The Seduction of Rob - Cover

The Seduction of Rob

Copyright© 2024 by Aramis

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A man is seduced by his daughter's sexy 17 year old best friend.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Teen Siren   Fiction   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

(Author’s note: what follows is a work of fiction. Any similarity between any persons living or dead is purely coincidental and pure luck. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this work of fiction are at least 18 years of age.)

Rob awoke the following morning to the sounds of the ocean coming in through the open bedroom window. Whoever had designed the cottage made sure that one of the two bedrooms was on the front of the house so it would have an ocean view, and it was in this bedroom that Rob had slept. The night was cool, but not so cool that he couldn’t leave the window open so he could both fall asleep to and wake up to the sounds of the ocean. The more he thought about moving to the beach the more he liked it. He felt at home here, and he’d made some pretty good memories of the beach in the past few months – all of them having to do with Sherry, of course.

Rob lay on his back in bed for a while, his hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling and listening to the ocean while thoughts of the past few months with Sherry ran through his head. What had started out as nothing more than a sexual fling had evolved into something much deeper and more serious, and Rob knew it. He also knew that the time was rapidly approaching when he was going to have to make a decision on what to do about his relationship with and feelings for Sherry, something that he had been putting off for a while now. Deep in his heart he knew how he felt about her, and that he was going to have to stop putting it off and address it.

’But that day’s not going to be today,’ he thought to himself. ’Today I’m going to relax, walk on the beach and around town, and tonight I’m going to enjoy being with Sherry and worry about tomorrow when it gets here.’ With that he got up out of bed, padded naked to the small bathroom off of the bedroom where he had slept to take a shower and get dressed. Half an hour later he was dressed and out of the cottage, intent on spending the rest of the day doing exactly what he had decided he was going to do. He was walking down the nearly-deserted main street of the town when his cell phone went off, alerting him that he had a text message. He pulled his cell phone out of the hand warmer pocket of his Baja and looked at the screen. Just as he hoped, it was from Sherry.

“Good morning, lover! Just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I’m looking forward to being with you tonight! XOXO, Sherry” Rob smiled as he typed out his reply, telling her that he was looking forward to being with her, too, and then he put the phone back into his pocket and continued walking down the street.

Right after lunch, just as Rob was walking out of the small pizzeria where he’d eaten, his cell phone went off again with another text message, again from Sherry.

“Hi, sexy! Can’t wait to be with you tonight! Hope you’re having a good day, and I’ll see you soon! XOXO, Sherry” Rob stopped walking as he typed out a reply, telling her that he felt the same way, and this time he ended his message with “XOXO” as well, something he’d never done before. But this time it just felt right, so he did it.

Rob managed to keep himself busy as the day wore on, but as the day progressed he found himself becoming more and more anxious for to get there so he could see Sherry again. Finally, just when he was about to pick up his cell phone and call her, it rang and was showing her name in the caller ID. ’Thank God!’ Rob thought as he answered the phone.

“Hey, babe!” he said, a little more enthusiastic than he intended.

“Hey, lover!” Sherry replied, just as enthusiastic if not more. “Have you missed me, baby?” Rob could hear the sound of the wind in the background, so he knew she was in her car and driving with the window down, which meant she was on the way.

“You know it,” Rob replied, honestly. “It’s been a long day, and I can’t wait for you to get here!”

“Well, I’m on the way, lover!” she replied. “I’ll be there in about half an hour, so you just hang tight!”

“Okay, babe, I’ll see you then,” Rob said, smiling. “And be careful, okay? Don’t rush and get in an accident or anything,” he cautioned, genuinely concerned about her.

“How sweet! Thank you, lover, I’ll be careful, and I’ll see you soon!” she said, and then the line went dead. Rob smiled as he put the phone back in his pocket, then went out onto the front porch of the cottage and sat in the wicker chair there to wait for her to arrive.

