Debauchery on the Normandy - Cover

Debauchery on the Normandy

Copyright© 2024 by alittlebitdepraved

Chapter 3: Kelly Chambers: The First Varren Slut

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: Kelly Chambers: The First Varren Slut - Commander Jane Shepard would fuck anything and anyone. She didn’t care if it came with a dick or a pussy, Commander Shepard simply liked to fuck. What she didn’t realise is that many of the women on her crew were just as deviant. And it all started thanks to a particular yeoman who had some rather deviant tastes indeed… Heavy emphasis on bestiality with a sprinkling of lesbian sex and futanari. Yes, might sound strange to mix the three together, but it makes sense as the story progresses.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Futanari   Zoophilia   Science Fiction   Space   Incest   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Fisting   Sex Toys   Water Sports  

Having never been to Omega, Kelly knew that she was probably a little out of her depth when she found herself wandering around by herself. Shepard had taken her team away for a couple of missions before she later disappeared to Afterlife with Miranda. Kelly knew that the pair were going to spend a few hours being fucked. Shepard had quite happily told her what Aria had expected in return for information. Kelly found the idea arousing as she knew Shepard absolutely loved being fucked, and from what Kelly was told, it was going to be quite the gangbang.

She’d read Shepard’s dossier back to front more times than she could count before the Commander finally woke up and then arrived on board the ship. Meeting her for the first time had Kelly in the bathroom rather quickly, trousers and panties around her knees as she jilled herself to more than one orgasm. The woman was sex on legs, an absolute goddess, and what made it even better was that Shepard loved to be fucked, but she was also partial to pussy.

Once again, Shepard just loved to fuck. Men. Women. Non-humans. Anyone was fair game according to her.

But Kelly also loved to fuck though some of her interests would still be considered deviant in the twenty-second century. For example, the first species to fuck her had been the family dog. A giant bullmastiff that came with an enormous cock. Kelly hadn’t really taken much notice until he walked into her bedroom one afternoon when she was masturbating. Her scent seemed to arouse him, and teasing the dog slowly descended into something far more...

Coaxing the dog into fucking her had been considerably easy compared to what she thought. She started to invite him into her bedroom whenever she was masturbating, and would position herself on her knees, head on a pillow, showing off her pussy while she would fondle and finger herself. His curiosity was first shown by placing his wet nose at her pussy and her scent seemed to interest him.

“Go on, boy,” she encouraged him, “Take a good lick. You’ll love it.”

Sniffing her pussy did turn into licking her pussy. Feeling that long, rough tongue running against her lips and clit almost made her climax immediately. It was so incredibly naughty to be doing something like that with the family pet. She was still living at home even when studying at university, her parents working long hours, and that gave her plenty of time to experiment. Plenty of different things had found their way into her pussy and arse since she started masturbating.

But the family pet? Humans might now be fucking aliens, but there were still laws back on Earth about just what humans can fuck when it came to other species.

Whenever he made her cum with his tongue, she tried to arouse him in return. At first, he was a little confused and didn’t want to play. But once he started to understand just what she wanted, she finally got a look at the cock that he had to offer. And it was far bigger than she imagined it would be. And given that she was a virgin even though her pussy had seen plenty of action otherwise, she now wanted nothing more than to feel that big cock inside her.

Training him to fuck her was comparatively easy. He soon started to get hard whenever she was masturbating, or when he would lick her pussy. And once she trained him to mount her, it didn’t take too many tries to get his cock to slide inside her. The first time it finally happened, she wept for a few seconds as it was simply the best feeling ever. And now that his cock was buried inside something tight and warm, natural instinct took over and her loving pet was soon fucking her with abandon.

“Good boy!” she exclaimed, “Good boy. Fuck my pussy. Deposit a big load of doggie cum inside it.”

And that was her life over the next four years as she completed her studies. Whenever she had time alone at home that didn’t involve studying, she was on the bed with her dog, and his cock was usually buried inside her pussy. She also learned how to suck his cock and was surprised that he did seem to enjoy it. Making him cum like that earned quite a large mouthful of cum. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but she enjoyed doing something so incredibly naughty.

It was only after graduating and moving on with her life that things changed. She’d completely foregone any sexual relationships at university as she got all the sex that she wanted at home. Leaving the family pet at home with her parents hurt more than leaving her parents behind. Thankfully, the dog seemed to understand what was going on though hearing him whimper as she packed up the last things in her bedroom hurt more than she could have ever imagined.

She joined Cerberus straight out of university thanks to her background. Although it was considered a pro-humanist organisation, Kelly actually spent a lot of her time in the company of non-humans. None of them were with Cerberus, she was sent out into the galaxy to meet and greet. And that’s when she really spread her wings and tasted the variety available. When she thought about it, the first human she fucked was after being fucked by a dog, a turian and a batarian. The first human male to fuck her was someone who worked with Cerberus ... And she was left rather unimpressed.

The first human female was much better at eating her pussy and she tasted pussy for the first time in return. She enjoyed the taste a lot more than she expected.

What Kelly realised is that she would fuck anyone and anything. Her extranet searches would probably have raised alarms even within Cerberus if she didn’t taken precautions. The fact that one of her favourite searches involved bestiality would probably have seen her not only losing her position in Cerberus but probably committed in some sort of institution at the request of the Illusive Man.

And that’s why she was on Omega now, heading towards an area of the space station that she’d researched. It was frequented only by batarians, krogan and vorcha. The only humans who would journey there did so for only one or two reasons at most. She’d read about places that catered to all sort of needs.

