Kelly's Diary 021 - Doing It at the Beach - Cover

Kelly's Diary 021 - Doing It at the Beach

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 6: The Beach

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6: The Beach - My life after losing my virginity was like being able to see after being blind all my life. A whole new world opened up and everything was new and exciting. There were so many things I wanted to try and fortunately I had a boyfriend more than willing to help. Just imagine if the folks at the beach had known what was going on right under their noses!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

“Hey, why don’t you two go swimming?” my mom suggested.

I looked down at the beach and saw it was pretty crowded. There was a floating dock in the deeper section where you could dive off but that was practically filled with people. Kids seemed to be everywhere although I did see a few teens and adults walking around, most of which probably had kids or brothers and sisters in the water they had to keep an eye on. I frowned and looked at John.

“Well, I don’t know, looks pretty crowded,” I mused.

“What the heck, let’s try it. Looks like fun!” John responded. He was certainly a lot more enthusiastic about the idea than I was. Frankly, I would have rather gone off to somewhere more private and had some fun of a different sort!

Outnumbered, I shrugged and gave in as it really didn’t make that big of a difference one way or the other to me for the moment. I was confident that sooner or later we would do it so this was just a temporary setback. My mom mentioned the air mattress in the back of the SUV and so John ran back to the parking lot to get it. Fortunately my dad had blown it up before we left home so it was ready to go when he got back.

“Ready?” John asked. He really DID seem to be looking forward to this, although for the life of me I didn’t understand why. I enjoyed sunning at the beach but I was a few years past the stage where swimming around in the dirty lake water gave me any special thrills.

As we made our way down to the beach, we passed several families having picnics of their own. Of course most of the guys turned their heads as I walked by as I probably had the skimpiest bikini around at the moment. John must have noticed them as well because he held my hand and pulled me a little closer to him. Inside I felt sort of special, like I was part of some tribal ritual. It wasn’t so much he was protecting me as he was showing off to the other males, letting them know I was his. Personally, I thought it was sort of cute. At least he wasn’t pulling me along by my hair!

Before long we were out in the warm water up to our knees. I dropped down on the air mattress and stretched out on my stomach with my arms hanging over the sides to move myself along. With just the strings of my bikini showing and the little thong barely covering any of my ass, someone might have thought I was nude at first glance. I looked up on the beach and waved to my mom to see if she was watching us. She must’ve been since she waved back almost immediately.

John grabbed my ankles and pushed me out into deeper water. As the water got past his waist and covered his shorts, his hands released my ankles and started stroking my bare leg up and down between my ankles and about mid-thigh. He didn’t get as close to my ass as I would’ve liked but it felt good all the same. As time went by, he got more little adventurous and his hands moved up a little further until finally he brushed up against my almost bare bottom.

“John!” I exclaimed, pretending to be self-conscious, “There are little kids right over there who can see you!”

“Who cares,” he shrugged, “Let them get their own girl!”

We both laughed and then without warning he flipped me over and dunked me. I made it back to my feet and pushed him backwards and before long we were pushing and shoving playfully. He had the advantage since the water was up higher on me than him since he was taller but I still managed to hold my own. Somewhere along the line his hand grabbed my ass and he gave it a good squeeze.

“Damn you’ve got a fucking great ass,” John sighed. He looked around to see if anybody was paying attention to us but it didn’t look as if anyone cared what we were doing. By now we were in pretty deep and I was almost up to my neck so it wasn’t like anyone could tell see he was doing anyway.

“So you like my butt, eh?” I teased him, wiggling it in his hand.

“Damn right I do, and I love to play with it!” He gushed with a grin on his face.

“Well, am I stopping you?” I teased him. “I don’t recall saying no or anything like that.”

John turned to me and kissed me briefly as he looked me in the eyes and asked, “Tell me Kelly, do you EVER said no?”

Well, not often, especially when it came to sex. True, most guys I sucked didn’t get to fuck me and even those were told a few things were off-limits but I would have say that in general, I’m a pretty accommodating girl!

Anyway, what was good for the goose was good for the gander so I reached underwater to his crotch and grabbed his dick through his shorts. His swim shorts were loose and baggy, making it easy to get a grip on what was becoming a sizable erection inside.

