Kelly's Diary 036 - Sex in a Cornfield - Cover

Kelly's Diary 036 - Sex in a Cornfield

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 2: Mom Makes Me Feel Better

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2: Mom Makes Me Feel Better - Most high school teens do it in the backseat of a car or sneak into their bedroom when their parents aren't home. Well, there's plenty of other places to have fun if you just use your imagination a little.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   True Story   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

My mom must have recognized something was up when I got back home.

“Hey girl, what’s the story?” she asked, “You look like the whole world is against you today or something.”

I just shrugged at her and headed up the stairs to my bedroom to change. I untied my top and let it drop from my boobs to the floor where it was quickly joined by my bottoms. Standing in front of my mirror I looked myself over critically. Is there a teenage girl in the world who likes what she sees when she looks in the mirror? Even so, I had to grudgingly admit it wasn’t all that bad. My hair was a wreck but what could you expect after having it tied back in the hot sun all day?

Cupping my boobs like I was weighing out two tomatoes, for the millionth time I wished they were more like two grapefruits! Granted, my breasts were firm and perky with average size nipples and a nice profile, but they were just too small to satisfy me. My sweet dad was always trying to make me feel better about them, telling me a handful was just perfect - why waste any more? To be honest, I’d never heard a complaint from any boy that I had ever dated but then I doubt that really means anything. So long as it has a nipple on it and he can touch it, I think your average horny-toad boy is be happy as could be!

My crotch, a small white triangle where my bikini barely hid it from the sun, was clean shaven without any redness or bumps from shaving. I’ve found so long as I shaved every day it was OK but if I let it go for more than a couple of days it gets all irritated and ugly after I shave it back off again. I don’t know how long I’d been standing there when I heard something from the door behind me. I looked around and there was my mom giving me the once-over herself.

“You know Kelly, you’re quite a pretty girl,” she said with a smile. Such comments were why I loved my mom, even if I knew she was just telling me what I needed to hear to make me happy.

“Oh Mommmmmm,” I sighed, rolling my eyes as I huffed.

Accepting compliments has never been one of my strong points and it embarrassed me a bit to hear her tell me I was pretty. Funny, but it never bothered me when a boy told me I was pretty or what not. I mean what else would they be telling me when their goal was to get in my pants? From my mom though it came from the heart and meant so much more to me.

My mom walked in behind me and ran her fingers through my hair, lifting it up and letting it fall back down to my shoulders. Mmmmmmm, I’ve always loved having my hair touched and played with!

“OK, maybe we could do something about the hair today but really girl, you’re looking more hot every day it seems! I bet the boys at the pool were swarming to you today!”

Thoughts of Jon and how he passed me by for the older, bustier girls poured into my head and I must have been pouting or something because my mom put her arms around me and pulled me in close to her. She was wearing a light sundress and I could feel the warmth of her body and the fullness of her breasts against my naked body.

“What’s the matter baby?” she whispered in my ear, “Something happen at the pool today?”

With that I twisted in her arms and buried my face in her shoulder, clinging to her like I did when I was a little girl. Suddenly I felt so ugly, like nobody wanted me now or ever would again. My mom led me over to the bed and we sat down next to each other. She put her arms around me hugged me. I tried to tell her how bad I wanted Jon and how disappointed I was when he ignored me for the rest of the day. Eventually I even confessed how horny I’d been lately since Kevin and I had split up and how badly I needed to be with a boy.

“But Kelly, didn’t you and your dad just do it last night?” she asked, as if she didn’t understand what I was saying to her. I tried to explain.

“Yeah mom, but it’s not the same as being with a boy my age. I love daddy so much and I love it when we do it but I miss Kevin so bad, well at least PART of Kevin anyway, even if he was a dork.”

We must have talked for at least an hour after that. I’ve always felt comfortable discussing anything with my mom be it sex or cooking. She was the first person I told after I lost my virginity and she knew every boy I had ever been with and what we had done. Sometimes I think it turns her on when I tell her about what they do to me but what’s wrong with reliving your teen years through your daughter?

In the end I felt much better having gotten it out of my system and if anything, felt the resolve that I wasn’t going to let myself get down over some stupid older boy. If he wanted to turn down the best slut in the junior class, well it was HIS loss, not mine!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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