Kelly's Diary 008 - My Boyfriend's Mom Joins In - Cover

Kelly's Diary 008 - My Boyfriend's Mom Joins In

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 5: Steve’s Mom Watches Us

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5: Steve’s Mom Watches Us - This all happened long ago with my boyfriend and his mom but still ranks as one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Little did I know then how it would influence me later in ways I never imagined. Some people have expressed their doubts as to whether this really happened. Frankly I probably would as well if I was in their shoes. Yet as they say... truth is stranger than fiction.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Incest   Mother   Son  

Steve grunted as he pushed hard into me and I closed my eyes as I felt his cock fill me to where I thought I might burst. When I opened them and focused, out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman entering the room. My immediate assumption was it was Sharon and for a brief second I thought my ultimate fantasy was about to come true. Would Steve let her join us? Would he fuck us both? Was his sister about to realize her greatest fantasy come to life?

Suddenly a voice rang out and my heart sank as I realized not only was I dead wrong about it being Sharon watching us, but completely screwed as well - and not in the way I was loving how Steve was doing it to me. Obviously it hadn’t been Sharon that was watching us all this time. No, that would have been too lucky. Instead it turned out to be Steve’s MOM! Oh ... My ... God!

Marlene was dressed in jeans and a white blouse - not all that unlike what I’d worn over actually except based on the outline under her blouse she obviously was wearing a bra which meant most likely panties as well. Why I even noticed that I can’t say as it’s not like she hardly ever didn’t have them on. Just weird things you notice when your life flashes before your eyes. After taking a few steps in she paused to take in the scene spread out in front of her. Judging by her stern expression and pursed lips I could only imagine what was going through her mind. Dang, just how long had she been watching us anyway and why did she wait until now to make herself known? For that matter, why wait at all or else why not just stay where she was and watch? Yeah, it’s really amazing how many thoughts can run through your head in about one second!

“Alright you two, don’t either of you move one muscle - stay exactly as you are!” she commanded. Steve repositioned himself, more to take the weight off his arms but his mom would have none of it barking out, “Dammit I said don’t move!”

She sounding exactly like you’d expect a mother to sound when she finds her kids misbehaving. Now you would think our first reaction would’ve been to separate and hide ourselves but the shock was so great we both froze in place other than Steve’s minor repositioning. It was more than just a bit weird since it left both of us 100% nude in front of her with Steve kneeling behind me, his hard cock buried to the hilt in my wet pussy. What was even more surreal was there were no indication of him losing his erection and I could still feel my pussy throbbing around his cock. It seemed that neither his cock or my pussy could care less what was happening - they just wanted to stay together no matter what their owners were thinking!

We both looked over to the middle of the room where his mother was standing and then I was horrified to see she was holding Sharon’s fancy new 35mm camera! Wow, like not only were we busted, she even had proof! Sharon was so proud of her new camera and has shown me how it took great photos even in low light conditions so I had no doubt whatever Marlene had captured was going to be professional quality.

Marlene stepped up closer and looked sternly at the two of us. I dreaded to think about what was going to happen next. What in the world could she be thinking with the two of us in front of her all naked and coupled tightly together in what she probably considered a sinful act?

We might have stayed that way all day if his mom hadn’t broken the silence saying, “You know, I had a sneaky suspicion that the two of you little horny toads have been up to no good lately so I parked a block away and sneaked back into the house. Well, I’ve been watching you two sex fiends go at it like rabbits. As you can see I’ve got proof of everything so don’t even try denying it!”

Yeah, like we would be likely to claim that we were just doing homework and his dick just mysteriously ended up inside of me. All I could think was that this couldn’t be happening! It was so surreal, like I was in some sort of dream or nightmare instead of real life. Who would ever believe it was possible outside some porn movie - me stark naked on my elbows and knees gripping my boyfriend’s stiff dick with my fourteen year-old pussy while his self-righteous mother stood just six feet away with a camera!

It couldn’t get any more shocking, could it? Wrong! It was then I realized she wasn’t just standing there either - she was still taking pictures! What made it really bizarre was that Steve’s cock was staying rock hard while she did, still not shrinking even an inch inside me. Then again only a young horny teenage boy could’ve maintained an erection under the circumstances and Steve certainly met all the criteria.

As for me, I was feeling totally confused. On the one hand I was mortified that his mother had caught us like this. Yet on the other hand I could still feel Steve’s dick in me, fucking me like I loved to be fucked and in my heart I still wanted him to keep going no matter who was watching. Sure I’d often fantasized about someone watching us having sex but then I’d never dreamed it would ever actually happen and certainly not by his own mother!

As the standoff continued I couldn’t figure out his mom. What in the heck was she doing? I kept waiting for the inevitable explosion but then to my utter astonishment a smile replaced the frown as she couldn’t keep a straight face any longer and she started to laugh.

“Oh come on you two, quit looking so scared, “she admonished us, “You kids can’t possible believe I haven’t known the two of you were doing this, do you?”

“Actually, we DID believe it!” Steve started to protest but his mom cut him right off.

