Kelly's Diary 027 - a Tween Sleepover - Cover

Kelly's Diary 027 - a Tween Sleepover

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Fooling Around

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4: Fooling Around - Obviously at the time of this entry I wasn't a "tween" in the sense of being eleven or twelve years old. Actually I'd just turned sixteen. "Tween" in this instance describes the phase of my life between when I first started having sex and when it became more than just me and the boys at school. Sleepovers were something I always loved and none were better than the ones I shared with my very best friend in the whole world - Beth.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   True Story   Exhibitionism   Masturbation  

“Oh my god, that felt SO good Kelly,” Beth gushed as we stripped out of our wet suits, “I so wish we had a hot tub.”

Just as I was about to make some sarcastic remark about how she had a full sized swimming pool for once I actually kept my mouth shut. My mom would’ve been so proud of me!

“Too bad your dad was there, that jet in my back would’ve felt a lot better someplace else,” she continued with a smirk.

Again I somehow managed to stifle a lewd remark about how my dad would’ve LOVED to have watched. Sometimes it could be SO frustrating not being able to tell even my best friend in the whole world everything about my family life. It wasn’t like we were doing anything wrong yet I understood that not everyone was OK with certain things. Still, Beth and I pretty much shared everything - including a few boyfriends on double dates, so it wasn’t like I was worried about saying anything her. Even so my mom would’ve killed me I’m sure if I broke the family circle of trust. Dang it though, it wasn’t like my dad was having sex with me or anything weird or kinky like that! I mean like what’s the big deal with a little masturbation?

“Speaking of feeling better someplace else, you should’ve been sitting on my dad’s lap.” I teased her, not being able to TOTALLY ignore everything that had been going on earlier.

Beth giggled and her face actually turned a little red to my complete amusement. “Oh my god Kelly, was he...?” she asked, her voice tapering off before she had to utter the final words.

“Oh yeah ... totally,” I answered smugly as I finished drying myself off.

Beth had finished ahead of me and so she draped her towel over the back of my desk chair. She was still giggling like a little girl. “Oh gawd Kelly, like that is SO cool ... my dad would NEVER do anything like that!”

I looked at her with more than a little bit of skepticism in my eyes. Last time I looked her dad was a male, just as my dad was. “Well your dad’s just WAY too uptight,” I observed.

“Oh, and it’s like YOUR dad isn’t just as bad as mine in his own way,” she refuted me, “Really girl, what’s worse - my dad acting like he’s ignoring us or your dad being so blatant about everything? At least my dad isn’t teasing us.”

Damn, what an opening! I immediately thought that this would be a great time to tell her just how blatant my dad could be when he was REALLY horny but again fear of my mother’s wrath held me in check. “Well, at least my dad’s TRYING to be honest,” I countered, “Personally I think it’s pretty cool that he’s not afraid to show his feelings.”

Beth openly laughed out loud at that. “So speaking of feeling, does it make you horny when he gets like that when you’re sitting on his lap?”

I didn’t need my mom’s guidance to answer that one! This was starting to go WAY past where it should have. “Oh Beth!” I exclaimed, “Like he’s my DAD ... ewwwww!”

Indeed, while I knew my dad had his private fantasies and from all the porn he watched I had a pretty good idea what his interests were. Still, it’s a massive leap to go from fantasy to reality and if there’s one thing my mom drilled into me from the time I started masturbating was that ANYTHING was ok so long as it was just a fantasy. So yeah, it might be a little erotic to think about my dad’s erection pressing up against my bottom, especially when we were alone and the bathing suits were off. At the same time the idea that anything like that might REALLY happen was totally off the table so far as I was concerned. That would be incest and last I heard it was something only perverted fathers (and porn stars) did, not to mention illegal in all 50 states.

Beth huffed at my response and said, “Sheesh Kelly, don’t go getting your panties in a bunch girl ... as if you ever wear them. You DO have to admit that your dad isn’t exactly like most dads when it comes to this discussion.”

Beth was my BFF so she got to see lots of stuff nobody else did when it came to my dad and so I couldn’t really argue with THAT as she was right. The facts were that I didn’t know of ANY other girls whose dad would show off an erection right in front of her. But then again, who knew what those same dads did in the privacy of their bedroom or bathroom? Like who at our church (again, other than Beth) for instance would ever think that I often sit on my dad’s lap with his bare cock slipping up and down my butt, sometimes even spurting cum on my back? It was probably best they didn’t as no doubt somebody would want to try to turn it into something perverted and then who knows what sort of ridiculous accusations might result.

Beth reached into her bag and pulled out a sexy nightie. “Hey girl, what’s THAT?” I asked accusingly as I pointed to the offending nightie. Oh sure it looked really cute but hey, rules were rules. Sleeping at Kelly’s house meant sleeping nude.

