Induction - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Overconfident Sarcasm

Chapter 6

With their worries regarding Chris’s state of mind now thoroughly calmed, the parents decided to embark on a long-overdue date night. Hearing their announcement, Natalie realized how long it had been for her as well since she went out to have some fun. Not only had they stopped having fun between each other, as to not shine a light on Chris’s exclusion and make him feel like an outsider, but everything surrounding her brother’s situation had left her in such a bad mood that she never even thought about it when leaving on dates.

She had gone out with a few girlfriends from college, mostly going to nightclubs and bars to enjoy the attention and free drinks they always got, but, every time the humping, grinding, and fondling on the dance floor reached a certain level, it reminded her of her brother not getting any of that, causing her to feel bad about herself again and falling out of the mood. Her dance partners had been understanding when she, not willing to reveal the whole truth behind her troubles to total strangers, simply claimed she was still moving past a bad experience. Now, however, with Chris proclaiming how his life had turned for the better, she wanted to finally enjoy herself for a change.

It didn’t go the way she had hoped.

Like so many times before, she enjoyed the physical contact and attention she got, but, still, as soon as one of her partners tried to move things forward, she felt less than inclined to accept. However, this time, it wasn’t because she felt bad about Chris. The whole thing just felt ... hollow. She actually found the whole exercise to be utterly meaningless!

Somehow, what her little brother had experienced that night at the family ranch, at the place she had always been taught was all about mutual love, care, and intimacy, provided her with a different perspective on that love, care, and intimacy. So now, when she was about to start something with a man who she knew wanted nothing but sex from her, she craved the love and care part, questioning whether she ever really got any of that at the ranch like she had always believed. After all, she thought, their visits there always came down to a massive orgy.

Even if couples at the ranch opted for the privacy of a bedroom instead of diving into the piles of bodies in the lounges, those parings almost never lasted the entire night in favor of rapidly changing partners, making it a swinger party instead of an orgy. Still, not exactly a setting for love and intimacy.

For the following two hours, she found herself rather remaining at the table, lost in her thoughts while nursing a cocktail, than having the time of her life on the dance floor with random hotties, declining every offer to rejoin her girlfriends. Halfway through her musings, she had the fleeting thought of how much of a waste that evening was turning out to be. She had spent hours dolling herself up before squeezing herself into the sexiest dress she owned, just to now sit there and watch her friends’ purses.

And that, in turn, made her remember how much time she and her mother spent dolling themselves up whenever they were at the ranch as well. Even before they left, it was always preceded with a lengthy shopping trip for new and enticing underwear to make themselves look as appetizing as possible.

Without warning, her brain made the connection.

Her mother had told her the specifics of her phone conversation with her grandmother, relaying how the other girls in the family who were supposed to be inducted this year chose not to participate. Because they didn’t want to join a ‘swingers club’ and be perceived as ‘sluts’.

All of a sudden, she jumped up to seek out her friends, told them she didn’t feel too well, and called for an Uber ride home. She couldn’t do this anymore. She needed to get her head straight and make a decision that she wouldn’t reach while the thumping music hammered into her head.

“Back already?” she heard Chris’s voice wave towards her after she stepped through the front door.

Looking at the direction of where his voice came from, she saw him in the living room, half lying on the sofa in front of the TV so he could look through the doorway. He looked concerned, no doubt caused by her unexpectedly early return.

“Yeah,” she sighed while walking to stand in the doorway to the living room. “Kinda just wasn’t feeling it tonight.”

“Everything okay?” Now the concern she had seen in his eyes had found its way into his voice. She couldn’t help it when a smile spread on her face.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She looked at the coffee table and saw a bowl of popcorn he had barely touched. Then her eyes shifted to the TV screen illuminating the room, and saw a paused episode of that Yellowstone Netflix show she had added to her watch list. “Mind if I just join you?”

“Sure,” he instantly nodded.

“Alright. Be right back!”

She turned on her heels, rushed up the stairs, and took a quick shower. She might not have danced long, but when she did, she went at it hard. She did want to have some fun, after all, so the shower was definitely warranted. Once she was done, she jumped into some soft sweatpants, put on an oversized T-shirt while forgoing her bra, and, without bothering to reapply any make-up, basically jumped down the stairs to drop onto the sofa next to her brother, who eyed her suspiciously instead of just pressing play on the TV control.

