The Seduction of Rob - Cover

The Seduction of Rob

Copyright© 2024 by Aramis

Chapter 5: The Motel, Friday

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: The Motel, Friday - A man is seduced by his daughter's sexy 17 year old best friend.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Teen Siren   Fiction   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

Rob went back to work the Monday after his last visit from Sherry, and to be honest he was glad to be back at work – at least it was familiar to him, a sense of normality in a world gone crazy for the past month or so. His first day back on the job he had a meeting with the department shrink just to make sure that he was firing on all cylinders and wasn’t going to go do something stupid, but after that it was like he’d never left at all.

For five days, that is. Midway through his shift that Friday he got a call from his soon-to-be-ex wife, informing him that she was coming back to the house to pack up some things and spend some time with the kids. Rob thought that it would be a good idea if he wasn’t around – he not only didn’t want to make the kids uncomfortable, he also didn’t want to take out his frustrations on the shitty way she’d treated their kids through all this – so he told her he’d stay at a local motel for the weekend. She readily agreed, and Rob thought that she truly was a cold, unfeeling bitch and wondered how he never saw this in her before. ’Love is blind, I guess,’ he said to himself, ’but I sure as hell see it now, and I don’t want any part of it!’

Rob was working the day shift this month so he got off work at, and he was already home with his clothing changed and an overnight bag packed when the kids got home from school. Randy got home first, telling him that Kathy and Sherry had stopped over at Sherry’s house on the way home and would be along shortly. Randy took the news about his mother coming back with mixed emotions; on one hand he was glad to see her because she was his mother and he loved her, but he also knew that things were going to be tense at best with her around.

“Don’t worry about that, son, I’m not going to be here,” Rob explained.

“Where are you going to be, Dad?” Randy asked, a look of concern on his face.

Before Rob could answer the front door opened and the girls walked in, Kathy leading the way with Sherry right behind her. Sherry’s face lit up in a big smile when she saw Rob standing in the kitchen with Randy.

“Hi, Dad,” Kathy said, coming over to him and kissing him on the cheek.

“Hi, Kitten,” he replied, hugging her briefly.

“Hey, Mr. Carter,” Sherry said, smiling broadly at him. Rob caught the look on his son’s face out of the corner of his eye at her overly-enthusiastic greeting to him; maybe the smile was too big or the tone of voice was too something-or-other, but whatever it was it had made his son’s radar go on, and Rob thought this could be trouble. He’d have to be careful and warn Sherry about it, too.

“Hi, Sherry,” Rob replied, smiling back – but not too big a smile.

“So like I said, Dad, where are you going to be?” Randy asked.

“You’re going somewhere, Dad?” Kathy asked, setting her books down on the kitchen counter.

“No, Kitten, not really,” he replied. “Your mother is coming back tonight for the weekend to pick up some things and spend some time with you guys, and I thought it would be best for all concerned if I wasn’t here while she was here.”

“Oh” Kathy said, and Rob could tell that this bothered her. He walked over and put his arms around her, hugging her as he spoke.

“It’s okay, Kitten, really,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry it has to be this way, but I think this is for the best,” he explained.

“I know, Dad,” she replied, hugging him back. “I just hate that you have to go away for a few days because of all this.”

“Well, I’m not actually going away,” he said, stepping back from Kathy and sitting on the bar stool on the den side of the kitchen counter. “I’m just going to get a room at The Windjammer down at the beach and stay there for the weekend.” He saw Sherry’s face light up when he said this, and he immediately knew what she was thinking because the same thought had come to him as soon as he decided not to be there when his wife got there.

“But what are you gonna do down there for the weekend?” Kathy asked.

“Oh, I dunno, I’m sure something will pop up!” he said, glancing over at Sherry to see if she caught his play on words. She did, as the smile on her face attested to.

