Holiday With Mum - Cover

Holiday With Mum

Copyright© 2024 by Scorpio1975

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This isn't a follow up from Adventures with Mum's, but it does feature the same characters, like an alternate universe type thing. Gemma gets the chance to stay in a cottage on the coast for work, and takes Mike and his friend Scott as it coincides with Mike's birthday. The boys procure some aphrodisiac pills hoping to meet some girls, but unexpected things happen.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son  


Mike Dale was packing his suitcase when he heard his mum shout that lunch was ready. His mum had been asked to go to the coast for a week by her company to organise a new office and she had asked Mike if he wanted to bring one of his friends as he was a couple of weeks short of his fifteenth birthday and she thought it would be nice to have a mini holiday and birthday treat at the same time. Her company had hired a cottage on the coast for the week. There was a beach nearby and a few restaurants, pubs, bars, and shops in the small tourist village that was around 20 minutes away, she only had three days’ work organising the new office so the remaining 4 days would be enough for her to recharge and relax.

Mike’s dad had abandoned them and run off with his secretary 4 years ago, so it was just him and his mum. Gemma was 36 years old and had a great curvy figure. She still looked good and had plenty of admiring looks wherever she went.

Mike had chosen one of his friends to come along, Scott, Scott had recently turned fifteen, his birthday was a month before Mike’s, and the two of them had been friends for a long time.

Mike ran downstairs and ate lunch as fast as he could “Don’t rush, we have plenty of time, we don’t leave until tomorrow morning” his mother said from the kitchen. He still ate fast and returned to his room to continue his packing. He was looking forward to the trip and even thought they might meet some girls there, he and his group of friends didn’t seem to have a lot of luck with the opposite sex but both of them had discussed the fact that no girls knew them where they were going so they had a fair chance to make a good impression, and if Scott’s cousin had come through then they had a secret weapon! He packed the last of his things and shut the suitcase. He went over to the phone and dialled Scott.

“What time are you getting here?” he asked once Scott’s brother had passed the phone over.

“About an hour,” said Scott.

“Awesome, it’s going to be so cool, see you in an hour” said Mike putting the phone down.

An hour later Scott’s mum dropped him off, he dropped his suitcase in the hall and sprinted upstairs while his mum made small talk with Gemma.

“Did your cousin get some?” asked Mike when he Scott walked into his room, “Sure did, worth everything we paid hopefully” Scott responded. “I had to mow 20 gardens to get together my half, this had better be worth 200 quid” said Mike in a jokey sort of way.

“Don’t worry man, my cousin said half of one of these pills is all it takes to get any girl horny as fuck, he said once it gets into their system, they won’t be able to stop themselves, they will be as horny as fuck!,”

“let’s have a look then” said Mike in an excited way.

Scott pulled a small bag of what looked like a bag of small white pills. “How many are in there? that’s a lot of money for not a lot” exclaimed Mike. “There’s 15 in there, but like my cousin said, we only need one, we put it in a drink, and it will dissolve, but you only need one of these bad boys and any girl will be gagging to get hold of our cocks, he did say they are completely illegal though man, so if we get caught, we have to throw them!”.

The boys spent the night playing video games and talking about the possibilities of getting a couple of girls horny enough to kiss, or grope, or even fuck if they were lucky enough.


The following morning, they got up early, Mike’s mum made them breakfast which they all ate together and then started packing up the car. Once the car was packed up, they hit the road. The trip took about 5 hours with a stop about halfway to get something to eat and go to the bathroom. During the trip Mike’s Mum had the radio on the front and the boys sat in the back playing on their phones and listening to music.

Finally, they arrived at the cottage at just after noon, which was beautiful, it overlooked the sea, had its own pool, and was surrounded by a thick forest of trees so was very peaceful. The boys immediately ran to their room which was the bigger of the two bedrooms, it had two single beds and a big TV on one wall. Gemma’s room was slightly smaller but had a big double bed and a walk-in wardrobe.

The boys unpacked as fast as they could and then got their trunks on so they could jump straight into the pool, which they did with a huge splash. Mike’s Mum unpacked at a far more sedate pace and then headed into town to get a few things to eat.

The boys had been in the pool for about an hour when Gemma arrived back with the groceries, both boys helped put it away while the three of them chatted about being away from all the hustle and bustle of work and school.

Both boys then jumped straight into the pool whilst Gemma set herself up on the patio table with her laptop in preparation for Monday. “Go steady boys, most of the water seems to be no longer in the pool” she said with a smile.” Both boys mumbled a yes and settled down to less frenetic messing about.

