Magic. 301 - Cover

Magic. 301

Copyright© 2024 by irish Writer

Chapter 7

The trip home to Augusta was quick and comfortable, as always. The minds of the three of us were churning over the details of our afternoon conversation with Reggie. Some of which clearly represented a threat to all of us in the Clan.

Reggie’s intelligence network was five years in the making and Deacon Thomas (his major domo) had done an amazing job of developing Reggie’s own intelligence group. Compared to his, ours was a piker.

Not to say that Helen was not good. She just was hampered by too much focus on historical threats. She saw a re-emergence of the Medici and the Borgias type of European families as the threats on our horizon. And the stubborn actions of the current Mage Council of Europe.

Reggie saw threats from the perspective of a young black American growing up in New York, who survived that level of up close and personal threats to his person, his parents, and his family all the while getting into college and competing with the top schools of the ACC, the AAC, the Pac 12, and all of the other “conferences” competing for dollars and selling seats to friends and families of aspiring college players while raking in money to fund the different stadiums and basketball courts. His time with the Georgia Bulldogs sharpened his knowledge of how business was done, and he never lost that when he broke out and became a investor.

“Hank, I thought you were insane five years ago when you bought into that place in Augusta, but somehow you managed to pull off a major economic coupe and took over the Artifact Game. I am almost sorry I forced Pat to Atlanta instead of you. Who knows what you could have done with that city.”

That conversation rattled around in my head as I was motioning everyone into the Lounge. It was after five and I needed a drink.

Looking down I saw a very small (comparatively) Dragonet running hard to keep up with us. Karen reached down and the small critter crawled onto her arm and nestled into her elbow.

“Gee, that looks cute. I bet he takes over your place on the Fumeral, Brim.” I said in teasing voice.

“He gets some space, but not my space. Age before beauty.”

“Listen to you, grabbing the crown of big dog in the kennel. So, Robert, how do you feel about basking on the hearth while the people sit and talk?”

“I am comfortable anywhere Karen is. I was a little sad that I was left behind, but I understand why.”

“I won’t insist on that happening again. From now on, those decisions are between the two of you. I won’t accept trips where our “Service Animals” are not welcome.”

Did you just say I was a dog?” Brimstone asked, while shifting his geas into a Belgian Truven. A long-haired member of the Malinois family.

“Only on the outside. Inside you are still the same lovable dragon.” I said.

“Robert, we have to look up our breed.” Karen said. “We surely have time. How about a Welsh Corgi? Can you grow up to be that big?”

“That’s a cute image. A blonde with a lapdog. In sixty years or so you will look just in place at a high-end restaurant.”

“Not if I still look like I’m twenty-five and holding.” Karen replied.

“That depends on what restaurant and what you are wearing while you are holding your Lapdog.” Hank said.

“And besides, you get to carry a pet. I probably will be saddled with two kids and all that needs to have with it.” Natalie said.

“So. Natalie, are you going to update Helen with the information you heard from Reggie yourself? Chain of Command probably indicates that you should.” Hank said.

“I think we all need to convene a meeting of the Threat Analysis committee and pass the information around. We can then have Helen do the verification work and I guess propose Karen as working on that committee to perform analysis what comes in.” Natalie said.

“You are the person that heads up that task force, so work It out.”

And that was how our evening was spent. With our five primary members (Natalie, Peter, Paula, Jeffery, and of course Me) and our secondary advisors (so far.) That was Helen, Karen, Wendy and of course her mentor, Melissa Gordon. Grace also came as the Press consultant, due to her time with the Cornicle.

Key topic of discussion? Do we enlarge our information gathering processes to include England? The Anglo / American legal alliance had Mr. Thomas Hetherington (the new first head of the Crown Prosecution Service) involved in a review of historical laws of England and Wales. And one of those that had bubbled to the surface was the Witchcraft Act of 1735. This was last used against Jane Rebecca Yorke, in 1944, and resulted in her being fined and placed on good behavior bond for three years. Even thou the Witchcraft act was supposed to be repealed in 1951, (Fraudulent Mediums Act) evidently, Mr. Hetherington decides that the Laws against witches were still valid even in the end of the century.

