Meeting an Alien - Steampunk - Cover

Meeting an Alien - Steampunk

Copyright© 2024 by Duncan Mickloud

Chapter 8: Caitir Deòir

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 8: Caitir Deòir - MEETING AN ALIEN - STEAMPUNK is a stand-alone coming-of-age story where the main character, Bill Morgan, Tom’s son, is a 15-year-old. Bill ends up on another Earth-like world where many dangers and challenges await him. A large novel slightly affiliated with MEETING AN ALIEN, parts 1 and 2. It IS a separate story with all new characters and a vastly different world. It takes place in a 19th century setting, with an Old-West feel.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Teen Siren   Fiction   Fairy Tale   Farming   High Fantasy   Historical   Steampunk   Western   Aliens   Alternate History   Robot   Time Travel   Interracial   White Male   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Nudism  

I woke in the middle of the night sweaty and aching in my loins. I had a dream. I was ashamed because I felt a great heat in my nether area. I put my hand down there and felt the wetness. I could smell myself. I don’t usually smell and especially not like this.

In my dream, my Master William Morgan, was displaying himself to me as if he had not a care in the world. At first, I was in shock as the naked sight of him struck me. His handsome body struck me dumb. His body was quite beautiful to behold. My cunny ached, and I felt foggy and confused like I had bumped my head. There was something in my dream about socks.

I had been dreaming about young Master Bill. I was kneeling on the floor with my legs apart showing myself to him. I wanted him to see me there. His eyes were wide open and looking exactly at my cunny. I displayed myself to him; it thrilled me. I got even wetter from his attention on me. I liked his staring at it. I knew he wanted me.

Then he started doing unspeakable things to me in his dream. First, he kissed me, but then he did many depraved things to me. Things I had no knowledge of. He pulled me onto his naked body and kissed me repeatedly. He caressed me all over, touching everywhere. He touched me down there and he rubbed somewhere I did not know of until I cried out.

He grabbed my titty as he touched me below.

I remember saying, “Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my,” many times until suddenly, a great relief broke over me. I panted hard as I realized I had thrashed as he rubbed me.

I fought to get my wind back as he continued to play with me as if I were nothing but his toy. I would gladly be Mr. Bill Morgan’s toy.

I remember somewhere in there he made me kiss his thing. It was quite long. I had seen baby boys, but oh my, his thing in my dream was so darn big. He made me hold it to my cheek and then had me lick it. Then he showed me how to pleasure him.

He instructed me how to service him. I felt it in my mouth when he groaned and spat his spend into my mouth. My mother had instructed me to always swallow a man’s spend. It is a great insult to spit out a man’s spend. There is no telling how angry a man would get if you did this.

I was very frightened, but at the same time, he started a deep heat moving deep inside me again. My heart was pounding so loud my hearing was ringing. The things I saw of his manliness. I looked at his parts, and it struck me like lightning. I ached for him to use it on me - IN ME.

I had seen dogs and cats, and I wondered if he was going to take me like that. The dream is so real as if it had actually happened. He got down on the floor so he could lick me ‘there.’ I never imagined anything could feel like that. It made me burn hotly inside of me. I wanted him to mount me.

In my dream I dreamed and panted for what seemed like forever. I remember it aching down below as he licked my privates. I remember shivering and moaning as I screamed out in near agony.

I cried OHHhhhhhhh as my legs shook and I felt a great paroxysm come over me. I had a long seizure as I shook and cried out.

I felt tears as I started to get my breath again.

The devilish man of my dreams was not finished. He kept on doing it even longer. What sustenance was he getting that he kept supping at my very center.

I held myself still in bed as I tried to get my heart to calm down, to stop panting and moaning. I was torturing myself. I know deep down Mr. Bill would ever do that kind of thing with such a low person as myself. I am just his servant.

This all must be a nasty dream. Seeing him naked had been the ruin of me.

Bill I stripped naked and went back to sleep.

I was up early and did my first workout in some time. I did crunches, push-ups, and chin-ups.

The privy has a metal mount that I had put a wood rod across. I then use that for chin-ups. The round bar is removable and can be a good Billy as well. I did my kata forms and then decided to get a shower. I ported to my room on Nauti Buoy and had a good, hot shower. What a luxury.