Beth knew better than to argue on this point so instead she just shrugged and put it back in her bag. Then she stood up and faced me, naked as the day she was born only now she looked a heck of a lot sexier!

“OK ... this better?” she sighed as she put her arms out and twirled around in the middle of my bedroom as if putting on a show for me.

“Hey, we agreed that when we’re at your house I would wear something to bed at night so it’s only fair at my house you conform to MY dress code,” I said firmly.

Beth rolled her eyes answering, “Yeah but I don’t know of anyone else but you that sleeps in the nude!”

“Well, my parents do,” I pointed out.

Beth giggled again and came back with, “You know exactly what I MEANT so don’t feed me that line girl. OK then, if you’re going to be that way, so who else in our circle of friends does?”

She had a point but I didn’t care. I’d started sleeping sans PJs about four years earlier and was immediately hooked. Like it simply felt better, not to mention it made masturbation a whole lot more convenient and when you did that as much as I did it meant something. The point being the main reason I slept nude was simply because it felt better and had nothing to do with anything sexual.

“Oh you know you like it girl,” I pushed her a little, “You would do it at home I bet if you could. Plus it’s not like I run around this way all the time, just in bed.”

“So if you only get naked to go to bed, why can’t I put on my nightie until then?” Asked.

With that I grinned mischievously and our eyes met as I replied, “Because I don’t know about you girl but I’m horny as hell and intend to do something about it.”

“Oh crap Kelly,” my best friend laughed, “if that’s the case you can make then you should be a nudist because you’re ALWAYS horny!”

“Oh, and like you’re not?” I shot back.

“Touche!” Beth laughed.

Jumping up on my bed naked to take a seat, I patted the mattress beside me and motioned for Beth to join me. She glanced at the door, I guess to make sure it was closed securely. Yep, she knew my dad all too well! Then she plopped down next to me and crossed her legs Indian style just as I was sitting.

“Damn girl, when you gonna shave that stuff off?” she asked, nodding towards my pussy. I trimmed it pretty close so it wasn’t like I exactly had a forest growing down there like my mom’s crotch, but I certainly wasn’t baby smooth bare like Beth.

“I don’t know, it scares me I guess,” I said rather unconvincingly, even if it WAS somewhat the truth while not the entire story.

“Well, it’s really no different than doing your legs.”

I jabbed her with an elbow. “Exactly, and I thought I was giving blood last time I did mine,” I said, albeit exaggerating a bit.

“Well, maybe we could do it together next time you’re over at my place.”

I gave her an odd look that should have conveyed by thoughts about THAT! Did she mean like help me? No girl had touched my pussy since I was a little girl in the bath tub. Boys ... oh yeah - LOTS. Girls? NO. I may have been a slut - and proud of it, but I certainly wasn’t a lesbian.

“Oh I didn’t mean do each other silly!” she laughed as she finally figured out my flustered expression.

I wasn’t convinced though but didn’t push it, instead I sighed melodramatically with relief. There were lots of things I did with Beth but touching her pussy? Nope! Not going to happen! Oh sure we’ve kissed many times, especially when boys were watching but that was more to get THEM turned on, not us.

As usual in these circumstances, I was the one to lead off. It wasn’t that Beth was shy about masturbating in front of me - quite the opposite if anything. It just seemed I was always the one to start first for some reason and over the past few years since we’d started doing it together it was like we’d established an unspoken rule - Kelly starts first.

Well, I may have dried off my outer skin but there was denying I was wet inside! Between my dad teasing me and now all this talk with Beth I was uber horny. My pussy was wet to the touch and I wasted no time rubbing my index finger between my lips and settling down on my clit.

“Ummmmm,” was all I said - and all I NEEDED to say.

Now that I’d started Beth wasted no time. Without a word she quickly put her left hand between her smooth bare thighs. With our legs spread open sitting in this position it was easy for her to press a couple of fingers against her baby-smooth pussy.

“Oh yeah, now THIS is good,” she sighed as I saw her close her eyes and rub herself slowly.

“Thinking about that hot new guy in 3rd period History?” I asked suggestively.

Beth opened her eyes just long enough to look at me and grin answering, “No but that’s not exactly a bad idea Kelly. Shit he’s a stud!”

I grimaced a little at her language but didn’t say anything. It wasn’t like I was perfect in that regard but Beth was more than a bit less sensitive about swearing. It wasn’t that I was some sort of prude, I just thought it was something most people shouldn’t do so I tried to avoid it whenever possible.

“I hear that bitch sitting next to him has been blowing him after school,” I said.