Why had we not known of this? Because we had a very narrow focus on our document retrieval, and Reggie had done some extensive intelligence gathering in England. He had stumbled upon a treaty enacted after WWII that allowed English law to work “in concert with the economic and security resources of the United States” and to prosecute and redact to England for prosecution people who committed “Serious crimes against the interests of the Nation of England and Wales and the other economic interests of England and the United States.”

While we were watching out for another Stephenson, Reggie and his people had stumbled on an active mage coven in England, being urged to act against “the colonials” who were usurping English dominance of witchcraft by using the laws against witchcraft. Only the law was being used against us by carefully placed members of the European Council to prosecute us individually. But the goal was to prod the American justice system into pursuing English law against American citizens and redact those same to England to defend themselves against prosecution in the Chamber of Lords.

Of course, none of this legal mishmash would happen once we were in Custody. We would all be disposed of and lost within the system. The sewage system. Just as soon as we were surrendered to the English “authorities”.

When all of this was laid out to our group, Helen was the first to be shocked and aghast. “I thought that all this shit was outlawed with the repeal of the Fraudulent Mediums Act of 1951.”

“Actually, there apparently have been a couple of loopholes left in that. Something about “For the preservation of National Security” prosecution can be conducted under the Official Secrets Act. And any person on English Soil can be charged in secrecy with the violation of “Actions against the common good of England.” Natalie said. And “English Soil” suspends the areas of common domain such as embassies and consulates.”

“What is the connection?” Karen asked.

“Apparently, it’s one of the Secretaries of the Attorney General. He was appointed under George Bush and has been there ever since. What makes this interesting is that he is also a Mage, who avoided practice, or become a member of the Council. He is, however, related to one of the English Mages in the office of the Crown Prosecution Service. So that may be why we never heard of any actions on either part.” Natalie replied.

“Ok” Hank said. “That brings up three questions I have. First and foremost, how far do we bring in Mr. William Webster. Because obviously this is a government relationship issue. Second, what possible plans could these people put in motion against us directly. I mean physically against us in person. Third, what countermeasures do we let them know of now to force them to delay any offense against us in the short term while we build a major legal and economic defense against them for the future?”

“I have another question”. Paula asked. “Karen, did you let Marigold know that she could come to William Webster at will?”

“Hank and Natalie both said that she could bring him up to speed. I thought that having access to documents and getting answers would be a good idea. She knows to not be there when anyone else is there or when anyone else can see her. He’s assured me that there’s no monitoring of his office. Why?” Karen asked.

“Because she spends an hour a day in his office every day. From eleven to noon, and sometimes in the evenings. It appears that he has quite an organized understanding of our world.” Paula said.

“What do they talk about?” Hank asked.

“Dragons, Dragonets, Elves, Dwarves, Gargoyles, Sprites, Humans, Mages, Wizards, Magic, Diamonds, Jewelry and almost everything under the sun. She says he writes some notes sometimes.” Paula said. “I’m a little worried about the impact on Marigold’s mind.”

“Is she sleeping right now?” Hank asked.

“She’s in a cocoon in Arch Park along with forty others.”

“Ok. Let’s get her in here tomorrow and friendly talk with her. I don’t think she did anything wrong in her mind, but we need to find out what WW is asking about. And what his interests are.”

“We have another piece of information, Hank.” Said Helen.

“What’s that, Helen?” Paula asked.

