Adventures With Mums - Cover

Adventures With Mums

Copyright© 2024 by Scorpio1975

Chapter 3

A few days later, we were in my room messing about as usual, the weather had taken a bit of a turn, and it was raining and pretty miserable. We settled in for the day but by mid-afternoon were a bit bored, so we went downstairs to watch some TV. My mother was at Scott’s house with his mother, Beth so we had the place to ourselves, Scott lived a few doors down so both mothers were near enough should any problems arise. We watched a few programs, then settled on a film. Around 30 minutes into the film my mother came home, a little merry, both she and Beth liked a glass of wine from time to time and sometimes they got a bit carried away. She strolled in wearing a pair of leggings and jumper, her hair, and clothes a little wet where she had run from Scott’s house to ours. “Wow it’s raining out there” she laughed, as she sat almost fell onto the sofa opposite myself and Scott. “Yes, its bad out there Mum” I replied. “What are you watching?” she asked, “Just a film” replied Scott. “It’s some sort of comedy” I stated. “What’s it like?” my mother enquired”. “Not bad” I said, “It’s funny in places”, we all settled back and continued to watch for ten minutes or so, “I’m getting a drink, do you want one Scott?” I asked, “Yes please, but I’ve got to pee while you get them” he said laughing. “Do you want anything Mum?”, “No thanks hun, I’m fine” she said. I got up and made my way to the fridge, while Scott headed for the toilet. I picked up a couple of Coke’s from the fridge and stopped at the cupboard to pick up a couple of bags of crisps. I quite skilfully (I thought anyway) carried the cans of Coke and the crisps back into the front room. I placed a can down on each arm of the sofa and then put a packet of crisps down next to each of them. It was only when I had put the drinks and crisps down, by which time Scott had returned from the toilet, that I noticed that my mother had changed the channel to the news. “Aww Mum, we were watching a film!” I exclaimed. Mum looked like she swallowed hard, she looked a little nervous and did that thing where she ever so subtly lightly bit her bottom lip. “Well,”, she kind of stammered, sounding a little like she couldn’t get the words out, “I’ve got the remote now, haven’t I?” she half laughed, a nervous laugh, I looked at Scott, who looked back, we exchanged a look that communicated that what my mother had just said was what Beth said the other day, was my mother trying to instigate another wrestling match? She flicked her eyes darting back and forth between me and Scott.

Before I could make sense of what was happening, Scott lunged for the remote control in my mother’s hand, she threw herself down onto the floor, so he missed her and fell onto the sofa, my mother started laughing as Scott regrouped, and slid down onto his knees as my mother tried to crawl on all fours away from him, still laughing. Scott leapt from a kneeling position and grabbed her around her waist, his crotch right up against my mother’s bottom, she let go of the remote and it skidded a few feet in front of her, Scott didn’t pay any attention to the remote, Scott was smiling as he reached under, twisted himself around and then put one hand over my mother’s shoulder from underneath her, then the other hand up between her legs and pulled her down on top of him, she was diagonal to him, his forearm directly on her crotch and his other arm around her neck, her head was nuzzled in his shoulder, but she managed to twist and push herself out of his grip, at which point she rolled over with him and then rolled again until she was on top, but then, just as quick, Scott flipped her over onto her front and laid fully spread out on top of her. He very deliberately moved his feet one at a time, and moved my mother’s foot out with his foot so his feet and legs were now in between my mothers, his jean covered cock was directly on my mother’s leggings covered bum. He had her arms pinned above her head, so she was making a show trying to wriggle while laughing at the same time. He sat up on my mother’s thighs, I could see he had an erection, but so did I from watching, my mother must have felt it against her, he never let go of my mothers’ wrists, “I need a drink, I’m tagging you in Mike!” he said, It took a couple of minutes for me to realise what he said, I didn’t move for a few seconds, so he nodded towards my mother’s bum as if to say “Get over here and takeover”. I moved towards them my mother was still laughing, she seemed to be having a great time.

