The Island
Copyright© 2024 by Beaverhunt
Chapter 31
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 31 - Donna’s suspicions of her three brothers being intimate with their mother are proven true when she catches them in the act. Her father tries to kiss her, which causes her to panic. The panic forces her out of the house and falls down a steep incline. She wakes on an island that is a place between life and death where her father serves as her guide. Sex? Are you KIDDING?!?!
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/ft NonConsensual Rape Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Paranormal Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Father Daughter Gang Bang Group Sex Anal Sex Cream Pie First Oral Sex Pegging Sex Toys Water Sports Violence
She released a short burst of laughter. “Just look at my body. All the boys and all the men want me. You’re still a virgin, because no boy would want to fuck you, not even out of pity.”
Donna’s hands started to calm as she held her eyes without looking down again. “I’m no virgin, but never through myself at just anyone. You were too much of a whore to wait. I’m guessing you threw yourself at the first guy you made hard.”
Miss Betsy rushed to her and went to slap her face, but Donna’s hand caught her before contact could be made and held it firmly in her grip. “How dare you call me that?”
Donna smirked as she felt weight return to her body and knew her tits were there. “You don’t like the truth. Too fucking bad. You’re a whore. Not even a good one if you can’t sleep yourself to some higher level. Still teaching the second grade. Never made it out of this shithole.”
Her other hand flew out, but Donna was faster as she spoke in a mocking tone. “Must be hell for you. Surrounded by boys all day who can’t do a damn thing for you. All you can do is draw their eyes and hearts, but they move on to other crushes and loves. They always forget about you, don’t they, whore?”
Miss Betsy’s face turned as red as her hair and felt the trembling in her hands as she snapped out. “They all remember me.” She started to calm as her voice changed to mock her. “Even your brothers. I was the first woman they ever loved. Especially the twins. You know they used to fight about which one I’d date.”
Donna frowned as she shook her head with a touch of sorrow. “You really believe you’re that important to the boys who can only give you their hearts, don’t you, Miss Betsy?”
She nodded with confidence. “Of course, I believe it. It’s the truth.”
The hatred left her completely and felt the sadness of what it must be like for the woman before her. Even before her mother, there had been Miss Betsy. She was the first to make her feel inadequate and always whispered about her body not being able to compare to hers. Donna may have developed to be bigger than some of her friends, but her tits would never be as big as Miss Betsy’s.
Her voice was soft as she held her green eyes. “I feel sorry for you.” Confusion and anger touched her face as Donna released her hands, but couldn’t bring herself to say anything. “No woman should have to compare herself to anyone for any reason, especially girls.”
Tears touched her eyes as she looked down to see Donna’s body. “I’m sorry for not being a better teacher.” Her eyes moved up and Donna held them with a comforting smile. “It’s not just being a better teacher, but a better person. I was wrong. You have become a beautiful woman who never should’ve been encouraged to compare yourself to me.”
Donna reached out to gently touch her hands as the smile remained. “I forgive you.”
She released her hands to pull her close and could feel hard nipples press against her flesh as she whispered with spite running through her. “Such a gullible girl, Donna. It was all lies, and you believed it. Even the fake tears. You’ll never be the woman I am. Never please men the way I can. You’re always going to a little girl.”
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