Kelly's Diary 014 - Farewell to Steve, My First Boyfriend - Cover

Kelly's Diary 014 - Farewell to Steve, My First Boyfriend

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 1: The Bad News

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Bad News - In a shocking turn of events, Steve's mom was promoted and was assigned to a new office out of town meaning they were moving! During our final night together I said goodbye to the first boy I had sex with in the best way I knew how.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

I was fourteen the summer that I gave my virginity to Steve, the sixteen year-old brother of my friend Sharon. It was an experience I’ll never forget and even more important, it lit an insatiable flame within me for sex that has driven my actions ever since. At the time I had no idea what this new chapter in my life was going to turn out to be and I undoubtedly would’ve been shocked had I known just how much it would impact every aspect of my life. Since starting Steve I’ve been fucked by dozens, even hundreds of men (and boys) but he and his dick will always occupy a special place in my heart.

As I just mentioned, once the door to my inner sexual nature was opened, I couldn’t seem to get enough sex and for the next six months I sometimes even begged Steve to fuck me every chance we had. During that time I’ve no idea how many times we did it but it had to be as hundred times or more since it seemed we did it almost every day and sometimes twice or more if we had the chance. There were many times when we couldn’t fuck because of time limitations or where we were but I could usually at least suck him or give him a hand job. Along the way I did do his brother ONCE but otherwise Steve was the only boy I had sex with during this entire time.

To say I was in love with Steve meant that I loved how he made me feel - physically and emotionally. Both of us were perfectly matched when it came to being willing to do anything naughty. We did it in movies theaters, stores, our homes, playgrounds, parks, even at school and church. At my age, every experience was new and exciting and I was always trying to think of something different to try. My parents were great, supporting me every step of the way. They knew everything throughout this period starting from when I told my mom about my first time - the first person I told.

Not many girls are as fortunate as I am when it comes to being raised in a loving home with such supportive parents. Once I started having sex with Steve my parents encouraged me to enjoy my newfound skills but at the same time they emphasized safety and respect. My mom ensured that I was on the pill from the start and my dad even encouraged me to stay home for sex. He told me it was safer than parking in some desolate location but I wasn’t THAT naive. Even so, when he would sometimes peek in and watch I knew he was more worried about my safety than any sense of voyeurism. Besides, I thought it was kinda cool that it turned my dad on to watch me. I had no doubt soon afterwards my mom would be very happy as well!

As for Steve’s parents, unfortunately it was an entirely different story. At first we kept things a secret from his divorced mother, or so we thought. Then one day she caught us and told us she knew all about what we were doing. To this day I still sometimes wonder if it was just all as dream. To my shock and amazement she ended up pushing me aside and I witnessed my first instance of incestuous sex. Oh sure I’d seen fake scenes when my dad watch porn but this was the real thing! It was the first and last time she joined us and we never even mentioned it afterwards but I’ve always wondered if Steve and her did it again. They both have insisted they never did but somehow I find that as little hard to believe.

Sharon, Steve’s sister, was one of my closest friends and knew everything we were doing. She even confided in me that she would’ve loved to have him fuck her as well but to her chagrin Steve never seemed the least bit interested in her in that way. Out of respect I never told Sharon about the time with her brother and mom and evidently neither did they since she never said a word about it and we shared everything else so far as I knew. I was so happy during this time in my life as it seemed my sexual nature grew even more every time I was together with Steve.

All this went on for about six months until one day a week after New Year’s Eve after Steve had fucked me in my bed and we laid together in each other’s arms. We were just enjoying the feel and scent of each other as my room and bed smelled strongly of our sex. I so loved being with him! He made me feel so complete when we were together, especially when our teen bodies were joined together as one. It was all I could do some nights not to cry out in frustration as I lay alone in my bed at night, wishing he were in me and masturbating hard as I imagined him fucking me. So it should come as no surprise that I was floored at the news.

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