The Strongman - Cover

The Strongman

Copyright© 2024 by aroslav

Chapter 14: Adjusting to a New Life

“THERE AREN’T MANY gyms in the Twin Cities that are equipped for good senior elite level training,” Tara sighed. She’d arrived a few minutes after Jennifer left and I wondered if she’d been waiting for a signal. I greeted her with a kiss and she asked me to take her to bed. We were in my room, but we were just talking. Mostly.

“There are a few gyms that cater to kids,” I said. “I wonder if we could get one of them to give us a time to train elite athletes. Maybe during the day when the kids are supposed to be in school.”

“That’s a possibility. My athletes are all in school, too. Only you and Madison were training for senior elite pairs at Hennepin Gym,” she said. Then she kissed me before I could say anything. “No. I don’t expect you to go back to work with her. In fact, I’d be a little worried if you did. I guess it’s time for you to really focus on your individual routines. I’m so sad because I really loved working with you. We’re a great team and you’re a really good base. If you had a good flyer to work with, you’d be a candidate for a world championship.”

“Not now. Maybe someday. Now, I’ll need to find a coach. At the very least, a spotter. I’ve got ideas for my routines that are a little risky to practice without a spotter,” I said.

“That worries me a little, but I’m not strong enough and stable enough to be a spotter for you. We’ll have to launch a search.”

We kissed for a while and started shedding our clothes. Wow! She still just blew me away with how pretty she was and how enthusiastic about loving me she was. We took it slow and easy, but it wasn’t really long before I felt myself sliding into her and her little catch of breath as I opened her. The feeling always brought me to the brink of tears. She was just so unbelievably wonderful. If everything else in my life went to hell, I’d still be okay as long as I had Tara.

We were out of bed and preparing dinner when Mom, Dad, and Mikey got home from work. Us being there was a surprise and we had to go through the whole story and situation at the dinner table. Mikey was furious. Dad was quiet and I thought he might be mentally preparing a lawsuit. Mom was the MC of the questioning, even pointing to which of us she wanted to answer a question.

We finally begged off any more questions so we could go downstairs to the entertainment center and watch the opening ceremony from Paris. It was pretty spectacular. It wasn’t even in the stadium, but was right downtown along the Seine! Well, we’d have plenty of time this weekend and next week to watch the gymnastics and other events as they were broadcast from Paris.

After the show ended, I carried Tara to my bedroom and made love to her again before we settled to sleep in each other’s arms for the night.

I was sitting in Mom’s favorite chair Monday, reading. I couldn’t believe I was reading a book, just for pleasure! After finishing Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, I downloaded the sequel, Anansi Boys. I was just getting into it when I saw a car pull up in our driveway and, to my horror, Madison got out and headed for the door. I thought about just not answering it, but decided I’d better get this over with once and for all. I wasn’t going to face her alone, though.

Unfortunately, after spending two nights with me, Tara went back to her apartment. We were both pretty depressed about basically losing our gym, but gymnastics is a sport that requires a huge amount of trust, and we just didn’t trust anyone there now.

I had my cell phone in my hand and simply switched to camera and started recording. The bell rang.

“Madison. You shouldn’t be here,” I said when I opened the door.

“I need to talk to you,” she said. “Can I come in?”

“No. Say what you need to say and leave.”

“You have to come back. Coach Daniels said that if I don’t have a partner there’s nothing for her to coach me on and she’ll leave,” Madison said.

“Good. You’d do better with anyone else. But find a girl and do women’s pairs. No boy is ever going to trust you.”

“I apologized and told them all that you didn’t assault me,” she said.

“And that’s supposed to make me trust you?”

“I thought if we had sex, it would make us closer and we’d improve our routine.”

“You ruined my job and my training. That didn’t make us closer.”

“How can I make it up? Honestly, Paul, I’ll do anything for you. You can make me your personal plaything. I’ll do routines with you while I’m completely naked. I know you liked what you saw Friday. Let me in and I’ll give you a blowjob right now. You can have me naked and do whatever you want with me. I need you. I need you as my partner.”

“What part of ‘No!’ do you not understand? I’m not interested in you, Madison. I never have been. I’ve never wanted to be your pairs partner. I don’t like and I don’t trust your coach, you, or your sister. And now I don’t trust Coach Dawson, either,” I said. “Now, leave.”

“All right, you bastard! I tried to make it nice for you and give you what every boy wants. I’ll get what I want eventually. You don’t know my father. Let me tell you that with my story and Penny’s story from cheer, he’ll make sure you never work or train in the Twin Cities again.”

“Go away.”

I closed the door.

She rang the bell half a dozen times and then pounded on the door. I made a call.

“9-1-1. State your emergency.”

“There is a crazy woman trying to break into my house. She’s already threatened me. She won’t go away.”

“Domestic dispute. I’ll have a patrol car come by, but please try to settle your differences before they get there.”

“There’s nothing domestic about it. She doesn’t live here and I have no relationship with her. She’s a former work associate.”

“Okay. A car is on its way.”

