Induction - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Overconfident Sarcasm

Chapter 2

At around ten in the morning, the mansion was filled with the delicious smells of breakfast, as the dining room had already gotten noisy with everybody happily talking and laughing whenever they hadn’t filled their mouths with freshly made waffles, bagels, bacon, and fruit salads.

“Mark was magnificent,” said Kelly, a twenty-one-year-old brunette, “you prepared him very well, Kim.”

“Yup,” agreed Kim, Mark’s mother, “but John wasn’t bad either. I was very pleasantly surprised at how eager he was to make me enjoy myself.”

Unbeknownst to Chris, who was too occupied with his phone at the time, his Aunt Kim had sampled both of his cousins and could therefore actually compare the two.

“So, where are our boys?” Gloria, Chris’s mother, asked with a smirk she saw reflected on her daughter’s face. Nobody expected the young males to rejoin the land of the living before noon. Experience had taught them otherwise.

“Probably still sleeping. We wore them out,” Natalie, Chris’s sister, laughed.

Gloria laughed as well. Last night, she had spent some quality time with Mark and had planned to then sample John as well, but when she left Mark’s side, John was still with someone else. Still anything but truly satisfied, she chose to rejoin the orgy in the house for the time being, instead of rudely interrupting John’s fun. But the people in the house had just started one of their games, which, by the end, had sated her needs rather well. So, she never went back to the pool house.

Never mind,” Gloria thought with a sultry smile on her lips and a far-away look in her eyes. “I’ll just try him out when the boys join today’s main event in the house.

“Good morning!” said Becky, Gloria’s younger sister, entering the dining room and pulling Gloria out of her mental musings. “The kids are still sleeping, it was a ‘hard’ night for them,” she chuckled. “I even tried to entice Mark into some more fun before I left, but all I got was his half-asleep grunting.”

That caused all the people present to break out in laughter.

For another half hour, they all exchanged notes on their three inductees, plans for the main event that was still to come, and general gossip from their lives. That stopped, however, when Kathy walked into the dining room and announced that the boys were finally up. This caused Monica, Gloria’s mother and the matriarch of the family, to address the lot in a loud voice.

“Alright, everyone! Since our three boys are on their way here, how about we get the official business settled first? Once we know how they performed, we’ll be able to let them know of our judgment as soon as they join us.”

This was met with general approval, even though the men didn’t have much to say in the matter, as the inductees this year were exclusively hetero males.

“So,” Monica continued. “Let’s start with the oldest. Mark. Any concerns?”

“Hell, no! He was great!” Gloria called out while theatrically pressing her hand to her heart, as if to showcase how she was still swooning from the experience, causing another round of laughter.

“I see nobody objecting?” Monica’s eyes wandered around the room as if to dare anyone to speak up. When nobody did, she smiled. “Alright then. It’s safe to let Mark join us in the main event this evening, if he wants to. Next in line is John. Once again, any objections?”

“Nope, none whatsoever!” Kathy called out. “I can honestly say, he has thoroughly internalized the rules regarding EVERY part of our fun!”

“Yeah, after you spent the entire night with him, I’d be surprised if you said anything else,” John’s mother sarcastically chimed in.

“Alright then. John, too, will get to join this evening, if he wants to. Now, last but not least,...”

“My little Chris! How did he do?” Gloria interrupted her mother, shouting that question with audible glee in her voice.

She had avoided asking the other women about her son until now because she had planned to tease him a little about losing his V-card that night. And, for that, she wanted the information she got regarding her darling’s sexual prowess to be as fresh and raw as possible. As she looked around the room, the glee that had been audible in her voice was now also visible in her downright sparkling eyes, but, the more faces she looked at, the more her smile wavered.

Somehow, nobody spoke up. Nobody made any comment regarding Chris’s conduct last night.

“What!? Don’t you all start talking at the same time!” Paul, Gloria’s husband and Chris’s father, chuckled, though it was clear that this chuckle was more an expression of nervousness and confusion than amusement. When there still was nobody willing to volunteer any information, he fixed his daughter with an encouraging look, thinking that she surely would have something to say about her own brother.

“Uh ... don’t look at me, Dad. I didn’t go to him last night,” Natalie explained hesitantly before letting her eyes wander around the room. She now felt the uneasiness her father just expressed as well. It couldn’t be! She knew that her mother also never visited Chris, as the two of them had planned it this way and entered and left the pool house together, but ... they were sure everybody else would have!

