Kelly's Diary 032 - Church Car Wash - Cover

Kelly's Diary 032 - Church Car Wash

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: The Car Wash

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Car Wash - You see them every summer - the teenage car wash. Be it the local 4H, cheerleaders, a class trip, or whoever else needs money they all pretty much follow the same script. The guys do all the work while the hot girls are positioned on the side of the side jumping up and down in skimpy clothing to draw in the perverts and pedophiles. Guess where I was!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The Saturday of the carwash was here and looking out the window my dad cursed as the rainclouds passed, leaving the ground soaking wet in its path.

“So much for THAT forecast,” he grumbled, “Partly cloudy my ass. This is ALL cloudy.”

“Don’t worry honey, it’s early. Maybe it will clear up by this afternoon,” my mom tried to console him.

I just stayed at the kitchen table eating breakfast. This seemed to be one of those discussions I was better off avoiding.

My dad just muttered under his breath and took his usual seat at the head of the table. He was just wearing a baggy pair of boxer shorts, typical attire for breakfast, at least in the summer and usually winter as well.

Meanwhile my mom took a seat next to me in her standard morning wear - a bra and panties. Why she put on a bra in the morning for breakfast was beyond me. Sometimes she might wear a slip or cami or even a T-shirt in which case she MIGHT leave off the bra but that was a rare case. One thing was certain - she wouldn’t be caught dead running around without her panties? and not a thong either

Actually it’s sort of interesting how much that varies between families and even women within families. I mean in terms of what they wear around the house when nobody else is around but family. I just described my mom but then when you look at her sister, my Aunt Linda is practically a nudist who never wears much of anything at her house - or ours for that matter. The odd thing is she’s not a nudist, at least not away from the house, and has never practiced that sort of lifestyle with anyone outside our family.

Seeing how two sisters could be so different, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that their daughters would share different perspectives as well. I was always “miss bottomless” as my dad would call me growing up. I hated to be without something over me on top, even if it was the slightest of shirts or a bikini top (no bras). At the same time I simply love the feel of being bottomless. In contrast, my cousin Kristen (my Aunt Linda’s daughter) was a topless girl - when she wasn’t nude like her mom. A pair of panties, a thong, boy shorts, anything worked so long as she was free from the waist up.

So anyway...

“If you’re going to wear something that short you really should put a towel down when you’re at the table Kelly,” my mom fussed, just as she always did when my bare butt was on the kitchen chairs. It was a never-ending battle between us and nowadays I think she said it more out of habit than any hope of me listening.

“So, everything ready?” my mom asked my dad.

My dad nodded as he ate his cereal. He swallowed and answered, “As much as can be. Now we just need the weather to cooperate.”

“So what are you planning on wearing this year Kelly?” my mom turned her attention to me, “I hope we can avoid the scene from last year. That was a little embarrassing.”

“Mom! That was SOOOOO stupid. There wasn’t anything wrong with my bikini, everything was covered,” I protested.

“Not by much,” my dad muttered into the next spoonful of cereal. I just gave him one of my patented putting looks and finished my breakfast. As I headed upstairs my mom grabbed me by the hand and issued me my orders.

“Like I said, let’s not push it this year, OK?” my mom repeated.

I huffed and sagged my shoulders. “Mommmmmm!”

She looked at my dad who just shrugged. He was being smart and staying out of this one. “Well, not TOO far then, OK?” she compromised.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek and waved to my dad as I wiggled my bare butt at him and headed for my bedroom. Actually I’d been thinking about my outfit all week and it had been the subject of an ongoing debate with myself. Sure a bikini can be hot but too many people are overly opinionate about them. Just because it doesn’t cover your ass doesn’t make it obscene, no matter what my pastor might say. Still, it was a losing argument as each of the past two years attested.

Instead I chose a different approach. Besides, bikini girls are so cliche. OK, so I chose another cliche but at least it was different - the naughty farm girl. It wasn’t like I didn’t have plenty of high cut, low-riding denim shorts to choose from. Heck, I had an entire drawer of them!

On top instead of a simple T-shirt or bikini top I selected an old cotton cowgirl shirt I dug up at a Goodwill store. First I cut the sleeves off at the shoulder, then when I put it on I use the tails to make a knot under my cleavage while leaving all the buttons undone. Without a bra it made the perfect halter for my boobs, allowing my nipples to poke through without looking quite as slutty as a silk shirt would.

Without a belt the shorts rode low, almost down to my butt crack and indeed, if I leaned over or bent my knees to sit down I’m sure it was on full display. At the same time, I had ripped them off right at the crotch so the pockets hung out the bottom and there was just a small strip of denim left in the crotch. Like the back, the front looked innocent enough until I bent down with my legs spread. As for my hair, a single ponytail was my first thought but then I decided to split it into two as that seemed to be more girly and serve to make me look younger. I didn’t bother with any jewelry as it would only get lost on a day like this. A pair of pink flip flops and I was ready to hit the streets!

“Hmmmmmm, you’re definitely pushing it but I guess it’s OK,” was my mother’s verdict when I present myself for inspection.

“Too much on top,” my dad criticized, “Where’s the cleavage?”

I put my hands on the table and leaned over, giving him a view of my cleavage and boobs.