“I finally got access to some documents from the Oxford Library. Paula and I figured out how to phrase the spell to retrieve hidden records. There’s a whole section hidden in the Bodleian library hidden under a Geas that prohibits anyone from seizing control. So I got around it by asking to copy in place. We sent paper in, picked the document, and sort of Xeroxed it in place and then had the copy come home. We had to work during the British night. But doing it this way got us everything without any alarms. It turns out that the Brits, the French, and Welsh all have axes to grind about the Clan Lambert, which is why they reacted so violently against your name and the concept of a Clan. Your ancestors have been a bad boy. And you are not the first to express Magic as a Wizard.” Helen Said. “From 800 to 1500, there have been numerous expressions of Lambert in England, in Wales, in Scotland, and Brittany, with mixed blood coming across the Channel several times. But the abolition of the Lambert Clan by the Scots and the English in the late 1500’s supposedly eliminated any and all Wizards from that bloodline. Which is why we have so little historical evidence to go on. A couple of your ancestors were rather careless about their use of Magic, particularly the use of Power artifacts, and struck fear in the hearts of a lot of people. It was the basis of the English Witchcraft Act of 1504, later amended in 1544. After the year of the “Rump Parlement” in 1558, Lambert was supposed to be cast out. And Clan Lambert, as a house, was sentenced to death by closed royal decree. All of the house was supposed to be tracked down by Elizabeth I’s magistrates and executed. Quite a few were. Witchcraft was defined as a Felony, punishable by death and confiscation of all goods and chattels. Hank, you are descended from a long line of powerful despots, hated in England and France since the eighth century.”

Shock set in. “And you found this buried in the Oxford Library? No where else?” Hank asked.

“Pretty much. You name pops up there more than anywhere else. And the Vatican and other sources point to vague rumors in England. You must remember that since the reformation, great enlightenment, and Protestant rebellion, not a lot of stuff went to either Italy or Spain. They had their own issues with local families and weren’t looking too much at England. “The great mess across the water” was how they refereed to it.”

“I guess that explains a lot of Sir David Drummond’s reluctance to part with any archives regarding Clans in England, Scotland and Ireland.” Hank said aloud.

“And with the French revolution, there isn’t a lot left in France. Lots of architecture, but no books or missives. Some oral history, but not a lot.” Helen continued.

“Ok. so, we may have a clue as to the New Who question. Some Mages have long histories and may be harboring grudges against the family name, and not caring that their enemies are long dead. Add to this the economic growth that Europeans seem to think they are entitled to regardless of their effort, and I can see the why. But now we also have a view of the Who.” Hank said. “Now we need to look for recent activity and its impacts. And we need to see how well we can evaluate the Legal channel of attack. Through the US government no less. Again.”

“Hank, we need some time to cook on this mentally. We will have Marigold in here tomorrow morning, and find out what William has been looking for, and we can then prep Karen for his Monday Meeting. In the meantime, we should also ping Sir David Drummond about the History of Clan Lambert in England with what we have found.” Natalie said.

“I want to handle that personally. I want you there in the conference, but these actions are against me through my friends and clan mates. I want to get his take on this.”

“Boss you haven’t talked with them in over a month. Can you be cool, calm, and collected?” Peter asked.

“I think I can be. Sir David, Lady Elizabeth and Lady Eisenham are the oldest Wizards. They probably have some memories of those Tudor and Stuart times. And according to Reggie, John Lambert evidently left a strong imprint in 1658, which is part of why the entire family was executed in the late 1600s. And the imprisonment of Helen Duncan and Jane Yorke are easily much more current than ancient history. They were prosecuted under the same acts in 1944. All of which adds up to an unbelievable antagonism toward the name Lambert by the English covens. I want to see who is steering the ship on the latest of “Inquiries” that they are working.”

“Hank, we still haven’t grappled with the leftovers of the Medici and Borgias little time in the Catholic Church.” Helen said.

“Yes, I know. But that’s coming from a religious angle, not a political and legal angle. The Catholics have this rogue group based in Spain pushng inquiries coming out of New York. I don’t doubt that they have talented individuals. But this British thing is a lot scarier. Maybe it’s the James Bond novels that make it that way, but I can’t help but think that they are the larger force to reckon with. But you are right, we have to keep an eye on both.” Hank said. “Let’s percolate on this for tonight. I’ll prep to call Sir David tomorrow and we can see what that gets us.

Plots and Plans

“Knock, Knock”. Karen felt the touch of someone asking to talk with her. She had learned to expand her privacy shields thanks to Cindy, and she was familiar with the meaning of the nudge to see who was at her mental door.