I had just got back when there was a knock and Caitir walked in. Coincidence? Nah. That’s interesting.

I said, “Good morning, dear.”

She stared at me.

“Ox, what’s up with Caitir? This seems like déjà vu. She’d walked in on me yesterday.”

He sent, “She must be doing this on her own. I think she’s crushing on you. This behavior indicates she is confusing her dreams of you. This is probably natural, with wanting to actually see you this way. She is muddled on her own here. She smelled you and saw you and just froze like that. She’s starting to look confused and worried. Your dick is hard and she’s looking right at it.”

I went and sat on the bed. I wiggled my finger for her to come closer. She acted muddled so I pulled her until she straddled me. Her skirt pulled up so I saw her pussy start opening slowly.

I sent, “Her regrown hymen is missing now.”

“Someone has been having some self-love. She obviously wants you to fuck her. She’s 75% of the way there already.”

I settled her onto me and shifted her until I was just inside her opening. She made a sound in her voice and looked down. She eased herself slowly onto me.

“Ox, lock the door.”

“OK.” I heard it click.

I unlaced her corset and tugged her shift down until her small, now plumper cones were on display. Her nipples and areolas are turning pinker. She leaned towards me and I put my lips to hers.

I thought of her new, slightly fuller bosom. They are sweet-looking.

She groaned as she settled fully on me and my dick slid into her fully. I felt her heartbeat in her womb. It’s pounding. Was it caused by fear or lust? I think it’s lust.

She started to really kiss me. She was clumsy, but she’s quite willing this morning. As she continued kissing me, I played lightly with her tender, delectable titties.

I had yet to move inside her. I enjoyed her wet heat and her tight, wet pussy. She’s completely encompassing me as she makes tiny twitchy movements. She did not know what to do or how to move.

“Ox, do not fog her. She wants this. If I am going to get an early wake-up booty call every morning, why should I deny Caitir, or me, for that matter? Also, have the Exo’s disappear any eggs that arrive with my cum in her.”

I said, “She does not need to get a swollen belly. Also, grows back her hymen every day. Just make it notably thin and easily breached.”

I said, “I think after this, she won’t check for it, assuming it’s gone. If she goes off and gets married, then she can be amazed she still has the thing.”

Ox sent, “You will give her your healer bullshit line? Maybe that was why Lara dissed you.”

“Fuck Lara, She disrespected me, she screwed that up. I need to go see her aunt. I don’t like open issues or enigmas. Maybe Amiyah knows what’s in that girl’s head, although I think I am about done with her.”

I soaked my dick deep inside Caitir for several minutes. I took hold of her hips and started rocking her backward and forward slowly.

She continued kissing me. I grabbed her nips, gently rolling them, I started to pull them gently and released them. I continued using them for my fun. She enjoyed that immensely because she’s moving back and forth more animatedly now.

She soon started moving faster and even harder on her own. She had the motion figured out. She fucked hard for several minutes and I wet a finger and placed it right at her asshole.

I knew right where to poke because Ox showed me a camera angle displaying her bum.

As soon I touched her asshole she blew.

‘Ohhhyeeeesss ... Ohhhyeeeesss, oh yes, Master. Oh yesss...” I eased the finger in her bum a tint bit more as her pussy choked down hard on me.

Her tight quim had me on the brink already. Her convulsions and extra squeezes caused me to begin to start squirting into her.

“Ohhhhhhhhh... “ rather than a big cum, I squirted several sporadic spurts. Her jerky pace confused my timing somehow.

“Naughty little maid girl. Look what you’ve gone and made me do.”

She smiled, “You have no idea. Every morning I come in here to make your bed. I smell your essence in here and your leftover smell drives me crazy. I have wanted you so bad, You’re the only man I have ever wanted. I know I’m just a maid, but sir, I am your very own, very personal maid. I am yours. Say the word.”

I smiled and said, “The word, Caitir Deòir, word. How could I turn down a sweet little redhead? Just remember, I am a lord. Our behavior must appear to be above reproach at all times.”

“She said, Can I inform Cairistìne?”

I said, “You might as well; she is a smart one and will know it soon anyway. My mother will also learn of this. No secrets with those two if they ask. Just remember to let them know you initiated this. I don’t want them to think I am a cad that took advantage of you or your position. Are we agreed on this?”

