Mothers' Eyes - Cover

Mothers' Eyes

Copyright© 2024 by storyace

Chapter 1: Infatuation

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Infatuation - Clair and her teenage son Travis are expats living in Saudi Arabia, where contact between men and women is mostly forbidden. Their Indian neighbors, widowed Radha and her 15 year old son Rajesh are in the same situation. In a hostile foreign land, two mothers and two sons find a way to be happy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Indian Male   Indian Female   First  

My mother didn’t know that I could hear everything being said down in the kitchen from the study desk in my bedroom, through the ventilation duct.

I’d been spying on her that way for years, listening in on her conversations with her friends, mostly Radha from next door.

It was late afternoon on a Saturday, and Mom was talking to Radha, who was also my best friend’s mother.

“I don’t know what to do about Raj.” Radha was saying, “He’s getting to that age when he’s looking after girls, and I’m terrified he might get into trouble.”

“You mean if he gets too close to a Saudi girl?” mom asked.

“That’s right. I don’t want to go back to India, but there are no suitable girls here.”

“Oh come on, I’m sure everything will be fine. What about Samira, Dr. Hussain’s daughter?”

“Are you mad? They’re Muslims, I’d get fired in a heartbeat if he found out my son just looked at her too hard.”

Radha and my mother were nurses and worked at the same hospital.

“Of course, yes. But surely Raj knows all of this.”

“I’d just feel much better if I knew he had a girlfriend who would keep him out of trouble until I can arrange a decent wife for him.” Radha said.

“Premarital sex? Why Radha, I’m shocked!” Mom said with a laugh. They were always talking about sex; mostly my mother told Radha about affairs she’d had before moving here. Radha told a tale or two as well, which is why I always listened attentively to their conversations.

“I don’t have the luxury of being able to ignore reality like most parents.” Radha said, “I did it, you did it, and our kids will too. But as foreigners here, it’s just so dangerous.”

“I guess I should be worried about Travis too.” Mom said.

“He’s a very good looking boy.” Radha said, “You’d better keep a close eye on him.”

“Maybe one of those new nurses would be interested.” Mom mused.

I have to say my interest was getting pretty intense; was my mother really talking about setting me up with one of her colleagues from work? An older lover to teach me about things??

“You must be joking.” Radha said, “Any hint of scandal and you’ll be sent back to Zimbabwe.”

“God I hate it here.” Mom said. “I wish I could just get into South Africa or Britain.”

“You need to marry one of those American oil men.” Radha suggested. “Use your assets.”

“You mean my ass!” Mom laughed. “Seriously though, you haven’t had any attention down there either.”

“And I won’t, not until I’m safely back in India.” Radha said, “Where a woman can get a good rogering without being flogged for it.”

“Is there anyone you like?” Mom asked her.

“No one that I’d take a risk on.” Radha said, “The morality police take all the fun out of it.”

“What about Travis?” Mom asked her.

“What about him?” Radha responded.

“You just said he’s good looking, and I think he’s ready.”

“Get out!” Radha exclaimed, “He’s just a boy, 15 years old.”

“I saw him in the bathroom last week.” Mother told her, “He’s fully grown where it matters.”

Radha laughed; I didn’t hear my mother laughing though. “And I suppose you’d want to return the favor and bed my son too!” my friend’s mother exclaimed.

“I would do it.” mother said quietly. “God damn, Radha; I’m going crazy here. The hospital is full of men, and I can’t have any of them.”

“You’re actually serious.” Radha noted.

“Well, it would only work if you felt the same way, so let’s forget the whole thing. I won’t mention it again, unless you do first.”

I didn’t say anything about it to Raj. I don’t think he would have believed me anyway.

When Mom worked the night shift I always ate dinner with Raj and Radha. That happened a couple of days later.

I couldn’t help but look at my friend’s mother in a different way. I’d never thought of her as sexy; she always kept her black hair tied back, and wore glasses. She was very small, shorter than I was.

But that evening, she was wearing a dress. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear a dress before, she usually wore trousers and a loose shirt. And she let her hair down; it was sexy, and I kept thinking of the conversation I’d overheard; was it just coincidence that she was dressed this way? Maybe she wore dresses and let her hair down before, and I hadn’t thought anything of it.

