Kelly's Diary 002 - The Sleepover - Cover

Kelly's Diary 002 - The Sleepover

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Beth’s Bedroom

Coming of Age Story: Chapter 4: Beth’s Bedroom - I felt so grown up! I'd just finished middle school and was now about to become a high school freshman. Although I was still a virgin, it didn't stop me from dreaming about sex when I masturbated - which was most of the time it seemed. Speaking of masturbation, doing it with your friends makes it all the more fun and what better time to do it than at a sleepover?

Caution: This Coming of Age Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   True Story   Exhibitionism   Masturbation  

The five of us gathered in Beth’s bedroom which was barely big enough to hold us all. We each had a small bag containing our toiletries and change of clothes so I reached inside to pull out my nightie for the evening. I’d chosen a pink frilly sheer thing that was just barely long enough to cover my ass when I was standing but had no chance whatsoever when I was seated. Back home I’d debated for hours with myself as to whether or not to bring along the matching panties since they were so sheer I may as well be wearing nothing at all. As tempting as it was to leave them behind, in the end I’d packed them.

The reason I chose this particular nightie was that I was especially proud of it for reasons I wouldn’t be sharing with my friends. My dad had bought it just for me a few weeks before. Yes, my daddy is so cool! He liked to buy me outfits and then have me pose for him in them. Sometimes my mom didn’t seem so sure about a few of them, especially when they got as skimpy as this nightie, but he said I looked great in them and I liked nothing more than to please my dad so I always looked forward to his latest gift. The reason I was so proud of this one was that it was the sheerest and smallest he’d ever bought me so I knew he must have been thinking I was growing up and looking more mature.

Looking around I saw my friends had put on their own nighties as well. We’ve been getting together for sleepovers since we were little girls and as we have gotten older it has become sort of a game to see who can wear the skimpiest outfit. It was just us girls after all so no big deal. Usually Beth or Marianne won but tonight I felt that I had a good chance as ever of taking home the “trophy”, or at least the bragging rights. Nancy of course was much too shy and usually wore some form of long nightshirt that would drop below her knobby knees. Tonight’s was a little shorter than usual but it still was long enough to keep her butt well covered even when she was squatting on the floor. Sharon was in her usual style nightie; nothing spectacular and straight off the Sears juniors rack and covered plenty so it could be worm in front of her dad or brother without setting off her mom’s alarms.

I knew going in that Beth and Marianne would be my only real competition and for once I felt the satisfaction of knowing I’d beaten them. Beth was wearing a tight nightshirt that unlike Nancy’s, barely covered her ample butt when she was standing and easily pulled up to expose a tiny thong when she sat down. It was pretty hot but not even in same league as my nightie. The big thing she had going for, as usual, were those spectacular boobs poking through the thin short material. Marianne had on an almost identical nightshirt but she’d gone one step further by not wearing anything else, not even a thong, so when she wasn’t pulling it down her shirt would lift up and expose her bare ass and pussy. Nancy looked at me and gave a wolf whistle.

“Wow Kelly, where did you ever find a nightie like THAT!” she exclaimed with her wide eyes looking me up and down as if she hadn’t seen me before.

I started to make up something but then my competitive juices started flowing so before I thought better of it I was explaining how my dad had bought it for me and they all broke out into a chatter. Nancy was astounded that I would pose for my dad in such an outfit whereas at the other end of the spectrum Marianne seemed a bit turned on. Yep, if I could get Marianne going it was a sure thing I was going to win tonight!

“You mean your DAD bought you THAT?” Sharon asked, a look of disbelief on her face, “Yeah right ... You’re making that up, no way, that’s cheating.”

Beth chimed in after her adding, “Holy crap, my mom would KILL me just for wearing something like that in front of my dad let alone allow him to take photos of me in it.” She paused as if in deep thought and then added, “So what does he do with them anyways?”

