Welcome to Nockatunga Station - Cover

Welcome to Nockatunga Station

Copyright© 2024 by Chloe Tzang

Chapter 3: Possessed

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: Possessed - I wrote the concept for this one as a three page outline at one of the very first Writing Workshops I went to back around 2016 and then it turned into a novella. Obviously alien sex doesn’t float everyone’s boat but I do hope you enjoy the story itself. Be warned. It is alien horror sex. Romance, it's not! But the sex is hot....

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Horror   Science Fiction   Aliens   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Pregnancy  

Buzz’s abdomen flexed, curved in a bow, something brushed her sex, something large, rounded, hard. As hard as a human male would have been but bigger. Brushed and nudged and Wong’s eyes widened as two of his hands reached between their bodies, as his fingers found her sex, long fingertips brushed her labia apart, opened her as they’d opened her so many times over the last few evenings. Only this time they opened her sex in preparation for his taking of her as a male takes a female, and Wong was ready.

Ready for Buzz to take her.

“I muzzzzzt, Wong, I muzzzzt,” Buzz crooned, his real voice a hum of ecstatic need and desire beneath the translator’s audio. A hum that resonated inside Wong, feeding her own excitement, feeding her desire, feeding her need to surrender herself to him.

“Yes,” Wong moaned, her back arching, her wet excitement flooding Buzz’s fingers. “Yes, Buzz.”

His fingers held her open, two hands held her legs now, back and widespread, so that she was opened to him. Willingly, eagerly open as the tip of his ovipositor nudged and pushed at her entrance.

“I muzzzzt uzzzze the gel,” Buzz hummed. Wong’s head turned with his, eyed the second alien who now stood beside them with a bowl of that translucent green gel that one of Buzz’s hands sough, scooped, applied to her sex, worked into her sex with those longer fingers. More and more gel until her sex was filled with it and somehow when he repositioned his ovipositor against her opening, she was open to him, wide open and he eased inside her.

“Ohhhhhhhhh,” Wong moaned, her long moan as ecstatic as every other woman who Buzz had lain here with before her.

“Ohhhhhhhh.” It was, it was ecstasy, unadulterated ecstasy as that black tubular organ eased itself into her sex. Friction, delicious friction against her entrance, against the walls of her channel where Buzz moved inside her and his ovipositor filled her to perfection, stretching and touching her where she so needed to be stretched and touched.

“Ohhhhh ... aahhhh ... ohhhh ... Ahhhhh.” Exquisite slides in and out within her sex, each movement taking the tip of him higher inside her body, further and further, deeper and deeper, and Wong had no idea whether this was how Buzz’s species actually had sex but whatever it was, it was working for her as her hands clutched at his silk-covered thorax, her knees clasped the silk of his flexing abdomen, her feet beating a wild frenzy in the air above their bodies as that impossible organ impaled her to her depths.

“Ohhhhhh Buddha, Buzz, Buzz, yes ... yes ... yessssss...” Wong’s back arched, eyes wide, her body a kaleidoscope of sensations as Buzz rode her, humming his own excitement, his own desire, his own need and her own excitement grew and grew.

His ovipositor thrust, slid, filled her with sensations as he filled her with his size, touching her everywhere inside, the tip of him gently caressing her cervix, holding her transfixed with pleasure, on the verge of a climax that was building and building and building towards something that Wong knew instinctively was going to be devastatingly good.

Buzz filled her, his hands held her, held her transfixed as he moved inside her, his hum becoming more and more frenzied, feeding her desire, feeding her need to surrender herself completely, feeding her need to allow him to do whatever he wished to her.

“Ohhhhh,” Zima moaned as Buzz rolled, rolled onto his back with her astride him, his ovipositor long and thick and hard inside her, his hands on her back, her shoulders, two of them caressing her butt.

“Our zzzpeciezzz finds its pleazzzzure in many wayzzzz,” Buzz said, moving inside her, his hands, all his hands, moving her on him, his silky hair soft against her body, cushioning her as she lay on him. His proboscis nuzzled her neck, caressed her neck, sending shivers of pleasure through her, drawing a long moan from deep inside her as he reached out, scooped more gel from the bowl and applied it to her anal entrance, that touch teasing a mini-climax from her that left her shaking and eager for the tidal wave she knew was building within her.

