24 Kills for Shelly - Cover

24 Kills for Shelly

Copyright© 2024 by Mad scientist 101

Chapter 1: The Beginning

With a slap to his tiny rump, James L. Shaw was born into the world. The year was 1968. James father was Winston J. Shaw was a self-made millionaire. Winston had invested in real estate before the Second World War. As the war ended and the need for new housing boomed, his real estate holdings were in high demand. By the time James was born Winston had amassed enough cash and stocks to retire and live the good life. Now in his mid forties, Winston was overjoyed to have an heir to carry on his name.

“Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, would you like to meet your new son”

Winston watched as the nurse passed the tiny bundle to his wife. He watched his beautiful wife hold their new child in her arms and he felt a wave of pride and happiness wash over him. James leaned closer to his wife and child and whispered to the pair, “Welcome to the family my son, we will call you James Lawrence Shaw.” All was right with the world. Wife and son were doing well and Winston expected to have many years to enjoy his family.

For ten years the Shaw’s put their lives on hold for the benefit of James. During that time the young heir to the family fortune had grown tall and strong and looked to be taking the best features from both of his parents.

Winston called his butler and chauffer Robert into his study and began to explain the next week’s duties and tasks.

“In addition to these tasks my wife and I are planning on taking a long weekend and going to New York for some good food and a couple of Broadway shows.”

“Yes Sir, I will make all the arrangements to drive you and your wife to New York. Will you want me to remain with you or return to the house and help Sarah care for James?”

“Yes, I believe that would be best. We can make arrangement for the time and place for pickup.”

“Very good sir, will there be anything else?”

“No, I believe that will be all for now, thank you.”

Winston and Ethel had no living family so they had made arrangements for their son James to be taken care of by Robert and Sarah should anything happen to them before he reached the age of eighteen. The Shaw’s had set up house in northern New York in a small but exclusive town catering to the wealthy.

Robert and Sarah Anderson were the butler, chauffeur and head housekeeper. Robert was just over fifty at the time of the planned weekend trip. Robert’s wife Sarah was three years younger. Robert and Sarah were both born in Georgia and had moved to northern New York in search of employment. Robert and Sarah were black and had both managed to graduate high school at a time when it was nearly impossible for young blacks to finish their educations. They had no children of their own so the chance to help raise a child was the least they could do for their benefactors.

Robert kissed his wife goodbye and went to get the family limousine. The road that Winston had instructed Robert to take to New York was normally a good road, but earlier in the day road crews had dug a deep trench on the right side and failed to place road markers around the trench. In addition, the walls of the trench were now unstable.

The limousine rounded the right hand corner just in time to see a large truck cut too far into the left lane. Robert steered the car to the far right and suddenly the car drove nose first into the deep trench. The right front of the car hit the bottom of the trench hard, shooting Robert out of the front windshield and into the soft dirt at the bottom of the ditch. Aside from cuts, and bruises, and a concussion he was in pretty good shape. However a large bump on his head would soon send him into a coma. Winston and Ethel were thrown around in the car like rag dolls and ended up in the front on the floor of the crumpled car. The violent jolts had sent them both into blackness. They had no way to know that the trench walls were about to collapse.

The driver of the truck stopped his rig and he and his companion ran back to the scene of the accident. They pulled Robert out of the trench just in time to see the walls collapse around the limousine. The car and its occupants were now buried up to the front end of the trunk. The weight of the dirt pushed on the roof and windows of the car, soon the windows broke and the dirt rushed in to fill the void. Winston and Ethel Shaw suffocated to death. James L. Shaw was now alone in the world.

James grew tall and strong with dark blonde hair and his father’s ice blue eyes. His eyes could almost sparkle when he was happy but that seldom happened and would darken when he was angry or sad. He grew up to be a lonely and isolated young man. In an area filled with rich people with families he was alone and not accepted in the usual social circles. Nevertheless he was as happy as could be expected.


