Kelly's Diary 004 - My First Blowjob - Cover

Kelly's Diary 004 - My First Blowjob

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 2: At the Movie Theater With Steve

Steve picked me up a couple of hours later. I secretly wondered if he caught the twinkle in my mom’s eyes when she saw him take my hand and start to lead me out the door. When he wasn’t looking she winked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I doubt there are many girls who get to go out on a date with the intention of sucking her first cock with their mom acting as a cheerleader on the sidelines! I felt an incredible love for my mother at that moment and once again I knew I was one VERY lucky girl to have a mother who was so supportive of me.

Even though I’d just masturbated a couple of hours earlier, seeing Steve and glancing at his crotch I once again felt that tingle between my legs. Steve must have been horny too as he didn’t waste any time driving straight to the movie complex where he found some seats in the back as far from anyone else as possible which wasn’t hard as there weren’t that many people in the theater and most were in the lower half. Obviously watching the movie was NOT what he had in mind which was fine with me as I had no intentions of watching much if it either.

It was the middle of a hot summer and I was dressed for it with my shortest cutoffs, tightest and skimpiest tube top, heels, and not a single thing more other than the makeup on my face and the baby powder I’d lightly sprinkled in my cleavage. My mom had suggested this last to me back when she found out he was playing with my boobs and sure enough, the light scent and smooth feeling it gave them drove Steve nuts! Heels always made me feel like I was just one step from stumbling onto my butt but my mom insisted I wear them. Not only did they add a few inches to my height, but she pointed out that it kept my outfit from making me look less like some country hick and more a high class hooker.

The drive to the greater was uneventful to say he least. Somehow I think we both knew tonight was going to be special. Once at the theater Steve bought the tickets of course and we lined up to get some popcorn and a drink. The line was long so I excused myself to use the restroom. I didn’t really have to go, I just wanted one last look in the mirror to check myself out. Lifting myself up on my tip-toes to see better in the mirror, my shorts pulled up even tighter and apparently more of my butt cheeks appeared than someone thought was appropriate.

“Excuse me honey, but aren’t you a little young to be dressed like such a slut?” an older voice came from behind me, “Does your mother have any idea you are out looking like that?”

I turned and saw an older woman, maybe a little older than my mom, clutching her purse and eyeing me with a scrunched up face of disgust. She didn’t seem pleased at all when I smiled at her.

“Really? What are you smiling about? I’d ground you forever if you were my daughter,” she fussed. “You do know there are impressionable young boys here tonight and it’s sluts like you that cause problems.”

“I was sort of hoping so ... and don’t forget their fathers,” I came back feeling rather naughty. I threw in the last part just to piss her off for being such an intolerant bitch. Apparently my efforts were successful as she huffed and all but ran from the restroom.

Looking back in the mirror I smiled as other women and girls came in. Truth be told, seeing my reflection in the mirror I found myself hoping Steve would be thinking the same as she did!

Steve was impatiently waiting for me when I came out and we headed to the theater. As I sat down in the seat the material in the crotch of my shorts was so thin and tight it rode up into my pussy. Fortunately I’d trimmed my fuzzy pussy hair so it wasn’t poking out although this particular pair were so short my pussy lips actually peaked out just a little to each side. The theater lights were still on and I could see Steve’s eyes staring at my all but exposed crotch. He seemed a little embarrassed when he realized I saw him looking at me that way, but I smiled at him to let him know I didn’t mind. Heck, if anything I WANTED him to see me ... I WANTED him to be ultra-horny tonight! I looked at him and licked my lips suggestively, just enough for him to know I was waiting for him to make his next move.

The theater was new and featured those stadium style high-back seats with armrests that pulled up between the seats. Steve lifted the one between us out of the way which allowed me to wiggle over next to him. Steve put his arm around my shoulders and held my bare upper arm. Not wasting any time, he pulled me towards him and we kissed long and hard, his tongue reaching into my mouth and mine meeting his. As we kissed, I could feel my pussy getting that itch it always gets when I’m really horny and I couldn’t wait for the lights to dim. Thankfully with the movie about to start there were still only a few other people in the theater and none within a few rows of us. I’m sure they saw us kissing and given the bad seats we chose with a nearly empty theater I didn’t doubt they knew we weren’t planning to watch much of the movie. Oh well, we were teenagers so what else would they expect?

Finally the previews finished and the lights went out as the feature began. I figured there was no sense in wasting time either so I reached up and moved his hand from my upper arm to my waiting breast. He squeezed it though the tight material of my tube top and his kiss intensified. I’d quickly learned fro previous dates that he liked me to moan softly just a bit when he made me feel good. Well, there was no need to fake anything as I loved when he rubbed my hardening nipple through the thin fabric of my tube top. Almost immediately in response his hand cupped my entire breast and once again I couldn’t believe how good it felt to have him fondle me this way. At home I liked to touch myself, especially in the shower or in bed naked at night. Well, that was all well and good but nothing compared to a real hand on me, even when it was over my clothing.