“However you want me, Buzz,” Wong moaned ecstatically.

“More gel,” Buzz hummed, but it wasn’t a question for Wong, it was a direction to the alien who stood beside them with the bowl. Wong watched him as he took what was to all appearances a large syringe, filled it with the gel and handed it to Buzz.

Buzz’s hum softened, became coaxing, relaxing and Wong found herself relaxing with that hum even as Buzz’s hands worked at her butt, fingers prying open her anal entrance, easing the tip of that syringe into her and then there was a slow glow as the gel was squeezed into her anal passage, more and more and more of it and she could feel it inside her now, feel it glowing, tingling, relaxing her and soothing her as it filled her.

Another application, another and Wong felt as if her anal passage was full of the gel, but it was a relaxing warm glowing fullness that had her wanting more. Had her wanting...

Something brushed her back, another alien, a different one and it was over her, its head above hers, looking down at Buzz and for a second Wong remembered every other woman who she’d seen being taken here, by Buzz, and by those other aliens. Always, always at the end there’d been two of them, the woman between them like this and there was a moment of fear before Buzz’s crooning hum banished doubt, brought instead eagerness, willingness, desire. A desire to give of herself, a desire to surrender herself and give life, a desire to serve Buzz as he desired.

“Izzz zzzhe ready, Buzz,” the alien behind her sang, a melodious hum that filled Wong with warmth and love, the scent of warm spring earth turned by the plow, the scent of blossoms and of growth and of sowing.

“Zzzhe izzz ready, Hive Queen,” Buzz hummed and his hum was one of desire and of love and caring and sadness and loss.

“Ohhhhh.” Wong’s eyes widened as something pushed delicately at her anal entrance.

“Zzzztill,” Buzz’s voice hissed sibiliantly in Wong’s ear. “Zzztill, Wong, zzzztill. Take thizzz for me, relaxxxxxx for me, Wong, relaaxxxxxx.” The hands and the silky hair and the bodies massaged her everywhere, everywhere as her anal entrance surrendered with slippery ease.

“Ohhhhh,” she sobbed as something small, smaller than a finger, pushed through her anal entrance although once inside, it seemed to both grow and burrow deeper in her ass, wriggling and sliding upwards inside her. Six pairs of hands held her body, massaged her, caressed her, touched her in ways she’d never experienced, flooding her with pleasure as that second ovipositor worked its way up inside her anal channel, a slender penetration that she took limply.

“Ohhhh.” It was weird, weird and strange but that musical hum relaxed her, held her enthralled, singing to her mind and her body as she was penetrated. It felt different from Buzz inside her, more flexible, even seeming to move, to caress the walls of her anal channel as it burrowed into her, the gel that she was filled with making her slippery inside, slippery where her sphincter muscle gripped that penetrating organ and sandwiched between the two silky bodies, Wong groaned in helpless surrender.

“Buzz,” the second alien hummed, “you muzzzzt, now, Buzz. Now.”

“Hive Queen.” Buzz’s hum was sad now, his proboscis brushing Wong’s neck and for a moment, just a moment, she wondered why.

“Ow,” she gasped at a faint pinprick on her neck and then doubt was gone, curiosity was gone, thought was gone in a wash of golden relaxation. Limp, eager acceptance filled her as she lay sandwiched between them, on the verge of ecstasy, wanting what was coming, longing for what was coming, knowing without doubt that she would get what she desired so much.

“You, Wong,” Buzz hummed, “you are mine. Forever mine.”

“Yes,” Wong sighed, half closing her eyes, inhaling that scent of summer, breathing it in, feeling her body absorb it. “Yes.” She was his, she was Buzz’s and the two organs filling her, transfixing her, impaling her, they held her in an ecstatic suspension of pleasure that went on and on and on.

“Uuuhhhh,” Wong gasped as the shaft inside her anal channel seemed to thicken.

“Nnnughhh.” It was thickening. Swelling. Expanding. Stretching her and she shuddered as she felt herself stretched. Then, groaning, “oohaaaahhhh,” as her sphincter muscle continued to be stretched and stretched and stretched some more, the shaft inside her anal channel swelling slowly, not moving, just expanding as Buzz continued to move within her vaginal channel, sliding, flexing, caressing, exciting, bringing her closer and closer to that tidal wave of culmination she desired so much.

