Summer So Hot - Book 1 - Cover

Summer So Hot - Book 1

Copyright© 2024 by Moran

Part I - Extortion So Sweet

Coming of Age Sex Story: Part I - Extortion So Sweet - A young man catches a neighbor teen virgin giving herself pleasure, blackmails her, and then his sexual world explodes in one hundred directions. His aunt, his best friend, a female nerdy classmate and others participate in this ongoing unrepentant orgy of sexual discovery and excess. Will he go too far, get caught, suffer as he has made others suffer? A 200,000+ word, two-volume adventure.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Incest   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

Kev Heterson was pissed.

Here it was the middle of the hottest summer he’d ever experienced in his sixteen years and he was being expelled from his cushy air-conditioned bedroom. And why? So that his mom’s precious little sister could have it while she stayed with them for three weeks, scouting for work here in the city.

Yep, some woman he could barely even remember was sentencing him to the pool house. No A/C out there, just an ancient fan that had somehow managed to survive two decades without breaking down.

Stupid Auntie Dale, thanks to you it’s gonna be hell, Kev scowled internally as he dumped the two bags that held all his clothes and the stuff he’d need onto the hardwood floor of his “cell”, then glared over at the narrow bed he was going to be sweating to death upon for the next twenty-one days.

“This fuckin sucks.” he muttered.

“Bad language!” hissed a stern voice and he whipped to the left and gaped at the reedy figure crossing the threshold into the double-roomed cabana.

“Ugh...” and his scowl deepened, “Go away, beat it.”

“Make me, asswipe.” his next door neighbour stuck out her tongue as she shouldered past him.

Three inches shorter then his own five foot ten, Tia Jalone was petite without being frail, a trim, narrow-shouldered dusky-skinned girl with her dark hair chopped short just below her ears. Despite her young age she was Captain of her soccer team, and it was a well-worn Razorbacks uniform she was currently dressed in; grass-stained jersey and mud-flecked shorts. The sixteen year old girl had just come from a morning game and she smelled like it.

“Whatcha doin, Kevin, running away from home?” Tia asked in a vaguely surly, completely uninterested tone as she pulled open the pool house’s bathroom and eyed the gleaming chrome of it’s shower stall.

“None of your business, Jalone. Now again, get out.”

“Not gonna happen, Kevin-”

“Kev! My name is Kev!”

“Uh-huh, sure.” she rolled her eyes and gave him a firm shove toward the exit, “You know the rules, Kevin, me and my dad have got permission to use your guy’s pool, just like your family are allowed to use our sauna. Well, except for you, ‘cause you stink up the place.”

“Your pits are what reeks, Jalone.” he snarled back as she put her back into it and managed to thrust him out of the cabana, “This place is occupied-”

“Yeah! By me! Now beat it, I gotta seriously shower, and then I’m doing laps in your pool for the next twenty minutes, so no hanging around to gawk at me in my one-piece.”

“No chance of that! I like my girls with full-grown tits--uck!”

That last grunt came as the air shot out of his lungs, Tia had sucker punched him in the gut, not too hard mind you, but hard enough.

He dragged in fresh breath and spat back at her “Bitch!” but the door slammed shut between them half way through the word.

Kev stared at the solid oak barrier for several long seconds, then there came the muffled roar of the shower igniting and he hissed out an exasperated breath and turning on his heel stalked away. Forget her! And forget stupid bedroom-stealing Auntie Dale! Forget ALL of this! I’m going to go call Randy and see if I can bunk at his place for the next three weeks. Might cost me a few back-issues of Playboy, but--but...

And he jerked to a halt halfway back to the house.

Wait, this is MY pool house now! Mom and Dad told me it was all mine for the next three weeks, made a big thing about my needing to experience being independent, they called it my sanctuary, my fortress of solitude, sure I know they were just running a line to keep me from putting up too much of a fuss from getting evicted from my own room, but they said what they said: the pool house is MINE now! So, since I have to sleep out here, since it’s MY property now, then nobody can force me out, the rules have changed! And that means that pushy bitch is leaving if I have to drag her out of there by her man-cut!

And turning back around in a huff he squared his shoulders and headed back to the cabana. Face a mask of fury, he twisted the door knob and pushed back inside.

“Tia, you-” but the angry tirade died in his throat as he caught sight of the girl that had evicted him, as she hadn’t bothered to close the door to the bathroom and now stood in all her glory in the curtain-less shower stall.

Stood in all her hot sudsy pink glistening naked glory, head lulled back with her dark brown eyes rolling back into their sockets while one hand tightly gripped her perky cone-shaped left tit, it’s nipple like a fat strawberry pinched between two fingertips, threatening to pop since she was squeezing it so hard, while the other hand was between her legs, working furiously amongst the folds of her baby-smooth pussy.