As usual, Marianne put her kinky two cents worth in. “And just what did Kelly’s daddy want his little girl to do for him in return for buying her such an outfit?” she asked with a sly grin and an obvious wink, “Did you pose for him when you got home? I bet he jerked off later, didn’t he?”

“Marianne!” Beth rose to my defense before I could react, “That’s just sick. Don’t ever say things like that about Kelly, or an of us for that matter. Sheesh, sometimes you can go too far.”

Meanwhile hopefully nobody noticed my involuntary gasp. How did she know what my dad did? Then I realized she was just teasing me and I relaxed. Marianne was standing next to me so I spanked her playfully on her bare bottom and wagged my finger at her. “Gee whiz Marianne, you always have such nasty thoughts! So what if he likes me to pose for him? It was nothing else. Good grief, he IS my dad after all you know.”

Marianne just smiled and winked at me again so I spanked her again, harder this time making a loud smacking sound on her bare skin. Everyone laughed. For just a second I wondered about what she had said but quickly put the thought out of my mind. I mean, so what if my dad liked to take naughty pictures of his daughter? Why would he bother buying me such outfits if he couldn’t see me in them? It didn’t make sense to me why they thought it was such a big deal. Marianne had confessed to me a while back that her uncle used to put her on his lap and then touch her between her legs. She claimed that it felt good and she hadn’t minded it, in fact she sort liked it when he did it. But her aunt had caught them and there was a big fuss made over it. Well, I knew my dad wasn’t anything like her uncle so I didn’t give it another thought.

“So Kelly, if it’s no big deal, why not show us how you posed for your dad after he bought you that sexy number,” Marianne teased. She wasn’t about to let it drop despite Beth’s scowl and I knew it would only get worse if we tried to ignore her. Marianne always seemed to get her way so hearing her brag about being with her uncle wasn’t as much of a shock as if Nancy had confessed.

“Whatever,” I huffed but at the same time my mind was racing. It had only been a week since he’d given it to me is I remembered it clearly but did I really want to recreate it faithfully? Every already seemed to think it was abnormal at best, naughty at worst, so I wasn’t about to give them any more ammunition. Standing up in front of them, I put my hands on my hips with my weight on one foot.

“Well, I told him not to look and then I stood like this and said it was OK.”

Crickets. The four of them just sat quiet, waiting for me to continue. I twirled around with my arms stretched high. It had the effect of lifting the nightie up over my hips, providing an uninstructed view of my sheer panties.

“He wanted to see what the panties looked like is I did that next,” I explained. Still could hear a pin drop. The I put my hands on my chest. I immediately realized it wasn’t the same in front of my friends as it was with my dad. He was always telling m how sexy I looked even though I was practically flat whereas i could see the critical looks in my friends’ eyes as they mentally compared my boobs to theirs. Girls can be SOOOOO critical.

Feeling a little embarrassed, I shrugged and put my hands down without further commentary. I stood there like I was waiting for the judges to reveal their scores.

“Really? Like that was it?”

Had it been Marianne I’d of just shrugged it off and that would have been that. But to my complete surprise it was shy little Nancy that was the first to critique my so-called posing. My pride kicked in - no way was I going to seem like some shy prude to the one girl in our group that wouldn’t even wear a tight T-shirt in public.

“Well ... maybe a little more,” I said in response. Even as determined as I was, there was no way I was going to show them every pose but what could it hurt to do one of the less naughty ones...

“Whoa!” It was Beth this time who reacted as I turned my back to them, reached down to grab my ankles without bending my knees, and twisted to look back at them. I could feel the panties pull up tight into my crotch and with my legs spread apart I knew my pussy was barely covered although most of my butt was bared. Heck, I’d just been naked with them not too long before so they’d seen it before, but then I knew how much more dad liked this pose than just seeing me walk around bottomless.

Bending back up, I dropped back to the floor and sat with my legs tucked under me, signaling the end of my little show.

“Now THAT’s what I’m taking about,” Marianne giggled.