I’d never even noticed that she had breasts. But she did; small but noticeable. Her hips were a bit sturdy, and she had a nice ass. Her skin was smooth medium brown and she had really pretty eyes.

After dinner I hung out with Raj for a while, then went across the hall to our place to go to bed.

I lay in bed, thinking of Radha. What would it be like? I was sure it was never going to happen though. She and my mother were just having a laugh, people didn’t really do things like that.

A couple of hours later, I woke with a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see my friend’s mother sitting on my bed next to me.

“What is it?” I asked, “Is something wrong?” She had a key to our house in case of emergency, and since she had used it I thought there might be one.

“Everything’s fine Travis, relax.” She said quietly, “I just came over to check on you.”

My heart started racing; she’d never come over to check on me before.

I sat up against the headboard, trying to think of something clever to say, something to make it happen.

“Earlier this evening I saw you were looking at me.” She said, “In a certain way. Do you know what I mean Travis?”

“I think so.” I said.

“And were you looking at me like I think you were?”

My mouth was dry; I was inexplicably afraid. Afraid of making a fool of myself; what if she meant something completely different, what if I was completely on the wrong track? She would tell my mother, and I’d be humiliated.

But without another word, she took her glasses off, and put them on my bedside table. Then she bent down, and slipped her hand behind my neck; and I knew it was really happening, if I wanted it to. She just looked at me at arms length, just her fingers on the back of my neck, and my cock was hard as steel under the covers.

I was mesmerized, staring into her eyes; she was so pretty, so sexy, how had I not known that before? And she smiled at me, because I was smiling at her, and we both knew that we wanted to, and no words were required.

She brought her face close, and froze there for a few seconds that seemed like an age. I realized she was giving me time to object, or pull away. I didn’t.

And then she kissed me. My friend’s mother kissed me on the mouth, her lips soft and warm.

It was like an electrical current buzzing through my body, my cock throbbing at full strength. I was terrified, thrilled, and ready to do anything she wanted to do.

She sat up straight again, looking down at me in the dim light coming through the bedroom window.

“What do you think?” She asked quietly.

“I ... I think ... Yes.” I said.

In the darkness, I could clearly see her straight even teeth as she smiled. She bent down again and this time I slipped my hands around her as she kissed me some more. She moved her body lower, while keeping her mouth on mine. I could feel the weight of her through the blanket, I wrapped my arms around her small body. I’ve never kissed a girl, never held a woman.

My mother and I had fled Zimbabwe when I was only 12. Her wages there weren’t even enough to buy food, her Zimbabwe dollar pension was worthless. All the whites were leaving, going wherever they could. Most had or could get European citizenship through a grandparent; we could not. So mom got a job in a hospital in Saudi Arabia.

I was shocked at the incredible pleasure I was feeling. I never imagined it could be so good. I could have just gone on like that for hours, but Radha knew what she wanted. She pulled away from me, and stood up. I thought she was going to leave, instead she’d stood up to undress.

I wanted to turn the light on so I could see her properly, but the curtain was open and she would be visible from the street.

She lifted the edge of the cover and slipped into the bed next to me. The feeling of her smooth warm flesh against my virgin body was utterly incredible. The touch of her hands, her mouth, her tongue sliding across my neck, her teeth on my ear, her cool steady hand on my throbbing hot cock.

I could hardly believe it, it was really happening at last. I was going to fuck! The sensation of her body against me was so good, the excitement of her kiss so intense, I hardly even cared about going further. My older lover had desires of her own. She slid a leg over my hips, and holding my cock in her hand, let herself back against it so it was pressing on her.

She moved my cock up and down, and I felt it get damp. Then she pushed her body down, and I felt my penis enter her body. The warm wet fantastically even pressure made me hot all over, I thought my head would explode from the wild mix of sensation and emotion. I wanted to stay there like that forever, my cock at home in her body, where it belonged.

She lay on top of me, my hands on her hips and hers behind my head. She pushed her hips back and forth, working my young rod. She kissed me again, and I exploded. Shot after shot of semen exited my cock and entered her tubes, and even as it was happening I was slightly afraid. How old was she? Could she get pregnant?

