Kelly's Diary 018 - Church Picnic - Cover

Kelly's Diary 018 - Church Picnic

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 1: Preparing for the Picnic

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1: Preparing for the Picnic - Every year our church held a service in the woods. Usually it's a boring affair but this year my new boyfriend John made it one to remember!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Oral Sex  

Is there any event in the world more boring than a church picnic? Our church went all out, even to the point of carting out a piano on a “stage” (actually a flatbed trailer), and it STILL bored me to tears. It was more than a picnic as the service was held there as well. There were games for the little kids and social time for the adults but you were a teen, well just forget it. The best you could hope for was that it would rain and the thing would end early.

Now don’t get the wrong idea as normally I LOVE going to church. I’m a dedicated born-again Christian and not afraid to say so. Along with my parents I’ve attended church all my life on a regular basis including evening services and Wednesday nights not to mention numerous other activities like church camp, family weekends, etc. It’s just that there is something about going out into the dirty woods, sweating and fighting off bloodthirsty mosquitoes while trying to worship God that just didn’t seem right when a perfectly good, clean, and air-conditioned sanctuary is available!

On the other hand, there WERE a few things different about this year’s picnic than the previous ones, at least for me. Maybe the biggest change was that for the first time I wasn’t a virgin! At last year’s church “hoopla” I was fourteen, about to start high school, and was still debating about whether to fool around or not with my best friend’s brother Steve. As things turned out, about a month later he asked me out and on our first date I sucked his dick. Eventually I let him fuck me for the first time and so started some of the best months of my life. You know how people say they wish they’d known then the things they know now? Well, that was me when it came to sex. While I’d been masturbating for years, I had no idea how much better REAL sex was. Thankfully my new boyfriend was ready and willing to give me all I craved.

Unfortunately Steve’s mom’s job was transferred to California so they all moved away in the dead of winter. After a short period of mourning (OK, maybe I’m being melodramatic but it felt that way at the time) I was back dating again. Since the end of my freshman year, I’d been dating John almost exclusively. He was my age, at least for the moment, although his birthday was such that it put him a year ahead of me in school. On our first date we did it in the backseat of his parent’s car and it certainly wasn’t our last time! Mostly we did it either in his car or one of our bedrooms, but we were always on the look-out for any opportunity to add in a bit of extra excitement. As John attended the same church as me, he would be attending the annual picnic as well. Hmmmmmm, maybe there was something to look forward to after all!

The morning of the picnic my irritating alarm clock buzzed and so I reached over to turn it off. I tossed off the covers with every good intention of getting out of bed but then I remembered what day it was and flopped on my back. The cool morning air felt good on my naked body (I’d been sleeping nude like my parents since I was twelve) as I rubbed my eyes with both hands and tried to clear my head. One thing for sure, nobody can accuse me of being a morning person! Given a choice I’d stay up well past midnight and then sleep in until noon every day if I could!

As so often would happen when I did this I felt something familiar stirring between my legs. Not for the first time I marveled at how my rational head could hate mornings so intensely yet my always horny pussy seemed to love them. If there was one time of day I had to say when I’m consistently hornier than any there time it would have to be when I first wake up. Maybe it was my body’s way of compensating for my head’s reluctance to get up, I don’t know. All of which led me to be in the condition I was in now - my head telling me to go back to sleep while my pussy demanded attention! What I DID know was that at moments like this my pussy could be relentless in its demands.

From past experience I knew it was useless to try to fight it so I looked down at my nude body in the dim light peeking through my curtains. As I mentioned, I’d been sleeping without anything on now for the past three years. At first it was just a twelve year-old was just trying to act older by mimicking her parents (who never wore anything to bed). Once I got accustomed to it I found that it was comfy not being restricted by anything and so now the only time I wear anything to bed anymore is during sleepovers and such when I am with people other than my parents. I kept a nightshirt next to my bed so when I got up I could throw it on quickly.