I sat behind Scott and leaned my arms around him so I could take my mother’s wrists in my hands and hold them in front of her on the floor as Scott had done, he shuffled forward, and then got off once I was on my mother, he walked to the sofa, and sat on it, opened his can and stared drinking, I laid fully down on my mother, I held her wrists, and had my mouth inches from her neck. I decided to see if I could do what Scott did and get in between her legs, so I gently pushed her right foot away from her left foot with my own foot, and to my surprise, I didn’t need to exert hardly any pressure, she seemed to willingly let me push her foot out, almost to the point where it felt she was moving it of her own accord, I repeated with the other foot and moved my crotch directly onto her bottom, with her legs splayed out either side of mine. I didn’t want to move, but she obviously decided she was going to put up a little bit of a show fight and jerked to one side in a quick motion, it threw me off guard a little, I wasn’t ready for it and I lost my balance a little, she twisted over until I was on my back, and then she suddenly had me pinned, she was looking down on me, smiling, she looked so happy, she was obviously enjoying it, whether it was the wrestling, or simply just letting go a little. She beamed a smile at me but then I saw her smile disappear as Scott came from behind her, placed his arms around her just below her breasts and pulled her backwards, he lay on the floor, my mother bursting into hysterics with his arm around her waist, and as I then saw, his other arm just below her breast, with one hand just on the edge of her boob, slightly cupping it. I looked in horror waiting for her to push his hand away and start shouting, but she didn’t, she just put both her hands on the arm that was around her waist and tried to push it off, this must have emboldened Scott because as I stared now that I was up on my knees, he twisted left then right, and as he did, he moved his hand to fully cup my mother’s boob. I looked to her, she was thrashing about, still laughing, with her head backwards hanging over Scott’s shoulder. I had a thought that would either get me the thrill I craved, or get me killed, but I was horny, aroused and excited, so I threw caution to the wind and fell onto my mother, my crotch between her legs, I put my head the on the side of Scott’s other shoulder so I didn’t make eye contact with my mother, and then, with my hand, brought it up to the other boob that was free, and closed my body to hers, squashing my hand against her boob, the feeling was amazing, her boob was soft and the breathing of myself, her, and Scott underneath her made her boob move under my hand, I could feel her nipple hardening and pointing into my palm, I don’t know whether this an involuntary reaction of her nipple through her bra and top, or whether she was actually turned on? All of my dreams however, were quashed when the phone suddenly rang, “Up boys, phone, I have to get that” she said, as I leapt from her and Scott released her from his grip, she clambered up and ran to the phone, where she picked it up and I heard her say “Hi, how are you, yes a bit out of breath, been playing and messing around with Mike and his friend Scott” then a laugh, then, “yes, I know, its knackering” then another laugh, by this time she was in the kitchen, and was chatting while putting water in a saucepan ready to start dinner.

I looked at Scott, he beamed that big grin back at me and in a very hushed voice he said, “Fuck me mate, I had my hand on her tit!”, “So did I” I replied, in equally hushed tones”. Do you think she will go mental at us when she gets off the phone?” I queried, “I don’t think so” Scott replied, “I think she liked it?”, “Yeah” I said, hoping he was right. We spent the next 30 minutes in my room of talking about what had just happened.

Our chat was cut short by my mother shouting from the bottom of the stairs, the phone had rung again, and it was Beth by the sounds of it. “Scott, your Mum has just rung, you will be having dinner here ok, she has to pop over to your grandmothers’, dinner is at 5 boys, that’s 20 minutes, ok?”. “Yes Mum” I replied.