“Ha! I think somebody’s horny,” I said in a sing-song taunting style.

“Well, what do you expect after watching you run around all but naked all day?” he huffed. “God, I can’t believe your parents let you wear this suit in public!”

I smiled because he had no idea what I was thinking just then. Gee whiz, if he thought THIS bikini was risqué, he should see the one I wear when I tan on our deck, the one my dad calls “Kelly’s little slut bikini”. The first time my dad saw me in it I thought his mouth would never be able to close again from the way it dropped open. My mom had actually picked it out for me and I sometimes wonder if she didn’t do it just to tease my dad!

“Hey, did I see you checking out my mom today?” I teased him. John seemed a little embarrassed by that and even with all the sun he’d been exposed to today, he still looked a little redder in the cheeks.

“It’s OK,” I assured him, “I know she’s a MILF ... and so does she.”

“Kelly, how can you call her that? She’s your mom for crying out loud,” John protested. I just laughed harder and grinned up at him.

“Oh don’t pretend to be so innocent,” I chastised him. “She looks good and she likes to show it off a bit. No harm in that, is there? Oh, and in case you’re interested you should know she loves my dad and hasn’t ever cheated on him - not even once.”

“Uhhhhh, I never said I wanted to do anything with her!” John quickly pointed out.

I laughed and gripped his cock a little tighter as if to make my point. “Well, you better not!” I said sternly, “I’m the only girl in my house you get to fuck! Speaking of which...”

John grinned and this time he certainly DID know what I was thinking about. Obviously the feeling was mutual - we both wanted him to fuck me.

“Hmmm, you’ve been here before so you know anywhere around here we can do it?” he asked, his eyes sweeping the park area.

Suddenly an idea formed in my mind, a naughty idea, a REALLY naughty idea. A couple of kids passed by on inner tubes and once they were well away from us I turned to John and grinned broadly at him. We’d been going out long enough for him to recognize that smile.

“Uh oh, now what nasty thoughts are running though that pretty little head?” He said with an evil smile.

“Don’t move,” was all I said in reply. Taking a deep breath, I dropped down under the water where I reached for his shorts and with one pull, dragged them down to his knees. Caught by surprise, he started to reach for them but I already had his cock in my hand with my other arm around his legs which I used to pull me closer to him so I could take his stiff cock in my mouth. I can’t say the taste of his cock mixed with lake water was the best concoction I’d had in a while, but at this point, who cared! I sucked it for a few seconds and came back up to get some air.

“Shit Kelly, what the hell are you doing?” John hissed at me as I caught my breath. He reached down and pulled his shorts back up again. “For crying out loud, there are people all around us!”

“And your point is...”” I responded, pretending not to have a clue what he was talking about.

“Well, you just can’t DO that here!” he protested weakly.

“Oh ... and why not?” I teased him, giving him my best innocent little girl look and tone of voice.

John rolled his eyes saying, “Well, what if someone figures out what we’re doing?”

I just huffed, “Maybe if you would just shut up and do me without making such a fuss, they might not.”

“Wait a minute,” he said, a look of comprehension appearing, “You mean you want me to FUCK you? Here? Now?”

“Sure, why not?” I replied as if it was the most reasonable thing to do.

“God Kelly, someone will see us,” he repeated himself, “Shit, if nobody else does, your mom’s watching us like a mother bear keeping tabs on her cub.”

I grinned widely. “Oh? And what makes you think she doesn’t know you’ve been screwing her daughter?”

“I guess I really never thought about it is all,” he said lamely. “I just assumed she didn’t.”

“My mom’s not stupid, you know,” I chastised him, “I mean, who do you think took me to the gyno to get me on the pill in the first place?”

He started to respond but I’d had enough of this already. I wanted to be fucked, not debate it. “So, you gonna do me or not?” I demanded. It was a silly question as there was absolutely no doubt in my mind what he would say. In my first year of having sex, I hadn’t met a guy yet who said “no” when I offered myself to him!

“God Kelly, I can’t believe you’re talking me into this!” ge groaned although from the look in his eyes I knew it was now inevitable.

“Actually, I was thinking more about YOU getting into ME,” I corrected him, “SOOOOO, why not just shut up and fuck me?”