Gloria’s happy expression had now fully vanished when she saw every single female in the room look at someone else, as if to look for anyone who had been with her boy the previous night. She blinked as the realization hit.

“Wait ... did nobody...?” Monica didn’t have to finish her question. Instantly, all the women wordlessly confirmed her worry as they, in unison, shook their heads.

“Oh boy,” Paul sighed uncomfortably, before awkwardly looking at the other males in the room. “What the hell do we do now!?”

The other men understood what Paul was actually asking. This was no longer about whether or not his son would have the approval to join their orgies going forward. In fact, as they all realized what must have really happened to Chris last night, their eyes grew wider and wider. While the women in the room merely acted embarrassed about the revelation that one of the inductees had, apparently, been overlooked, the men in the room imagined this happening to themselves. And they did NOT like the implications.

However, they also had no idea how to handle this unprecedented situation, as something like this had never happened before. It was unthinkable! Which is why, despite the room growing remarkably silent, nobody acted on it.

Gloria, however, was growing upset. She couldn’t believe that this happened! She was so sure that her boy would experience the night of his life, with all the women in the family lining up to try out the new inductees, and now she learned that nobody had been with him!

“How is that even possible!?” she suddenly called out in frustration while throwing her arms into the air, startling everyone else in the room. When her arms dropped listlessly into her lap, her shoulders slumped as well as she dejectedly looked at the table and spoke quietly, more to herself than the others. “There are fourteen women in this family, but not one of them...”

“Well,” Kathy suddenly said in a defiant tone that surprised the others just as much as Gloria’s sudden outburst, even folding her arms in front of her chest in a defensive gesture, “you didn’t visit him either! Neither did Nat!”

“Nat and I talked about it beforehand,” Gloria shot back heatedly, “we live with him. From today onwards, he can have us whenever he wants, so we decided, for his first time, he should have all the other ladies he can’t have all year round first. At least we thought that’s how it would be. What’s with the tone, though? Do you have a problem with Chris?”

“N-no ... of course not!” Kathy replied, though it was clear that something was off. Gloria wouldn’t call it a lie, but there was more to it than Kathy was willing to admit. A stern look from Kathy’s mother, Becky, caused her to break quickly. “Okay, look, I love the guy. I truly do! But ... I’m just tired of always having to hold his hand whenever we want to do something fun! We always had to wait for Chris to catch up, always had to look out so Chris wouldn’t collapse again, always had to...” She paused to sigh. “I just wanted to enjoy myself for a change. And I wanted to get fucked by someone who wouldn’t get winded after two minutes.”

As Kathy went on in her explanation, her voice took on a whining tone, as if being with Chris was some kind of burden she had to shoulder, and now protested the unfairness of it all. Gloria couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Before she had a chance to protest, though, her daughter did that for her.

“He was sick! It’s not like he had a choice, you bitch!” Natalie called out angrily with moist eyes. “And he’s doing a lot better now!”

“Well, I’m sorry. I meant it when I said I love the guy ... but I just thought, this time, someone else could take care of him.” Kathy shrugged her shoulders.

Hearing that, Paul looked around the table and, to his surprise, saw the eyes of every single female in the room, safe for his wife and daughter, widen in recognition. He swallowed.

“Wait a minute. Are you going to tell me that ALL of you had the same thought?” he asked into the round before pausing for a second to give them the chance to answer, which nobody felt compelled to do. “You ALL thought ‘I love him, but let someone else sleep with him’!? And, somehow, none of you noticed that he sat all alone in that room, flanked by his two cousins who did get to have fun, even though all of you must have seen it plainly every time you walked up to the pool house!?”

Silence. Nobody protesting answered his question.

This time, even his wife and daughter looked uncomfortable. Though, Natalie almost broke into tears when she remembered the way she waved at her brother last night, when she clearly saw him lying back on his mattress and playing with his phone. Never in a million years would she have thought that this was actually what had happened. When she waved at him, she thought he was just ... taking a break. Like he always had to ... Like she was used to from him ... Just like Kathy had just complained about. And Natalie had even told her cousin off for saying this about her brother, even though she had thought, and treated him, the exact same way.

Before the situation could escalate even further, though, they all were startled once again when the big double door to the dining room was opened, so Mark and John could join them for their belated breakfast. Their steps faltered a little when they finally noticed the mood in the room and the expressions on everyone’s faces. But the first one to speak was Paul.

“Where’s Chris?” He was more concerned than confused now. Chris choosing to not go along with them as they joined the rest of the family felt like a confirmation of his worries.

