Adventures With Mums - Cover

Adventures With Mums

Copyright© 2024 by Scorpio1975

Chapter 2

The next day would yield an adventure I could never have believed would ever happen, and as usually, it was Scott who took the lead. We were at Scott’s house, it was around 5 or 6 pm, Beth and my mother were at opposite ends of the table, having just come in from sitting in the garden for the last couple of hours, laughing and joking with each other, they were both in sundresses, Beth’s was just above her knees, whereas my slightly more conservative mother was wearing one that came just below the knee. Both had been drinking for at least an hour, so both were, how could you describe it? Happy? We were in Scott’s room just messing about, playing video games, chatting, when he suggested we play cars! I couldn’t breathe for a second I was so excited, my heart jumped a little with the thought of it, he didn’t have to ask me twice, I jumped at the opportunity. I had guessed the same as him during my last trip across the landing to the toilet that our mothers were sat at the table. We picked up a car each and headed for the stairs. My mother was sat at one end of the table, Beth was at the other end, there was a table cloth on the table which hung down to bot mothers knees, there was a bottle of wine on the table, with around a third left in it, both mothers had a glass of wine in front of them and there was an empty bottle on the kitchen side I could see as we entered the dining room.

“Playing cars” Scott said in his usual cheerful way, as we both dived under the table,

“Ok boys” said my mother, who never really said anything on the subject of giving us approval to do anything that involved interfering with them, but I think the recent events and Beth’s influence were slowly bringing my mother’s slightly wild side out, I say wild side, about as wild as an upstanding pillar of the community can get ha-ha. I was quite excited about getting my fingers on both mother’s legs again, we hadn’t played

“cars” for a while, and I kind of missed it, it was a thrill to just be in the vicinity of two pairs of adult female legs. What followed, was Scott taking things up a notch, he was always more confident than me, and I think his mother, Beth, let him get away with things my mother would never have let us do, however, recently, I had been thinking that my mother was slowly becoming a bit more outgoing due to Beth’s influence, before Beth and Scott moved in she would never have wrestled me, or another boy, let alone both of us, and been happy to accept our hands roaming, not for long or obviously, but brushing parts of her that we shouldn’t. Anyway, I got all set up behind Scott, car in hand on the carpet just behind him, when he started moving his car from the chair leg towards his mother’s bare foot, she had her ankles crossed, and we could plainly hear that both mothers had consumed at least a few glasses of wine, they were laughing and chatting at 100 mile per hour like mothers do. We had done this a few times in the past, and we had moved the cars up one side of each mothers ankle, then the side of their lower leg, then over their knee, if they were in a knee length dress or skirt then we would go over the skirt of dress, or if they were in trousers or jeans then it was straight over, down the inside of their leg to the inside ankle, then across the floor and back up to repeat on the other leg, then to the chair leg, and then to the other chair leg in a square, and then over the other mothers legs at the other end of the table, then repeat for a few laps. So, I waited for Scott to go up his mother’s leg with the car, he stopped and left the car next to his mother’s foot, I then stared, open mouthed, as he looked at me, smiled, looked back to his mother’s knees, and then folded his mother’s dress back to halfway down her thighs, she slowly, almost like it was just for show, moved her left leg and pushed him to one side, to which he literally just swatted her foot away and then took her foot in his hand and placed it next to the chair leg, then he moved her other foot next to the chair leg, he then proceeded to move his car up his mother’s leg and onto her knee, then down the inside and up the other leg to the her knee and he stopped, looking expectantly at me, I had been in a little bit of a daze to be honest, so I dutifully moved my car up to Beth’s left knee, Scott was grinning from ear to ear and nodded towards his mother, I looked, and could clearly see, because he had moved his mother’s feet to each of the chair legs, her white knickers. I was stunned, this was beyond erotic, I could clearly make out her crotch, covered by the white material of her underwear, I became so hard it was almost painful, I looked back at Scott, who grinned, knowingly at me, and nodded towards the table leg, meaning we should move, and not make it so obvious. He moved his car down the outside of her right leg and towards the table leg, I followed, trying as best as I could to drink in the sight of Beth’s underwear as I moved over her legs and towards the table leg following Scott. As Scott moved towards my mother, I started to panic, my erection subsided as I started to worry if Scott did the same thing to her, she would freak! I watched in horror, frozen to the spot, as he got to my mother’s left foot, left the car on the carpet next to her foot, thoughts were running through my head, oh my god she is going to freak and kill us both, I watched, frozen, as he reached for the hem of her dress, and started to fold it back, she jumped, and something garbled along the lines of