“Do you remember what I told you when we watched the fireworks at carnival?”

Steve just smiled and I felt his hand give my breast a squeeze.

“Do you remember when I told you someday you would know ALL of me?”

Another squeeze, a little more firm this time...

Suddenly feeling a bit nervous, I did a quick check and didn’t see anyone looking. Taking a deep breath, my fingers reached into the top of my tube top and pulled it down and over my breasts until it was just a band around my waist, leaving my boobs fully exposed. A part of me screamed “NO” as theoretically anyone could’ve looked and seen I was naked, at least on top. As horny as I was the rest of me screamed “YES” as I felt his hand on my bare flesh. I sighed again softly as he touched my baby-powdered boob and playing with my nipples.

Our kiss continued while he groped my boobs and soon he started to run his other hand over my bare torso and then over my shorts down to my smooth tanned legs. I almost jumped out of my seat as he ran his fingers up my bare inner thighs. The skin there was soft and smooth, not to mention sensitive as hell! I parted my legs further to give him easier access and was rewarded as his entire hand moved over my inner thigh.

“Oh god, that feels so good Steve!” I whispered tersely as his fingers danced over my smooth bare skin.

Up and down my sensitive legs and thighs he explored. I slouched in the seat with my tailbone just at the edge to make it even easier for him. He reached down, drawing his hand over me down to my ankles and then back to my shorts barely covered my warm crotch. God it felt so good ... so naughty! Yes I loved how it felt but to do it here, literally within feet of other people yet totally without their knowledge made it all the better.

Eventually he started to press into my crotch but at that I gently but firmly pushed his hand away and whispered, “Not yet, I have a better idea.”

He looked disappointed but that expression quickly changed when I reached over and put my hand firmly between his legs. It was the first time in my life that I’d touched him like this, or any boy for that matter. It was thrilling to feel his hard cock pushing up through his shorts. Needless to say he didn’t do anything to discourage me! If anything he spread his legs further apart to make it easier for me to hold him. I squeezed him gently and rubbed him best as I could though his shorts. Then I took my eyes off his crotch and looked at him, deciding it was time to stop being coy and let him know exactly what I wanted.

“Mmmmmmm, I want your cock Steve!” I whispered softly to him. Steve looked down at me with a big grin on his face. This was the first time I’d said those words to him and I knew he had to be looking forward to what was about to happen as much as I was.

My pulse was racing as I wanted so badly not to act like a novice which made it all the more annoying when I fumbled with his shorts. In my defense it WAS dark and I didn’t have any experience taking someone else’s clothes off! Steve smiled at my struggles and reached down to undo his top snap for me. After that I was able to unzip him and reach inside. My heart was pounding as I worked my fingers under the elastic of his underwear - white just the like ones I’d seen in the laundry at his house the day we were in his basement. I couldn’t believe I was finally going to put my hand down a boy’s pants, something I’d fantasized as I masturbated so many times. Now my dreams were finally coming true!

His underwear was tight but I still managed to slip my hand inside of the elastic. The first thing I felt was his stiff curly pubic hair. I couldn’t really see it but I loved the touch of it against my finger as it ran through the thick forest. Then my heart skipped as my fingers barely touched the head of his cock. OMG I was touching my first hard cock! As my hand worked its way farther down his shaft I touched more fingers to him and then held him like I was grabbing a broomstick, just as my mom had taught me. I couldn’t believe how hard and warm it felt! It was a little strange, like nothing I’d felt before. As hard as the shaft appeared the skin felt so soft and smooth in my hands.

Steve worked his underwear down just enough to free his dick which allowed me to look down and actually see my small hand wrapped around him. It was so cool to see his cock head poking out of my hand like a turtle out of its shell! My eyes had become adjusted to the light so I could see it pretty clearly. It seemed almost surreal to me that I had his cock in my hand right in the middle of the movie theater with people just a little ways away! For some reason, taking his cock out of his shorts seemed so much naughtier to me than exposing my boobs - which were still uncovered though I wasn’t thinking about them t the moment. A guy playing with a girl’s breasts was no big deal but when a girl had her hand on a guy’s cock it seemed to imply something much more personal and naughty. I’d vouch for that statement!

Steve whispered, “Stroke it Kelly.”

