Kelly's Diary 028 - My First Time With My Dad - Cover

Kelly's Diary 028 - My First Time With My Dad

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: “Seducing” My Dad

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: “Seducing” My Dad - If I had to pick one event or day in my life that has impacted me more than any other, the choice would be easy - the day my dad and I had sex together for the first time. Everyone asks me if this really happened. Well, it did and yes, we're still together occasionally - in every sense of the word. People always ask me what's my favorite diary entry. While this one may not be the best written, the most erotic, or even the hottest, it means more to me than anything else I've ever written.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

My hopes were my father’s true feelings toward me were hidden for some reason, maybe because of my mother? Maybe from guilt? Was it his religious upbringing? Whatever the reason I figured I would have to “seduce him” somehow or otherwise talk him into doing anything more intimate with me than what we had already done - which was basically nothing. Anyone can see from the looks in their eyes how most fathers like to look at teen girls, even their own daughters. Like I’ve seen such a look from most of the fathers of my friends, especially when their wife wasn’t home. However, so far as I knew NONE of those dads actually DID anything, not even fondling their boobs let alone fucking their daughters which left me worried as to whether or not my dad would really fuck me. Worse, what if he was offended by the very thought? What if in doing so it hurt our relationship which, although not sexual at the time, was still very close from an emotional perspective? Unfortunately I knew from more than one bad experience how a relationship can change once you start having sex.

Figuring it was better to be on safe side, rather than approach my dad directly I started flirting with him, trying to advertise I was “available” if he really wanted me. Now for most girls it would be pretty easy to get their dad’s attention. Not for me! If I were to come in the room naked, he’d just tell me to go put something on before I caught a cold. If I sat on his lap and rubbed my bare ass against him he would just accuse me of teasing him and tell me to put some panties on. Most any other girl could start masturbating and let their dad “catch” them which was guaranteed to peak his interest. Not my dad who would just ignore me or at most, tell me to keep it down so he could hear the TV!

In retrospect the real shame was what I didn’t know. Yes, unknown to me at the time I didn’t have to worry about “convincing” him of anything. Yet how was I supposed to know my dad had been lusting for me since he’d heard I was no longer a virgin? Another thing I was unaware of was my dad had promised my mom that he would NOT do what her dad had done which was to force himself upon his daughter (both daughters in his case) the first time. Even though in her case it eventually worked out for the best, she was adamant it had to be MY decision, even if that meant it never happened.

My mom’s isn’t wrong very often, but looking back with the perfect wisdom of 20/20 hindsight, this was one time she definitely overreacted. Actually that’s being too kind. My mom was flat out WRONG and because of her horrible error in judgement I literally lost years when I could’ve been pleasing my father. As awful as it started, her situation with her father had been a LOT different and even then everything eventually worked out. Unlike me, she wasn’t even having sex yet when her dad had come into her bedroom on night when she was fourteen and taken her virginity without even the courtesy of asking. Although she hadn’t resisted, at the same time it wasn’t something she’d expected or was truly prepared for as her mother didn’t discuss sex with her.

Well, my dad certainly didn’t need to do anything like that with me, but he COULD have at least let me know how he felt. It was SO frustrating as I thought his apparent lack of interest in me sexually was genuine. Often I think back about how it would’ve been so much easier if he had just told me his true feelings so I could have offered myself to him as a daughter should to her father. Oh well, just one of many the things I would change in the past if I could! However, with things as they were I found myself debating once again whether I shouldn’t just come right out and ask him. Boy, I could just imagine how THAT conversation would go... “Hi daddy, how was work today? Wanna fuck me?”

For the first time I sympathized with a poor boy trying to work up the courage to ask me out on a date. As an established slut, guys never turned me away if I approached them so I’d never experienced such a rejection. As much as I wanted my dad to do me, if he somehow turned me down I think I would’ve been totally embarrassed and devastated. It was unthinkable!

The real “problem” I was facing was I was almost certain by now he was turned on by me. The more I thought about it, the more I started to think he was probably masturbating by fantasizing about me. Yeah, so that meant he was a normal male jerking off to the image of a teenage girl but did it really mean anything so far as me personally? My parents had taught me fantasies were just that - fantasies. Anything goes so far as fantasies go so long as you understand where the line is between fantasy and reality. Therefore, even if my dad WAS jerking off while thinking about me, even if I DID turn him on when I masturbated in front of him, even if he did get off seeing me having sex with other boys, none of that necessarily meant that the fantasies he was having about me would ever translate into reality. I’m sure most fathers fantasize about their teenage daughters and don’t ever have sex with them so why would my dad be any different?