Sharon just sat there with a look like a deer in the headlights. Shaking he had as if to clear it, she let out a long breath. “Wow, if I ever did that in front of my dad...”

From the looks and grins she didn’t need to finish. I just smiled, feeling quite proud of myself. Given their reactions to such an innocent pose, I couldn’t help but wonder what they would have said if I’d shown them the other poses my dad had asked for. They’d really think I was making things up if I described the way he took his photos laying on the floor so he could get just the right angle. Thankfully nobody challenged me this time.

With that, somehow or another we all managed to fit on Beth’s double-sized bed and started chatting about our favorite subject - boys. We were at that age where girls were in well into puberty but the boys our age were just starting to catch up. We had all at least kissed a boy but other than Beth and Marianne, a few groping attempts in the dark at the movie theater or back seat was about the extent of it, at least for me. Of course, we all tried to act as if we were all sexual experts and fully experienced.

Now that I’d established myself as the evening’s leader, I couldn’t wait for my turn to tell everyone about my afternoon shopping with my mom. Everyone’s listened intently as I described how we both had dressed sort of sexy and then deliberately teased the guys at the grocery store.

“You mean your MOM even did it?” Nancy asked, as if she didn’t really believe me.

“Sure, why not? She didn’t even wear a bra!” I bragged.

“Didn’t any of their wives notice?” Beth asked rather incredulously. This coming from the girl I’d shared even sexier secrets with so I wasn’t sure if she really was asking a question or just egging me on.

Whatever her motive, I explained to them about the one that had pulled her husband away from us and they all laughed when I mentioned how she had looked at the two of us afterwards.

“My mom would never let me dress like that in public, let alone go out herself that way,” Nancy said rather defiantly.

We were all good friends so none of us said what was running through our minds - that her mom was grossly overweight so who would WANT to see her in a skimpy pair of shorts, or ANY shorts for that matter! It was sometime shard for me to believe that skinny Nancy was ever related to her mom.

It wasn’t long before we were teasing each other about this boy or that who we had caught her showing interest in. Since it was hard to be comfortable speaking outright about our inner lustful feelings and thoughts, we turned to that traditional game of young teenager girls - Truth or Dare. The basic concept of T&D was that by making it a game it somehow made it OK to say and do those things we might never have left to our own devices. Some of the questions and dares were between just two of us while we expanded the game at times to include the whole group. Beth started out using the latter rule.

“Ok, I’ll get things started ... Who here is still a virgin?”

We all looked at each other and giggled. Slowly everyone raised their hands except Marianne and Beth. It was the worst kept secret at school that Marianne had been doing it since she just turned thirteen. I figured with all the talk at school about her, that everyone knew about Beth as well but wouldn’t you know it, Nancy let out a gasp before catching herself.

“Beth, you didn’t” she whispered. “Who? ... When?”

The rest of us laughed at our cute little naive friend. Beth eagerly told us about how she was asked out by this high school boy just before eighth grade graduation. He was old enough to drive and was so much more mature than the boys our age. They’d parked at the end of some dark street and one thing just seemed to lead to another.

“Cool!” Marianne exclaimed, “So how often does he do you? When was the last time?”

Beth shook her head, refusing to rise to the bait. “No, boys are such jerks. He just wanted to be the first to fuck me and that was the last I saw of him.” Then she grinned mischievously saying, “But you all know about Steve. Now HE is a different story!”

Poor Nancy, obviously she wasn’t in on what Beth had been doing with Sharon’s brother. She looked at Sharon and gasped, “You mean your own brother had sex with Beth? Ewwwww!”

Sharon couldn’t help but smirk as she replied, “Well, you must know my brother’s rep ... besides she’s got the big boobs.”

We all laughed except Nancy who was still trying to accept in her mind that one of her friends was fucking another friend’s brothers. Then yet again Marianne had to throw in her two cents worth.

“Jealous Sharon?”

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