The boys messed about until late afternoon and Gemma worked on her laptop.

“Are you coming in Mum” asked Mike, “the pools brilliant” he added, “maybe, in a little while, I still have a bit of work to do” replied his mum without looking up. Both boys carried on for a while then decided to get something to eat. Gemma carried on for a little while longer while the boys messed about and then decided to have a quick dip and get some sun, it was hot on the coast and she had been working for a little while now, she packed up her stuff and went into her room to put on a swimsuit.

When Gemma walked out and towards the sun lounger Scott punched Mike in the arm “Look at your mum mate, she is fucking hot!”, he whispered, Mike looked up at his mum, “that’s my mum man, but yeah, she looks good though” Gemma had picked a one-piece swimsuit to wear which accentuated all her curves. She walked to the end of the pool, dived in and swam to the other end. When she got out both boys were staring open mouthed, she proceeded to the sun lounger where she laid on it and promptly picked up her book and started reading, oblivious to the admiring gazes she was getting from her son and his friend. “Man, your mum looks good, we should check out her underwear drawer when she goes to work tomorrow” said Scott, trying to smile hoping that if Mike took it badly, he could just pass it off as a joke. Mike just laughed and punched him in the arm “that’s still my mum” he exclaimed! Both boys laughed and continued swimming.

After an hour or so all three of them decided to go have some dinner, then the boys disappeared into their room to watch TV and sit on their phones whilst Gemma cleared away the dinner things and carried on working on her laptop for the remainder of the night.


The following day both boys got up early, they were still later than Mike’s mum who had left about an hour before they woke up. After they had made a vague attempt at burning some toast and throwing some cereal in a bowl they made their way into the town, it wasn’t much of a town, aimed at tourists it was big enough to accommodate the normal array of local tourist shops, bars, restaurants etc Mike stopped off to buy a coke from a shop, he came out from the shop to find Scott talking to a couple of girls, “Mike, this is Linda and Sally” said Scott, looking at the two girls, they looked to be around their age, 15 or so, both girls said hi and they all chatted for a while, both girls lived fairly local. “there’s a beach party tomorrow afternoon, starts at 12, everyone goes” said Sally, who seemed to be the more outgoing and chattier of the two girls, “you should come” chimed Linda, looking directly at Mike, who was a bit unsure of what to say, caught between trying to look cool, and keep them interested. “We will be there” said Scott, looking at Mike, “definitely” replied Mike. Sally explained that there are college kids there who buy beer and then sell it, and they are not particular about who they sell it to, as long as they are paid. All four chatted for a little while, and then made their separate ways as the girls said they had things to do. On the way back to the cottage both boys were excited about the following afternoon, “oh man those girls are going to be so hot for us once we’ve put a pill in each of their drinks” said Scott, “yeah”, replied Mike, “but how are we going to do that?” he said. “don’t worry, leave it to me, I’ll sort it” Scott said with an air of confidence, “I wonder if they will let us fuck them?” Mike queried, “absolutely they will” Scott piped in “they will be gagging for us,” both boys laughed and continued their journey back to the cottage. The rest of the day passed quickly, the boys played on their phones, watched a bit of TV and then had dinner when Gemma arrived home, she told them how the organisation of the new office was going, neither of them had any interest but tried to look as if they cared. Gemma happily chatted on regardless before washing up and getting out her laptop to continue working in her room.


Gemma left for work before the boys woke up again, they hammered through a bowl of cereal each talking about the day’s events to come, Sally, Linda and how far they might get with them, they tidied up and took turns in the shower, then at 12 o’clock they sat at the table looking at the little bag with 15 little white pills.

“It’s going to be so fucking hot” said Scott, “both of them will be desperate for us” he continued, Mike laughed and put the bag into his shorts pocket. Both boys were in shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of shower shoes. “What time do you think we should get there?” Mike enquired, “I don’t know, maybe around 3 or so, we don’t want to get there too early” replied Scott.

Just before 3 both boys set out for the 30-minute walkdown the hill and around the cliff to the beach, when they got near the beach they could hear it straight away, from a fair distance, there was very loud music playing and there seemed to be hundreds of people there. Both boys were a little bit awkward, they both wandered about for about 30 minutes just looking around, they did a full length walk up the beach and back, neither could see Linda or Sally, “shall we go?” said Mike a little bit nervously, there were lots of kids there, ranging from early teens up to early 20’s. “No way man, we are here now, come on man, live a little” said Scott who was by far the more outgoing of the two. “Ok, fuck! there they are” Mike said excitedly pointing towards Sally and Linda who were sat amongst a big crowd of kids, avidly chatting to each other.

