Adventures With Mums - Cover

Adventures With Mums

Copyright© 2024 by Scorpio1975

Chapter 4

The next few months went by, fairly uneventful, Scott came back once a month but we never really pushed anything with either of our mothers, my mother it seemed contented herself with leaning over in front of me, occasional wrestling, but I never had the balls to take it further, got a bit of a grope in each time, but not much else, and nothing that would not be explained as part of the game. I only got to give her a foot massage once, and even then, I only went as far as her thighs. So, time rolled around to my birthday, I was turning fourteen in May, Scott had turned fourteen in October, Mum had suggested he come back for that weekend, which wasn’t technically his weekend to be home but his mother, Beth, thought it was a great idea, and it was all settled with his dad. May was hot, and Beth suggested that we have a little get together at her house, she had a new, huge, conservatory, with a pool table and a sunken hot tub in the corner, we could open the doors to the garden, and me and Scott could play pool all day if we wanted. The big day came, I opened my presents from Mum, and we had breakfast, then around twelve mid-day we left for Beth’s house, which was a couple of doors down from ours. When we got there, Beth had put up a couple of banners, and Scott greeted me with the present that him and his mother had got me, “Come and see the pool table, it’s awesome!” he said, so we ran to the conservatory. Meanwhile both mothers had opened a bottle of wine. Beth was only having one glass because she had to go and visit her own mother, Scott’s Grandmother who lived about 30 minutes away, she was going to do a few jobs for her, and then come home, but she wouldn’t be home until around one in the morning, so Scott was under strict instructions to go to bed at a sensible time. We could stay and play pool though because my mother would be here. “Where is the birthday boy?” Beth asked aloud, she had in her hands two cans of Stella, “Both of you are fourteen now, growing boys, so you can have a couple of these, just a couple though” she said, “Just a couple”” my mother repeated, smiling. “Cool, thanks” I said, before taking both cans from Beth, and passing one to Scott, we played a couple of games of pool while both mothers had their glass of wine.

Both mothers then disappeared, and when they reappeared Beth was in a one-piece swimming costume, she looked amazing, her legs were so sexy, and her boobs were lovely in the suit. My mother looked like from what I could make out had gone a bit more modest and conservative so wore a two-piece bathing suit but had worn a t-shirt and a pair of shorts over the top. Both mothers then got into the hot tub. The hot tub was sunk into the floor, so level with the floor, it was a hexagon, so could easily seat six people, and had two jets at one side of the hot tub with a space in between. “Your swimming shorts are in the bag” my mother shouted over to me. “Ok” I replied, we stopped pool, and I grabbed my shorts, and we ran upstairs to change, as soon as we were changed, we went back downstairs, it was hot for May, so we basically had shorts on, and that was it, neither me nor Scott bothered to put tops back on. We messed about for a while, had a kickabout with a ball in the garden, and then played a couple more games of pool. “Can we have another beer?” Scott asked, “Yes” came the reply from his mother. We opened another can each, feeling quite proud of ourselves. Scott suggested we move upstairs for a while, which we did, We sat in his room, and drank our beer, hurriedly, as Scott had plan, we finished them, and then went quietly downstairs to the kitchen, and took another two cans from the box on the side, there was loads of cans in there, so I don’t think anyone would have noticed that we were pilfering another couple.

We went back to the pool table, both mothers were chatting, in the hot tub, my mother telling Beth how wonderful the new conservatory was, Beth, pouring my mother another glass of wine. We were just finishing another game of pool, when my mother, who had now exited the hot tub, got the cake out with candles, we had to stop playing to have a bit of cake, and a couple of burgers that Beth had cooked off. I was full up, slightly buzzing from nearly three cans of Stella, and very happy. Beth announced that she had to go, gave me a hug, and a kiss on the forehead, and said she would be home around one in the morning and for me to have a great birthday. Beth left, which left me, Scott, and my mother. We played another game of pool, and my mother had another wine in the hot tub. Scott suggested a game at this point, a game of pool, where if you don’t pot a ball, you must take a drink of beer from a shot glass, he suggested the idea to my mother, who rather than outrage and a plain NO! as I had anticipated, merely laughed and said “Yes, that sounds fun”. Scott got three shot glasses from the kitchen and three cans of Stella, and then placed them on the edge of the pool table.

Scott broke, and potted zero balls, to which we laughed, he poured a shot of stella, and dutifully drank it, my mother was next, who was obviously rubbish at pool, so had a shot, I potted a ball and made the most of it, stating that I was the greatest pool player in the world. We took turns, and each drank a fair bit of Stella, so much that Scott had to get two more cans for the shots. I was a little bit drunk, and so was Scott, and my mother, not used to Stella, was a little bit bleary eyed herself, we finished our third game, and my mother said she needed to sit down, she poured herself a wine, and returned to the hot tub, Scott and I continued to play pool, and helped ourselves to another can of beer, at this point, my mother was oblivious to how to many we had had. Scott closed the conservatory doors as it was late afternoon and starting to cool down a little. “Fancy a dip in the hot tub?” Scott said, “Yeah, ok, I could do with a sit down” I replied, laughing, I was feeling the effect of the beer now; to be truthful, I was a little bit merry. We moved to the hot tub, and jumped in, “Steady boys” my mother rebuked, as she was splashed. “Sorry Mum” I stated, “Yes, sorry Gemma” Scott added. “That’s ok, I need to get another drink anyway” she was almost slurring, I think the wine, mixed with beer, had my mother a little bit worse for wear. She got out of the hot tub and disappeared into the kitchen. Me and Scott commandeered a jet each, my mother returned and sat in between us. Scott announced that he was getting more beer, there was no protest from my mother, who looked very relaxed, her eyes half closed. Scott got out, and returned from the kitchen carrying a bag of cans of beer, he placed them next to the hot tub and got back in. He passed me a can, and asked my mother if she wanted one, to which she politely declined as she was finishing her glass of wine. Scott then announced that he needed to pee, so again, he got out and headed towards the toilet, me and my mother chatted, about general stuff, I tried to sound sober, but I think I failed, but my mother in my opinion didn’t notice because she was feeling the effects of the drink as well, when Scott returned, I noticed that he got into the hot tub by stepping down and putting his hand on my mother’s thigh to steady himself, he sat down and left his hand on her thigh, my mother didn’t react, she didn’t smack his hand away or rebuke him.