As the days went by, things got to the point where I almost gave up on the whole idea until I remembered the times my parents and I would discuss the difference between being erotic and vulgar. They taught me it was the mental side of sex which had as much if not more impact on the results than anything, especially for women. My mom once told me it was the intentions and goals of each person which made more difference in how the sex was than anything physical. She pointed out how strippers have always known this which is why they just don’t strut out naked from the start - it was the anticipation that turned on men more than anything else.

As all these different thoughts were mixing themselves up in my head, I realized the answer for my dilemma was somehow linked to all of them. For me to appear before my father nude was NOT erotic, it was just me without any clothes on, no different than any other time so why would I expect it to lead to a different reaction? Somehow I had to find a way to make him see me not as just another naked teenage girl, but as his sexy daughter who wanted nothing more than to please her father in whatever way he wanted her - and I mean WHATEVER way he wanted.

Mmmmmm ... I was terribly excited by this “revelation” so I decided to first experiment by trying a few more subtle moves and test his reactions before doing anything too forward. I even sorted through his porn collection and watched a few “Taboo” series of videos to get some ideas for how a girl could seduce her father. I’m not a big porno fan but some of those scenes are incredibly hot between the fathers and daughters. Of course they’re all just actors and the so-called girls were whores but as I mentioned before, it was the thoughts and emotions the scenes evoked that turned me on more than the actual images.

The next evening I went down to the family room where my father was watching TV, sitting in his favorite chair as usual. My mom was there as well, absorbed in some magazine in her own chair, barely acknowledging my entrance. Walking over to my dad’s chair, I noticed he was wearing a pair of sweat pants but no shirt or socks, typical for him. Without saying a word, I simply climbed on top of him and sat squarely on his lap, straddling him as I faced him. It wasn’t all that unusual for me to do this although he sometimes teased me, groaning as if I was getting too heavy now that I was older and warning me that I wasn’t such a little girl anymore. At the same time, I couldn’t remember him ever telling me to get off either. Sitting on his lap, I wondered what my dad would’ve said had he known how long it had taken me to choose what to wear, especially given there was so little of it. I’d been dating long enough to know what I wear for a guy often plays a major role in the outcome. Of course I couldn’t just walk in the room naked - that would’ve certainly raised some uncomfortable questions and most likely derail any hope of a successful outcome, especially since my mom was right there.

Usually at night I prefer to wear something comfy yet, as my dad would sometimes tease me, “accessible”. Loose boy-shorts are my “go-to” favorite, provided they’re cut a lot shorter than most boys wear them. You really have to buy them made for a girl and not just steal a pair from your dad. Why do I like them and not panties like most of my friends wore at night? First, they don’t bind and create a wedgie the way thongs work into you. Face it, thongs are to be looked at, not because they feel good. The shorts I buy have loose elastic band tops which offer the choice of either easily pushing my hand down the front or simply pull aside one of the legs to easily reach my pussy without having to put on a show by dropping the shorts.

Choosing a top is always more complicated. Being rather small-breasted (a nice way of saying I had tiny boobs), I preferred camisoles and tank tops a size or too smaller than I needed so they were tight and molded around my emerging boobs, allowing my nipples to be visibly outlined and show off what little breasts I had. Then again, a loose T-shirt or nightshirt was more easily accessible in the event I wanted to play with my boobs - a nice option depending on my mood.

In the end I went with the shortest pair of boy shorts in my drawer with a tight tank top. Checking myself in the full length mirror in my bedroom, I smiled. How could my dad resist me? Just as I was about to walk out, I went back to the mirror and frowned. I looked the same as I did most any other night so how was this supposed to get his attention. Quickly I stripped, leaving the boy shorts on the floor and pulling out a T-shirt from my dresser drawer. It was just barely long enough to cover my bare butt, but only if I stood ramrod straight. I turned away from the mirror and looked back over my shoulder at the reflection. Yes, this was MUCH better! Besides, my dad was the one always telling me to be bare-bottom at home.

Yet again I changed my mind - so now you see why this process takes so long! I never sit on my dad’s lap bottomless unless I wear something that covers my butt a little bit at least so was this being too forward? Gawd ... I never thought this could be so difficult! Finally I decided to compromise and picked out one of my dreaded thongs. Not one of the string ones, that would be like being totally bare bottomed, but one that showed off a lot more than any of my panties, maybe a little more than half my butt cheeks. Checking myself one last time, I finally made up my mind. It wasn’t like I was blaring “fuck me” but it WAS a little more forward than normal so hopefully he would take the hint.