Of course, after Madison had kicked the locked door a couple of times, she turned around and headed for her car. I’d have had a lot to explain to the police if she’d just gotten in her car and driven off. Instead, she dislodged one of the bricks that line our walk to the door and came running toward the house.

What kind of damage can a 110-pound woman do with a brick? Well, don’t forget that Madison is a gymnast with incredible upper body strength. She rushed the house and heaved the brick at our front window, just as the patrol car pulled up. The lights came on and the siren wailed as the glass in the big picture window crumbled out of the frame. Two cops got out of the car, one circling wide and the other headed directly to Madison. She screamed and turned to run to her car where the other policeman trapped her and immediately cuffed her, pushing her against her car and quickly patting her down.

That’ll get him a lawsuit for sexual assault, I thought.

Then she turned around and I saw it was a female officer. She marched Madison straight to the squad car as her partner knocked on our front door.

“Are you okay?” the officer asked.

“Yes,” I said. I came out of the house and closed the door behind me. There was no reason to invite the police into the house.

“What did you do to her that set her off like that?” he asked.

“What did I...? I didn’t do anything. She showed up here a little while ago to try to convince me to return to the gym and be her partner. I refused. I don’t think anyone’s ever said no to her before,” I said.

“You know, with a big strong guy like you, it’s going to be hard to sell that you didn’t do anything,” he said.

“I have video of the whole encounter.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I was sitting over there reading when I saw her pull in. She made a false accusation against me Friday that resulted in me quitting my job and leaving the gym.”

“Is that under investigation?”

“No. As soon as I left, she retracted the accusation.”

“What were the circumstances around that?”

“I’m a massage therapist. I knocked on the massage room door and she said to come in. When I opened the door, I saw her lying entirely naked and exposed on the massage table. I immediately backed out while yelling ‘No!’ When she dressed and came out of the room, she accused me of molesting her.”

“And you didn’t?”

“I didn’t even go all the way into the room. The door was never closed.”

“So, why did you leave your job?”

“My coach and her coach sided with her. I can’t do gymnastics in a gym where I don’t trust anyone. Now she’s threatened to get her father involved—whoever he is—and make sure I can’t work or train anywhere in the Twin Cities.”

“And you got all that on video?”

“Yes. Do you want to see it?”

“No. If I saw it, I’d have to take it and log it as evidence. Since we don’t have any charges yet, other than property damage, that would be unnecessary. Save it for when the father tries to press charges. I assume you will want to charge her with the property damage?” he asked.

“My parents own the house. They’re both at work right now, but I’m certain they will want some action.”

“Okay. Probably better call them and get one of them home. You’ll need to get this boarded up. I’ll give my report to a detective and he’ll come by to talk to you. Since we actually saw her throw a brick through your window, we have grounds to arrest and hold her for vandalism and property damage. I wouldn’t have thought someone so little could create so much damage.”

“Be careful. She’s an acrobat. She’s a lot stronger than she looks.”

“No matter what gripe your daughter has with my son, the fact is she threw a brick through my living room window. That was witnessed by two police officers who were coming to investigate the 9-1-1 call my son made because she was pounding on the door and had threatened him,” Dad said on the phone. Mom, Mikey, Jennifer, Tara, and I sat nearby listening in.

“My daughter is under eighteen and your son molested her. I can easily plead that the brick was an aggravated attack,” Mr. Layne, Madison’s father, shot back.

“You’ll have a difficult time proving that in the face of the video that recorded the entire encounter. But if you want to have a go at my son, that’s between you and him. The fact remains that your daughter, who you have said is a minor and therefore you are responsible for, threw a brick through my window. I expect to have the expenses of having it replaced and cleaned up covered by you. I’ve had an estimator out to give me a price for a replacement like the one that was broken. If you’d like a second estimate, let me know when your estimator is coming to assess the damage.”

“Tom, you’re making this more difficult than it needs to be. You know I’m the best civil law instructor at the university. I’ll have to make it really hard on you.”

“Neal, you’ve let your daughters run wild. Don’t threaten me with what you can do at the university. You know who keeps the lights on in your building. Who makes sure there’s heat. Who knows where all the buried lines are, where they come into your office and how close you are to a bathroom that’s prone to flooding. You have an easy way out with me. Pay for my goddamn window. If you insist on going up against my son, I’ll enlist Dr. Abrams to defend him. It’s just the kind of case he’d like to use as an example in his classes.”

“I’ll have an estimator at your house tomorrow at noon. Just understand, your son is going to have a hard time getting a job in the Twin Cities ever again. There’s nothing Abrams can do to stop that.”

“We’ll see. Have a good day, Neal.”

Dad hung up the phone and we gathered around the dining table for a family conference.

Madison’s father was one of the most renowned law professors at the university. Unfortunately for Madison, my dad knew nearly everyone in the law school because he supervised the re-engineering and updating of the building they were in. Several of the professors felt they owed him for the state-of-the-art facility they could now work in. They’d pressed business cards into his hands when the building was re-opened and told him if he ever needed legal help to just call on them.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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