“Oh for heaven’s sake Steve, park it. Everyone knew you were jerking off at camp this summer peeking at the little girls all but naked in their new bikinis. Then at the fair your penis was about to burst from your pants anytime you were even close to her. When I started smelling her pussy on your hands after you came home from a date I knew you were screwing her - you really should wash up afterwards dear and Kelly my dear, you should’ve warned him how sensitive a woman’s sense of smell is when it came to another girl’s pussy scent.”

Oddly I smiled and nodded as I had to admit she was right about one thing. There WAS something about the odor of a woman’s pussy that was unmistakable to another woman. At home if either my mom or I masturbated and didn’t wash up good afterwards, invariably the other would notice and make a comment about it, sometimes teasing the other good-naturedly. Steve hands had been on my hips and I could feel him starting to relax his death grip on me as his mom went on. Dear god, was she going to make this into some sort of speech? Whatever the case, he was stroking his erection in and out of me as his teenage hormones maintained control.

“What I get the biggest kick out of is how unbelievably horny the two of you are,” she continued, “My god, you kids do it more than rabbits! Do you have even the slightest idea of what a pain it’s been for me to leave the house so you can have your fun? Even then, you couldn’t resist doing it right under my bedroom during Sharon’s slumber party.”

She looked at me with that self-satisfied, smug look of someone who knew a lot more than people thought she did. “What, I may be old but I’m not deaf and Kelly dear, you’re quite the little moaner, aren’t you? Well, after THAT I knew it was time to do something about it.”

Oh-oh, now we were finally going to get it. I had the sense a storm had been gathering while she spoke and now it was time for the lightning to strike us down. For the first time I actually felt a little scared but just when I thought it was all over for us, she laughed to let us know she was just teasing us again. Even then I wasn’t TOO scared to feel Steve as he instinctively humped me. Wow, talk about weird ... he STILL hadn’t shrunk one bit!

“Actually, what I REALLY think is that it’s time to make this easier for all of us,” she went on. Then to my surprise she continued on with, “Well, just slow down, get back to business boy. Why do I always have to tell you to finish what you started? Somehow I don’t think Kelly’s the type of girl who likes her guy to quit half-way. Damn, I have to say it looks like you found yourself a REAL slut this time, didn’t you? I just never imagined it would be her!”

Despite her somewhat odd comment about me I turned back to look over my shoulder at Steve who now finally had a look of total confusion. As for me I was actually feeling the same - like what the heck was she talking about? Marlene rolled her eyes and motioned at us with her hands.

“Good grief, don’t just stare at me like two idiots. I’ve been watching and hell, look at both of you - you’re STILL so damn horny you haven’t even split apart. I’ll be damn if you aren’t still humping her Steve! So c’mon, show me how you like drilling your little slut. Frankly I would’ve thought she was too young for you. Doesn’t have much on top, does she? Not like her stacked friend you were doing before her.”

I guess the same thing the ponytail did in making me look younger to turn on Steve was having the opposite effect on his mom. The remark about my boobs really wasn’t necessary though. It was like she was taunting me. I guess she didn’t understand why a sixteen year-old boy would want to fuck a fourteen year-old girl, especially when she looked to be more like twelve when it came to her boobs. At least she hadn’t criticized my thin legs. And then to make that snarky comment about my best friend Beth wasn’t really necessary either if you asked me.

Steve’s face was still a bit flushed but with his cock still swollen and pressing deeply into my pussy he was obviously still horny as hell. As for myself, at our age the good ole’ sex drive can override just about anything so a smile slowly came back to my face and I looked back again at Steve over my shoulder. If his mother hadn’t been so nonchalant about it I might never have done it but under the circumstances, what the heck?

“Well Steve, what do you say?” I encouraged him looking back at him over my shoulder again. He looked at me like I was totally bonkers so I repeated myself saying, “Listen to your mother ... fuck me!”

In reality it probably didn’t really matter what I said. He may have been looking like he was dazed and confused but his cock certainly knew what it wanted! Besides, I knew my boyfriend pretty well by now, at least when it came to his sex drive, and if there was one thing I could be certain about Steve was when he was as horny as he was this day he didn’t think straight. Actually that was all for the good because now he was running on pure instinct - sexual instinct. Amazingly, not even the specter of his own mother watching us could dampen his lust for my petite fourteen year-old body.

Sure enough, as hard as his cock was in me I knew all he wanted was to fuck the pussy in front of him regardless of who was watching - even his own mother. The speed at which he was able to put aside the shock of his mother catching us was an amazing demonstration of how powerful his sexual needs were ... showing both his mom and me how they could override pretty much everything else. For me it wasn’t that I was out of control, at least not in the way he was. Actually I was starting to think it was pretty hot that his mom was watching us! Heck, this was far better than even Sharon watching. Just imagine ... all this time I thought his mom was such a prude and now here she was encouraging her son to fuck me - WHILE SHE WATCHED!

Just a note ... It wasn’t until much later that I had time to think about this more. Actually it was my mom who raised my suspicions when I told her about what happened. She wasn’t buying it for a moment! There was more to all this but I wasn’t so sure it was what my mom suspected.