“ooohhhhh” came out of her mouth as she shut her legs and then froze, I heard Beth laugh,

“I’ve just had the same”, she stated,

“Clear access to knees is obviously a priority for cars” she said laughing, she didn’t seem bothered at all, this I think relaxed my mother slightly, as her whole demeanour relaxed a little, she visibly relaxed as Scott, completely unfazed, carried on folding her dress back to mid-thigh, and then proceeded to grab one of my mother’s feet and move it towards the chair leg, I expected my mother to put a stop to the whole thing at that point, in my mind I was getting grounded, Scott would never be allowed over again and she would explode like a bomb, but all she said was

“Boys eh?” and then giggled like a schoolgirl. He moved the other foot to the other leg of the chair, and then proceeded to push the car up her leg to her knee, down the other side and up to the other knee, then looked at me, I forgot all my worries and excitedly moved my car up her leg to her knee, as we were moving the cars down the respective legs, we both took time to look at my mother’s underwear, she was wearing pink knickers, and she hadn’t complained, or tried to move her legs back together, she had accepted the situation, which to me was wild, either, she didn’t want to cause a scene by screaming at us, or ... she was just accepting of the situation and saw it as innocent fun, or ... she was starting to enjoy the attention, and was being influenced by the more care-free and fun loving Beth, maybe my mother always wanted to live a little and be a little more outgoing but she had always been restrained. I think, looking back, at this point she had started to enjoy herself, and the games, wrestling, cars, hell, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that she actually left her knickers on the bathroom floor for us to find a couple of times? Maybe it was the thrill of it all? We moved the cars around between the table legs, from one table to the next until we came to Beth’s foot again, Scott moved his car, and I could clearly see his fingers on his mother’s skin under his car, up her leg to her knee, I followed up her leg while Scott moved his car down the other side, we slowed as we were moving cars to savour the sight of his mother’s knickers, you could clearly make out the outline of her pussy as she had kept her legs firmly next to each chair leg as Scott had left them when he moved them, we slowly moved on around the table to my mother, who had remained with her feet planted next to each chair leg as Scott had placed them. Again, we both moved our cars to her respective knees and savoured the view of her knickers, I have no idea whether Scott noticed because I never spoke to him about it, but I swear, I could see a small wet spot at the front of my mother’s knickers. I remember thinking how the tables had turned and how I thought Beth was the more outgoing and fun mum, but my mother was turned on by us moving cars over her legs? Was it the combined experiences of the last few weeks and the influence of Beth that had brought this side of my mother to the forefront? We carried on another few laps, towards the end Scott tried going up his mother’s thigh but got a very resounding hand coming under the tablecloth and pushing him away, then wagging a finger from side to side to insinuate a very clear no! I didn’t attempt to move my car anywhere other than the previous route of over her knee and down her leg, I wasn’t going to instigate finger wagging! It was a different story when he got to my mums’ legs, he put his hand over the car and moved it up my mother’s thigh, he got to her folded dress and pushed it a little further back with the hand that was holding the car, he was almost to her crotch, about 5 centimetres away! Then he pulled it back, and resumed the normal route down her leg, I swallowed hard! My mouth was dry as I followed Scott’s route and moved my car up my mother’s thigh, her skin was so soft, luxuriant against my fingertips, I did not want to push it so I moved away the same as Scott had done, and then down her legs. Beth announced loudly that it was time for something to eat, so we exited the sanctuary of under the table and bolted upstairs awaiting the call for food, all while talking fervently about what we had just done, and how horny it made us. The conversation centred around how my mother was happier letting us go a bit further than Scott’s, and how unlikely that would have seemed a few weeks ago.

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