Now that I was on his lap, I was feeling a little self-conscious with my almost bare bottom exposed. What seemed the perfect choice in my bedroom was now making me feel a little TOO forward. Still, he didn’t say anything so I leaned forward against my dad with my arms around his neck and nuzzled my face into his shoulder and neck. Mmmmmm, he smelled so good! I’d always loved the scent of his Old Spice, even if it was a brand older than I was. As I settled in, my small boobs pressed against his bare chest through the thin fabric of the tank top. Mmmmmm, I was rewarded with the feeling of something growing under me. It wasn’t anything new as his dick usually responded that way when I was on his lap but until now I’d never made a direct connection between his erections and any erotic thoughts about me. I’d previously assumed it was just a natural, uncontrollable and involuntary reaction caused by the pressure of a girl’s bare ass rubbing against his dick. In this case that “girl” just happened to be his daughter. That’s what my mom always told me anyway. Now as I felt him growing under me I wondered if maybe she’d been trying to hide from me the REAL reason it happened.

Since I was wearing the thong underneath my tank top, when I sat in his lap the top had ridden up, leaving my half-exposed butt bare pressing against his lap. In the past, I hadn’t thought much about how that might cause him to react. Actually, I never thought much about it at all. Now as I felt my bottom pressing against the soft material of his sweat pants, I couldn’t help but think about how there was nothing between his hardening cock and my pussy but a some thin pieces of cloth. His dick was pressing more and more firmly against me and it thrilled me as I realized that he was getting hard - and this time I knew it was because of me! Yes ... ME, his daughter!

My mom looked up from her magazine a few times and peered over her reading glasses to see what was going on. Technically, nothing was happening. Although my dad’s dick now felt like a hard pipe sticking up underneath me, neither of us made any indication that we were aware of it, or of how my boobs against him might be making him feel. I guess from her perspective, it was no different than any other night although I wasn’t sure she could see my bottom was more bared than usual. Well, if she could read my mind she would know it was a LOT different for me!

The longer I sat on my dad’s lap, the hornier I could feel myself getting and I needed badly to rub my pussy. Now THAT was one thing I’d NEVER done before - masturbate while I sat on his lap. Playing with myself on the couch while my parents watched TV was one thing, but doing it on his lap was something else entirely. Sure there had been times when I was horny on his lap and had gotten off so I could lay on the couch and relieve some tension, but it wasn’t my DAD that was making me horny at the time, or not that I realized. This was the first time in my life that I was horny as hell while sitting on his lap when I could say that HE was to blame for it!

Well, if there was ever an opportunity to be more erotic with my dad, this was it. Once again I couldn’t help but sympathize with how boys must feel when they are sitting next to me in a car or the theater, wanting to touch me but afraid to make that first move. Now it was me that wanted to make the first move. Damn, working up the courage was not nearly as easy as when I had fantasized about it earlier in the day. After about five minutes or so of debating, I was still too chicken to do anything but sit on his lap. My dad was starting to shift his weight around, a sure sign I was indeed not as little as I used to be and starting to get heavy on his lap. Based on past experience, it wouldn’t be long before he “suggested” I get off and let the blood return to his legs or some other silly comment. Usually that meant getting off and taking my place on the couch across the room. Time was running out and if I was going to make a move I needed to do it soon.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying not to alert him but needing to focus and channel my sexual energy. Here goes nothing! I took my left hand and reached down between my legs and cupped my warm pussy over the thong. Using my middle finger, I rubbed my clit through the thin material slowly, causing a slight gasp to escape through my closed lips before I could stop it. I wasn’t really masturbating but then it wasn’t the sort of thing you could do in public either.

“Hmmmmmm, I think somebody’s a little extra horny tonight! What’s the matter Kelly, boyfriend not taking care of you lately?” Although my dad didn’t say it very loud my mom heard it anyway and I saw her eyebrows raise just a smidge as she looked over and saw where my hand was. She didn’t say anything but I noticed that she started looking over our way a lot more often.

“Oh daddy, you know better than that ... Well, maybe a little,” I teased him.

My finger touched my clit and pressed down on it, sending a shiver through me which my father obviously could feel as tightly as I was pressed up tightly against him. Gawd! I felt SO naughty! It was one thing to touch myself under the dinner table, in the backseat of the car of on the couch watching TV but to do it while sitting on his lap, straddling him with my bar legs on each side of his? Even worse, or better I guess, I could feel his erection against the back of my hand as I slowly rubbed myself, rubbing him in the process “accidentally”.

“Ummmmm, Kelly ... seems to me like it’s more than just a little, don’t you think?” My dad said softly.

I opened my eyes and saw my dad was looking down where my hand was moving between my legs. “You don’t really, do you daddy?” I whispered in his ear, “I don’t want to bother you but I love sitting on your lap.”

My dad chuckled, “Don’t worry, you’re not bothering me at all. Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, I guess.”

He didn’t say anything more but his arm that had been resting on the armrest behind me moved and wrapped around me. His other hand was on my bare upper thigh and for a brief moment my heart raced as I thought maybe he was going to move it further over and “help” me but he just rested it on my leg.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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