Assorted Flash Fiction Writings #2 - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings #2

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

My fellow war lords, join me in my glorious conquest of the Terran race

My Fellow War Lords, Join Me in My Glorious Conquest of the Terran Race.

Writing Prompt: Knowing of the terrans view of their younglings I have captured ten nursery ships and another five kenel ships that contain the pest animals they call puppies and kittens. I plan to use the younglings as phycological shields. Each warrior that joins us will have a youngling strapped to their chest armor. No human will dare fire on us. My plan is flawless. Hahahahaha.

The war had seemed like a good idea. The grand Warlord had conceived of a plan against the humans that took advantage of their love for their younglings and their “pets”.

Ten nursery ships along with the five Kennel class transports accompanying them were captured after a lightning raid by a fleet of the Warlords personal ships.

These vessels were taken back to the home world and the humans on board were told that their lives were the shield to stop the humans from attacking the home world when the Warlord started his crusade against the humans.

The Warlord thought that holding 50,000 younglings and their 50,000 puppies and kitties hostage for the war would be all he needed to claim victory.

It lasted one battle before it all went to what the humans call Hell.

The Warlord took our combined fleets into human space and attacked one of their new colonies. He didn’t bother giving any warning and just started bombarding the planet from orbit.

When the nearest human fleet arrived in system, he issued a warning to the human admiral that if they didn’t want to see the destruction of the 10 nursery ships and the 5 kennel ships, they would leave and run all the way back to Earth and leave the Warlord to his war.

The humans left and the Warlord thought he had won and was free to inflict as much damage as he wanted to on any human planet or moon.

He was wrong.

The humans knew that the only safe place to hold hostages was the home world. They sent stealth ships that jumped in system so close to the home world that no one knew was possible and they retook the hostage ships before a single youngling or puppy or kitty could be harmed.

The first we knew of any of this was a message sent from home world that the human ships had all warped out at once for some reason and the warriors who were on board had refused to communicate.

Once the humans knew their ships, younglings and pets were safe, they went looking for the Warlord and out forces.

And they found us.

The only ships left intact with no critical damage was the Warlord’s battleship. It had no intact weapons left but there was no critical damage. The humans weren’t taking the risk of the Warlord dying due to his ship breaking up or exploding due to damage.

They weren’t going to be so merciful.

No, we were all to be taken to the humans home planet and made to understand who and what we had threatened and their sires and dams were going to educate us on that.

You think adult humans are vicious? Wait until you see what their adult pets are like when they know their pups and kittens were in danger.

The Warlord has been left to last and I am being taken out while he looks on alone. I hope it is quick for me because I overheard one of the human guards saying that the Warlord will not be going quickly, and I hope he suffers for the damage he has done with his brilliant plan.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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