After assuring his kids that this was the best thing all the way around and that they shouldn’t worry about him, he made them promise to call him on his cell phone if they needed him for anything. After that, he picked up his overnight bag, took it out to his car, tossed it in the back and then got in, cranking the engine and pulling out of the driveway. Half an hour later he was pulling into the parking lot of The Windjammer, and fifteen minutes after that he was standing out on the balcony of his room on the 20th floor, looking out over the beach at the ocean with a spiced rum and coke in his hand, thinking that life could be worse. His cell phone rang, and he looked at the number on the caller ID before answering it and smiled when he saw the number displayed.

“Hello, Sherry,” he said, answering the phone.

“Hello, yourself!” she replied, and he could hear the excitement in her voice. “So when would you like me to come down there?”

“How soon can you be here?” he said.

“How does half an hour sound?” she replied.

“Sounds like a winner to me!” he said, a little surprised. “But how are you going to swing that? I mean, what are you going to tell your parents?”

“Nothing, because they’re not here!” she said. “They’re both out of town on a business trip for my father’s company, and they won’t be back until late Sunday night. I have the whole weekend to myself to do as I please, and it would please me greatly to spend it doing you!” Now it was her turn for a play on words.

“So why aren’t you here yet?” Rob asked, teasing her.

“I’m on the way!” she said, and then hung up. Rob smiled as he put his cell phone in his pocket and took a sip of his drink. ’There certainly are worse ways to spend the weekend other than spending it fucking your brains out with a hot, 18 year old nymphomaniac with tits the size of torpedoes,’ he thought to himself. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder where this was all going and how it was all going to turn out. He knew that eventually this fling with Sherry was going to come to an end, but he just didn’t know how. ’Guess I’ll just have to wait and see,’ he thought, taking another sip of his drink. He pondered things for a few more minutes, watching the surf from his perch on the balcony, then went inside the room to change into a pair of shorts. His usual beach attire consisted of a tank top, shorts, and either sandals or leather deck shoes; he always found anything else too hot and uncomfortable for the heat and humidity of the beach. And that included underwear, which he took off and tossed in the bottom drawer of the dresser he would use as a dirty clothes hamper for the next two and a half days. A few minutes later he was back out on the balcony sitting in a chair watching the ocean, his feet propped up on the railing, sipping at his drink and waiting for Sherry to arrive.

Nearly half an hour to the minute later there was a knock on the door of his room, and he knew it just had to be Sherry. He crossed the room and opened the door without even looking through the peephole, and he was right. Standing there with a grin going from one side of her face to the other was Sherry, his teenaged lover. She was dressed for the occasion as well, wearing a pair of skintight Spandex shorts, a Spandex sports bra, and a very loose tank top. She had a small backpack slung over her shoulder, and Rob guessed that she must have the rest of the stuff she’d need for a weekend at the beach in the bag.

“So aren’t you going to ask me in?” she said playfully, rocking her shoulders back and forth and waving her huge tits at him. Even in the confines of the tight sports bra, those things were absolutely huge! He could see her nipples were already hard, and he knew it wasn’t the cool air of the motel room that was doing it.

“No, I thought we’d just stand out here in the hallway and talk for a bit,” Rob replied, leaning against the doorjamb and crossing his arms, a slight smile on his face.

“You’re terrible! Get in there!” Sherry said playfully, pushing him back into the room and closing the door behind her as she entered, both of them laughing. As soon as the door closed she dropped her pack to the floor and flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss him deep and hard, sliding her tongue into his mouth to find his own. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, and he could feel every curve of her body as she molded her lithe, young body against his. He could feel the mounds of her mammoth breasts pressing into his chest, and she could feel his shaft beginning to harden between them. She pushed against it, feeling him grow harder as they kissed. She smiled at this, breaking the kiss and giggling at him. He smiled as he looked down at her.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“Nothing, really,” she replied, smiling up at him. “I just love how fast I can get you hard, and I can’t believe that I have you all to myself in this motel room for the entire weekend!”

