Kelly's Diary 001 - Birds and Bees - Cover

Kelly's Diary 001 - Birds and Bees

Copyright© 2024 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Learning “Hands-On”

Coming of Age Story: Chapter 4: Learning “Hands-On” - Put yourself in my mother's heels for a moment... She'd just caught her precocious daughter peeking into the bedroom where her horny husband was naked on the bed, stroking his cock while expressing his lustful desires for his fourteen year-old daughter. Before she could pull me away he groaned loudly as his cock erupted in a geyser of thick sperm as their daughter watched wide-eyed with her mouth gaping open. So before condemn my mom's actions, ask yourself what YOU would have done!

Caution: This Coming of Age Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Father   Daughter   Masturbation  

I must’ve fallen asleep as later I woke up and found myself on my bed with my hand still planted over my fuzzy crotch. As I laid in bed my thoughts about everything that had just happened. Wow, what a morning it had turned out to be! It was a like a dream - had it really happened? My pubic hair was finally long enough to run my fingers through it. While not “hairy” per se, it was more like thick fuzz. I loved how it felt when I played with it. Sometimes I would sit in front of the full-length mirror in my parents’ bedroom and watch myself playing with my pussy. It was different now though - was my dad thinking about his fingers running over it when he masturbated about me?

Getting out of bed I was reminded it hadn’t been as dream as I didn’t have any bottoms on so I went to my dresser and found a clean pair of panties before heading downstairs to the kitchen. On the way I noticed my parent’s door was closed. Although I felt this urge to sneak a look, thankfully my courage failed me. My mom was in the kitchen fixing coffee when she heard me coming down the squeaky stairs. Smiling, she greeted me good morning no different than any other day, as if nothing had happened. Hmmmmmm, maybe it HAD been a dream and I had just forgotten to put on my bottoms - it wouldn’t have been the first time. Then reality set in as my mom told me not to say anything about what she’d told me to my cousin Kristen as she wasn’t old enough yet for “The Talk”, at least not the one we had earlier. Yeah, what a joke THAT turned out to be. It would be years before I learned that SHE had actually been the first to be told not to tell something to her cousin and she was keeping a LOT more secrets than I was.

If there’s one thing I can say about my mother, she was always pretty perceptive when it came to understanding her daughter (and still is for that matter). She knew that I’d had a lot thrown at me so she kept a close eye on me for the rest of the day. That evening after supper my mom announced that we all needed to relax in the hot tub for a while. There was nothing unusual in that as we spent many evenings enjoying the tub, sometimes for an hour or more, sometimes for just a few minutes. What WAS unusual was for HER to make such an announcement as usually my dad was king of the hot tub. It was a rare evening he didn’t make use of it, even if he was often alone.

Personally I loved our hot tub as with me being so small it was almost as good as having a swimming pool. Almost. Our deck was surrounded by a security fence that also kept prying eyes at bay which allowed us to enjoy ourselves without having to worry too much about others watching. I suppose if the people across the valley behind out house had a high-power telescope they might’ve be able to see us but we never had any concerns about it. If they DID see anything, they obviously kept it to themselves as over the years I never heard of any issues.

As usual I led the way in front of my slow-poke parents, dropping my clothes unceremoniously in a pile so I could be the first in the tub and claim my favorite seat. My mom and dad followed in a more leisurely manner, my mom picking up my clothes and clucking something about me always being so sloppy. Typical mom stuff.

My dad undressed no differently than any other time but tonight my eyes couldn’t help but focus on what I know knew as his dick. Yes, it was no longer just a “penis”, now it was a “dick” or “cock”. Also, now I knew that that it could fit into my mother just like her dildo. Even though I knew this in my head, trying to imagine him putting it in her was still a bit of a stretch for me. Until last night it was something I never paid all that much attention to but that was before seeing him masturbate and then learning what it was really used for besides peeing. Well, it just goes to show how a little knowledge can change everything!

Meanwhile, if my dad was embarrassed at having his young daughter express such deep interest in his genitals for the first time he certainly wasn’t making make any effort to cover himself. If anything he seem to swell up a bit more as I couldn’t turn my eyes away.

“Look Mommy, Daddy’s getting an erection for me,” I announced loudly as if she couldn’t see for herself. It made me feel so mature to make use of my newly expanded vocabulary, not to mention demonstrating how well I’d understood what she’d taught me earlier in the morning about my dad’s feelings for me.

“Kelly, it’s not polite to stare at your father’s dick,” my mom scolded me gently. Although she wasn’t exactly smiling, there was something about the way the corners of her mouth were curled up that I could tell she was holding back. It was more like she was about to burst out laughing at any moment and suddenly I felt totally embarrassed and turned my head away.

“Oh my!” my mom sighed as if she didn’t know what to do about me. Then she turned to my dad and muttered something about him needing to control himself better.

My dad just shrugged and slowly lowered himself into the hot bubbly water, sitting beside me as usual with his arm around me as I snuggled up next to him. His hand curled around and cupped my chest, his fingers teasing my nipples. One the one hand it was just like any other time we were in the hot tub together - yet it wasn’t. Nope, getting in the hot tub naked with my dad would never be the same again although at first it wasn’t much different than any other time. I then claimed my favorite seat - my dad’s lap, and he put his arms around me and hugged me close to him. I loved being my daddy’s little girl, feeling safe and secure in his strong arms. There was something about feeling my bare skin against his that made me feel closer to him than other times when I would sit on his lap with my clothes on, like this was our special time to be together. When my friends would visit I would still sit on my dad’s lap but mom always made sure we wore our swim suits. Even though mine didn’t cover very much it just wasn’t the same. It felt like we were being kept apart unfairly by the interfering fabric.