My mother just continued to look up, half closed eyes, completely ignoring my friends’ hand on her thigh. I looked at Scott who was grinning from ear to ear, he nodded towards me suggesting I should do the same as him, I was nervous, my heart racing, but the alcohol, the fact it was my mother and if she was going to let Scott put his hand on her leg, then she should let me, surely?

So, I bravely, summoning every ounce of liquid courage given to me by the alcohol, and reminding myself that my mother was a little bit drunk herself, or quite a lot drunk actually! I lifted my hand, and without looking at my mother, placed it on her thigh, just above the knee. I risked looking out of the corner of my eye to see any reaction, I was getting hard at this point, so didn’t really want to have to leave the tub if I got shouted at, but I saw, out of the corner of my eye, my mother, her eyes still half closed, head looking up to the ceiling, resting her head on the side of the hot tub, and then she bit her bottom lip, no other movement, but I knew for sure she was relaxed, and enjoying it, if I wasn’t hard before, and I was, I was rock solid now!

We stayed in that position for a few minutes, before she opened her eyes and said, “Are you two hogging the jets?” with a giggle. “It’s therapeutic for your back and muscles” she added, again with a laugh.

“You can join me on this one” Scott chimed in with a devilish grin and laugh. I watched, in a mixture of horror, fascination, and just pure arousal as my mother lifted herself onto Scott’s lap. She leant back and put her head on his shoulder and sighed as the jet pushed up between his legs and presumably onto her crotch. Scott put his hands on her waist to steady her. She made appreciative noises and then just closed her eyes. Scott looked like he was in heaven, he had my mother, sat astride him, leant back on him, her head on his shoulder, his hands on her waist, on her t-shirt, but still on her waist. I was staring intently, and I think looking hungry to get involved somehow, but at the same time, hesitant, I think Scott picked up on this, and like the true friend he was, said “Maybe Mike’s jet is stronger, do you want to try that one?”. I watched, with trepidation, as my mother mumbled something about trying it, and got up from Scott’s lap, I hurriedly tucked my erection into the top of my shorts, panicking that my mother would feel it. She moved over to my spot, and lowered herself onto my lap, leant backwards, her legs parted outside of mine, her head on my shoulder, the same position she had been in with Scott. Scott was smiling a huge grin, and when my mother closed her eyes, and I placed my hands on her waist, he gave me a thumbs up.

I could feel the jet pushing up between my legs, so it must have been aiming straight at mothers most private regions. She rested her head back on my shoulder, and a very small, imperceptible moan came from her lips. A few minutes past, and Scott asked, “Which is better Gemma, Mike’s jet, or the one I’m on?” “It’s difficult to say” she replied. I thought I would repay my friend for his earlier kindness, so I said, “Try Scott’s again Mum”, which she duly did, she removed herself from my lap, which meant I could release my hardon from the top of my shorts, and relax a little, my mother moved effortlessly onto Scott’s lap, and he immediately placed his hands onto her waist, and then slightly down onto her hips. “Anyone want a beer?” I asked as I removed a can from the bag that Scott had brought over, and opened it, both my mother and Scott said yes, so I got another two, opened them and passed them over. Both took big swigs. “The alcohol was really kicking in with me now, my hesitancy and fear was disappearing, so I threw caution to the wind and said, “My jet again Mum?”, “Yes” came the reply as she moved from Scott’s lap to mine. Mum settled on my lap, there was no way that she could not feel my erection tucked up in my shorts. I was brave now, drunk, and horny so I made a move, I moved my hands up from her waist, to just below her boobs, her tits were basically resting on the side of my hand. I waited ... Nothing! Scott was watching, this time it was his turn to be open mouthed and stunned, he smiled, then mouthed the word “wow”, followed by a thumbs up.

My mother then announced she had to go for a pee, so I released my grip on her torso, a bit disappointed I couldn’t stay all day with my hands under her boobs. She got out of the tub, grabbed a towel, and headed off to the toilet. “Oh, my fucking god mate” Scott almost screamed, but managed to keep his voice down, “I know”, I replied, “I think she likes it?”. “Yes mate, it’s so fucking hot, you have her tits on the top of your hand, and she didn’t say a thing!” he stated.

We drank in silence, chugging down the beer. Both feeling great, drunk, horny, and great, and smiling ear to ear ha-ha.

My mother returned, both of us tried to hold our surprise when we looked over, and even shared a glance at each other with a smile, because my mother had removed her t-shirt, and was just in her shorts, which presumably covered her bikini bottoms underneath and just a bikini top, she was carrying her t-shirt, which she then placed it on the side of the hot tub. My usually conservative, modest mother was now showing a bikini top, this was very rare, the influence of recent events, wrestling, sitting on laps playing games, having cars run over her thighs and her dress pushed back to do so, Beth’s influence, mine and Scott’s attention, all of this was leading to my mother getting a bit wild by her standards, shorts and a bikini top was constituted as wild for my mother, or ... maybe it was all of those recent events, and a huge amount of alcohol that she had drunk today, but either way, her inhibitions were definitely being removed.

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