“Oh you mean Claire, the fucking cheerleader bitch?” Beth asked crudely and then apparently reasoned that the answer was obvious. “Yeah, I hate her but do you think she really blows him? I hear she’s such a fuckin’ cock tease.”

I had to agree - what wasn’t there to hate about the bitch? Blonde and gorgeous with boobs that rivaled Beth’s, her dad was filthy rich and she was always dressed in something new and expensive while driving her little red BMW convertible to school that daddy had bought for her sixteenth birthday. Of course she was a cheerleader, it was inevitable. If course she dated half the football team (if not all), again inevitable. Was probably screwing them too - not that I was opposed to THAT in principle.

“Mmmmmmm, I wouldn’t mind blowing his cock though,” I sighed trying to change my thoughts before getting myself upset.

“Screw that!” Beth retorted as her hand moved faster now between her smooth silky thighs, “I’d love to ride it. God, did you seem him the other day in those ridiculous jeans?

Speaking of mmmmmmm, the memory of how those tight jeans had outlined what looked to be a rather spectacular dick was being broadcast in my head as I played with myself.

Beth laid back in the bed against a couple of pillows with her legs spread wide apart and both feet planted on the mattress. I couldn’t help but notice she had two fingers already inside of her pussy. Wow, she was hornier than I’d thought when we’d started and we’d just gotten started!

“Oh yeah!” she sighed, now all but oblivious to me even though I was right next to her. Lord only knew for sure what images were in her mind at that moment although I had a pretty good idea - probably a lot like the ones in mine!

It was my turn to lay back now and our knees touched as I spread mine wide apart to make it easy to masturbate. God it felt so good to push my middle finger up inside of me as I imagined it was my boyfriend’s hard cock drilling into my pussy. OK, so maybe his was a little on the small side but in the end it’s the thought that matters!

Beth gasped loudly causing me to pause for a moment and open my eyes to see what was happening. Wow, she was already having her first orgasm of the night and we’d been at it for what, maybe ten minutes at most? And I thought I was the one that came fast! Well, in all fairness usually I was but tonight Beth seemed especially horny for some reason.

I was about to close my eyes when something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I glanced at the mirror over my dresser and saw my door in the reflection. Sure enough, it was cracked open. What Beth didn’t know was that my dad had jimmied the handle years ago so it never actually latched shut. Not that it was hardly ever shut in the first place but it came in handy at times like this when he wanted to open it without having to turn the handle and alert whoever was with me. Typically this was one of my boyfriends and he was checking to see that everyone was OK. I had to admit it helped me to enjoy sex a lot more knowing my daddy was right outside my door ensuring that I was safe.

It didn’t surprise me that my dad would be checking in on us tonight though knowing how my dad was infatuated with Beth. Plus it wasn’t like it was any sort of secret what we were going to be doing in my room - especially after what had gone in the hot tub. Although I couldn’t see him, I had a pretty good idea what he was doing in the hallway as he watched Beth masturbate. Well, just so he didn’t grunt when he came like he usually did when he masturbated! Poor Beth, she would probably be totally embarrassed if she knew he was watching her.

I say that he was there to watch Beth as it wasn’t like he would have had to sneak around to see me doing it. As I said, my bedroom door was never shut except when I was having sex with someone so if he wanted to see me masturbate all he had to do was walk by. Most times though it was when I was either doing myself on the couch as we watched TV or in the back seat while we were traveling so I usually never saw him much outside my bedroom.

It’s hard to explain in words so let me just say that for one reason or another, knowing my dad was getting off watching my best friend in the whole world fingering herself to an awesome orgasm was making me all the more horny as well. It wasn’t long before my own orgasm rose up in me and I gasped as the wonderful sensation filled me from head to toe. Gawd it felt so damn GOOD! After I’d cum I opened my eyes and saw Beth watching me with this giant grin on her face.

“What the heck are YOU watching?” I teased her, “What are you now, some kind of lezbo?”

Beth giggled - she certainly seemed to be in a giggly mood tonight.

“Did you know you curl your toes when you cum?” she asked. It was more an observation than a question.

“Oh do I?” I asked in reply. Actually, my dad had mentioned this to me before and sometimes I actually felt a little distracted when I would masturbate in front of him, trying NOT to curl them. Not sure why. Guess I just felt better when I wasn’t so predictable!

“It’s actually kind of cute,” she smiled. Then she continued, “So does it bother you to be watched when you masturbate?”

It took every ounce of willpower not to laugh. I also made a deliberate effort NOT to look at the mirror while the door was still cracked open. Me bothered if someone watched me? If she only knew! Heck, as much as I get watched maybe the real question should be does it bother me if somebody is NOT watching?

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