Kelly's Diary 005 - Losing My Virginity - Cover

Kelly's Diary 005 - Losing My Virginity

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 2: The Great Debate

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2: The Great Debate - EVERY girl remembers losing her virginity. After all it's not just your first time, it's your ONLY time. I still remember that day like it just happened yesterday. I was fourteen and horny so what more do I need to say? OK, a LOT more, LOL. In the past month I'd gone from my first real kiss to sucking my boyfriend's cock. Now I've rounded third base and sprinting for home!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Under the circumstances I knew it was just a matter of time before we did IT but it WAS a big step for me and I didn’t want to rush into it until I was absolutely sure. I mean when you come down to it, sucking cock is no big thing really. Heck, if anything I was probably one of the last in my tight circle of friends to do it. OK, so Nancy the nun certainly hadn’t but sometimes I wondered if she ever masturbated except when she was with us. Unlike a BJ though, letting Steve fuck me would mean I was having SEX, something that most of my friends were NOT doing although a couple had started already. Marianne the slut claimed to have started first with several boys already ragging they’d had her - but then there were rumors one of them was her own brother is who knew what the truth really was. My BFF Beth had the honor (at least in my eyes) of having Steve take her virginity so it was sort of ironic that I was looking to have him take mine as well.

Another thing my mom had told me was to take into consideration that while most people didn’t take blowjobs all that seriously, once a girl gets a reputation for REALLY putting out she’s immediately tagged with the title “slut”. Based on his reputation I had to assume that if I let Steve fuck me that he would promptly go out and do what he always did after fucking the other girls - tell his friends about it who would then tell all their friends. Not to mention that I knew full well how the girls at school talked about other girls who were “easy” and I wasn’t so sure I wanted them talking about ME that way. Then again I had to admit that it sort of turned me on to think that they’d talking about ME, probably even jealous that they weren’t getting laid by such a hunk as Steve. Yeah, the girl with the little boobs everybody teased would have the last laugh.

The more I wanted sex with Steve, the hornier I became. The more I masturbated the less any worries about gaining a “reputation” became. I knew my mom was been no virgin in high school and judging from what people wrote in my mom’s high school yearbook everyone else knew it as well. Well, she certainly turned out great! No, what bothered me the most was fear that Steve was just looking at me as yet another notch on his belt. Would he dump me once he bagged my fourteen year-old virgin pussy? Once I started dating her brother, Sharon had filled me in with all the details about the older girls he’d dated. Some of them were even college girls so I wasn’t waiting for him to proclaim his undying love for me or anything silly like that before we had sex. Simply put I didn’t want to be used, at least not my first time. Like any girl I wanted my first time to be special, hopefully even a little romantic, and not just getting laid unceremoniously in some uncomfortable dark back seat.

As mentioned earlier, although I had several friends with whom I felt comfortable discussing most things, my best friend Beth being my favorite and most confidential, my ultimate confidante was my mom. NONE of secrets were kept from her and whenever I had a problem or question that I couldn’t tell anyone else I knew my mom was always there for me. She and I were already discussing sex in general with several coy references to Steve and she’d given me quite the lesson in preparation for my first blowjob date. Given the success of that encounter she had risen even higher in my eyes. Thus after I’d been sucking Steve’s dick for some time I decided to seek my mom’s guidance as to what she thought I should do so far as letting him fuck me.

The next morning after my dad had left for work I slipped under the covers with my mom in bed. We were both nude as that was how we always slept but with the covers over us we couldn’t see other anyway. Even without them it wasn’t like we would’ve been flaunting ourselves or being kinky. Except when she was making love with my dad our family practiced an open-door policy. Unless we had visitors our bedroom doors were never shut. The only reason they shut the door during sex was my mom just felt that was something intimate between her and her husband, not that they hiding anything. For that matter neither of my parents hid anything from me so there was nothing for me to be ashamed of or be shy about. Why does everyone make such a big deal out of nudity anyways? Heck, my mom had even helped me learn to masturbate better! Now don’t run off with any perverted ideas. Mom demonstrated everything on herself, not me. Ewwwww, now THAT would have been a bit weird to say the least!

“Hey baby girl, what’s the problem?” she asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. My mom worked shifts as a nurse at the hospital but she’d gotten a good night’s sleep and was just being lazy so I didn’t feel guilty waking her to discuss something so important.

“Oh Mom, I just don’t know what to do,” I started out. No sense beating around the bush so I just asked her straight out saying, “Steve wants to fuck me and I don’t know if I should let him.”

My mom just chuckled, rolling her eyes and then she asked, “Well Kelly, EVERY teenage boy wants to do his girlfriend so what makes this situation any different? You know you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

Well she had me there. My mom had a knack for drilling straight to the core of an issue and in this case she’d asked the exact question that was nagging me.

“You know Kelly,” she continued when I didn’t respond, “I think the question you SHOULD be asking yourself is do YOU want him to fuck you? What he wants doesn’t matter.”

I flopped over onto my back and thought for a moment. “Well I guess I do,” I answered albeit rather lamely.

My mom frowned at me. “What do you mean you GUESS you do? This is quite a decision for you to make so you damn well better not just be guessing.”

Of course my mom was right, wasn’t she always? In reality I knew the answer, I just needed her confirmation. Taking a deep breath I responded with, “OK, I WANT Steve to fuck me.”

My mom turned on her side to face me and leaned up on her elbow at that and smiled at me knowingly. “Ahhhhhh, I see what’s going on here. It’s not really about Steve, is it? I think someone’s just horny and wants to get laid. It’s not like it hasn’t been obvious to your dad and me the past few weeks since you started blowing the boy.”

Believe it or not I blushed! I’d never been shy about masturbating in front of my parents but I hadn’t really given thought to how much more I’d been doing it recently. Why hadn’t they said anything before now?

My eyes involuntarily glanced downward, my body language betraying me and she knew she had me cornered so she continued, “You know, there are two ways to give up your virginity. You can either give it to someone who loves you and respects you or you can give it away just for the sake of having sex. Somehow I think you just want to get laid. Am I right?”

“Well...,” I stammered. I hadn’t planned on putting it quite THAT way but essentially she was right. How do mother’s read minds anyway? Still it wasn’t quite THAT bad, was it? Sure I was horny but I DID want to be respected after all.

“Oh don’t try denying it, that’s just part of being a normal teenage girl,” she consoled me, putting her hand gently on my arm, “I’m just surprised you’ve been blowing him this long without doing it already.”

Blushing again, I bit my lower lip nervously as she continued, “Actually, I’d be a lot more concerned as your mother if you came in here and tried to tell me that you did NOT want to have sex. It’s perfectly natural to want it, especially with all the changes you’re going through. The only question I DO have to ask is, do you really want THIS particular boy to be your first? There’s no do-overs you know. It should be someone special to you. Someone who really wants you and more than just as another notch on his belt.”

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