Adventures With Mums - Cover

Adventures With Mums

Copyright© 2024 by Scorpio1975

Chapter 1

Hello, it’s been a while since I’ve told anyone about my experiences growing up, sometimes I think back and as I get older some of the memories get blurry, but certain points stick in my head. I was like any other boy growing up, liked football, messing about, computer games, the usual things, until Scott moved in two doors down from us, I was thirteen when he moved into the street with his mother, Beth. She almost immediately became best friends with my mother, Gemma, and invariably I became best friends with Scott, he was fun, outgoing, good to be around. Both mothers were around 5’5, curvy, not fat, my mother, Gemma had light brown hair down to her shoulders, the same length as Scott’s mother, Beth, but hers was almost jet black, both mothers would be considered pretty, not model looks, but pretty, in a motherly sort of way.

The first time I realised that Scott was on the same page as me completely was when we were round his house one Saturday afternoon, the summer holidays from school had just started and we were sat on his bed next to each other playing video games, when Beth came in with a tray full of drinks and a couple of snacks, crisps, biscuits etc. Beth put the tray on the desk in front of the TV, “Mum, that’s in the way, can you put in on the floor?” asked Scott. “Yes, sorry boys” replied Beth as she picked up the tray, and carefully bent down to put in on the floor next to the desk, Scott nudged me by sticking his elbow in my side, and when I looked at him indignantly he nodded towards his mother then pointed to his own chest and made a circle with his finger, then looked at his mother, and nudged me with his elbow again, nodding at his mother, as I looked towards Beth I knew exactly what he was on about, as she bent over her top fell forward and where we were sat, we could see her cleavage and breasts encased in a lacy bra, the bra covered her breasts so we couldn’t see any nipples, but as teen boys, a first glance at any slightly uncovered breasts in enough to get any hormone driven boy going. Those few seconds of seeing down her top were enough to make the decision that Scott was the best friend I would ever have, and he was the luckiest boy in the world to have such a sexy mother. Beth stood back up and left the room to go back downstairs, Scott was grinning from ear to ear, and I followed suit once I had taken a few seconds to get rid of the surprised look on my face. “Your mum is awesome” I spurted out, he laughed and looked back at the game on the TV, “yeah, and hot” he said, laughing, “well, yeah, she’s fucking hot mate!” I was almost drooling; Scott simply laughed and then went back to the game.

We played on for another 30 minutes, then Scott suggested we watch TV, his mother was sat at the dining room table waiting for us reading a newspaper, “dinner is ready, good timing boys” she said with a smile. She served up three plates and we chatted about school etc. Beth cleared up the dinner things and then went and sat in the front room. Scott asked “do you want to go and watch some TV?”, “I don’t mind, but your mum will want to watch her programs wont she?”, “she won’t mind” he said matter of factly, so we, his mother was sat on the couch in the front room wearing the same loose t-shirt she had on earlier, and a pair of jeans, barefoot, reading a book, but with the TV on, “can we watch TV Mum?” Scott asked, “If you want boys, I’m reading” replied Beth, I stared at Beth for a while, I found her very attractive, she and my mother shared similar body types, curvy, but not fat, very pretty faces, and warm motherly smiles. “Told you “Said Scott, elbowing me and jumping onto the opposite couch to his mother, I sat next to him, so both couches faced each other, and the TV was on the back wall.