Mmmmmmm, I was only too happy to do exactly what he asked. My mind was a whirlwind as I tried to recall all the things my mom had taught me but there’s a big difference between playing with a dildo in my bedroom and actually holding an actual hard dick in my hand! As I ran my hand up and down his stiff shaft his hips started to move in sync with my strokes. I could feel his cock swelling and it excited me to know it was ME causing him to react this way. Steve evidently was fed up with his underwear being in the way so he slid his shorts and underwear down to his ankles which gave me complete access to his cock and balls. He was so horny that I was sure that the thought of someone catching him sitting bare-bottomed with his girlfriend’s hand around his cock never even occurred to him. It DID occur to me but it only made me all the more excited about what we were doing.

With his shorts and underwear out of the way, I reached down and felt his hairy balls in my hand. Now this was something my mom hadn’t been able to simulate with me! They were like loose sacks with something hard inside of them that rolled around as I played with them. Thick lush pubic hair covered everything and I could smell the distinct sexy musk odor of his male crotch.

“Careful with the boys,” Steve whispered.

Well, little did he know I’d already been warned by my mom to be gentle with his balls so I didn’t squeeze them or anything stupid like that. In the low light his cock actually looked at lot like my dad’s except unlike with my dad’s erections, I knew Steve’s was hard because of ME which made it special. Well, my dad’s were because of me but what I mean is my dad wasn’t hard in anticipation of me blowing him the way i was feeling about Steve at this moment.

Mmmmmmm, I was holding Steve’s tiff cock in my hand and I knew all he wanted at that moment was to fuck me. It made me feel incredibly sexy and hot knowing he wanted me but THAT would have to wait for another time. Meanwhile, I had other plans for his wonderful cock!

Of course I wasn’t paying any attention to the movie as I continued to stroke him for a while. While it wasn’t my intent to just give him a hand job, I suspected that was all he really was expecting based on my lukewarm responses to his efforts in the past. Well, it was time for me to surprise him for once and show him I wasn’t just some little fourteen year-old baby girl who had to be shown everything. Nope, I’d show him I could do anything the older girls did! I didn’t even bother looking around when without a word I slid down to the floor and moved over until I was kneeling between his legs. Fortunately the theater floor was clean for once!

Steve’s eyes were fixated on me and he didn’t say a word as if he was afraid to break whatever spell I might be under. I kept my grip on his cock the whole time and once I was comfortably positioned between his knees I looked up at him with an innocent look that I knew would drive him crazy. My tongue ran around my lips seductively and I had no doubt that Steve loved what I was doing. He had the biggest grin on his face as he put his hand on the top of my head and pulled my head gently forward. I hesitated and looked at his cock which was now just mere inches away right in front of my face. Wow, I could smell the strong scent of his crotch as my heart pounded in my chest. This wasn’t just one of my mom’s dildos in front of me, it was Steve’s DICK and I was about to take it in my mouth! It wasn’t quite like giving up my virginity but I knew it would definitely place me in a whole new different classification of girls. From now on I’d be known at school as one of the slutty girls, the ones everyone knew sucked cock!

For a moment I felt a tinge of panic. Reputations can work for and against you after all. Like what if I didn’t like the taste or didn’t do it right? OMG, I’d be SO embarrassed if I couldn’t make him cum and even if I did what would it taste like? I could never show my face in school again if Steve told everyone I wasn’t any good.

As if he knew my worries, Steve was getting impatient and I felt him tugging at my head, urging me silently to suck him. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and reached out with my tongue until it just touched the tip of his cock. Actually, it didn’t have a taste at all! It was like touching my tongue to his cheek or other smooth part of his body that was warm and smooth. Emboldened by my initial success, I leaned forward just enough to take just the head of his cock between my lips. It felt so soft and warm, not at all like my mom’s dildo! I was pleasantly surprised after the strong odor emanating from his crotch that he didn’t taste bad at all ... actually it was quite pleasant. Parting my lips, the head of his dick pressed further into my mouth. Steve shuddered as my tongue licked the tip of the head and it was like a wave of relief running though me when I realized he must be enjoying what I was doing. Silently I sent out a thank you to my mom for teaching me this little trick.

As my initial panic subsided with the success I was having, I struggled to recall everything my mom had taught me as I started to lick his shaft, starting at the base and working my way up slowly to the head. I almost laughed as I couldn’t help but imagine I was licking a big popsicle except this one was warm and throbbing. A thrill surged through me as I realized I had just tasted my first cock and yes, I was loving it! It didn’t take me long to realize why girls claimed to enjoy giving BJs or why boys loved getting them so much. This was SO cool!

“Suck it Kelly!” he whispered to me again softly, “Suck me.”

He really didn’t need to encourage me as I wanted more of his hard cock just as much as he wanted me to take it! At first I just took the head in my mouth, teasing him by licking around it with my tongue. Steve pushed gently down on my head and I understood he wanted me to take more of him in but I knew that by holding back it would just make him hornier. I took over half of his cock in my mouth before it seemed that was all I could take in. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up and then pushed my head down again. I got the message and started to move his cock in and out of my mouth on my own.

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