Sweet mother of fuck...! She’s ... she’s getting herself off!

Long after this moment Kev still wouldn’t know exactly why he did what he did next, perhaps it was the super high-tech generation he lived in, the instinct to record surprising turns of events digitally for posterity was hard-wired into his psyche. But for whatever reason, suddenly his cell phone was in his raised hand, flipped open and in proper position as if it had materialized there from thin air, and it’s built-in video camera was recording.


Tia hadn’t picked up on his return to the pool house whatsoever, she was much too enraptured in her masturbation. She was heading toward ecstacy full throttle now, as always, it was easy as pie for her to reach orgasm, especially in the shower, and the Heterson’s pool house had the best shower, it was powerful and loud, like she was standing in the path of a waterfall.

Lucky for Kev...

Holy fuck! was the only conscious words Kev’s shocked mind could manage to form now as the sixteen year old bathing beauty before him slowly turned away from him, putting her front fully under the torrent, and giving the gaping teen, and his camera phone, a perfect view of her curvy ass. It had been half-covered in suds before, but now as the water coursed down her back the white foam washed away, leaving both creamy buttocks gleaming and perfect. Muscles rippled in Tia’s narrow sides and supple legs, she was in near-perfect shape, like something out of a fitness clothing catalogue, minus the clothing, as her red and white soccer uniform was long discarded onto his bed--MY bed!

That snapped Kev back to reality as he focused on the grimy shorts and wrinkled jersey cast carelessly onto his formerly immaculate double bed. Mud was actually dripping off of Tia’s clothing and onto his pillow. Jeez, I’m gonna have to change the whole thing, dumb bitch is gonna pay!

And how!

A wide jack-o’-lantern grin splitting his face now, he turned back to regard the small rectangular screen of his phone which had never wavered from it’s target. The monster hard-on turning the front of his blue jeans into a tight knot managed to get even harder at the thought of uploading this vid to the internet and then sitting back to watch Tia Jalone instantly turn into spank-bank material for a million horny guys worldwide.

And speaking of spanking it! he zoomed in on Tia as her high-pitched cries began to penetrate the white noise roar of the shower, her ass was flexing and her legs were wide, he stooped and tipped the camera up and actually managed to get a shot up between her legs of her madly-working hand tunnelling into her pussy, three fingers burrowing knuckle-deep in a near-blur. Tia was actually swearing now as the orgasm began to break, “Oh yeahhhh! F-Fuck yeahhhh! Sooooo good! G-Go! Yes! Shit YES!”

And with that final declaration she gasped and her hands fell free, she staggered forward gasping and fell against the tiled wall beneath the shower head. Kev allowed his camera to catch a few more moments of her heaving shoulders and bowing legs as the waves of ecstacy poured through her, then it was over and Tia shrugged the water out of her hair and staggered around, a satisfied smile upon her cherub face.

With a triumphant sneer Kev did a final zoom in upon her face and captured her happy expression morphing in a rush into a horrified look of shock. Then he hit STOP and the the hourglass spun on the phone’s screen as the vid was saved.

“Kev--Kevin?! What the hell!” the girl gasped and threw up one arm to cover her small breasts, while the other struggled to the shower knob and twisted it off.

The torrent vanished and she was staggering forward, index finger quaking in terrible anger at him, “You fucking pervert! How dare you! This is the end of you, boy!”

“You might want to cover up.” he gestured absently at her very bare bottom half.

Tia gaped down at her nakedness, gave off a strangled squeak, then snatched up a white cotton towel from the rack and wrapped it tightly around herself.

“What the hell is WRONG with you, Kevin! When I tell my father about this--and your parents too! Oh, you are SO in trouble!”

“I am?” he chewed his bottom lip as he peered downwards at the object in his hand, “Huh, wow, you know what? I don’t think I’m going to be.”

Her chocolate eyes flashed, “You SO are! For example, my dad is gonna beat you into a bloody sack of broken bones and--wait, what is that...? Is--Is that your phone?”

“Uh-huh!” he nodded fervently, “And ... there! Done!”

An arctic chill shot up-and-down the girl’s spine like the bony finger of Death itself.

“What--What did you do?!”

“Filmed it.” he snapped his phone shut and finally raised his victorious eyes to lock gazes with her own saucered ones.

“It? What--me?!”

“Yep. And babe, you were fan-fuckin-tastic! A real porn star!”

She staggered back a step, “You--You filmed me while I was--was-”

“-while you was finger-fucking yourself blind, all sudsy and squealing like a piggy, yep, neighbour!”

“You jerk!” she raged and moved forward, fists raising and murder in her eyes, “You’re going to delete that right now!”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Sure, I can do that.”, and he tossed the phone a foot into the air, caught it deftly as it spun back down, “Not that it’ll do you any good.”

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