“Yes, Who’s there?”

“Hey, Karen. It’s Cindy. Can you step into my drawing room for a few?”

“Sure. Who else is here?”

“Just Wendy, you and me. A girl’s conference.”

“Oh, shit. This can’t be good.” Karen thought out loud.

“Not at all, Karen” Wendy piped up. “Just us girls talking about what we have heard. And what we want to do about it.”

“I have to admit, Cindy, I ‘ve spent so much mental time with you, I almost think you are a twin sister. Or something.”

“No biggie. Wendy and I have been chatting for a long time now. And we are both up to our mental eyeballs on the regrowth project. But we have a little side project we want to work on as well.”

“What side project is that?” Karen asked.

“Genetics. More importantly, Lambert Genetics and Olsen Genetics. The kind that Paula has and that others have and what Hank has.” Cindy said.

“And how to amplify them.” Wendy said.

“I think I need a drink.” Karen said “If we are going to talk about this the way I think we are.”

Six ounces of Southern Comfort in a tall glass later, Cindy was sitting on the couch in the Guest Suite. Which happened to be over the Fumeral in the Lounge. “Ok, girls. What’s up?”

“We want to talk about you knocking boots with Hank.” Cindy said unabashed.

“I’m glad you waited until I put my drink down first, Cindy” Karen said.

“Yea, it would be a waste of good Bourbon, if you spilled it.” Wendy said.

“I’m not sleeping with Hank” Karen said.

“Is that a declaration of intent, a statement of history, or an admission of a combination of the two?” Cindy said.

“You been spending too much time in mental talks with Natalie, kid” Wendy teased.

“How about all of the above and none of the above. Simple statement of facts.” Karen said.

“What would it take to make you modify that circumstance to be more favorable?” Cindy asked.

“Jesus, lady. You sure do like putting it on the table.” Wendy said.

“Yea, you sure do. Why are you asking?” Karen asked.

“Three reasons. One, Hank doesn’t have a regular bedmate. I think we all agree that is unusual. In fact, I know that he does not have ANY bedmate. I wake him up mentally every day and there is no one else there. Except for the occasional Wendy stayover, which has not happened but four times in the last year.” Cindy said.

“And it wasn’t often before then either” Wendy said. “I think he wants a woman with bigger tits.”

“No. He needs a woman that has no connections to the past. Hank thinks too much with his big head. He associates me with Lynn and Bernie. Only I’m still hanging around. He associates Wendy with Maggie and Carrie, who are both in college. Wendy is in college too studying Genetics. And he didn’t grab Paula or Natalie because of the Slavery thing.”

“What’s reason two and three?” Karen asked.

“Reason two is that he associates love with Loss. I know he has a lot of guilt that he didn’t deserve over my being moved into the Crystal palace. I have hammered into him as much as I can that we are working on a escape plan, but he still hasn’t adopted that as possible. He does not realize that his work and everyone else he has whipped to work on the Crystal palace has created a world that is without comparison to what he lives with. Except for the physical in and out, this place is personally satisfying to a degree that cannot be compared.”

“I have to admit, that your personal house in the palace is incredible. And your access to everything is unbelievable. And you never get fat.” Wendy said.

“And never have a period. Let me tell you, that’s a real relief.” Cindy said.

“And reason three?” Karen asked. Taking another drink.

“Kind of an off shoot of reason two. Hank has inherited his Father’s Ethics. And not that of Clan Lambert.” Cindy said.

“Explain that one to me.” Karen said.

“Ok. I listened into the conversation you all had with Reggie earlier. And also to what Helen said about the latest uncovered documents of the 1500s. Clan Lambert went back to the eight hundreds and was evidently a family affair of dominate Mages and Wizards with typical spiritual and moral restrictions of the times. Which means none. No sense of responsibility, or ethics or morals. Or more easily explained the Moral and ethical behavior of universal cock hounds. The only reason that any of them had any restrictions was the fear of their wives killing them in their sleep. Or their kids. Pretty hateful group. They made the Borgias and the Medici look like saints.”