I came so hard, my balls ached for hours afterward. I came like a decapitated fire hydrant, like a geyser, like I never knew could be. I filled the small Indian woman with my young spunk, I shot so much in there I thought it would come out of her ears.

As I was ejaculating, Radha was riding me hard, pushing herself against my shaft as she clutched my shoulders tightly. Her hard brown nipples stood at attention, her breathing was short and fast. Her thick black shoulder length hair swung above me, her big brown eyes looked down at me, and she was the most beautiful creature on God’s earth.

Then we were through. It was over. She lay herself on top of me, relaxing silently as I felt liquid dribbling down my balls.

After a while she went and used the shower. She came back to the bed for a moment to kiss me one last time before leaving quietly, without another word.

I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking of her, her smooth dark skin and wonderful smell. How smooth and wet she was inside. How she was more than twice my age, my friend’s mother, and probably still fertile.

A couple of nights later, my mother left the flat after she thought I was asleep. I heard the door open and close. I had a box of toys left from when I was younger. I had a toy periscope.

It was possible to look around the corner into the window next to mine. Raj’s window.

Sure enough, I saw the door open and a woman enter his dark room. My mother. She looked at my friend for a while as he slept. I waited for her to wake him, tell him it was his time, that he was one lucky son of a bitch. But she didn’t. After a few long minutes, she quietly came back home.

I listened at the vent the next day as the women talked about it.

“I couldn’t do it, Radha. He’s just a boy, I’ve known him since he was 12.”

“He’s the same age as Travis, and let me tell you, your son was more than ready.”

“Really? You don’t feel weird about it?”

“Well sure I do, a little. But I tell you, it was so good to do it again after so long without, even if it was a bit quick.”

My mother laughed; “Well you know what boys are like!”

“All they need is instruction and practice.” Radha said. “It was terrible, I was almost there, and then ... you know.”

“You must be so frustrated!” mom said, “Did you try to, um, get him going again?”

“How?” Radha asked.

“Think about it, it will come to you.” My mother said suggestively.

“Oh! You mean ... I see. But after, well after we, then you know things are a bit sticky.”

“You’re a nurse, we’re used to much worse than that.” Mom argued.

“Of course, just not in the mouth.” Radha said, and they both laughed. “Claire, you were the one who talked me into this, now you’re chickening out? If Raj finds out about Travis and I, he’ll freak out.”

“So you want me to bed your boy so he’ll accept you bedding mine?”


“The thing is Radha ... I used to be a bit, well, I think I was addicted to it. After my divorce, I went a little wild. It was really tough when we came here, and I had to stop having relations with men. I got over it after a while, and I’ve been good. So you see, I’m just afraid.”

“Wow.” Radha said. “Ok, I understand, and you’re probably right. I won’t do it with Travis again.”

“I didn’t mean that.” Mother exclaimed.

“It’s all or nothing Claire.” Radha said quietly. “It’s crazy and dangerous on all sorts of levels, at the same time it’s really good. It just has to be symmetrical you know? How do you really feel though; do you want to, or don’t you?”

There was no answer. I was desperate; I had to get my friend and my mother into bed together, or I wouldn’t get a second chance with Radha.

I decided I had to tell Raj. It was only fair. I decided to leave out a couple of things though; like that I had already known his mother. But I told him that I overheard the plan, and I was pretty sure my mother would cave if we played it right.

“You’re full of shit.” He said, “I don’t believe you.”

“I’m telling you man, it’s true!” I protested. “What would you do if you woke up and found my mother in your bedroom?”

“Travis, you’re my friend. I can’t talk about your mother that way.”

“So you would?”

“You’re fucked up! Look, your mother is hot, alright. Sure I would. It wouldn’t be a fair trade though.”

“Why not?”

“Get real Travis. Your mom is hot like Pam Anderson, mine looks like ... well, my mother.”

“Who’s Pam Anderson?” I asked.

Raj laughed and showed pointed at the picture on his bedroom wall of a blond actress with large breasts in a small bikini.

“Oh, her. You really think my mom looks like Pam Anderson?!”

“Almost. She has those big ... Oh come on Travis! I can’t talk to you that way about your own mother.”

