Finding Sparky - Cover

Finding Sparky

Copyright© 2024 by MaxMorrel

Chapter 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Ethical pervert that transform a 16 year old girl into a puppygirl, both physically and mentally.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Spanking   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Body Modification  

Just a bit about me. It all started out as a dream to own a strip club and through hard work, Sun Tzu, and the desire to run the club for everyone’s benefit (customers, dancers, owners, and communities) made it possible. As my first club became a success, I opened up other clubs throughout the US following the same model and soon they became the most popular in their regions. What do you do once your dreams come true, especially if you’re an extreme, but ethical, pervert? You attempt to create your fantasy IRL, and boy do I have fucked up fantasies. I moved to the glamourous city of Kansas City, Missouri, actually across the state lines in Kansas to live on a large little hobby farm with lots of acreage. With my team of lawyers and accountants, I purchased, well actually granted, a shutdown school and renovated it, turning it into a teen runaway center non-profit. Yes, we actually help teens from this center and it wasn’t a hub of human trafficking or any other fucked up thing but it did give me a large pool of teens for my deviant desires, by the way the age of consent is 16 in Kansas.

Sparky is going to special, hard to find and train, but special. She is going to be my first that I won’t know who she is until she’s been selected for my plan, I gonna have to screen out a lot of girls. It all began when we started using a new hand sanitizer at the center which was infused with something special. You see, Sparky needed to be able to grow a nice pelt in order for her to become my doggy girl. Hirsutism is rather rare, most common women that have it have excess androgens (male hormones) or sensitivity to them which makes them more masculine in appearance than I prefer. Add to that, some causes are from cancerous growths, I realized early on that the pelt that I wanted had to be induced artificially. I replaced our old hand sanitizers with newly “donated” cases that I had infused minoxidil in it. This drug is used to treat baldness, brand name Rogaine, I bought a large amount of the generic topical preparation. One of the rather common side effects, particularly with women, is localized hirsutism, just what I wanted for my pet.

Two weeks later, I asked the center’s nurse to perform screening among the teens for Hand Foot Mouth disease (HFM), since I “heard” that there was an outbreak at a local high school. HFM mostly affects toddlers and below but teens and adults can get it. The symptoms are blisters in the mouth, throat, hands, and feet usually mild in adults and self-limiting. The screening is simply looking at those areas for blisters, allowing the nurse look at each teens hands and after letting me know which of the teens’ hands might have had a reaction to the new hand sanitizers. The nurse found eight of the girls with unusual hair growth, in fact three of them complained about their condition. Shortly thereafter I had the sanitizers removed due to a fabricated recall.

At this point I should talk about Vicki. As I mentioned earlier our center does actually help teens, several of them, one male and two females, were really interested in animals so we arranged for them to work at a shelter which had low euthanasia rates as a start into their career working with animals, veterinarian, vet assistants, or some other profession depending upon their skills and desires. Vicki was barely passing her courses, in fact needed some extra credit to push through biology. After talking with her instructor, I suggested that Vicki spend several Saturdays at my farm tending the animals with her writing a report on the experience for the extra credit. The instructor thought that that was an excellent idea, and maybe he could find out more about the center’s mysterious benefactor from Vicki’s report.

Vicki is a 14-year-old runaway with a mixed-race background, last year when she arrived at the center, she was just kicked out of her 32-year-old boyfriend’s apartment since she wouldn’t pull tricks. She slowly came out of her shell, but was still a loner for the most part which can be the reason she has an affinity for animals. Her first Saturday, I gave Vicki the task of taking care of our four foster dogs; giving them each a bath in the morning, caring for them at a local adoption event where one of them was adopted, then helping assist with some basic commands and training every well-behaved dog needs. She seemed to really enjoy the day and was excited to return. On the following Saturday, the foster pack numbered five and again they were handed over to her for the day. There was no adoption event, but I was having a little get together with some of my kinky friends for a couple of hours, so I requested to Vicki that she stay away from the main house and spend the time training the dogs outside. After the meet up, I was showing my friends Steve and Samantha around the farm when we came upon Vicki.

Steve was wearing normal clothing for the season, but Sam was wearing a rather slutty hillbilly chic outfit with denim Daisy Dukes, a size too small for her, a T-shirt that graphically indicated that she was a cum slut for daddy, and to top it off she had on a collar that a leash was attached to, the end of which resided in Steve’s grasp. Vicki seemed a bit shocked at Steve and Sam, but quickly got over it once I asked her how the training was going. Surprisingly, all five dogs sat on command with three of them being able to consistently lay down and shake on command. I was impressed with little Vicki and praised her for her skills, which she blushed to.

Next Saturday when Vicki came, I had a professional dog trainer at the farm to both give guidance on dog training methods and to also assess Vicki to see if he might take her as a trainee during the after-school hours. The trainer was rather impressed by Vicki’s enthusiasm and how she worked the dogs. The trainer agreed to take Vicki under his wing, so to say, and she would be using the dogs that I was fostering as her training projects. On Monday, I arranged transport for both Vicki and the dogs to the trainer’s property starting after courses today. The Saturday that followed, Vicki was nearly pinging with excitement to talk about her week with the trainer, Tom.

Vicki talked nearly non-stop about Tom’s place and what she was doing there. Not only was she training dogs, she was also learning about grooming and basic medical care of the dogs. She then proceeded to demonstrate her skills with my foster dogs, afterwards I asked her what I should be doing with the dogs in her absence. After a couple of false starts, Vicki patiently explained what I should be doing, while I played the idiot. Afterwards we talked, and I asked if she wanted to continue to come here on Saturdays even though the extra credit assignment was complete. Vicki hopped up and gave me a hug, saying yes. When her day was over, we got into my car so I could drive her back to the center. She asked about Steve and Sam, so ever the gentleman, I explained their relationship in a PG13 manner, or as much as I could. For the rest of the ride, she was silent and looked to be deep in thought.

And so, Vicki continued to come to my farm every Saturday to train the dogs, and as time progressed, I slowly became more open with the activities on the farm. Initially, nothing overt but after several months, I was preparing for a party when friends of mine arrived early with several of them outfitted already as puppygirls. So, as I talked with my newly arrived guests, we let the puppygirls play behind the house as we talked inside. When it was time for Vicki to go, I found her staring at the puppygirls. My friends, being a bit buzzed, began to command the puppygirls to do various tricks in front of us as I went over to Vicki and led her to my car so I could take her back to the center. About half way back, she asked why they didn’t do it properly. Do what? I queried. The commands and the tricks was her response. I then suggested that she write a manual on how to do it properly, if she wanted. It is here that we will leave Vicki to her thoughts and writings.

Returning to our eight newly identified candidates for becoming Sparky, I opened up their medical files and also the school records. There were specific requirements that the soon to be Sparky had to fulfill, the most obvious would be that she was attractive, big surprise there. She also needed to be rather short, slim, and with a B cup size at the most. The eight became two, and after talking to each of them during a visit to the center, two became one. Sarah is a 15-year-old blond haired, waif of a girl that attempts to be a rebel but quickly folds when confronted. Sarah was doing worse in her classes than Vicki, so I brought up the extra credit scheme and so she started to spend Saturdays on my farm. I had her help Vicki with the dogs when she needed it and to explore the greenhouse so she could write weekly reports on the exotic plants that it protected.

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