“You know ... maybe we need to put you as a car washer this year,” he mused, staring down my top at my exposed boobs.

Huh? Maybe I’d picked out the wrong outfit. I wanted to spend the afternoon flaunting myself to everyone driving by, not having to actually do any work!

“No don’t look so down Kelly,” my dad consoled me but keeping his eye on my boobs just the same. God, it was like he’d never seen them before.

“What if I promise all you have to do is entertain the driver. I mean like bend over the hood like that or maybe even at his window? I bet we could double or even triple the tips from the guys.”

“John, she’s just sixteen, don?t you think someone will say something?” my mom questioned his thoughts, “It IS a church function you know so a lot of the members will be coming to support the kids.”

“Like anyone there doesn’t know what a slut she is by now?” my dad countered, “Besides, once word gets out that the girls are flashing, I bet we REALLY bring in the cash.”

Sounded like a good idea to me. In fact, the more I thought about it the more it sounded even better than being one of the street girls. This way I’d be much more closer and personal with the guy rather than just a quick look as he drives by.

A few hours later we were at the Wendy’s where the wash line was set up. Thankfully the sky had cleared and if anything, now my dad was thankful for the rain, hoping it had messed up everyone’s clean cars so now they needed washing.

The usual group of girls grabbed the signs and headed for the curb to start drawing in customers. They seemed surprised at first that I wasn’t joining them but then just shrugged it off and went running down, giggling and laughing all the way. For a moment, seeing how happy they were and knowing what they’d be doing, I wondered if I’d made the right choice.

“Come here Kelly, let me show you what to do,” my dad called out to me.

Most of the washers were guys and most of them had experience from past years so they had everything set up and ready to go. It pleased me to no end to see them staring at me as my dad led me to the side. I’d sucked maybe half of them while a couple of lucky ones had fucked me in the past. Judging from how they stared at my ass I was pretty sure most of them would if I gave them the chance.

My dad gave me a bucket of soapy water and a sponge and then instructed as to my “duties”. In a nutshell, the idea was for me to stay near the front of the car and on the driver side whenever possible. My dad gave me a number of ideas, like leaning over the hood towards the diver - careful not to lean down too much so my boobs would hang down naturally and not be squashed against the hood. He also recommended I keep the bucket up by the driver’s front tire so when I needed to soap my sponge I could just bend over with my ass facing the driver and give him a nice little bonus for getting his car.

“I’m sure you can come up with some ideas of your own,” he finished. I adjusted my top to allow it to open a little more and he just sighed, “You know, you’re an even bigger slut than your mother was at your age ... and that’s saying a LOT!”

I grinned at the compliment and replied, “Trained by the best.”

My dad slapped me on the butt, careful not to longer too long with everyone watching and we returned to the group.

“Hey Kelly, ready for another round?” one of the guys called out to me as I broke away from my dad and continued on alone.

I recognized him as a guy I’d let fuck me a few months before. We’d done it pretty hot and heavy for a couple of weeks and then I got bored with him and cut him off. He was one of those guys who likes to brag about his conquests but if he thought that telling the whole school about how I fucked and sucked him would make me mad, he had it all backwards. The way I saw it, a little advertising never hurt!

Soon we were open for business. The first cars to come through were mostly our parents. My mom even drove her car through. None of this interested me and I looked down at the street and saw the girls jumping around and shouting to the cars going by. So far this wasn’t exactly working out as planned.

Then a black Lexus drove up. My first reaction was he was going to be sorry as I can’t say we ran the best car wash in the world and that black paint would show every mistake we made. Nonetheless, when he drove up to one of the mothers was collecting the money I saw that when he rolled down the window that he looked to be maybe in his thirties or early forties. From what I could tell through the glare of the midday sun on his windows he looked to be alone. Hmmm, maybe I could help out with this one.

Grabbing my sponger and bucket, I waited until one of the boys sprayed the car down and then rest of us descended on the car like locusts. Following my dad’s advice, I started from the front. Filling my sponge with soapy water, I leaned forward to clean up as high as I could. As warm as it was it felt good to feel the cool water on the hood soak through my cotton top. Looking up, I saw him watching me through the windshield and we both smiled at each other.

Moving back, I stood up more upright but still tried to lean over enough to tease the driver with a cleavage view. Of course he couldn’t see my boobs but hopefully he saw enough to make him wish he could.

There wasn’t a lot of time left so I stood up and moved to the driver side, dropping my bucket by the tire. I didn’t have to look down to know my wet top was plastered against my boobs and I could only hope that my nipples were popping through. Turning around, I bent from the waist to wet my sponge again. Funny how long it took me to squeeze it out with my butt sticking up in the air!

Before I really got to do anything the guys with the hose was rinsing and I backed away. I was already wet enough without getting sprayed from a freezing cold hose. As I did I glanced at the driver and smiled at him. I was pleased to see that he was watching me and he smiled back. He drove forward to where the kids with towels were standing by. I saw him open the window and hand out a tip before he left. How much? I had no idea but I hoped I’d done my part to help.

As I was standing there waiting for the next car I sensed someone behind me and turned to see our youth pastor who wasn’t looking all that happy.

“I see you’re going for the Spring Break look this year,” he started out with his arms folded in front of him, “I guess you must have been in a rush this morning and just happened to forget a bra, am I right?”

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