He was right though; my mother had big breasts, a narrow waist, long legs, blond hair, blue eyes, and a very attractive face. Even with a loose robe and headscarf, men’s eyes followed her through the halls.

My friend Rajesh was short, dark, and wore glasses. Girls never even noticed he existed. He was smart though, a lot smarter than I was. I doubt I would have made it through school without his help.

That night I was helping prepare dinner. Radha was on shift, so Raj would be over to eat with us.

“I think Raj has a crush on you.” I told my mom.

“What?” she gasped, “He told you that?”

“You didn’t notice? He tries to hide it, only he can’t keep his eyes off of you. Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. He told me he had a dream the other night where you came into his room.”

“Oh shit, this is really bad, Travis. We all live so closely, this sort of tension could make things difficult.”

“It’s only normal Mom; aside from Radha, you’re the only woman he sees without a hijab.”

After dinner, I said I needed to catch up on some school work and left Raj and my mother alone together in the kitchen. I listened to their conversation in my room.

They talked and talked; mom kept asking him questions, which slowly led around to sexuality and relationships. I realized she was reeling him in like a fish; compared to the way Radha had just jumped into bed with me, it was really quite sophisticated.

Later that night, I sat awake in bed listening to the sounds of the night. Doors opening and closing, footsteps, secrets.

I opened my window and held the toy periscope in position. Sure enough, there was my mother, standing in my friend’s bedroom. I could just make out her shape in the darkness of the room, looking down at Raj. I held my breath; Do it, I was thinking. Wake him up, get in the bed!

Suddenly the light switched on in my friend’s room. My mother stood there in confusion.

Raj said something; mom said something back and turned to the door.

Raj spoke again and she stopped, hand on doorknob.

My heart was pounding, and I wondered what mom was feeling. Raj was pretty smooth compared to me. He was saying something, and then, very slowly, she sat down on the edge of his bed.

Damn, he was right. My mother did look like Pam Anderson. Why had I never noticed? Those legs, those big breasts, that tangled blond hair she could never get under control.

She turned towards him and I could see he was listening to her and talking in turn. They talked for a long time, until I couldn’t hold out any longer and pulled back inside. I put a glass against the wall to listen; I could hear that they were talking but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

After a while it went quiet, and I looked through the chink in his curtain with my periscope again.

I could see mom’s blond head on his pillow, his arm around her. They were kissing! They were going to do it!

It took a long time for mom’s dress to come off. Man, I thought to myself, she has a terrible fat ass compared to Radha. But she had tits, that was for sure. Big white tits that hung and swung around her chest.

I felt jealous. Raj was taking much more time than I did with his mother. He was on top of her naked, I could see her hands on his ass, then one of them disappeared between their bodies. She must be pulling on his dick! They kissed for a long time. Her thighs spread apart and he was between them. I wasn’t sure exactly when he got inside, but after a while his brown ass started to move up and down between her long pale legs. I saw her twist and buck, clutching him tightly. Mom was coming! And then I could see Raj couldn’t hold back any longer, and he was coming as well, squirting his stuff into my sexy mother.

My heart was pounding as if I’d been the one doing it; it was all surreal, so weird I wasn’t sure if I’d really seen what I’d seen. My mother and my friend, a teenage Indian boy.

I had seen it though; and I’d seen her shudder at the end. I vowed to myself that if Radha gave me another chance, I’d make her shudder like that too.

“My mother was with you last night, wasn’t she?” I asked Raj the next day on break at school.

“What are you, a pervert?” he asked defensively.

“Come on, admit it. I could hear you through the walls.” I told him.

“Some things shouldn’t be spoken of.” He said.

“So you do admit it then.” I said.

“OK! Yes, I did it! Is that what you wanted to hear?” he said angrily.

“Hey man, relax, it’s ok.” I said. “I’m glad about it.”

“Really?” he asked suspiciously “Why?”

“Because she needed it and so did you.”

“How can you say what I need?”

“Come on Raj! We’re friends aren’t we?”

“Yeah, ok, sorry. It’s just that I feel a bit strange about it. I don’t think it was right.”

“Are you joking? She looks like Pam Anderson!” I laughed. “Someone had to get lucky.”

“I guess that’s true.” He said. “But I’m surprised you’re ok with it.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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