Holiday With Mum - Cover

Holiday With Mum

Copyright© 2024 by Scorpio1975

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - This isn't a follow up from Adventures with Mum's, but it does feature the same characters, like an alternate universe type thing. Gemma gets the chance to stay in a cottage on the coast for work, and takes Mike and his friend Scott as it coincides with Mike's birthday. The boys procure some aphrodisiac pills hoping to meet some girls, but unexpected things happen.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son  


Both boys woke early on Thursday, excitement was running through their veins at the possibility of sing the pills on Gemma again today, yesterday had been a complete accidental, neither of them would have willingly given Mike’s mother a pill, but they had panicked and threw a couple of them into a drink, which she had then grabbed off them and drunk, Gemma didn’t know why she was felt like she did yesterday, but the boys and taken liberties and advantage of her drugged, hyper-sexualised state, and were keen to repeat it today to see what they could get away with, and how far they could go.

After all, she had told them that her work would be more or less finished and that she would do something fun with them. Gemma was already awake and had made breakfast, all three of them had a slow breakfast, and then headed into town early to have a look around, they wandered around the tourist shops and sat on the beach and ate fish and chips, they chatted, laughed, messed about, not once did Gemma mention the previous day. The boys occasionally discussed their excitement for getting back to the cottage and discussing ways of putting a pill in her drink when Gemma was off browsing in a shop.

They had an early lunch in town and around twelve o’clock they got in the car and drove back to the cottage. Gemma had suggested some burgers, and a bit of a party, to celebrate Mike’s birthday and the completion of her work, she had even bought the boys a few beers, along with a couple of bottles of wine, and a bottle of vodka for herself.

The boys lit the barbeque and changed into shorts and a t-shirt, Gemma also put a t-shirt and shorts on. They put a few sausages, burgers and a couple of bits of chicken on once the coals were hot enough. Gemma poured herself a glass of wine and looked at her watch. It was two o’clock in the afternoon, Gemma called both boys and told them that because it was Mike’s birthday, she would allow them a few cans of beer, not too many, but a couple, and they were to go slow, and be careful, no messing about! All three spent the next couple of hours playing games, eating, both boys had beer, followed by a coke, then another beer, coke, and another beer, they were enjoying the alcohol and being treated like adults. They played a couple of games of cards, then all three changed into swimming gear and had a mess about in the pool, Mike suggested a game where each one of them had to swim in between the other two’s legs underwater with a ball, and then pass the ball back, so the next one swam under them, between their legs. Gemma had put on a one-piece bathing suit, but the boys still spent a long time admiring her curvy body, especially when they each took a turn to swim between her legs, both took the opportunity to put a hand on her leg to help them through.

They got out of the pool and got changed back into shorts and t-shirts, Gemma announced that she had finished a bottle of wine, and was going to open another, laughing as she did. Mike and Scott took this opportunity to surreptitiously quietly open another beer each and dispose of the empty cans they had been holding.

Scott suggested beer pong, which Gemma turned out to be awful at playing and drank a fair bit as she hit hardly any cups, try as she might.

Gemma said she needed a breather and sat down with her wine, then got her phone out of her bag and was scrolling through it. Scott pulled Mike over to where the drinks were, behind Gemma. “Do you want to give her a pill?” he asked Mike, “Yeah, ok, but how?” replied Mike. Scott got a glass, poured some vodka in, a small amount, just less than a single shot. “Where are the pills?” Scott asked, “Here” Mike said as he pulled the bag of pills out from his pocket, both boys looked and checked that Gemma still had her back to them, she was still looking at her phone. Mike poured the pills onto the table, “There’s eleven left” he counted. “How many do you think we should put in?” he asked, “Two”, said Scott, who picked up two pills and dropped them into the glass, within seconds they were dissolving. We need a bit more vodka” said Mike, laughing.

“Should we put another one in to make sure?” asked Scott.

“I don’t know, what do you think, is three too many?” Mike replied.

“It’s up to you, you decide” Scott stated.

“Fuck it” said Mike, and he picked up another pill from the bag and plopped it into the glass, he topped the glass up with a bit more Vodka.