My mother didn’t approve of casual nudity around the house and insisted I wear SOMETHING, even if it was just a T-shirt that didn’t even cover my butt. It’s not like my parents have anything against nudity. We’ve always used the hot tub without swimsuits since I was just a little girl but then we had towels and robes to wear when we weren’t in it. As a general rule, I was raised not to be embarrassed by nudity but at the same time not to flaunt it either.

As my hand reached between my legs to touch my aching pussy, I heard my parent’s alarm clock go off and eventually caught a glimpse of my groggy dad stumbled across the hallway to the bathroom which was directly opposite my bedroom. He was naked and sporting his usual “morning wood” so I knew what his intentions were. Sure enough after he’d closed the door behind him I heard him peeing and then the toilet flushing. Whatever ... I quickly put him out of my mind as I had better things to think about.

As I started to slowly rub my clit it responded by sending shivers throughout my body. It was like it was telling me if I treated it nice it would do the same for me. I spread my legs a little further apart, imagining my latest boyfriend was touching me. In my dream he was on top of me now, his hand on his wonderful erection as he guided it towards my crotch, getting ready to penetrate me and make me feel whole again. My middle finger slipped into my wet pussy hole as I imagined him slipping into me, making me gasp and I moaned.

“Yes John, fuck me ... fuck me!”

God it felt so good! I was concentrating hard on my pussy so it startled me to hear a chuckle coming from the hallway. Opening my eyes, I saw my dad standing there in the doorway. He was wearing a terry robe now but it wasn’t tied together so I could still see most everything - at least everything that counted when it came to determining how he was feeling. Based on the massive erection poking out from the robe it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out my mom was about to get “lucky”!

“Oops, sorry baby,” he said when he saw my eyes were fixed and then realizing what was inadvertently on display. “Ummmmm, your mom’s waiting for me,” he offered as an explanation for his arousal but it wasn’t necessary as I’d already assumed as much.

“So anyway, you were saying?” he teased me after rearranging his robe.

“Oh Daddy!” I protested, “You know very well what I was thinking about!”

It was just like my dad to tease me this way. Could I help it that my dad had the same first name as my boyfriend who’d been fucking me lately? I certainly hadn’t been thinking of my own dad fucking me!

“I know baby, I know. Well, have fun!” he teased me as he disappeared out of sight and I heard the bedroom door closing behind him. Yep, my mom was going to get some this morning!

The only time my parents usually shut their bedroom door was when they made love. I guess it was their way of keeping it as something special just between them. Over the course of the years I’d seen enough of them nude and even watched them masturbate (especially my dad) but I’d never seen them actually having sex. Sure my mom would sometimes grab his dick in the hot tub or something like that just to tease him, but it wasn’t like she gave him a BJ or anything else overtly sexual.

Masturbation was handled much like nudity in at home. It was considered OK, in fact my mom almost insisted I do it sometimes when I was annoying her with talk about how I couldn’t wait to be with my boyfriend again. In any case it was still not something to be flaunted. I’d say “respect” was the operative word. For instance if my dad just happened to walk by my room and saw me masturbating like he did this morning, more often than not he just ignored me. It was the same if I was in the family room while he was watching a porn movie or there was some sexy actress on TV (his current favorite is Amanda Tapping of StarGate - she can get him erect almost instantly!). If he felt the need to masturbate I just ignored him. I mean really, what would be the point in making him wait until later to take care of himself?

Hopefully by now you’re getting an idea of what life at home was like at the time for me. I HATE it when people say I live in an OPEN home or lifestyle. When people use that term they typically are referring to some kinky porn-movie style arrangement where silly people run around naked all the time having sex any time or place without any regard for someone else’s personal respect and decency. About the LAST thing I would say if asked to characterize my family would be to use the word “open”. My preference is simply to say we respect each other and love on another such that things like nudity and masturbation simply aren’t even issues to worry about. My mom makes bigger stink over me throwing my dirty clothes under the bed than not wearing them in the first place. The only times I remember her fussed with me regarding masturbation was when I was little and would start playing with myself in public. At the time I didn’t know any better despite her telling me all the time, but that’s just a normal part of growing up.

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