Mom's Dilemma Redux - Cover

Mom's Dilemma Redux

Copyright© 2024 by DaMuddaFukkah

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Inspired by the greatest rape fantasy story I ever read, "MOM’S DILEMMA" by Coyote, I take a crack at rewriting it, putting my own spin on the classic tale and substituting in all the girls from my own personal fantasies. Introduction: A wrong turn down a dirt road turns into a nightmare more horrifying than anything prudish mother Janet Smith could have imagined while it also becomes a fantasy and an opportunity that Janet’s own son and three other young boys would have never believed.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Horror   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   ENF   Slow   Violence  

Inspired by the greatest r**e fantasy story I ever read, “MOM’S DILEMMA” by Coyote, I take a crack at rewriting it, putting my own spin on the classic tale and substituting in all the girls from my own personal fantasies.

Introduction: A wrong turn down a dirt road turns into a nightmare more horrifying than anything prudish mother Janet Smith could have imagined while it also becomes a fantasy and an opportunity that Janet’s own son and three other young boys would have never believed.

Janet was at work when the phone call came and it was not good news. As if her life hadn’t been stressful enough lately; what with the death of her husband and the discovery that they were just about broke. Now here she was, almost forty and with very little in the way of work experience, desperately trying to hold onto a job that was the only thing keeping her family off the streets. The pretty Catholic mom now knew she was on edge, not to mention terrified; after all, it was the overwhelming desperation of her situation that had made her stoop to levels and degrade herself in ways she had never imagined. And now, to make things even worse, apparently the bus that was supposed to drive her three kids home from summer camp that afternoon had broken down. That had been the camp director on the phone and, in a brusk, irritated and almost commanding manner, he was telling her, not asking her, to drive up to the camp so she could pick up her own children.

“And ... if you could,” the camp director had also stated matter of factly.

“If you have a larger vehicle ... we’re going to have you bring back some of the other staff and children who live closest to your own home. After all, not all parents are as fortunate as those of us who have white privilege, so they’re going to need some help in their children getting home.”

Janet now swore under her breath as she pondered the bitter irony. After all, the last thing the 40-year-old Catholic mom felt as of late was that she had any sort of privilege. Sure, before Rick had passed away, her family had enjoyed a lifestyle most people had envied, but now, in the year since he had died Janet had struggled as much as anyone. It was her own fault, Janet sometimes believed, for Rick had left her in a situation that could only be described as a disaster and if she had been more insistent in taking a role in the family’s finances, she probably could have avoided her current predicament. At the very least, Janet could have insisted on life insurance even if, to this idea, Rick would have been resistant.

“God will always provide for the faithful” he had been fond of saying and, as a result, when he had been killed crossing the street a year ago today, Janet had been left with almost nothing, at least financially speaking. After all, she did have the three greatest blessings for which any woman could hope. These were her children, Jenny, her brilliant if somewhat condescending daughter and her twin 12-year-old boys Jesse and James, whom together were the biggest pair of goofball pranksters that she had ever met. But children didn’t pay the bills, no, in fact, they were the cause of the bills. Apart from being her greatest blessing, Janet’s three kids were also a giant money suck, constantly devouring her groceries or needing new clothes or else perpetually turning around and sticking their hands out saying that they needed to pay for this or were required to spend money on that. This was the reason why a high class, elegant and graceful upper middle-class mom who had once owed a Mercedes was now driving an old Chevy Suburban; one that creaked and had rust covering its dark blue paint as well as over 200,000 miles on the odometer. Those were her assets; other than a house she couldn’t afford but also couldn’t bear to let go of. Refinancing the property had bought her a little breathing space; it was just what she had needed and now, thanks solely and completely to a job for which she was totally unqualified Janet was just starting to get her head above water. It was why she was desperate not to get fired and Janet knew that her new boss knew this and it was most likely the reason that he constantly talked as if he was going to fire her. If that happened, Janet knew, she was going to lose the house that her kids had lived in for their entire lives and it was that loss and the loss of all the memories that would go with it, that was just too painful to bear. And so, Janet had stooped low even if it had been at the suggestion of her boss and her skirts had gotten shorter while the blouses covering her large D-Cup breasts had grown more sheer and also more buttoned. Her makeup had gotten showier while her heels had gone from two inches all the way up to an outlandishly high five. Janet thought she almost looked like a prostitute, even if it was a prostitute pretending to be a businesswoman. And that was the situation in which the pretty catholic mom now found herself, worse still, the camp was in the exact opposite direction of her home, there was no way she would be able to go home and change before heading out there. It couldn’t have been worse luck for, today, Janet had worn her most brazen outfit of all. After all, it was Friday and that was the day that people were most likely to be fired. This knowledge had amplified her fear exponentially and, perhaps in a panic, she had degraded herself more than she ever thought she would. For Janet was now wearing a blouse that was much too sheer for her liking and it was so sheer as to be almost see-through. In any event, it revealed far too much of her D-Cup sized breasts and the short-knit skirt that she also wore only came to her upper thighs. Perhaps the worst of it all was the white stiletto pumps she wore on her feet. These Janet hated for they were absolutely demeaning; their four-inch heels made the shoes look like something a prostitute might wear or, at the very least, at least a woman who took off her clothes for money. Yet, getting fired from her job right now was not an option for Janet; with the way the economy currently was who knew how long she would be unemployed for, and if it happened, her would most certainly be homeless. It wasn’t that Janet was a bad employee; in fact, her co-workers widely regarded her as exceptional. No, it was her lecherous older boss who didn’t judge women by their competence but instead by just how much sexual harassment he thought they would tolerate without filing a complaint. When Janet had come into interview the lech had immediately seen the desperation on her face and dreams of taking her on his office desk had begun to dance in his head. From there, Janet could have been a high school dropout who had just been released from prison and he would have hired her. He had done this before and he was practiced in the art of subtly and not so subtly pressuring women. With a daily barrage of appropriately placed remarks Janet’s boss had played on her fears and, even as pious and as modest as she was, he had slowly worn her down to the point that she was now going to extremes that were once unthinkable in order to save her job. In the end, it was just dumb luck, or perhaps it was fate, that today of all days, Janet had finally given in and had not dressed as modestly or as professionally as she had on each previous day that she had been in the office. For, there would be an in-house promotion to Regional Sales Manager soon and Janet knew that, if she didn’t get that job, that bankruptcy surely awaited her. As it was, having to leave the office early certainly didn’t help her chances either but there was nothing she could do about that. Janet now spent her days in a state of such high stress that, at that moment she actually thought about leaning forward and letting her boss look down her shirt as a way to smooth things over. It was just a fleeting thought, one that stayed in her brain for no more than a moment before it was soundly rejected but, for that brief amount of time, it was there. In the end, there were just some things that a good and decent Morman mom wouldn’t do no matter what the risk and Janet’s sense of personal decency was something she was not willing to compromise.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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