Mark and John exchanged a surprised look before John spoke for both of them.

“We thought he was already here?” Hearing this, Paul felt his heart drop to his stomach. “He was already up and away when we woke up half an hour ago.”

As if this was choreographed, all the men of the family looked at each other in concern, seemingly simultaneously understanding the meaning behind John’s words. And, again as if some silent signal had been given, ran out of the room, leaving the rest of the family in confusion before the sheer urgency of the men’s mannerism caused them to jump out of their chairs and follow behind.

“It’s empty,” confirmed Paul after ripping the curtain off the ceiling and placing a hand on the air mattress, testing its strength. “This wasn’t even slept on! It’s cold and hasn’t lost any air whatsoever. His backpack is gone as well.”

Gloria was dismayed. She should have been the first one to introduce her little boy to adulthood, but instead had spent her time with Mark and the others in the mansion. She had truly thought that Chris would be well cared for by the others, so she had decided to indulge herself in her nephews’ hard bodies. Right next to her baby, who didn’t get to indulge in anyone’s body. Because she, too, rather spend the night with someone more ... attractive. She, too, thought that she could let someone else sleep with Chris.

Her knees almost buckled as the realization hit. She hadn’t lied about her and Natalie wanting Chris to enjoy the others as long as he could, and then have fun with him once they got home. But now, that she finally understood why her husband was acting almost panicky, and finally understood why all the other men were showing more anger towards the women than pity for her son, and finally understood how her boy must have felt the entire night...

Frantically, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and hit Number One on her speed dialing list. Yes, her son was the number one on that list. After fifteen years of regular check-ins with her boy on any given day to calm her worries, his number was the very first one that came to her mind whenever she set up a new phone.

But it just kept ringing until, ultimately, his voicemail answered the call. He didn’t answer. She hated it when he didn’t answer! After fifteen years of worrying about her sick child, which culminated in a call from the hospital because of kidney failure, him not answering the phone immediately caused an eerie feeling to creep into her stomach, whether it was still warranted or not.

“He’s not picking up,” she told Paul with a worried expression.

“Well, can you blame him!? If I was in his shoes, I’d be less than excited about talking with any of us right now.”

“But what if something happened? If he left for home all by himself ... the car is still here, and reaching the next town by foot would take hours!” she implored her husband, who now seemed to share her worries.

He just nodded before turning to walk back into the mansion, his wife and his daughter directly on his heels. In record time, they packed their suitcases, loaded them into the car, and basically called out their goodbyes through the car windows while pulling out of the mansion’s driveway.

When they finally arrived at their home three hours later, Gloria and Natalie jumped out of the car before it even came to a proper halt and rushed into the house, calling out for Chris. But there was no answer.

Just as fast, they ran up the stairs and into his room, then into the bathroom, then the kitchen. They even checked the basement. But no Chris was found. When they walked back into his bedroom, Paul stood in the middle of it, releasing a relieved sigh.

“Well, his backpack is here,” he pointed to the backpack that lay underneath Chris’s desk. Gloria and Natalie never thought about looking for it. “So, we know he made it home alright.”

“But ... where is he, then?” Natalie asked carefully, though Paul just shrugged his shoulders before he left the room to march into the kitchen and prepare himself a drink. Shortly after, the two women in his life joined him in the living room.

“So ... what now?” he asked after taking a sip and acting as if it washed away all the stress he had felt during the entire three-hour drive.

“We’ll make it up to him!” Gloria said with conviction, which was met by Paul giving her a doubting look.

“Yeah! We’ll prove to him that last night was just a big misunderstanding!” Natalie joined in before noticing the way her father looked at them. “What!?”

Paul kept his eyes on his drink when he answered.

“Sweetie ... I don’t think you fully understand what happened last night. It’s not going to be that easy.”

“Why n...” was all Gloria could say before they all heard the sound of their front door being opened.

Completely forgetting the conversation they had up until that point, they jumped off the couch and rushed into the living room’s doorway, from where they could see Chris walking into the house, carrying a brown fast-food paper bag. His eyes had dark shadows underneath them, his face looked slightly sunken, and his body showed a clear lack of tension. Three years ago, before he started on the road to recovery, this was more or less his normal appearance, showcasing his body’s trouble cleaning up his blood and properly digesting his food. Now, however, it simply showed that he must have gotten not a single second of sleep the night before. A realization that caused them all to wince a little.

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