“Fuck me,” he said under his breath. Not that I think he meant me to hear him, nor did I take him literally, but he was obviously a bit concerned and overwhelmed with the whole idea. Oh well, I couldn’t have cared less so long as he fucked me, and fucked me soon.

I dunked under water and pulled my thong bottom off. It was so small I was able to hide it mostly in my hand. Better to hold it than to drop it to my knees or ankles where it might slip off and then I’d never be able to find it in this dark lake water! No way was O going to depend on him keeping tabs on it! Standing there in the deep water with nothing on my bottom, I leaned over the air mattress, maneuvering it such that I was facing the most number of people and minimizing the number of people behind us.

“Well, at least I’m ready,” I announced to him, as if he didn’t know.

John stood beside me and placed his hand on my neck. He slowly lowered it, running his fingers over me as he went down the small of my back and over my bare ass. I spread my legs enough for him to reach between them and I felt his finger exploring my pussy.

“Mmmmmmm, I like it when you play with my pussy,” I purred.

He didn’t say anything but just ran his finger up and down my pussy slit and then slipped it inside of me, gripping my ass with the palm of his hand as his finger pushed its way into my pussy.

“Now THAT”S even better,” I encouraged him. I was rewarded by the feel of his finger exploring my pussy, rubbing it and making it feel just the way I liked it.

As John was fingering my pussy a girl who looked to be maybe eleven or twelve went by, chasing after a friend about her same age. Her little bikini was tight enough to show her newly budding boobs and when she dove forward her cute little behind showed signs of what was sure to be a great ass in the not too distant future.

“She’s cute,” I teased John.

John pushed his finger in deeper before he responded saying, “Right, give me a break, Kelly. She’s only what, twelve at the most?”

“Well, I’m only a few years older,” I reminded him.

John squeezed my ass and looked at me with an evil grin saying, “Well, just shows you what a few years can do, doesn’t it? Me ... I’m happy with THIS piece of ass.”

“C’mon John, you mean you wouldn’t fuck her if you could?”

“Hell no! The only girl on this beach I want to fuck is you,” he said quietly. I sensed a little frustration in his voice and dropped the banter about the little girl. I was just teasing him and I didn’t want to get him upset, not now at least! I knew he was saying that just because he thought it was what I wanted to hear but I knew better from the way he kept glancing her way.

I suddenly gasped as he pulled his finger out of me and started rubbing my clit. I was so damn horny I almost came right then and there. Sure it was crazy to be out here in the middle of the swimming area with my bikini bottoms in my hand and my boyfriend’s finger toying with my exposed clit under the water. On the other hand, it was incredibly erotic to have all these people around me and not one of them knowing what John was doing to me - or about to do if I had anything to say about it.

“I want you to fuck me now,” I whispered to him, just high enough for him to hear me over the screams and cries of the crowd.

“You really sure about that?” John questioned me. Sheesh, what was it with him? You would think it would be the boy pushing the girl to do it and that she would be the one who was cautious, not the other way around!

“Dammit John, I’ve been waiting all day ... are you going to fuck me or not?” I demanded, getting a little frustrated. My pussy was practically cramping it needed a cock so badly and while his finger felt good, it just wasn’t doing the job. “Geeze, I never thought I’d ever have to beg you to screw me!”

“Shit, you really DO want it bad, don’t you?” he chuckled, as if he hadn’t really understood my “condition” before this point.

“Well duh!” I replied, rolling my eyes and letting out a melodramatic huff. It was beyond me “wanting” it - I NEEDED it. If I had to go back to the shore without having his dick in me first, I might just scream with frustration!

John looked around for what must have been the hundredth time before bending down and lowering his shorts. I really couldn’t see what he was doing through the dark lake water but hopefully he was only dropping them enough to free his dick as it would have been embarrassing for him if he lost them.

“OK, help me out here,” he whispered as he nestled in behind me.

I could feel his bare crotch pressed up against my ass and his cock between my legs like I was riding some fleshy pole. I reached down between my legs to move his cock to the correct position to enter me. Having never done it in a lake before, I had no idea what exactly to expect but I figured it would be similar to getting fucked in our family hot tub - something John had done to me several times already.

FYI to any girls interested in doing this - lake water doesn’t lubricate nearly as well as your natural pussy juices!

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