We had dinner, all three of us, sat at the table, it was normal run of the mill chat, no mention of either of us having our hands in inappropriate places earlier. We chatted, laughed, it was very normal, my mother was on fine form as she had opened another bottle of wine, and adding to her wine consumption with Beth earlier in the afternoon, I would say she was having a great time! After dinner we went back upstairs to play video games. My mother was busy downstairs tidying, singing to herself (due to the wine) and doing laundry, in fact, she then came back upstairs with her arms full of my clothes which she had cleaned, she placed them on the bed as she came in telling me to put them away in my wardrobe. “What are you playing?” she asked as she turned to look at the screen on my desk. “It’s a driving game” I said, “It’s very good” added Scott, “do you want a go?”. “I’m not very good at those sort of things” she said. “Doesn’t really matter” I said, “Have a go, you’ll probably be better than Scott” I said, laughing. “That’s out of order” said Scott, also laughing. He got up out of the chair, and my mother sat in it. My mother had bought me my gaming chair for my last birthday, it was quite large, with a big high back no arms on the chair, but amazingly comfortable. I was busy putting my clothes away while Scott ran my mother through the controls. She was looking at the controller slightly bemused because there were a lot of buttons, and I suppose it was a bit confusing for someone who never played video games. My mother started a race, she was awful, she was moving the controller left and right rather than just pressing buttons and the direction pad, like she was trying to steer with the controller. I looked over for a few seconds and laughed, Scott laughed, and then suggested that my mother sit in front of him, with him behind her so he could guide her with the controller, my mother agreed, admitting that she utterly useless and needed help! So she got up, and Scott sat on the chair, she sat in between his legs, and he reached around, and held the controller with her, they started another race, and he had his thumb on her thumb, and he was moving her thumb on the direction stick, left and right, so she could get a feel for the track, and moving the direction of the car in the game. Soon, after about 5 minutes of this, Scott let go of the controller,

I had finished putting my clothes away and sat on the bed slightly behind but to the side of the gaming chair. My mother, now on her own, went to move the car to the right of the track, but without Scott, leant over to the right with the controller, Scott had to hold her waist to stop her flying off the chair! “Careful Mum” I said, laughing, “You nearly came off the chair”. “I know, but it’s the only way I can drive this thing” she said, laughing, she looked like she was having fun, and she seemed so engrossed in the game, she didn’t seem to notice that Scott left his hands on her waist, presumably on the pretence of holding her steady. My mother continued, her arms outstretched veering from left to right, laughing, but seemingly thinking her movements would help in her steering ability. She was almost falling off the front of the chair, so she got up, asked Scott to close his legs slightly, and got back on further back, so she wasn’t sitting in front of Scott now, she was on his lap. I was watching it all in amazement. Scott looked at me from behind my mother’s back grinning! I gave him a big thumbs up trying to communicate to him that he was a lucky bastard. So, my mother was sat astride my friend, on his lap, in her leggings and a jumper, with her legs outside of Scott’s, playing a racing game. “I’m getting better!” she exclaimed, “I just need more practice”, she was so engrossed in the game that she hadn’t noticed that Scott had returned his hands to her waist. She was leaning forward a little, eyes totally focused on the screen, her bum right on Scott’s crotch. “Hah, I came sixth that time, let’s go again” my mother exclaimed. “Hard left Mum” I exclaimed, with a laugh after, to which she tried her best but ran into the sidings and slowed right down, she laughed, but was still totally focused on the game. Scott meanwhile had moved his hands up to just below her breasts, his fingers resting an inch or so below them, on the side of her waist. She was still veering from left to right with her arms outstretched, so Scott had a fantastic opportunity to keep her steady and stop her falling off the chair by holding her. “Can you go and get my wine from downstairs hun?” she asked, obviously aimed at me. “Yeah, no worries” I replied, and I got off the bed and made my way downstairs, I found the wine on the kitchen side, so, as any teen boy would, I took a big mouthful and then went to the fridge and found the bottle to refill the glass. I walked back upstairs and walked into my room, Scott now had his hands on my mothers’ hips, her jumper was quite tight, so as she was leaning forward to play the game, her jumper rose a small amount, enough to show her back just above her leggings, and to confirm she wasn’t wearing a T-Shirt under her jumper. “Your wine Mum” I said, as I entered the room, “Thanks hun” she said as she paused the game, still sat on Scott’s lap, still with his hands on her hips, as she took the wine, took a big mouthful, then another, and drained the glass “You want another one?” I asked. “Yes, please hun” my mother replied. I ran downstairs with her glass and filled it, returning, handed it to her, she thanked me, paused the game, had a big mouthful and then put the glass on the desk in front of her. She started another game, still sat on Scott’s lap, she was now veering and leaning again like she was before, so every time she leaned into a corner, she would raise her right or left bum cheek, and every time she did that, Scott moved his hand from her waist, to whichever cheek was raised, he was smiling at me in between, then with words of encouragement to my mum like “well done”, or yes!, left, left, left” he would move his right hand from her waist to her right bum cheek as she lifted it, and then move it back to her waist when she lowered her cheek coming out of the corner.

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