“How many does that leave?” asked Scott.

“Eight” replied Mike after a quick count.

Mike walked over and gave the glass to his mother who thanked him, she didn’t look at the glass as she was staring intently at her phone, she took a big gulp and placed the glass on the table. The boys sat on the sofa with their phones, both watching Gemma as she slowly over the course of the next 15 minutes or so, finished her drink.

She put the glass down and got up, “Do you boys want one more beer” she said with a grin, “It is your birthday Mike, so I’m ok with you having one more”.

“Yeah, please Mum”, Mike replied, Gemma collected two cans of beer, and passed them to the boys, then went and re-filled her glass with Vodka.

“Shall we play another card game?” Scott ventured, eyeing Mike to see if this was ok.

“Great idea,” said Gemma, “What kind of card game?”

“Err ... three card brag truth or dare?” said Scott, nervously, his voice breaking slightly trying to get the words out.

“Sounds great, I have no idea how to play, but its sounds fun” said Gemma laughing, “do you know this game hun?” she asked Mike, turning her head towards him.

“Yeah, we’ve played a few times, mainly with girls” he replied, not very confidently though.

“How do we play?” she asked. Both boys noticed that she ever so subtly licking her lips. Gemma was starting to feel a little bit odd, she put it down to the alcohol, but couldn’t really put her finger on it, she was feeling very uninhibited, but she wasn’t sure why.

“Well,”, Scott chimed in, “We play normal three card brag, the lowest hand either gets a truth or dare.

“Sounds good”, said Gemma, “Let’s play inside, we should probably get out of the sun”.

The three of them moved into the cottage, Mike picked up the box of beer, Scott picked up the cards, and Gemma got herself a glass of wine, and picked up the bottle to take back inside.

They sat around the dining room table, and Mike dealt three cards each to start the game.

The first hand ended in Mike losing, Scott had the highest hand, a pair of fives, so he decided to get Mike to stand on one leg and touch his nose. The next hand Gemma though she had won until Scott produced a flush. Again, mike had the lowest hand, and Scott asked him how many girls he had kissed, Mike went a bit coy for a few seconds, looked at his mother, who was smiling warmly at him, then looked at Scott who was grinning due to mike being a bit uncomfortable, then he said “three, but I’ve tried for a lot more than that” he stated, laughing as he did so. Scott lost the next hand, and gemma had the highest hand, so she asked Scott how many girls he had kissed, winking at Mike while she asked as if to say, “Let’s make him as uncomfortable as you were”. Scott didn’t take long to reply “Six” quite proudly.

“Shall we play a few hands where the loser drinks a shot of beer?” Scott asked. “Ok” Gemma retorted, “But not too many, I’ve had a fair bit to drink, and I’ve lost count of how many you boys have had” she said, laughing and giggling, and slightly swaying due to the alcohol. She was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt; however, her nipples were starting to poke through, both boys had noticed them.

They played a few hands where it seemed that Gemma had around ten or so shots of beer, compared to the boys five or six. The next hand gemma got very excited and with a majestic flourish, laid out a run of the two, three, and four of hearts, only for Mike to lay down a prial of sevens. Mike did a little dance, and they all had a fit of the giggles. Gemma was definitely feeling the effect of the alcohol, and both boys were a little drunk themselves. Both boys were desperate to see if the pills had kicked in with Gemma, but both were a little bit apprehensive in case she freaked out.

It was Scott who put it to the test after a small discussion on going back to truth or dare, he won the next hand, and Gemma lost. “Do ten star jumps” he said to Gemma, with a big smile on his face, she grinned, stood up and started to do the star jumps. Both boys stared in awe as Gemma’s breasts bounced up and down in her t-shirt, her nipples were very prominent now. She completed the task, puffed a little, laughed and sat down, she lost the next hand as well.

Mike, feeling bold after seeing his mother’s nipples straining through her t-shirt, and wanting to see how far he could push gave her the dare of jumping into the pool. “Wow, ok,” she said, and got up and ran out of the patio doors and jumped straight into the pool, both boys got up and walked to the doors, it was still hot outside, and still slightly light, dusk hadn’t properly set in.