“Yeah, I’m pretty pleased about that myself,” he said, running his hands up and down her back.

“I can tell!” she said, pressing her hips up against his hard cock. “And we are going to fuck ourselves silly this weekend, too! I want to see just how many times I can make you cum from now until Sunday morning!”

“Sounds fine to me,” he said, bending down and kissing her softly. “But don’t you think it would be a good idea if we went and got something to eat first? I mean, from what you’re telling me it sounds like we’re both going to need all the energy we can get!”

“Aren’t you afraid of someone recognizing you and seeing you with me?” she asked, a serious look on her face. “I mean, with your job and now the pending divorce and all, isn’t that the last thing you need?” Sometimes the depth of this young girl’s intelligence and maturity surprised him, and this was one of those times.

“I appreciate you being concerned about that, I really do, but I’ve got it covered,” he said. “There’s a restaurant just outside of the tourist area of the beach that only the locals go to, and there’s very little if any possibility of someone we know running into us there. I think we’ll be all right,” he said, turning from her to retrieve his car keys from the dresser.

“Are you sure, Rob? I mean, the last thing I want is to cause trouble for you,” she asked.

“Positive,” he assured her, “don’t worry about it! Now let’s go get something to eat, I’m starved!” he said, opening the door for her and ushering her out of the room. They walked down the hallway to the elevator, rode it down to the parking deck under the motel, and walked over to Rob’s car. A few minutes later they were driving down the main drag of the resort area, headed to the restaurant, and ten minutes later they were seated in a corner booth of The Gull Reef Club, the best non-tourist seafood restaurant in town. No one gave them a second look as they came in and sat down; for all anyone knew, they were just a father and daughter out having dinner.

As they were waiting for the food to arrive Rob told Sherry that he thought his son had picked up on her reaction at the house this afternoon and may be suspicious.

“Observant little rascal, isn’t he?” she mused, a half smile on her face.

“Takes after his old man, I guess,” Rob said, smiling and sipping his soda. “But then again, a blind man could have seen the way your face lit up when you heard I was going to be all alone down here this weekend. The only reason Kathy didn’t see it is because you were standing behind her.”

“I’m sorry, Rob, I was just so excited when I heard that,” she said, pouting a little at him. “I’ll be more careful, I promise.”

“Especially around Randy,” Rob cautioned. “I’m not sure he’ll say anything, but...”

“I know, I know, deny everything and admit nothing,” she said, nodding at him.

“Unfortuately, yes,” Rob said, feeling guilty about either of them having to lie to his son. But there just wasn’t any other way – not right now, anyway. “And be cool when you’re in the house with me around, okay?”

“Okay,” she said, lowering her head a little and looking up at him. “It won’t be easy, but I’ll do it!”

“Great! Now let’s eat!” he said as the waitress approached with their food.

The food was great, the atmosphere perfect, and Sherry was, Rob had to admit, better company than most adults he knew. This girl was more and more fascinating the more time he spent with her, and the more time he spent with her the more he liked her. And, of course, the more time he spent with her the more he desired her. She was an incredibly sexy young woman, and he couldn’t imagine what she would be like in another five years or so. Inwardly, he hoped he was around to find out.

It was full dark when they drove back to the motel, so Sherry slid over as close to him in the car as she could considering that his car had bucket seats, not afraid of being seen. She spent the short drive teasing him by running her hand up and down the inside of his thigh, then sliding up the leg of his shorts to touch the tip of his cock. She squealed when she discovered that he wasn’t wearing anything beneath the shorts, rubbing the head of his cock with her fingertips and making it begin to swell. She leaned over and nibbled on he earlobe before poking the tip of her warm, wet tongue into his ear and making him shiver. She gripped his cock outside of his shorts as she whispered in his ear.

“I can’t wait to fuck you!” she breathed, sliding her tongue deeper into his ear and making him swerve the car.