“You sure everything’s okay?” he asked after a moment of silence.

Natalie giggled. Despite everything she had done, and despite everything the family had done, he still cared for her. He still loved her enough to worry when seeing her act even slightly out of character. She crawled towards him on the sofa to press a quick kiss onto his cheek. Then she turned so she could lean her back against his torso with her legs folded underneath herself on the cushions.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I really just didn’t get in the mood tonight.”

“Alright then. I choose to believe you,” he said and, without hesitation, wrapped his right arm around her shoulders so she could properly cuddle into him.

This wasn’t something they normally did. Sure, these movie nights with her little brother had always been something she cherished, something she had missed dearly during the aftermath of his induction night. But they had never actually cuddled while lying on the sofa. She realized that, when she sought out his embrace after cutting her girls-night-out short, he must have thought something was bothering her regardless of what she told him, and this was his way to reassure her without asking too many questions.

She loved it! She closed her eyes and reveled in the closeness they shared, happy they had found their way back to how it once was.

After a few minutes, she leaned forward to grab the bowl of popcorn off the coffee table, but as she did that, with his arm still hanging down from her shoulder on the front of her body, the palm of his hand slid directly over her right breast. Instantly, both of them were painfully aware that she had neglected to put on a bra, and it could have just been Natalie’s imagination, but it almost felt like she felt Chris’s fingers curl inwards just as her nipple was right at the center of his palm.

Neither of them commented on it, though. Natalie remained silent because, with her own induction being years in the past, having a family member grab one of her boobs wasn’t that noteworthy anymore. Chris remained silent because, honestly, he was a little uncomfortable about it and chose to not draw attention to what had happened.

He wasn’t uncomfortable because he perceived it as something he shouldn’t have done, though. No, he was uncomfortable because that T-shirt his sister wore did next to nothing to pad her body. So, the moment he felt that small, round pebble scrape over his palm, after that soft lump of flesh had pushed against his sensitive fingertips, it made him remember how he had spent the months leading up to the induction disaster imagining his mother and sister in all kinds of compromising situations.

And what had happened during that induction night did very little to dampen the feelings he still held towards the mental images his mind had conjured.

He had told her the truth. When she explained how she and their mother didn’t forget about him, but rather wanted him to enjoy as much time with the other women in the family before they would spend the rest of the year having fun with each other at home, he had believed her. It didn’t help him get over what had happened, but it helped him maintain his familial bonds with them.

Now, however, after all those painful memories had taken a backseat to the more enjoyable aspects of his life, that sudden sensation of his undeniably attractive big sister’s breasts pressed into his hand caused him to think about her in that way again. What stopped him from commenting on it, or god forbid acting on it, though, was the still present doubts he had. He still didn’t think they could honestly reciprocate those feelings. He still didn’t think he was anywhere near as attractive as what they were used to in their partners. And that put a rather effective dampener on his libido at that moment.

Incidentally, Natalie’s thought had also returned to what had happened at the ranch the year prior. Sitting there, with Chris worrying about her wellbeing, allowing her to cuddle up to him without pressing for answers despite worrying, made it painfully clear that this was something she had been missing at the ranch. After she heard what the new inductees now thought about their family’s antics, what she experienced right that moment told her: This was the loving and caring setting the ranch had always claimed to be.

She turned her head to look up at her brother and smiled. She stretched herself upwards until her face reached just above his torso, and kissed the side of his neck.

Suddenly, it was like some kind of tremor traveled through her little brother’s body before she felt all of his muscles clamp up. That, in turn, caused Chris’s hand to involuntarily clamp down on Natalie’s right breast, squeezing it. But even when she felt his body loosen up again, it wasn’t lost on her how his clamping fingers were the last to relax.

Now she grinned.

“What was that, Little Brother?” she asked mischievously.

“Wh ... That’s my line, Nat!” he protested, trying to hide how much this had flustered him. It didn’t work.

“I just felt like it.” She shrugged, making sure to take hold of his arm as she did, so he couldn’t pull it away and end this closeness. “I enjoy myself a lot right now. And I wanted to show you my appreciation.”