For the next eight years Robert and Sarah did the best they could to raise young James. And over all they did a good job. But Sarah could never quite get through the hard shell that had formed around James after the death of his parents. He attended the schools that his parents had wanted him to attend. During his high school years he found that he had the talent and desire to learn all about electronics. So after graduation from high school he attended Cornell University. In four years he finished his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. The four years had been lonely for him. He’d wanted to get the degree and get on with his life. Local girls had labeled him weird, so his social life was nonexistent. James had grown to stand six feet four inches tall with his mother’s dark blonde hair. James had his father’s masculine jaw line and eyes. To most people he appeared handsome and with the right clothes he could have been very attractive to the opposite sex.

His college guidance counselor had encouraged him to stay and get his Master’s degree. James went home and spoke to Sarah about staying in school. Robert had died just a year earlier and Sarah was now his last link to the past. Sarah’s health had slipped in the last two years and James was very quiet as he listened to her advice. James decided to stay in school and get his Master’s degree.

Sarah had been good to James all his life and this time she intended to see that he was happy. Sarah began to explain her feelings about his loneliness.

“Jimmy you have been a loner all your life and it’s time for you to come out of your shell.” Sarah was sitting near the fire in one of the rooms she and Robert had shared. James was seated a few feet away facing his former guardian and the woman he had come to call momma Sarah.”

“I’ve made some progress in that area. I do have some friends among my classmates at university,” Said James with little conviction in his voice.

“You need to get to know some women your age. Your parents wouldn’t want you to spend your life alone. Sarah paused as her voice started to waiver with grief.

“I dearly loved your parents as much as I loved Robert and you. I won’t be around forever and I want to see you meet someone and have a happy life.”

James reached out and held Momma Sarah’s soft wrinkled hand and said. “I promise to do better. I want to enjoy the same love that you and Robert shared.”

The two sat and shared the warmth of the fire for a while longer.

Sarah had also told him to take a chance and really get to know a few women, after all women really didn’t bite. James would do just that. Since he was staying in school, he had been asked to teach some of the lower classes. He would have the chance to talk to the lower class members more. He planned to take two years to get his Master’s.

Master’s Study

James returned to Cornell and began his Master’s studies. Along with his studies, James had agreed to teach two classes per day each week. These classes consisted of freshman electronics and college algebra. His Master’s studies took up the rest of his class time. In the evenings he would spend several hours at the library studying. Once in a while an occasional student would seek his skill as a tutor. Six months into his first year of Master’s studies one of the freshman girls in his college algebra class asked for his help. James always dressed in about the same way. He liked to wear a pair of blue jeans, a T-shirt and over that a flannel shirt.

Her name was Stephanie Bowman, and nineteen years of age. Her hair was long and blonde. Standing just five feet three inches tall and just over 100 pounds, Stephanie was a lovely girl and seemed to be popular on campus. She was dressed in a pair of dark blue slacks and a white sweater. James sat at his usual table with his books in a neat stack in front of him. He was waiting for his student to arrive. She had asked for his help in a very hard section of the book. James was always polite and agreed to help. The time was set and both parties agreed to the meeting. As Stephanie approached, her perfume gently washed over James. The smell of summer roses arrived at James’s nose.

“Hello,” said Stephanie as she walked up to the table.

James stood up and helped the young girl with her chair.

Stephanie said, “Thank you.”

James replied, “You’re welcome.”

Stephanie began to speak. “I hope I’m on time. I was afraid that I’d be late and you’d be upset.”

James looked the young girl in the eyes and replied, “No, you’re right on time and as soon as you’re ready we can start.”

James smiled and put Stephanie at ease.

The first hour passed very quickly for both of them. James looked at his watch. “Well my watch says that it is now 8:15. The library closes in about an hour or so.”

Stephanie smiled sweetly and said. “Thank you for all your help.”

James asked. “Are you more ready for the upcoming test?”

“I think with your help I’m more ready than I was earlier tonight, but still kind of nervous.”

James cleared his throat and said, “You’ll do just fine, but before you walk into the class clear your mind take a couple of deep breaths and tell yourself you I can do it.”

Stephanie thanked James once more and said that she had to go. They stood and shook hands. James watched her leave. After she was gone he sat returned to his research. The next hour passed quickly. As he packed up his materials he would swear that Stephanie’s perfume still lingered in the area. The smell was almost intoxicating. He left the library with a smile.

Two days later the Algebra students began to filter into the room. Today was the test on the last chapter. James watched to see which kids seemed nervous. Stephanie seemed to be comfortable; she smiled at James. When all were in the class, he asked, “Does anyone have any questions before we start?”