“Hank’s not like that.” Karen said.

“I know. He says it’s his father whispering in his ear, but I have never heard it. He keeps hearing that “no person can ever own a thing to himself alone. You always have responsibilities to others for what your actions do. I do think that there is something going on inside of there that makes Hank totally atypical. His little head is never in charge of his big head.” Cindy said.

“I don’t totally agree with that.” Wendy said. “Hank’s very satisfying in bed. At least it is with me and it was with the other girls when we were together.”

“That’s what I mean. Hank’s never in bed for himself. He’s always making sure his partner of the moment is satisfied first. And frequently.” Cindy said.

“You would know” Wendy replied.

“And you are blushing like a tomato aren’t you, Wendy?” Cindy teased.

“Never mind. So what’s the ethical issue here?” Karen asked.

“How long do you think you are going to live?” Cindy asked.

“Shit. The body clock.” Wendy said.

“Exactly. Karen, what do you know about the lifespan of mages and Hedge Witches?” Cindy asked.

“And humans.” Wendy added.

“I know that my nephew now has a lot longer lifespan thanks to you and the Magical intervention in his cancer. And according to you and Helen I will probably see the next two or three hundred years with no problem. And that the Wizards like Lady Eisenham and Sir Drummond and Lady Elizabeth have been around for several centuries. Which is why the latest threat assessment came up today.” Karen said.

“So. Think about that impact. Think about playing hide the noodle with someone you knew was going to age normally and die in forty or fifty years. Think about trying to form a long term relationship that you knew from the outset was only going to last for a flash in the pan.” Cindy said.

“Think about Peter and Grace. Their children have expressed no ability or affinity for magic. Peter and Grace don’t age. Their kids do. And in thirty or so years, they are going to bury their children.” Wendy said.

“And how do you explain that your parents never age? Or your Grandparents? Or that they never die? That’s probably one of the things that got the Clan Lambert wiped out. Short lived people resenting the perpetual lives of the Rich and Famous.” Cindy said.

“Or infamous.” Wendy said.

“There is that. So think about this. Who else can Hank play with that won’t be a limited shelf life? Someone who is already a Wizard or Mage? Or someone in between?” Cindy asked.

“Are you asking me to be your placeholder until you get your new body?” Karen snapped back.

“Not at all. You see, I know the issues on getting out of here. I have had almost seven years to think it over. For starters, the technology for growing a mindless body that I could move into is probably at least a century away. And going out from here and into a new body would have to be a one time, one way shot. If anything went wrong with the transition, I would cease to exist at the best or be trapped in black limbo again at the worst. Even in my most depressive days I don’t want that. Not again. And I am a long way from running out of things to try, to experience within my little shell world to want to run that risk. Nope. I am worried about my friend Hank. And I think Wendy is too.”

“Now that you bring it up, I can see your point.” Wendy said.” I never considered the issues in the way. And I love Hank, but not enough to be a life share. My studies and other stuff just take up too much time and I don’t like leaving either Portland or Albuquerque. Not yet. I know I have to in forty or so years, but that’s just because of the “Too old in the same place” problem we already talked about.” Wendy said.

“Hence you are pinning your hopes on me?” Karen asked. “Well, let me tell you something ladies. Hank’s a nice guy. And I possibly could see being attracted to him. But, Ladies, I am not about to be bartered like a racehorse on a stud farm.”

“Karen, I just wanted to warm you to the idea, and let you know that I am not going to stand in the way. And Wendy, you agree?”

“Karen, If you find the opportunity to share Hank’s bed, I assure you that you won’t be disappointed. And it won’t upset anyone else in the Clan. We all want the best for him, and right now, you are the best candidate.”

“Well, thank you ladies. I’ll take that under advisement. Now Good Night.” Karen said, placing her privacy shields in place.

“And I thought the gossip girls in college were weird.” Karen thought to herself, draining her drink and heading to bed.

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