Scott flicked through a few channels, then settled on a film we had both seen, but we watched for about 10 minutes, all the time I was looking at his mother reading her book, she had one leg bent up and the other flat, I was admiring the join between her leg and hip where her leg was bent and her knee was up with her book resting on it, trying to compose myself I forced myself to watch TV, Scott seemed oblivious to his mother’s pose however he was probably used to it. He flicked the remote again and settled on an American wrestling show, we both liked wrestling, as all boys our age did, we understood it was fake, but it was good entertainment, we watched for a little while and then Scott said, “Lets wrestle Mum”. Beth looked up from her book, “we haven’t done that in a while, I might beat you?” she said laughing and smiling, “No chance” replied Scott, who was moving into the space in the middle of the room and dropping to his knees, Beth did the same and knelt in front of him, both were smiling, I was a little unsure what to do. They grabbed each other’s shoulders and grappled a bit, both looked like they had done this a few times before, so they were obviously used to it. It seemed pretty even and then Scott seemed to flip his mother over, so she was on her front, he pulled her arms back and held her hands together behind her back, she was pretty helpless as Scott sat on her legs. I was half expecting her to get mad, but she just laughed, and then started twisting around and eventually after a few attempts, turned over and flipped Scott off, she scrambled up and pounced on him, not allowing him to get up, she was strong I thought myself laughing. Both were giggling and laughing, they grappled about on the floor for a little while, Scott had her at one point on his back, with her on her back on top of him, he had his arms around her waist, and his hands were a couple of inches from her chest, he was almost touching the underside of her boobs. I noticed that he had a boner, and so did I watching him wrestle his mum, I’m not sure why, but it was very arousing, I think the thought of my friend overpowering his mother was my main focus. As they grappled, he flipped her over but couldn’t quite get her pinned, she struggled with a lot of effort, but both were continually giggling and laughing, they had obviously done this a few times. She got the better of him a couple of times, had him in a headlock once or twice which he managed to wriggle his way out of, and he had her kind of pinned, or almost in some sort of controlled position several times before his mother escaped. At one point he was behind her, they were both on the floor laying sideways with him behind her, her back to him, and he had his arm between her legs, the crook of his elbow was directly on her crotch, she was wearing jeans but it was so erotic to see, his hand was on her tummy, just below her breasts, her t-shirt was strained because of the position, I was transfixed. “Mike, come and help me” Scott puffed out, it took me a couple of seconds to realise what he had said, I looked at him, and then at Beth, who was just laughing as she said, “I’ll beat both of you!”. I got off the couch and sank to my knees and walked on my knees to where they were, Beth took this opportunity to break free from Scott’s grasp and opening her arms wide piled into both of us, we collapsed to the floor with Beth on top of us, all three of us laughing. Scott freed himself from under her, and grabbed her around her waist, flipping her in a controlled way and turning her over, I instinctively grabbed her ankles, “turn her over” said Scott, so we both turned her onto her back, she was laughing almost hysterically now, and both me and Scott were giggling, it was very intense, but remained fairly innocent. I sat on her ankles holding her legs in place, Scott moved up and placed his knees either side of her head and pinned her arms under his shins and leaning forward he held her wrists above her head, I was sat directly behind him, and even at the confusing age of 13 I knew, and Scott must have known, and I’m sure his mother knew, he had her pinned with his little 13 year old hardon a couple of inches from her face, straining to get out his jeans, I know mine was!

It was right then that Beth announced it was time for a drink, and she needed a shower before she settled down for the night, so we released her from our grasp, and we all went to the kitchen to get drinks, still giggling, I had to turn away and pull my erection up under the waist band of my underwear and I saw Scott do the same thing, then grin maniacally at me. I finished my drink, thanked them for having me and left to go home, Mum asked if I had a good time to which I replied “Yes, the best”, went for a shower and then stayed in my room for the rest of the night thinking about how erotic the whole situation was, and thinking how lucky Scott was, he and his mum had obviously wrestled and messed about lots of times, he was so lucky to be able to get near and touch a grown woman, granted it was his mother, but teen boys don’t care who it is when the hormones are running rampant!