They briskly walked over to the girls who smiled when they saw them coming, Linda was in shorts and a t-shirt whilst Sally wore shorts and a sweater, they chatted for a few minutes and then Scott asked where the drinks were, Linda pointed them towards a couple of what looked like college guys with a truck parked on the beach. Both boys walked towards it, nervously, when they got there one of the guys looked them up and down, smiled, then laughed, and then asked what they wanted, “4 beers” said Scott purposefully, “no problem mate” said the guy and passed them 4 cans of beer from the back of the truck, “tenner mate” said the guy, Mike dutifully handed over the money, and the boys, feeling quite smug returned the girls, on the walk back, Scott opened two of the cans and Mike passed him 2 of the pills, one each was placed in a can while there was a throng of bodies in the way to obscure the view of the girls, both boys laughed nervously and Scott broke the silence with “now we wait”, both boys laughed again, he gave the girls a can each with the pill inside, and they all started chatting, the girls asked where they lived, what their school etc was like and the boys asked about living so near to the beach.

Around 30 minutes had passed and suddenly Linda, got up and sat in between Mike’s legs, he looked at Scott while she laid back on his chest, he slowly brought his arms around her waist and contentedly sat there, Scott winked, and smiled at Mike, whilst Sally, taking her queue from Linda did the same with Scott. Scott, ever so slowly while Mike was watching raised his hands up so the side of his thumb was touching her boob which was encased in her sweater, nodding at mike he nodded towards Linda, so Mike did the same, he moved his hands up slowly, a bit further than Scott had done, so Mike’s thumbs were on the bottom of Linda’s boobs, she was in a t-shirt so if anyone looked at Mike’s face, he was grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve finished my drink, I don’t know why but that drink has made feel a bit funny” said Linda, I feel great” said Sally, “but I’d love another one, if only we had a couple of boys to get us another beer” she said laughing and rolling out from Scott’s grip and sat on her knees, before getting up and standing, she was looking at the fire in the middle of the party, and ever so slightly started swaying to the music, they were right at the back of the beach, right next to some rocks which were around seven or eight feet high.

Scott and mike dutifully got up and started walking towards the truck where the beer was being sold. “Oh my god man, I had hands nearly on her tits” said Mike excitedly, “and she didn’t complain or push me away, we are so in there mate!,” “Shhhhhh Calm down” Scott said laughing as he said it, “they will hear you.” Both boys strode purposely towards the beer truck, only to be stopped in their tracks at the back of the line, “There’s a big line” Mike abjectly announced, “It’s fine” Scott replied, “It will go fairly quickly.”

So, the boys queued for around 30 minutes before finally getting four beers. Scott paid for these ones as his parents had given him some money to spend while away. “I’ve got 20 bucks left in my pocket” said Mike, “I’ve got another 10” Scott replied, “the rest of the money my parents gave me for this holiday is back in the cottage”. “Well, that’s enough for another few beers each” Mike said in a positive tone. They walked back to the girls and had to stop about 10 feet way, very clearly, both Linda and Sally were stood leaning against the rocks, kissing what looked like two older guys, the older boys looked like college kids, 19 or 20.

One was kissing Sally with his hand on her boob, and the other, had his hand down Linda’s shorts and was quite clearly fingering her. “Fuck” said Mike quite angrily, “Hey” shouted Scott, “We’ve bought you some more beer” Scott shouted at the girls. “Leave them there squirt” one of the college boys said laughing as he said it, he momentarily took his hand out of Linda’s shorts and walked over to Mike and Scott, he took the 4 cans out of the boys’ hands before they really realised what he was doing and threw them over to where his buddy and the two girls were. “Now beat it squirt” he said looming over Scott, “but we’ve just paid for those” Scott tried to argue, “and we were talking to Sally and Linda, they asked us to come here” he pleaded. Both girls looked at Mike and Scott, then back to each of the boys as the boy with Linda ambled back to her and started kissing her again, which she responded to and avidly started kissing him back. “Let’s go” said Mike, who was a little bit scared, and confused, but mainly a little scared. “No, fuck them” Scott said defiantly, “We were asked here by the girls, we should be with them”, as he finished the sentence the boy with Sally broke away from her and in the blink of an eye was over to Scott pushing him to the floor, all four of them including the girls laughed while Scott scrambled to his feet, “Fuck you” he shouted and again they laughed, “Come on mate, let’s just go” said Mike trying to pull him away.

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