No one had any questions so he began to hand out the test sheets.

“You have one hour to complete the test. If you have any questions during the test please feel free to come up and ask. You may begin.”

During the hour-long test, James studied for his own test in an advanced electronics course. A few students came up and asked questions about the test. But other than that it was a quiet class. As each student finished they brought their test sheets up and left the room. Stephanie was nearly the last to finish the test. She brought her test sheet up and handed it to James. James looked at Stephanie and asked, “How do you think you did?”

“I think I did OK, but I don’t feel as confident as I would like to.”

James thought for a moment, scratched his left ear and said, “I am willing to bet that you did just fine and that you’ll pass.”

“Thank you for the vote of confidence, it means a lot to me.”

James gathered up all his stuff and left the room. Tonight he would correct the test at the library before he started his own studies. It would take him about an hour to check all the tests.

The library was not crowded when James arrived and his usual table was empty. He sat down and unpacked his books and the tests. He was correcting the last test when he noticed Stephanie approaching his table. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a bright print blouse. She did not have her books with her, just her purse. As she reached the table she cleared her throat and said. “I’m sorry to bother you but I just couldn’t wait to find out my grade. So I came here tonight in hopes you might get me off the hook.”

James had corrected her test first and found that she had done well enough to get a B+. James felt confident that she would be happy with this.

“Please sit down.” James smiled and continued, “How are you tonight?”

Stephanie smiled and said. “I feel nervous and excited at the same time. I should wait until the next class but if I wait I might not get any sleep.”

James looked through the tests and found hers. He looked at her test and took one quick look at the rest of the scores and decided that a B+ was at the upper end of the curve. With just five others with scores higher than hers she had done very well.

James took another quick look and began to speak. “First of all you’re in the top half of the class. Overall the test was a bit harder than intended.” James handed the test to her and waited for her reaction.

The B+ was written in bold red pen. Stephanie looked at the paper and the grade and smiled. Then she thanked James for all his help. Stephanie took another look at the test score and thanked him again. She handed the test back to him and smiled again as she left. The rest of the semester went along as usual except for the second to the last week.

Once more Stephanie came to him for help with the material that would be covered on the final. And once more James agreed to help her study for the test. He told her to meet him at the library at six PM the Tuesday before the test. Stephanie arrived on time and found James ready to start the study session. James explained the material and suggested ways that she might prepare herself for the test. At the end of the two hours Stephanie felt herself ready for the test. The two talked for a few minutes while they each packed up their books and papers and left.

The last Thursday of the class arrived and the students filtered into the room and sat down ready to take the test. James explained the test. “For this test you have two hours to finish. I have just one piece of advice and that is to just relax and focus on the material. When you finish the test please bring it up and put it on the desk. Good luck and if you want to know how you did I will be in the library Friday night from six to seven-thirty.”

As James finished passing out the tests he added. “You may begin.”

An hour and a half later, only a handful of people were left. As the two-hour mark came, all had finished and left. Stephanie had finished her test about forty minutes earlier. James gathered up the papers and started to correct them.

Friday evening James found his usual table and sat down. He unpacked his books, the sheet with the final test scores and class final grades. All James had to do now was to wait for his students to arrive.

James had dressed in his usual blue jeans but tonight he had put on a nice tan colored polo shirt.

Over the next hour several students came in and asked about their scores and grades. At seven twenty-five, Stephanie arrived. James noticed that she was wearing a pair of tight blue Levi’s and a light blue knit top. Her long, blonde hair was brushed out and hung past her shoulders, framing her face beautifully. She wore a small gold necklace and small gold hoop earrings. The overall effect was just enough to make James gasp softly. He had never noticed how lovely she was. Stephanie sat down and smiled at James. James got a hold of himself and said, “Hello, how are you tonight?”

Stephanie replied, “I’m great, but to make the day perfect I just have to know if I passed your class.”

James smiled and looked through the papers and finally found hers. “First off, the entire class did very well on the final. There were even two people who managed to get 100% on the final.” James continued, “I am pleased to tell you that you got a 98% on the final which gives you an A-.”