“Uhhhhh,” Wong groaned, juddering as something bigger pushed at her sphincter muscle where she was already stretched enormously. Something inside the ovipositor that pushed at her there, something that stretched the ovipositor where it entered her anal channel. “Uughhhhhh.”

Her fingers clutched at Buzz, her eyes widened, her head reared back but her body, her body lay limp, relaxed, helplessly stretching as something pushed and pushed and pushed and she stretched. Her sphincter muscle stretched, opened slowly, painfully.

“Nnnnnnghhhhhh.” Her voice s strained whine, her body shaking at the onslaught.

“Relazzzzzz, Wong,” the alien on her back, in her ass, it hummed in her ear, it’s proboscis nuzzled her neck, a slight prick and Wong felt herself relaxing, the strain faded, her muscles relaxed and an elongated oval shape slowly worked through the tight embrace of her sphincter.

“Ohhhuughhh,” Wong groaned nonetheless, her ass stretched beyond comprehension as it pushed through a little at a time. “Ohhhughhh ... Ughhh ... uhhhh ... ughhhh.”

“Nuughhhhhhh.” A deep groan as the thickest part of that oval shape worked through her, stretched her anal channel inside her body as her sphincter muscle squeezed and compressed, forcing it higher inside her body.

Relief. It was almost relief to have that oval shape inside her instead of working its way in through her anal entrance. Wong buried her face in Buzz’s silk, clutching at him as his ovipositor continued to fuck her slowly while that shape moved inside the second ovipositor impaling her anal passage.

“Take, Wong, take,” Buzz crooned in her ear, a soothing hum, waves of scent washing across her face, gentle hands massaging her butt as an elongated oval ball of something eased upwards inside her anal channel in a short, muscle-propelled movements that stretched her insides as it moved deeper. Higher inside her body. Impossibly high. Enormous.

“Take for me, Wong. Take.”

“Nnuuggghhhhh,” Wong grunted, her hands clutched at Buzz. Sandwiched between Buzz beneath her and the alien lying on her back, silky fur caressing her skin everywhere, despite being filled vaginally and anally, Wong sighed, her head resting on Buzz’s silky hair, her body limp, accepting, relaxed.

Strangely relaxed.

“Nnnnuggggghhh.” Somehow she wanted this, she wanted to do as Buzz asked. She wanted to take this for him.

“Almozzzzzzt,” the alien on her back hummed, “almozzzzzzzt ... Juzzzzzzt a little more Wong ... it izzzzzzz ... it izzzzzz thereaaahhhhhh.” The alien’s hum was orgasmic in its pleasure.

“Ughhhhhh,” Wong groaned, feeling that large oval emerge from the end of that tube deep inside her anal channel. Deep? Unbelievably deep and high.

“Uggghhhh.” So high up, impossibly high, impossibly large, as big as an oval baseball, it expanded a little as it was released inside her and if she hadn’t been so relaxed, it would have been impossible for her to take it. But she did. She took it. There was no choice. It was there.

“Thizzzzz may hurt for a zzzzecond, Wong,” Buzz hummed, his hands holding her tight. The second alien’s hands holding her tight. Pinned between them, both of them humming wildly.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh.” Shooting stabbing pain inside her where the egg stretched her anal channel around it. “Nnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.” White red flashes of pain.

“Nnnuuaaahhhhh.” Her body shivered, trembled, shook, then relaxed as the stabbing pain was replaced by a sudden contentment, a glowing satisfaction, a desire to protect the egg she contained, because now she was aware that it was an egg and that her role was to cherish and protect that egg. The egg fed that message to her though her bloodstream, through the chemical signals transmitted through her intestinal walls and into her blood, fed to her brain below the power of conscious thought.

“Good Wong,” Buzz hummed, his hands holding her, caressing her, his warm summer-grass and honey scent filling her nostrils. Flooding her lungs. Relaxing her so that those trembling shivers subsided, the vanished, leaving her limp once more. “It izzzz implanted successfully, Hive Queen.”