Thirty minutes later Rob saw her car coming down the street, and he stood up as she parked the car and got out to walk up the sidewalk to the cottage. She was wearing jeans and the Baja Rob had bought for her the previous day, which pleased him to no end and made him smile. Her hair was in pigtails again, a look which he had come to love, and as soon as she saw him she broke into a big smile and ran up the sidewalk, her big breasts bouncing beneath the loose-fitting Baja and making Rob wonder if she was wearing a bra. She came bounding up the three steps to the porch, and as she got closer Rob saw cleavage and the thought crossed his mind that she might be naked beneath the Baja as she was the day before. She came bounding up the steps to the porch and threw herself into his open arms and they kissed, long and deep, holding each other close as their tongues danced. Rob could sense that this kiss was different, and he thought that she could sense it too. When the kiss finally ended she looked up at him and smiled, her eyes sparkling.

“Hi, lover!” she said, grinning broadly.

“Hi, yourself,” he said, smiling back at her. Then he surprised himself by what he said next. “I missed you,” he said, looking into her eyes.

“I missed you, too, lover, I really did,” she said, a genuine look in her eyes, and Rob knew that she meant it – as did he. “Very much, and I’m very glad to be here with you again!”

“I’m glad to have you here,” he said, hugging her. She hugged back, snuggling against his chest as he held her close. Then she stepped back and looked up at him.

“So where are we going to eat?” she asked.

“I don’t know, where would you like to go?” he replied. “We have the whole town to ourselves, so I’ll take you wherever you want.”

“I want to go back to the same place we went last night,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

“The Captain’s Cabin?” he asked, and she nodded quickly. “Now why in the world would you want to go back there?” he asked, playing with her.

“Because the seafood there is really good,” she said, smiling up at him.

“No other reason?” he asked, looking down at her and smiling.

“Well, the memories are pretty good, too!” she said, giving him a “Sherry Smile.”

“Yeah, I guess they are,” Rob said, smiling down at her. “Okay, we’ll go back to ‘The Captain’s Cabin,’ but you have to make me a promise, okay?”

“What’s that, lover?”

“No under-the-table blowjobs this time,” he said, tapping his finger on the end of her cute little nose. “This time you keep your pretty little butt on the bench like you’re supposed to!”

“Awww, you’re spoiling all the fun!” she said, playfully punching him in the ribs.

“Promise me,” he said.

“Okay, I promise,” she replied.

“You promise what?”

“No under-the-table blowjobs,” she said, giving him a fake pout. Then here face changed, brightening up as she continued. “I’ll just wait until we get back here, and then I’ll give you a blowjob! Among other things, of course!” she said, giving him another “Sherry Smile” as she lowered her head and looked up at him sexily. He loved when she did that, and she knew it – which was why she did it.

“Okay, fine,” he said, laughing. “Now let’s go eat!” He took her hand and they walked off the porch and down the sidewalk, then turned and headed to the restaurant.

Ten minutes later they were seated in the same corner booth as the night before, but this time they had a different waitress. They ordered the drinks and then the main course, with Sherry glancing under the table a few times and looking back at Rob and smiling playfully. He smacked her on the thigh and she giggled in response, making him smile and laugh as well.

“I meant to ask you earlier,” Rob said, taking a sip of his beer. “Maybe I’m wrong, but are you wearing a shirt under that Baja, or what?”

“Nope!” she said, grinning broadly and rocker her shoulders from side to side, making her unfettered mounds sway from side to side beneath the loose-fitting top. “And I’m not wearing a bra, either! There’s nothing between you and my big tits but the Baja, lover!”

“Mmm, now there’s a nice thought,” he said, smiling at her.

“I was beginning to think you’d never notice!” she said, punching him on the arm.

“Oh, I noticed, all right!” he said, punching her back. “How can you not notice boobs as big as those bouncing around like two puppies in a sack trying to get out?” She laughed at this, and he laughed with her.

They were like a couple of kids, playing and horsing around with each other as they talked, and halfway through the meal Rob realized that he was happier than he’d been in years. He also realized why, and as the conscious thought ran through his mind he glanced over at Sherry, remembering that she was “a little bit psychic” at times, wondering if this was one of those times.