It wasn’t long before my mom was in with us. Wow! My mom was so pretty when she was naked! I rarely saw my mom totally nude other than maybe in the shower or when she was dressing. She always wore at least a bra and panties around the house, usually with a robe to boot. I noticed that her pubic hair was lush and bushy, jet black and curly unlike the straight brunette hair on her head she was always fussing about. It made me think about my own fuzzy version and I wondered when mine would be like hers. What would it be like to have all that hair down there? As she slowly descended below the water line, adjusting gradually to the hot water temperature, her large boobs were supported by the water and my thoughts turned from my fuzzy pussy to my flattish chest, trying to imagine what it would be like to have such things sticking out from me. My hands subconsciously went to my budding chest as I imagined it growing. It was actually a little scary!

The loud noise of the jets made it hard to carry on a conversation so we all just relaxed as the hot water swirled and foamed around us. As I leaned up against my dad I suppose it was only natural that my thoughts couldn’t get off what I’d seen him doing early this morning and then how his dick had been growing so big again just a few minutes before. He too had a heavy growth of pubic hair of his own, his erection sprouting from it like a tree from a dense forest. It had always fascinated me when I watched him grow. So strange! How did men even walk with that thing between their legs, especially when it got so big and stuck out like that?

Feeling my dad’s erect dick under my bare butt made me think back to everything my mom had told me earlier in the morning. Of course it wasn’t like this was the first time I’d felt that familiar lump pressing against me but now it took on a whole new meaning. Now it made me wonder if he needed to masturbate again. It was something my mom had emphasized to me - that it wasn’t just something men WANTED to do, it was something they NEEDED to do. So in true fashion for a young girl, I simply turned and asked him!

“Daddy ... Mommy told me when you get big like that it means you need to touch it like you did this morning. Are you going to do that now? Before he could answer I dropped a bombshell without even thinking about what I was saying. “Do you really want to fuck me, daddy?”

“Ummmmm ... Mary, I think you need to field this one,” my dad sighed, looking accusingly over at my mom who was already frowning and shaking her head. My mom gave her patented eye roll at his feeble attempt to avoid my question and scooted over to me so I could hear her above the din of the pump.

“Now Kelly, didn’t I specifically tell you that this was something we didn’t talk to daddy about?” she asked me sternly.

OK, so maybe she had but somewhere along the line my curiosity had overridden any memories of those instructions. My shoulders dropped in dejection. “I was just asking,” I mumbled, not intending her to hear but she must have read my lips as she gave me that “mom” look which told me she wasn’t happy with what I’d said. Feeling more than a little embarrassed now, I kept my mouth shut. My dad tickled me, running his fingers along the inside of my thighs where he knew I loved it most. I made me giggle and suddenly everything was back to normal again, at least so I thought.

My mother, on the other hand, knew better. She knew my father by which I mean she knew she needed to nip my growing curiosity in the bud before things got out of hand. Telling me about my dad’s penis was one thing but if I was going to be around him naked without her then she knew she had to address the growing list of questions that had undoubtedly arisen in her precocious daughter’s mind during the course of the afternoon. Reaching over she pushed the button to turn off the jets so we could hear one another better.

“John, I think we need to deal with this right now before things go any further,” my mom said rather sternly to my dad. My dad looked at her with his eyebrows raised but as for me, I had no idea what she was talking about.

“OK Mary, so what exactly are you proposing?” he responded to my mom with a grin on his face. He grabbed me with both hands around my bare waist, lifting up and then setting me back down after he’d adjusted himself under me. I felt his dick now fitting between my butt cheeks and I instinctively wiggled playfully on it. It was a game I knew he liked to play, no different than any other day but unlike the past, this time my mother didn’t seem amused.

“Not THAT you horny jerk,” she said, smacking him on the shoulder, “Get your filthy mind out of the gutter.”

My dad acted as though he hadn’t heard her and whispered in my ear, “Stop wiggling Kelly, not now ... you can do it later when your mom isn’t here.”

“John...,” my mom sputtered in exasperation but then she just huffed and changed direction. “Alright then, if you’re going to be such a jerk then I’ll handle this.” Turning her attention to me, she said, “Kelly, get off your dad’s lap ... NOW!”

Had I done something wrong? Other than asking my dad a question there was nothing different about today than any other day. Feeling a little unjustly chastised, I slipped off his lap and stood up in the center of the hot tub with the still water coming up to the middle of my chest. Without all the foaming bubbles I could see my dad’s dick clearly through the water sticking up now that I wasn’t sitting on it to hold it down.

My mom then used her finger to direct my dad, “Alright John, how about you sit up on the edge.”

As my dad put his hands behind him and pushed himself up and out of the water, my mom reached over and tugged my arm for her to come over closer to her. Meanwhile my dad adjusted himself to balance on the edge with his feet now planted on the seat under the water in front of him. He was dripping wet but I couldn’t help but once again stare at his erect dick. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing and now something that normally I never paid any attention to was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world! This time I knew better than to say anything and I did my best not to even look at him but my eyes kept going back to his crotch like they had a mind of their own.

“It’s OK Kelly, you can look at him,” my mom encouraged me, seeing how I looking at my dad. Then she turned to my dad and added, “See John, I told you! This is EXACTLY what I was afraid would happen.”

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