Stephanie was visibly relieved at the news. A small tear escaped from her left eye. James handed her his handkerchief and she wiped away the tear. Stephanie took a few moments to regain her composure and then asked, “Would you like to have some dinner with me tonight?”

James tried to suppress the look of shock on his face but was afraid that he had failed. He remembered Sarah’s advice and quickly decided to go for broke. He replied, “I’m very flattered and I can’t think of anything I would enjoy more.”

James packed up his stuff and as the two left walked toward the exit he asked. “Should we take my car?

“Okay, but I get to pay for dinner.”

James drove to his favorite restaurant just a few miles from campus. The restaurant was a family style diner and didn’t attract many students, but close enough to be on the way home.

The hostess seated the couple by the small fireplace at the rear of the dining room. James suggested that they start off with a bottle of wine. Stephanie agreed and soon the wine was brought over and decanted. James poured some of the wine into both glasses and Stephanie said. “I would like to propose a toast. To the best algebra teacher I’ve ever had.”

“Thank you very much and may I add, to a wonderful and bright and beautiful student.”

“May I suggest the lasagna, it’s the best in town and the state for that matter.

“I love lasagna.” stated Stephanie.

Dinner was served and the two talked as they ate. Once the dishes were cleared and the table cleaned, coffee was offered but the two turned it down. They talked for another hour and learned that they were both orphans. Stephanie had lost her parents when she was fifteen. She had stayed with her uncle until he died. She was just eighteen when he passed away and she was left with no other relatives. Her uncle had left her enough money to finish college and a small down payment on a house when she finished.

James recounted his life and how the maid and butler had raised him. The butler was now dead and his parent’s maid was in ill health. He did tell her that he was well off but not just how rich he really was. James had always planned on working, at least until he found something to keep him from working.

“It’s getting late. I think the restaurant is getting ready to close,” said James. “I suggest that I take you home and you can get your car tomorrow.”

Stephanie yawned and said, “I am kind of tired. So I’ll take you up on your offer.”

They left the restaurant and he drove her to the house that she rented. James drove up in front of the house that Stephanie lived in and she spoke. “Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee?”

“That would be great I could use the caffeine.”

The house was nice. Two small table lamps came on and revealed a comfortable living room with a large dark brown fabric covered couch and a matching chair. Between the couch and chair sat one of the lamps on a small end table. The other lamp and end table were stationed at the far end of the room. A fifteen-inch television sat upon a roll around table. A VCR sat on the shelf under the television.

At the far end of the room James saw a narrow dining area with a small table and three chairs. The walls were off-white with one or two pictures to add some color to the room. The illuminated clock on the VCR revealed it to be just after 11 pm.

James sat down on the couch as Stephanie went into the kitchen and started the coffee. Five minutes later she emerged from the kitchen with a steaming pot of coffee, two cups, some cream, and sugar. Stephanie filled both cups of coffee and handed one to James. They both added cream and sugar and stirred their coffee. They sipped their coffee and talked about the next semester and what classes each had to take. Stephanie put her cup down and took his cup from him as well. She moved closer and kissed him lightly on his cheek. She met no resistance and proceeded to kiss his lips.

James had kissed a few girls in his life but hadn’t gone any further. Stephanie sensed James was nervousness and said, “Relax, I’m not going to bite, just let it happen.” “Okay, I’ll try.” James took a deep breath and willed himself to relax.

Stephanie continued to kiss him. At one point Stephanie broke off the kiss, smiled and said. “Open your mouth and enjoy the experience.”

James felt her tongue touch his and found the deep kiss very exciting. Her hand went around his shoulders and pulled him closer. James tensed up as she felt her hands touch his shoulders.

Stephanie felt him tense up. She stopped and whispered, “Put your hands around my waist, and hold me.”

James followed her instructions and put his hands around her waist, and willed himself to try and enjoy the sensations he was feeling.

Stephanie leaned into his chest, put her hands around his neck, and resumed their kiss.

The two found a comfortable position and soon the kisses were deep and sensual. Stephanie moved her hands down from his shoulders and began to explore his broad back and strong shoulders. James felt her hands move over his body and he mimicked her. He moved his hands from her waist to her butt and then back up to her waist. Their breath came faster as their sexual excitement increased.

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