She could see the confusion on his face but, before he had a chance to protest again, simply cuddled into his torso again. He didn’t try to protest this time. He didn’t try to free his arm, either. But she still felt that he was a little stiff, so she started playing with his hand. Absentmindedly caressing the back of his hand with her own while intently watching the TV screen. But it didn’t work. Instead, it seemed like he tensed up more. It intrigued her.

Suddenly, she felt the outside of his thumb brush against the soft swell of her breast. It was just the faintest, more careful touch, but it was enough for her to realize why he had such a hard time relaxing: She had kept his hand close to her chest, denied him the opportunity to place it in a more safe position after he had grabbed it unintentionally.

Natalie was stunned. Could she risk it? Was this her chance to prove him wrong about the way he viewed himself?

She looked up at him one more time, and what she saw caused her to smile again. His eyes were fixated on the TV screen, but every few seconds, she could see his eyes dart down to meet hers as she watched him. He was unbelievably cute in her eyes.

Once more, she stretched herself upwards, but unlike the last time when she placed that kiss on his neck, she didn’t pull back after her lips made contact with his skin. She nuzzled her face into that nook between his jaw line and shoulder, inhaled his scent, and continued nibbling on him.

Instead of protesting or telling her off, she heard him release a soft moan. She felt his legs shake. She felt his hand press against her breast again. And she felt his hips shift. She worries about him pulling back, so she placed a hand on his thigh and felt something she did not expect. His pants were tenting!

Somehow, this caused her to have yet another revelation.

Here she was, in her brother’s embrace, who displayed in any way he could that he cared about her despite her failings. He loved her enough to worry for her wellbeing despite them hurting him. And he still saw her as attractive despite her sitting there in loose, every-day clothes, no make-up, and making no effort to entice him whatsoever.

Chris was so much better than everything she ever got on the ranch! She couldn’t even put into words all the things she wanted to do to him at that moment!

“Nat!” he moaned in an almost desperate tone. “Stop!”

She did. She pulled her head back and stopped kissing his throat, but she refused to move away from him. Her handsome, cute little brother that she wanted to devour so much!

“You don’t like it?” she asked meekly.

“I wouldn’t say ... I just ... Why are you doing this?” he stammered, breathing heavily and visibly trying to regain his composure.

“Because I want to.” She could see he didn’t believe her.

However, what she saw in his face made her feel even closer to her brother. He was clearly still hung-up on the fact that she cut her evening short to come home early and then uncharacteristically cuddle with him on the sofa. He was clearly worried about something that may have happened when she was out that night. Though, she understood that part of this worry was fueled by Chris’s ongoing believe that she didn’t want him.

But that, in turn, caused Natalie to really want him!

Without any further thought, she turned in her seat so she was sitting with her back to him, but made sure to hold on to his arm as she did. Then she slid down until her head came to rest in his lap. She closed her eyes while purring as she felt the evidence of his arousal pressed against the back of her head, even had to rub herself against it as if to make sure he knew that she was fully aware of his arousal, and, when her purr turned into a wanton moan, she used the hold he had on his arm to pull it downwards.

“I want you, Little Brother. I know you don’t believe me, but I really, truly do. Here, you can feel how much I want you.”

As she said those words, she guided his hand further down, placed one of her own hands on his, and guided it underneath the waistband of her sweatpants. She felt him resist, but it was weak, unconvinced he really wanted to put up any resistance, and not enough to actually stop her from moving his hand further down until she pressed it against her mound with her own hand on top of it.

Now she opened her eyes to see him stare at her in shock.

“Feel how hot it is, Chris! Feel how wet I am for you!” she whispered as she started rubbing his hand against her.


“I can’t fake that,” she continued to whisper. “I’ve come here directly after taking a shower, so it’s not the result of something that happened before I came home. And I’ve been sitting here right next to you, so you would have noticed if I had played with myself. What you feel right now...” she said as she maneuvered his hand into her panties to feel her sex directly, shuddering when, almost on instinct, Chris pressed the length of his middle finger right into the crevice between her inner lips. “ ... is nothing but your work. This happened to me only because of cuddling with you. This is what you do to me, Little Brother. If you don’t believe what I say, then believe what you can feel.” She shuddered in pleasure once more before saying the next part in a sultry breath. “I want you so much!”