“Damn, Sherry, easy!” he said, chills running up and down his body. “Take it easy or you’re gonna get us killed!” She giggled as she sat back down in her seat, clasping her hands together between her thighs and pushing her elbows in to create a mile of cleavage for him to see, grinning at him the whole time.

“I can’t help myself, you’re just so fuckin’ hot!” she said, smiling broadly.

“I’m glad you feel that way, but just hang on for another couple of minutes, okay?” he said, glancing over at her and grinning. ’This girl is really something!’ he thought to himself, pulling the car into the parking deck under the hotel and parking in the first available spot.

They got out of the car and walked over to the elevator, and as soon as the elevator doors closed Sherry was all over him. She threw her body against his and pushed him up against the wall, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss him hard and deep, her tongue sliding deeply into his mouth to find his own. He wrapped his arms around her lithe young body and pulled her close, feeling the mounds of her big, firm tits pressing into his chest. He slid his hands down her back and grabbed her by the ass, squeezing her asscheeks hard as he pulled her into him. She moaned and slid a hand in between them and down his body to his cock, grabbing and squeezing on the quickly-hardening shaft. She sucked his tongue into her mouth as she slid down his zipper, slipping her hand inside his shorts and wrapping her fingers around his hot, hard shaft. She pumped and tugged on his shaft, coaxing him into full hardness, and he slipped a hand up around the front of her body to close his hand around one of her full breasts and squeeze, feeling the hard nipple beneath his palm. He could feel the heat eminating from her pussy as she pressed against him, and he felt his desire building quickly.

Just then the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, revealing them in their passionate embrace. They both looked out of the open doors, surprised, his hand on her breast and her hand in his pants, and they both laughed when they realized what a sight they would have made if someone had been standing there waiting for the elevator. She stepped back and adjusted her top while he zipped up his shorts, and then she took him by the hand and ran down the hallway to his room. He opened the door and they both went inside, laughing as they did so. As soon as the door closed behind him Sherry turned and threw herself on him again, wrapping her arms around his neck once more.

“Now, where were we?” she asked, her voice breathy and low, her eyes filled with desire. She pulled his head down and kissed him fiercely, letting her desire overtake her actions. She slid her hand back down his body and unzipped his shorts again, quickly reaching inside and grabbing his still-hard cock. She pulled and tugged on his cock as they kissed, their tongues dancing, as he squeezed her rounded ass with one hand and slipped the other up her body to grasp the big mound of her breast once again. He squeezed the big globe hard, hearing her moan around his tongue as he did so, and she squeezed his cock in return. Then she released his cock and reached down to the hem of his shirt, tugging it up his body with both hands. He lifted his arms and they broke the kiss just long enough for her to pull the shirt up over his head and toss it aside, then they kissed again as Rob grabbed the bottom of her tank top and did the same thing. As soon as the tank top cleared her hands Sherry grabbed the bottom of the sports bra and pulled it away from her body and up over her head, setting her big mounds free. Rob watched them jiggle and sway as she removed the sports bra, the big nipples hard and erect. Then she stepped into him and kissed him again as she reached for the clasp of his shorts with both hands, and in a matter of seconds his shorts were in a pile at his feet. He stepped out of his sandals and his shorts, kicking them both aside as Sherry pulled her Spandex shorts off, tossing them in the same general area as her top and bra.

Then she was on him again, their naked bodies touching, molding themselves into the other as they kissed once again. Sherry could feel the hard tube of his cock pressing into her stomach, the hot, slick precum beginning to seep out of him, and Rob could feel the mounds of Sherry’s huge breasts pressing against him. He could also feel the heat from her pussy, which he was sure was soaked by now, and the scent of her arousal filled the room. He slid his hands down to her ass and squeezed, pulling her close to him, as she kissed her way around his cheek to his ear. She sucked on his earlobe before slipping the tip of her tongue into his ear, making him shiver and his cock jump. She whispered breathlessly in his ear.

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