Kelly's Diary 025 - Truth or Dare - Cover

Kelly's Diary 025 - Truth or Dare

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 6: Playing the Game

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6: Playing the Game - People always ask me whether or not I ever played this silly game when I was younger and if so, why I didn't write about it. Well, who hasn't? I've stayed away from "Truth or Dare" stories because they seem a bit too cliche. Erotic websites are full of such plots, most of which are garbage and unbelievable. Finally, some friends convinced me to give it a try so here's what happened one time when we played the game.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   True Story   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

“Hey, can’t believe you girls actually made it!” Bill exclaimed as he reached out to hug Beth.

“And you must be the infamous Kelly,” he said to me, unabashedly giving me the slow once over from head to toe, “I’ve heard a LOT about you!”

I looked over at Beth who just shrugged her shoulders. I guess it was a compliment judging from the hungry look he was giving me.

Bill shut the door behind us and we took a seat in the kitchen around a large wood table, waiting for John to make his appearance. Knowing his track record, I wasn’t surprised when it was another fifteen minutes before the doorbell rang and Bill went to let John in.

With the four of us there, Bill offered some drinks and snacks. I declined the beer and wine, settling for my favorite - Diet Coke. Bill went for a red wine while John grabbed some foreign sounding beer from Japan. It was probably expensive but from the looks of the house, I didn’t think the owners really worried much about grocery prices. Beth shared the wine with Bill, stealing a sip from his glass now and then. We talked about school for a few minutes but I could tell from the glances everyone was making that we were all just waiting for someone to make the opening move. It was Beth’s party but it was Bill’s house so both John and I waited for one of them to get things rolling.

“You know what I haven’t played in ages?” Beth finally cracked the ice, “Truth or Dare.”

Both guys groaned simultaneously and even I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Like really? Back to middle school?

“Oh quit whining you guys,” she said sharply, “You all know the rules so let’s get started. Bill, Truth or Dare?”

Beth jumped right into it so fast we didn’t have a chance to argue against it. It was such a childish game. Sure it used to be fun at slumber parties or whatever as a way to be naughty but still stay within certain bounds. But at our age we didn’t need this childish hassle, did we? Why not just down to what we all had come together to do?

Bill looked at Beth, stammering at first as if unsure how to answer.

“C’mon, which do you want?” she pestered him.

“Oh alright, Truth,” he sighed as he finally gave in.

Beth wiggled in her chair as if she was a lawyer preparing to launch her attack on a key witness. She looked at me and grinned, evidently feeling quite good about herself at the moment. “Hmmm, who is sexier, me or Kelly?”

Gee whiz, talk about going for the jugular right off the bat! Normally you start out with a few softball questions and let people get comfortable before you dig in for the tough ones. Oh well, we weren’t kids anymore and this was all just a prelude to the sex we all knew was coming, so why not? It wasn’t like any of us had to be coaxed into anything.

“You are of course,” he replied. Really, how else COULD the poor guy have answered? Even though I knew he had no choice, I wasn’t going to just let it go by unchallenged.

“Well, we’ll see how you feel about that later, won’t we?” I said seductively. John shot me a warning glance but I just smiled at him disarmingly.

“OK Kelly, what’s it going to be?” Bill asked.

I opted for Truth, figuring it would be better to start out slow because who knows what he might have dared me the way things had gotten started already.

“OK then, how many guys have you fucked?” He asked with s naughty grin on his face.

Well, this certainly wasn’t starting out the way my old Truth or Dare sessions did at a slumber party! At those, when a question came up like that it was usually at the end and it typically meant the end of the game since we would all just giggle and nobody would answer.

Bill was impatient as I pretended to have to think about it, using my fingers to seem as if I was counting them in my head. “From what I hear, you don’t have nearly enough fingers girl,” he taunted me.

Actually, that was quite an exaggeration. So far I’d only been fucked by four guys and of those, two of them had been one-time affairs. Steve was my first real boyfriend and after he took my virginity, my pussy was his pretty exclusively until he moved away, save for one time with his brother that was more to tease his poor brother than anything. There was that one time with an older guy from my dad’s office which was pretty bizarre, considering he was older than my dad and married. Thus John was actually only the second guy to fuck me on a regular basis and just the fourth to do me. I suspected what Bill had heard were overblown tales from guys I’d dated whose dicks I had sucked. Granted, I LOVE sucking cock but I’ve always been pretty picky about who fucks me which tended to make the numbers quite skewed. Honestly, it would have taken me some time to figure out how many guys I’d blown already but fucking was pretty easy - and fit on one hand.

“Just four,” I announced, holding up four fingers.

John looked at me a bit strangely, probably because he was wondering who they were. Of course he knew about Steve since he went to our school at the time and wasn’t shy about telling people what he did with me. It was the other two that he had no idea about and I wasn’t about to tell him either, at least not here in front of Bill. As my best friend Beth knew about all of them but still, Bill didn’t need to know.

It was my turn now so I just looked at John expectantly and he also went with Truth, no real shocker there! I asked him the same question that Beth had asked her boyfriend and surprisingly (NOT!), he named me as being the sexiest. Beth just grinned at him and I knew she was thinking the same as what I’d said to her boyfriend earlier. Well, go for it girl!

Again, it was no big surprise that John asked Beth how many guys she’d fucked. What WAS a surprise was her answer and how quickly it came.

“Ten!” she announced, clearly proud of the fact she more than doubled my count.

I looked at her with amazement. How had she managed to do so many guys already? Someday I would learn about her penchant for sex parties and multiple partners but on this day it was a mystery. It would have helped to have known, though, as I would have understood better why she was so willing to include John today.

Well, so much for round one. As far as I was concerned, that was enough and we could just strip and get down to it and quit wasting more time on a childish game. Beth, however, was of a different mindset.

“OK, one more time around so make it good,” she declared. “Let’s go the other way around this time.”

Turning to John, she licked her lips and asked the proverbial cliché, “Truth or Dare?”

John wasn’t about to be a wimp but he wasn’t going to fall for her trap so he took dodged whatever bullet Beth likely had ready for him and asked for a truth question. Beth had a look of disappointment and I knew I would have to ask her later what she had planned if John had accepted her Dare. It wouldn’t have surprised me if she made him suck Bill’s dick but I knew THAT would never happen, no matter WHAT game were playing, so it was best it never got to that point.

“Oh well then, let’s see ... how many times a day do you masturbate?”

John’s face reddened and I think he may have wished for a moment he’d gone for the dare but if my suspicions were correct, he was still better off. Besides, what is it about guys and masturbation? Everyone knows they ALL do it (at least all the ones I know, including my dad) and they even joke about it but ask them something specific and they clam up like they’re doing something dirty.

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