Dad? I Have a Question - Cover

Dad? I Have a Question

Copyright© 2024 by wantsomefun

Chapter 30

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 30 - A curious high school senior girl asks her dad some questions about human sexual arousal and response, which leads to experimenting, learning, and more. It doesn't stop with her, as she brings her best friend into the mix, and then the cast of characters grows in an unexpected direction. Coming-of-age told by an expert storyteller!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Incest   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

With my recent moral deterioration, I could see myself fucking another man’s wife, especially a man like Doug with a wife like this. I could even see doing it in the late-day shade in their spa, but not it in front of our daughters and their friend. “You’re probably right. Some day I should give that some serious thought.” I rubbed a single finger over the bit of turquoise covering her womanhood. “Not today, but some time.” I moved away, crowding in against the girls. “Is this an all-girl brain-storming session, or can the voice of reason be heard?”

Caitlin laughed. “Do you mean a male voice or an older, wiser voice? They’re not always the same thing.”

The girls shared their plans, I laid out rules I already knew Jamie would follow on her own, and Caitlin agreed as Melody nodded.

Kiersten said, “Don’t worry about me. I know how to behave. I’ve seen what guys are like from going to some of my sister’s pageants and modeling gigs. That’s where I learned that smart girls travel in packs. Six eyes, six ears, three phones, thirty fingernails and maybe three pairs of cute shoes? We’ll be fine.”

We soaked and talked about summer and school as the sun sank. “Anyone know what time it is?” Caitlin asked.

Starting feel a little water-logged, I got out and dried myself enough to look at my phone. “Almost seven.”

“Doug should be home soon.”

“Uh oh, I’d better get out of this bikini before Daddy gets here,” Melody said, climbing from the spa and wringing out her hair as she came toward the chairs.

“Yeah, your dad might not like seeing us looking like big girls,” Jamie laughed. Soon the girls were dry enough to go inside to change.

Caitlin came over to me, her nipples very erect under the her skimpy top in the cooling evening air. She dried her hair, arms and legs, and then stripped off her suit to dry the rest of her. After an agonizingly long time, she wrapped the towel around herself and came to stand directly in front of me. “I meant what I said. We should be better friends.” She had just given me something more than a friendly peck on the lips when the girls came bustling outside.

“I’m making burgers on the grill tonight, Dad. Do we have charcoal?” Jamie asked as the girls marched past us, heading to the car.

“Do you like burgers?” I asked.

“Yes, but I should get dressed and start dinner for Doug. Maybe a rain-check? Or drinks some time?

“We could,” I said, as an impatient teen tooted my horn.

“Sounds like the Musketeers are hungry,” Caitlin laughed. “I’ll see you later.” She turned and went in the house.

When we got home, I started the grill while the girls went upstairs to change and shower. Kiersten and Melody came down together, wearing oversized t-shirts and pajama pants. “The shower should be free. Jamie went in her room to get dressed when we came out.”

A few minutes later, done with a quick shower, I pulled back the curtain, water in my eyes, and groped for my towel. A hand gave it to me.

“Melody says her mom wants you really bad.”

“Jamie, should you be here while your friends are outside?”

“Should I get them?”


“You had a good time today, didn’t you, Dad?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Melody said she kissed you. She said you kissed her back.”

“I grabbed her ass, ground on her, and palmed a boob, too. Jamie, what’s wrong with me?”

“From what I can see, not much.” She ran a finger from the base of my half-hard cock, along the underside to the tip, slowly circling the glans a single time. Then she gave me a peck on the cheek and left the bathroom.

As well as I could, I pushed my mind to other things and got dried and dressed. I put on baggy camp shorts and a very long baseball shirt and went downstairs.

The minute I opened the patio door, my mouth started watering. Jamie was doing a masterful job, the coals just right for her home-made pub-burgers. The smell of the onions and peppers baking inside the meat made me suddenly ravenous. Then I saw the ears of corn, slow-roasting on the edge of the grill.

All four of us pigged out, a traditional backyard cook-out. The girls tried to coax me into a game with a glow-in-the-dark Frisbee, but I was too full. I sat in my favorite chair on the deck and watched kids at play. When it was completely dark, they even ran around catching fireflies. How odd, considering that the sexual feelings between us had been so intense a few hours earlier.

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