“Gooood Wong,” the Hive Queen hummed and Wong was acutely conscious of the oval thing inside her anal channel, but now it wasn’t something that concerned her, it just was. “Now, our Queen will give you another, Wong.”

“Ohhhhhhhh,” Wong moaned. Somehow Buzz’s silky hair massaged her labia where he entered her, her swollen clitoris, teasing her to a mini-orgasm as she felt that huge intrusion at her sphincter and she knew know that it was intended to push into her anal channel, felt that tubular organ within her ass throb, pulse, expand a second time. Golden waves of pleasure washed through her body as her sphincter stretched again, stretched almost impossibly as that intrusion throbbed inside her.

“Nnnnnnnggghhh.” She groaned through those waves of pleasure as another large oval contained within that intruding tube forced her sphincter muscles to expand further. Too much. It was too much.

“Nnnnuughhhhh,” she groaned, experiencing that expansion just as she had the first time, her body juddering as that oval thing was pushed slowly through her sphincter muscle.

“Uuuugghhhhhh.” Buzz’s hands massaged her, pulled at her, worked to open her for the oval shaped ball to pass inside her body and then she was groaning again.

“Nnnaaaaaaahhhhh ... ughhhh ... ugghhhh ... ughhhh,” is it was worked higher and higher inside her in fitful surge. Expansion and contraction, small movements stretching her impossibly, that oval shape worked higher and higher inside her and all the time Buzz’s shaft inside her, moving, coaxing mini-climaxes from her again and again.

“ZZZZZZZZZZZ,” the second alien hummer with satisfaction as the second egg emerged into Wong’s body.

“Ohhhhh ... ohhhhhh ... aaaaaahhhhh ... mmaaaahhhhh ... Nnnaaaaaahhhhhh,” Wong squealed, juddered, cried out, shook as her body accepted that second egg.

“Aaaaahhhhhh ... aaaaahhhhhhhh.” The white flashes of pain weren’t quite so acute this time but still she was sweating and shaking by the time the egg had finished implanting itself.

“Again, Wong,” Buzz hummed with contentment as a third egg began its journey down the ovipositor and into Wong’s anal channel. Her body took it, her body accepted that third egg, not willingly but acquiescing, accepting the pain, accepting the forced stretching as it was pushed into her, pushed in inside her. Her hands clutching at Buzz as the pain of implantation flashed through her, leaving her limp.

“Again, Wong,” Buzz hummed. “For me, Wong. Take thizzz for me.”

Wong took it. She took that fourth egg, shuddering, shaking.

“Full,” she groaned, “full.” And she was, her ass stuffed full with the Hive Queen’s eggs, filled and surrounded by that translucent gel that squelched from her as the Hive Queen’s ovipositor shrank within her, shrank and slowly eased out, but the eggs, they remained inside her.

“Now Wong,” Buzz hummed, “Now it is my turn with you.”

His hands held her, he turned her, turned her onto her back, moving with her, his ovipositor deep in her vaginal channel, and then he was over her, brushing her but not crushing her, moving inside her. His body held still, his abdomen flexed, his black tubular ovipositor slid and thrust and eased in and out, the green gel and Wong’s wet excitement lubricating his movements so that they were fast and easy and her excitement crested suddenly in a wave of climatic pleasure that had her arching her back, crying out, sobbing, screaming.

In the midst of that climax, Buzz’s ovipositor brushed her cervix, something small and tendril like burrowed at her insides, burrowed in to her womb, explored, touched, coated the lining of her uterus with secretions, thickly sticky secretions, more and more of them. Only then did Buzz ejaculate, spurting his seed into Wong, filling her vaginal channel with his alien secretions.

Wong felt those bursts as his ovipositor pumped his secretions into her body. Experienced those pumping eruptions as that thick alien ovipositor deposited his alien seed within her vaginal channel, filling her to overflowing amidst Buzz’s humming bursts of pleasure and satisfaction. Wong too was satisfied. Satisfied that she had given Buzz his desire, given him what he had wanted so much.

Her body, to be used for his satisfaction.

“You have zzzeeeded her womb, Buzz?” the Hive Queen hummed her question, standing next to them, looking down.

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