Meanwhile Steve seemed somehow be able to ignore his mom’s watchful eye as he resumed what could only be described as a sexual assault on my pussy. Steve’s mom took up residence on a stuffed chair next to the couch and watched us, snapping pictures almost continuously. Then I remembered Sharon showing off the motor drive. Just when I thought I thought things couldn’t get any more bizarre, Marlene spread her legs part and placed one hand on her crotch, rubbing what was now a visible wet spot showing through her tight jeans (well, not as tight as mine would’ve been but more so than I had never seen her wear before). Then she moved her hand up until she was squeezing her ample breasts through her blouse and bra. Wow, she was obviously getting more than just a little horny watching her son fucking me! It would’ve been even better I’m sure to use both hands but she needed at least one to operate the camera. Yep, she was still making this all a Kodak moment!

Oh well, at that moment I really didn’t care WHAT she did or HOW she thought about me so long as she let her son fuck me all I wanted. As Steve continued fucking me his mom kept on rubbing herself. It was almost is if they were in sync with each other, mother and son somehow linked together in some weird sexual psychic connection. As she had pointed out I was never one to be quiet during sex so it was natural for me to break the silence.

“C’mon, fuck me harder Steve,” I demanded, “Show your mommy how hard her naughty son can fuck my tight fourteen year-old pussy!”

Steve loved for me to talk dirty during sex but then I surprised even him when I started to talk that way to his mother as well.

“Oh god he feels so big in me Marlene, so hard,” I moaned as I looked over and our eyes met. I’d never called her by her first name before but it seemed more appropriate than “Mrs.” “God Marlene, I love your son’s HARD cock in me! Your baby boy always fucks me soooooo good!”

It shouldn’t have surprised me when she responded the way she did but I was still getting use to the whole idea of his mom being there in the first place, let alone masturbating and talking to us!

“Yes Kelly, that’s it ... tell me how it feels,” she said slowly and softly, “Mmmmmmm, tell me how his hard cock feels in you ... tell me how it feels to have my son’s stiff cock fucking your wet baby pussy.”

My own mother had never been in the room even with me when I was having sex with Steve so it was almost creepy having his mom right there in front of me just an arm’s reach away. And not just watching ... she was asking me to describe how her oldest son’s cock felt inside of me! The only way I could keep my head on straight was to pretend she was MY mom and I was telling her after I got home tonight what it felt like to have Steve fuck me.

“Mmmmmmm, he feels so big inside of me,’ I whispered softly, “Oh god, I can feel his dick throbbing in me ... it’s so hot I feel like I’m burning up!”

“That’s it Kelly ... now tell me more ... don’t hold anything back!” she said, her voice trembling as she started rubbing herself faster. Strange as it may sound it actually made it easier for me as it was more or less the same reaction my mom often had whenever I came home and related the events of my date.

Just as I was starting to get into it, my dialog was forced to pause as I couldn’t help but grunt loudly while Steve literally pounded my pussy. It must have been the excitement raised by his mom watching as he’d never thrust himself into me with such abandon before. He must’ve been getting even more turned on as he listened to the two of us talking about him fucking me. Between breaths I tried my best to describe to her how it felt to have her teenage son fuck me, what it was like to have the boy she’d raised and nurtured shoving his stiff dick in me now that he was all grown up.

“Oh Marlene, I love it when Steve rams it hard into me, when I feel him bang into my ass and push himself as deep inside of me as he can,” I managed to gasp as I was panting now from the fucking he was giving me. “Oh yeah, he feels so warm inside of me, so big in me. Oh god, you need to feel it ... SOOOO hard!”

Steve must have been really getting turn-on by our dirty talk because it didn’t take long for him to reach his climax. “God I’m gonna cum!” he announced loud enough for both me and his mom to hear, “Watch mom ... watch me cum!”

As if that last remark wasn’t enough, my rapidly growing list of surprises increased even further when Steve’s mom got up off the chair and knelt down on the floor next to us. Now I was feeling more than a little weird with her so close I could literally smell her - and she smelled nice! She wasn’t interested in me per se at this point, our eyes never even met. Instead she seemed to only care about watching where we were joined, seeing her son’s dick thrust in and back out of me as he fucked me and reached a climax.

Despite her apparent inattention to me, it still excited me in a way I’d never felt before. Sure my parents had watched me having sex with Steve, but that had always been more voyeuristic and oh so much more subtle. Now it was like we were putting on a sex show for his mom, to the point where I could almost imagine her joining in on what we were doing. Indeed, the only way this could have been any hotter would be for her to join in but obviously THAT would never happen! Really, as surreal as it may be it was one thing to WATCH your son fuck his girlfriend but I couldn’t even imagine anything a mother wanting to do any more than that. For Steve to fuck his mom would’ve been as likely to happen as my dad fucking me - NOT something that would ever happen! Marlene was acting more like a pornographic cheerleader than a mother. It was like she was directing us in some sort of insane porn movie.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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