“Are you sure?” he asked, sounding still unsure of himself, but also clearly unable to keep the lust out of his own voice.

“Yes, I’m very sure, Chris! I want to experience this with you. You, Chris! Please, don’t send me away.” That last request was conveyed in a whining voice when she felt her brother’s finger slip inside her.

She grabbed Chris’s forearm with all the strength she had now, unintentionally digging her nails into his skin. She had wished for this moment for so, so long, and it felt so overwhelmingly special she almost couldn’t understand what was happening.

She started guiding him with words, intermittently encouraging and thanking him for doing this for her, but, ultimately, she wanted more. She wanted more than just have him pleasure her. She made sure to continuously press against his hand so he wouldn’t pull out, while she turned to lie on her side, facing his stomach now. Then she raised her free hand and started rubbing it against his crotch, feeling his hardened member through his pants.

“Can I, Chris? Please, can I?”

Chris was too overwhelmed to speak. All of this came completely unexpected, but the need he felt was too great to deny himself the pleasure. He simply didn’t have it in him. And, truth be told, if his sister had told the truth about her arousal being caused by nothing more than his presence, he simply had no reason to stop her.

So, he nodded.

In no time, Natalie had his pants undone and her hand shoved into it to fish out his hard dick. She marveled at the sight. His crown was already covered in slick pre-cum, causing her to lick her lips before delving in. Without a second of hesitation, she shoved it as deeply as their position allowed into her mouth, closed her lips around his shaft, and then slowly sucked it from the root to the tip until it popped out of her mouth.

Chris moaned in delight upon the sudden sensation that almost fried his brain, and Natalie could feel it as the fingers that worked inside her suddenly became a lot more forceful in their ministrations. Once she had sucked all the pre-cum off her little brother’s dick in that one, hungry move, she smacked her lips a few times.

“I love how you taste, Chris!” This caused another, throaty moan to escape him. It made her smile. “Just keep fingering me. I’ll take care of you.”

And she did. However, lost in her lust, she didn’t account for this being Chris’s very first sexual experience, so, when she started jerking his shaft while sucking on his crown, she didn’t expect him to suddenly spurt into her mouth after less than a minute of stimulation.

It didn’t deter her, though. She just kept nursing on him, softly suckling his tip while swallowing his loads, causing his entire body to erratically spasm over and over again for a long time. When he finally calmed down enough to open his eyes again, she showed him her brightest smile. At least, the brightest smile she could show while having a dick in her mouth.

“Oh God, Nat! That was...” He breathed heavily while shaking his head.

“Did you like it?” she asked after finally releasing his sensitive head.

“That would be an understatement!” he laughed in a disbelieving way, but quickly returned to his worried persona as he realized that his fingers were still lodged deeply into his sister’s sex. “Uh ... you didn’t ... I’m sorry...”

“Oh, don’t you worry about that, Little Brother,” she giggled as she started stroking him back to life. “I’m not done with you, yet. In fact, we have the whole night. Maybe even the whole weekend, if you’d like that?”

He seemed to contemplate her words. While he was still aroused, now that he had his release, he could think a lot clearer now.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked, causing Natalie to pause her working his dick.

“Chris ... I know we hurt you. And I’m more sorry for what I did than I could ever put into words. But this isn’t about that. This isn’t some guilt trip, or a pity fuck, or anything like that.”

“Then ... what is it?” he asked quietly, almost afraid of her answer. “I mean, yeah, I believe that you’re actually turned on.” She felt his fingers move a little when he said that, as if to point out that he could literally feel how wet she still was. It caused her eyelids to flutter. “But where is it coming from? Why now?”

Natalie realized that this was not the kind of conversation they should have while playing with each other, so she reluctantly let go of his member, sat up, and finally allowed Chris to remove his hand from her pants.

She sighed as she tried to find the right words.

“Chris ... after Mom had that phone call with Granny, she told me what they had talked about. And, ever since then, I couldn’t get it out of my head. It stuck with me ... and it made me think.”

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