The following day, I went back around Scott’s late morning, his mother let me in, and I rushed straight upstairs to his room. No sooner had I set foot into his room he asked me if I wanted to do something a little bit wild, and then laughed before I could answer, I replied “yes mate, of course” so he led me down the hall, to his mother’s bedroom, a quick look towards the stairs to make she wasn’t coming up, and then in we went, he went straight to the chest of drawers on the opposite wall to her bed, and opened the top drawer, he opened the drawer and took out the top pair of knickers, it was a small thong or G-string, tiny, he looked at it, then gave it to me, I took them from him and held it in my hands, I just stared for a while, I was fascinated, the thought that this piece of underwear was worn by his mother, I knew enough at my age to know about women, and the thought that I was holding underwear that had been in contact with Scott’s Mum’s pussy was so erotic, I became so hard. He had moved on to another pair of knickers, they were white and lacy edges were very visible. Scott, with a smile on his face, as he had obviously seen how much I had enjoyed his mother’s underwear told me to follow him, we left her bedroom and went to the bathroom, there, he opened up the laundry basket, and poured it all over the floor, then, sensing what he was after, we scrabbled around and picked out all of his mother’s underwear, her bra’s and knickers. We put all the rest back the basket and what was left was 6 pairs of knickers and 5 bra’s, we each grabbed the nearest pair of knickers to us and held it up to our noses, I could smell a very strong scent of his mother’s pussy, it excited me so much, and I could see Scott inhaling the scent of the pair he had. We messed about with a few different pairs, then had to rush to put them back when we heard a door open and his mum coming towards the stairs.

We both rushed into his room where on closing the door he immediately said “That was fucking close” laughing as he said it. “But fucking hot” I replied, and we both then went into detail about his mother’s underwear. An unwritten agreement had been reached with a level of trust that we were both as pervy as each other, and we were both happy about it!

The following day were at my house, playing about and just generally getting in the way, we were in the front room watching TV, we watched a film, then put the sequel on straight after, my mother came into the front room with a newspaper and sat down on the sofa whilst we sat on the floor, she was wearing a shift dress that sat slightly above her knees. I had been fixated on Beth, Scott’s mother recently, especially after looking down her top, and I saw Scott out the corner of his eye look at my mother’s legs, It dawned on me at that point that Scott probably felt the same about my mother, as I did his?, but we had reached a point judging by how he had nudged me to look down his mother’s top, and he had taken me to look through her underwear, and wrestled with her and pinned her, and got me involved, I don’t think he cared whether it was my mother or his mother, he was going to push as far as he could. As my mother was reading, she was shifting slightly, and her dress was moving ever so slightly up, Scott decided to lie on the floor on his front and his elbows with his hands supporting. He stayed there for a while and I could see his eyes darting towards my mother every now and again, then he very subtly nodded towards me to get down on the floor next to him. I rolled off the sofa and onto my front on the floor directly next to him. He then very slowly, with very small movements checked my mother had her head in her newspaper and then nodded towards her knees. I very slowly checked that my mother still had her head in her book and then dropped my head down to her knees, my mother was sitting at an angle, facing the TV, but with both feet on the floor, and her legs were slightly parted, I could see her underwear in the form of a little triangle between her legs, I looked at Scott who grinned. We spent the next 10 minutes getting glimpses of my mother’s underwear until she suddenly got up and said she had some things to do. I had to stay laid on the floor on my front for a while until my erection subsided, and so did Scott by looking at his uncomfortable demeanour. We finished the film and then ran upstairs to my room, we knew each other well enough now to wait until we were away from adults and on our own to properly talk, “did you see your Mum’s knickers?”, Scott blurted out excitedly, “Yeah, very nice mate, maybe we can get a better angle next time?” I replied, now fully comfortable that Scott and I were totally in sync with our perversions. I found myself, just to almost double check that we were in sync saying, “Do you think we could try and look up your Mum’s dress?” I asked hesitantly, “Fucking right we will mate” Scott laughed out loud and slapped me on the back. Feeling very bold, and very aroused I suggested we go to the bathroom and have a look for my mother’s underwear, which Scott duly agreed to with a wholehearted “Yes!” so we made our way to the bathroom, quietly as my mother was padding about downstairs generally tidying. We slightly closed the door so we could make a run for it, if necessary, then rooted through the contents of the laundry bin in the bathroom, our work was well worth it, apart from throwing my underwear out of the way, we found a load of my mother’s knickers and bras, some were what you would call normal everyday underwear, but some were very sexy, similar to Scott’s mother, my mother had some very sexy thongs or G-strings, some lacy little numbers, all had been worn, and all smelled amazing. We put everything back after about 5 minutes, and then returned to my room to play video games until Scott had to go home. I was loving my life, loving being around Scott, and loving the adventures we were having, it was so thrilling! So erotic, and more was to come, so much more...

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