“Can someone get me a towel” said Gemma as she got out of the pool, Mike ran and got her a towel, she gave herself a rub down with the towel on her arms, head and hair, legs and then placed the towel onto the back of her chair. Both boys could clearly see her bra through her t-shirt now, and her nipples were even more pronounced if that was even possible!

“Whose deal is it, and where is my wine?” asked Gemma giggling. “I’ll top you up Mum” said Mike, who grabbed her glass, and darted into the kitchen to refill it. He returned soon enough, with a full glass of wine which Gema took from him and took a big mouthful.

Scott announced that it was his deal, and he dealt the cards, both boys were in no doubt now that the pills were influencing gemma, whether she knew it or not, it was now a matter of how far they could push, without risking too much.

Mike lost the next hand, Gemma won, she asked him to do ten push ups, which he did.

Scott won the next hand with a flush; Mike had a pair of nines and Gemma had a queen high. “Go on then” Gemma said looking at Scott, “How old were you when you lost your virginity?” he asked, somewhat nervously, Mike shot him a look, Scott looked back at him, both a little worried that they might be going too far, but Gemma didn’t miss a beat, she simply replied “Sixteen, but it wasn’t very good” and laughed.

Scott and mike chuckled more out of nervousness than anything else but exchanged looks that silently acknowledged the understanding between them that they would push as far as they could.

Mike lost he next hand, Scott won, “Are you a virgin?” Scott asked, Mike looked at him grinning, knowing that although the question was uncomfortable, Scott was keeping things naughty! “Yes, but I have tried, and tried, and tried” he stated, laughing, all three laughed, and his mother put her arm around him and squeezed him into her. Scott lost the next one, Mike won, and he repeated the question to Scott. “Yes, said Scott, but I got a blow job from Veronica Jones, and I fingered Emily Hardman” he said proudly, again all three laughed.

Gemma lost the next hand with eight high, Scott had a flush, and Mike had king high. Scott swallowed hard, and then looked straight at Gemma and asked, “How many men have you had sex with?”. Mike looked at the floor and carried on staring at the floor while Gemma, who he kept on half expecting to erupt into rage very calmly responded “Nine”. Scott, not really knowing what to say replied with “So you’ve had sex with more men than the card you just lost with?”. All three burst out laughing.

“I need a wee, someone fill my wine glass, then I think we should put on some music and have a dance like a proper birthday party eh Mike?” gemma stated as she sauntered off towards the toilet.

“Oh my god man, your mum is hot as fuck!” Scott said, “Yeah, I know, I think the pills have definitely kicked in, I think she is as horny as fuck mate” Mike replied.

“I need to pee” said Mike as he spotted his mother coming out of the hallway which led to the toilet, he wandered towards it and entered the toilet, he pulled the front of his trunks down but found it a little difficult to pee as he was sporting a solid hardon. He managed to concentrate and go, halfway through going he heard the music being put on in the front room.

He returned to the front room where he was presented with the sight of Scott and his mother dancing, it was a relatively fast tune, mike, feeling emboldened by the alcohol and the knowledge that he pills were having a huge, massive effect on his mother, started swaying his body and stepping from left to right, “come on hun, dance with your mother” Gemma said as she moved towards him, he took her hand in his, and lifted it, she twirled around under their hands shouting “Whooo”, then letting go of his hand and dancing again.

Mike looked at Scott, also doing the side to side shuffle as all teen boys do, he was grinning and nodded towards Gemma, Mike moved his eyes from Scott to his mother, she looked like she was having a great time, she was dancing The three danced for a little while, then the music changed to a slow one, “Where is my birthday boy?” Gemma said, as she grabbed Mike and pulled him in, Mike put his hands around her waist, she put her hands around his shoulders and they started slowly dancing together, Scott went and filled Gemma’s glass with wine and opened up two more cans of beer.

“Are you having a good birthday hun?” she slurred looking into his eyes with a beaming smile. “Yeah, its great” said Mike returning the smile.

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