She was lifting a fork full of seafood to her mouth just as he glanced over at her, and he could swear he saw her pause for just a millisecond, her mouth open, before continuing. Maybe he was wrong, maybe he was just imagining it – but he didn’t think so. He didn’t say anything, and the rest of the meal passed in the same manner as before – laughing, playing, and enjoying each other’s company. If Sherry had indeed known what he was thinking she gave no sign of it.

After they finished eating they walked back to the cottage, again holding hands. The night was cool, and Rob was glad they had both worn their Bajas although he was wondering if Sherry was warm enough beneath it since she wasn’t wearing anything else but the Baja.

“I’m fine, lover, but thank you for caring!” she said out of the blue. He stopped in his tracks and looked down at her, his mouth open a bit.

“Damn, that’s freaky when you do that!” he said. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it!” She smiled at him and then they continued walking to the cottage, still holding hands.

They arrived at the cottage and walked inside, Rob holding the door open for Sherry and then closing it behind him as he followed her inside. Sherry walked into the living room next to the couch, and turned to face him as Rob walked over to her. They embraced and kissed, the kiss long, deep and intense, their tongues dancing as they held each other close. Rob could feel the mounds of her huge breasts pressing against his chest, and he felt his cock begin to respond as she pushed her hips against him. She slid her hand around to the back of his head as they kissed, their passion increasing by the moment. And the whole thing felt different this time – Rob knew why, and for the first time it didn’t scare him.

When the kiss ended Sherry looked up at him, a solemn look in her eyes, and held his gaze for a few moments. Then she kissed him again, shorter this time, but just as intense. She left him nearly breathless, and by now his cock was rock-hard and throbbing. He wanted her, badly, and for a different reason this time in addition to the sexual attraction for her that he always had. She stepped back a few paces from him, keeping her eyes on him as she stepped out of her shoes. She never broke eye contact with him as she reached beneath the bottom of the Baja and unfastened her jeans, then slid them down her legs and stepped out of them. She repeated her actions with her thong panties, tossing them to the side where her jeans were lying. She was naked in front of him now, clad only in the Baja, and Rob thought that she was the most beautiful and exciting woman he’d ever seen. She walked over to him and kissed him again, her hand on the back of his head, and he held her tight as they kissed.

After a few moments he felt her hands slide down to his belt, then felt her tugging at it and then his jeans as she worked to unfasten both. He stepped out of his deck shoes as she opened his belt and jeans, never breaking the kiss as she slid them down his hips to fall around his feet. He stepped out of them and kicked them aside, his hard cock standing up in front of him, throbbing and pulsing. She slid her fingers around his hard length and gripped him firmly, gently tugging on his cock as they kissed. He slipped his hands around to the globes of her ass and pulled her to him, squeezing the cheeks of her ass in both hands. She released his cock and slipped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close, sucking his tongue into her mouth as the kiss deepened. When she broke off the kiss she left him gasping for air yet again. She looked up at him, her arms still around his neck, as she spoke in a quiet voice.

“Make love to me, Rob.”

Without a word Rob picked her up in his arms, her arms still around his neck, and carried her to the bedroom. He walked over to the side of the big bed and gently put her down, and she pulled him down onto the bed next to her. They lay on their sides as they kissed, she sliding a leg between his and nudging his ball sack with the top of her thigh. He slipped a hand up her stomach beneath the Baja to her breasts, gently gripping one of the massive globes in his hand and squeezing it gently as he felt the nipple harden beneath his palm. He heard her inhale sharply as he squeezed her breast, and she slid her hand down his flat stomach to grasp his hard cock in her hand. She tugged on it firmly as he rolled her nipple between his fingers, their tongues dancing as they kissed deeply. She slipped her hand up his stomach beneath his Baja and up his chest, finding one of his nipples and tugging on it, knowing that he liked that as much as she did. He moaned as she tugging on his nipple, and slid his hand down her side and to her front to her mound. She broke off the kiss and gasped as his fingers slipped between her smooth outer lips to find her wetness, sliding up and over her clit. She reached down and grasped his cock again, firmly, tugging on it urgently as he slid the tip of his finger over and around her sensitive nub.

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