bulb lit up, so I continued, “That’s right, you clean their money by buying the stocks and bonds, and you make your fee, which is legal, by the way. You make money, and they make money.”

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