Humans had canines, otherwise known as dogs. The krogan had varren. Batarians had mabari. The vorcha ... Hell, they were barely sentient themselves and considered primitive by nearly every other species. Being fucked by a vorcha would barely be a full step above being fucked by a wild animal.

“What do you want, human?” the batarian asked at the door to the establishment that she’d researched.

“Um ... I understand this place caters to ... um ... particular interests...”

The batarian’s four eyes looked her up and down. “What particular interests do you mean?”

“Do you have varren inside?”

“We do.”

“And do you get people who ... um...”

“Look, why don’t you step inside and speak to Krun. The big krogan. He’ll tell you what you probably want to know.”

Kelly stepped inside and noticed a selection of species sitting around the waiting room. Asari. Human. Turian. She walked towards a krogan behind a desk, clearing her throat. The krogan looked up from a datapad. “What do you want?”

“Um ... Does this place offer specialised services?”

“We do. What are you after?”

“I’ve been curious for a long time about ... um ... varren...”

The krogan immediately chuckled before quite obviously looking her up and down. “Look, human ... Have you ever seen a varren?”

“Not in real life. I’ve seen videos...”

“Ever seen a varren with a human?”

“Um ... Just the one. A lot of them were with asari.”

“Let’s cut to the chase. You want to mate with a varren?”

“More than anything!” she stated excitedly.

The krogan chuckled again. “Are you sure you don’t want to try a mabari first? They’re similar to your Earth dogs. Bigger and more prone to violence, and they’re hung, but compared to a varren...”

She leaned closer. “I really want to try a varren. I know they’re so big and the fact it’ll be the roughest sex of my life ... How much? Please...”

“What sort of varren? You can either have a young varren. Not much experience though will probably fuck you for a long time. An older varren used to fucking non-varren so knows what to do. Or you have an alpha varren. Much bigger and stronger than regular varren. Bigger dicks. Staying power. You’ll know you’ve had an alpha. I’ll warn you that damage to your pussy is a possibility. Given you’re human, there’s no risk of pregnancy. You’ll likely end your experience with plenty of cuts and scratches too.”

“I’ve been fucked by a dog before. Our family pet took my virginity a few years ago. He left me with a few scratches whenever he got overly excited.”

“I’ll be honest, I reckon the older varren this time. If you enjoy the experience ... Come back again and have an alpha. He’ll destroy your pussy but ... Well, I reckon you’d probably enjoy it.”

“How much?”

“Five thousand credits will get you an hour with an experienced varren. What exactly do you want to do with it?”

“I’d love to suck him first.”

The krogan laughed while shaking his head. “I’ll show you some commands to get the varren on his back so you can do that. Then I’m guessing you want to be fucked. Do you want to be completely dominated?”

“God yes. More than anything.”

“Good. The varren will know what to do once you’re in position to be mounted. With experience, he won’t need guiding into your pussy. How big do you want him?”

“What’s the biggest you’ve got?”

“Alpha’s are always packing over ten inches. The biggest one that I can give you of the non-alpha with experience is just under nine inches. Most of them are around eight inches.”

“Eight inches will be more than enough to really stretch out my pussy.”

“How long do you want with him?”

“Three hours. How many times can a varren cum in that time?”

“Well ... An alpha cums as much as he wants. I’m guessing you want a dripping pussy. I know just the varren to get you. Follow me and I’ll show you to a room before bringing you the varren. His name will be Drezra. He’s a good varren.”

As they walked down a dimly lit hallway, she heard the moans of others being fucked and the growls of animals doing the fucking. A couple of doors were open. She saw a varren nailing an asari in her pussy, the asari in the throes of ecstasy. Another asari was on her back with a mabari between her legs, thrusting away. The surprise was seeing a woman being spitroasted by a pair of vorcha.

The krogan showed her into a small room. There was a double bed. A nightstand upon which there was some paraphernalia needed for sex. A small ensuite with a shower and toilet. She wasn’t going to shower afterwards, wanting to taste varren cock and cum, and carry it around in her pussy for as long as possible.

She sat down and shivered with excitement. She’d done plenty of naughty things before, but this was something else entirely. She glanced around and wondered if it would be filmed. She’d heard of places like this filming their guests. She didn’t really care when she really thought about it.

Krun returned a few minutes later with a large varren in tow. After making a couple of gestures, the varren sat next to him and waited. “This is Drezra. He’s been doing this for a few years now and has fucked a couple of humans before. All you need to know is a couple of hand gestures.” Krun made one. “This means on his back.” He made another gesture. “This means mount and fuck me. Are you interested in anal?”

“Um, probably not this time.”

“The good news for you is that Drezra does love to fuck. He’s used to fucking asari. So many of them come here to fuck varren. Completely illegal in asari space so I understand why they come here looking for our services.”

“Trust me, if anyone had discovered what I was doing with my dog...”

The krogan nodded in understanding. “Drezra will be good though once he’s excited while fucking you, expect some scratches and bites. He’s experienced to not leave any permanent damage. If you come back and want an alpha ... Well, it’ll just be a lot harder and rougher, but experienced alphas just know how to fuck.”

Once they were in private, Kelly slowly undressed as the varren watched with interest. She smiled as she had no doubt that the varren could smell her arousal. Sitting back on the bed naked, she spread her legs and gestured for the varren to approach. It sniffed the air more than once before she felt him press his nose against her pussy.

“You lick pussy, boy?” she had to ask. Although she loved having her pussy licked, she was there to suck cock and be fucked hard. She gestured for Drezra to get up on the bed, and once the varren was next to her, she realised how large a varren was. She’d seen an alpha varren in more than one video and some of them had been larger than the asari they were fucking.

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