“Yes sir,” she said as her pussy tightened and loosened on me. We parted and she fixed herself and left, I dressed and went down for breakfast. I was partway down the stairs when Ox sent. “Amiyah Davis has left her home and is headed for her favorite breakfast place, Hannah’s. You can get there quick in the hansom.”

I sent, “Ox, There is no longer a need to regrow her hymen every day.”

He sent, “Yes, Bill.”

I got to the bottom of the stairs and said, “Mother I must go out, I will be back soon.”

I heard something click as I opened the door. I went to the hansom and said, Can you get me to Hannah’s quick? You can come right back.”

“Yes sir.”

I got out and walked in as if I did not know she was there. She was in a corner with her back to the wall and saw me immediately. She stood up so I would see her. I widened my eyes and smiled pretending a surprise on seeing her. I headed towards her.

Amiyah put her hand out, “So good to see you,” as she turned her cheek for a quick kiss.

I got close, took the proffered hand, but kissed her lips, looking straight into her eyes. Her brows went up as we looked into each other’s eyes and I slid my tongue right and left.

She pulled back an inch and smiled, “I thought you had gifted me to your father?”

I said, “Oh, that. Father has too many women to keep track of now. I never meant it to be a permanent gift; I live here. He lives in Spanish Florida. Would you rather wait for him” It could be years.”

I saw her eyes glaze a moment.

She smiled and said, “No, perish that thought dear. I would love for us to reacquaint ourselves. There is more to you; I am very interested.”

I looked briefly at the menu, “What is good, here?”

She said, ‘I favor the crepes. They have a fruit from Honduras that is called a banana. It is about three or four inches long and yellow on the outside. The pulp inside starts out tasting bland, then the flavor explodes in your mouth, its so delicious. They slice it into small pieces. Honey or maple syrup makes it taste even better.”

The waitress was nearby, so I let her order first.

I said, “I will have what the lady is having; add two orders of crisp bacon to mine, please.”

The girl left and was soon back with coffee. I had Amiyah’s hand in mine as we looked at each other.

She said, “Lara has been wondering what happened to you.”

I said, “Nothing. I took her to dinner at the Gold and Green Pub, I thought we had a marvelous time. The next night I met her to walk her home. It was as if she was wiping me off the bottom of her shoes.

She said, “Oh. I think she was having second thoughts of you two becoming too close, too soon.”

I said, “I don’t read minds, particularly confused young girls’ minds. I assumed she didn’t like me, or she already had a another man in mind. What else would I think?”

She said, “Not so. So, as far as you are concerned, she is no?”

I said, “Let me ask you. What if a man showed he was very interested in you? He started to woo you, and then all of a sudden, he would not look into your eyes, and you seemed to not exist any longer?”

She said, “My, my, my, Lara has well and truly messed this up?”

I smiled grimly. I looked at Amiyah as if she was inscrutable and had the way of it.”

She said, “Let’s change the subject. Have you decided to attend the college here?”

“I have decided it would be a waste of my time. I have looked into it and came to the understanding there is little use there for me to learn. I arrived here well tutored. I have my own extensive library in Florida and am well-read and educated already. No serious endeavors are to be found in this college for me.”

She said, “What will you do then?”

“I will run my businesses as my father intended. He picked this town for me to find out that further studies at college were not useful to me. He bought properties in other areas and has factories for me to supervise.”

She said, “So, you have properties.”

“Many in fact. Quite a few are being farmed by sharecroppers. I have a lot of tobacco under cultivation. Barns full of drying tobacco and three factories that make different types of tobacco.”

She said, “You are in charge of all that and your father is the one that came in and took over the failing enterprise? That mystery is solved now.”

I said, “Yes. It’s an old familiar story; a man inherits a successful concern. Later he starts pulling some money out here and there. At first he pays the money back. Then he gets sloppy. Soon the creditors appear. He not only lost the business, he took a beating when he sold it for pennies on the dollar. The difference here, was it was three men that ruined several companies.”

She said, “But it was at such a giant scale.”

I said, “Father could handle it.”

She said, ‘No wonder he beat me on the boarding house. I did not stand a chance with that, did I?”

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