Meeting an Alien - Steampunk - Cover

Meeting an Alien - Steampunk

Copyright© 2024 by Duncan Mickloud

Chapter 2: My Graduation

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2: My Graduation - MEETING AN ALIEN - STEAMPUNK is a stand-alone coming-of-age story where the main character, Bill Morgan, Tom’s son, is a 15-year-old. Bill ends up on another Earth-like world where many dangers and challenges await him. A large novel slightly affiliated with MEETING AN ALIEN, parts 1 and 2. It IS a separate story with all new characters and a vastly different world. It takes place in a 19th century setting, with an Old-West feel.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Teen Siren   Fiction   Fairy Tale   Farming   High Fantasy   Historical   Steampunk   Western   Aliens   Alternate History   Robot   Time Travel   Interracial   White Male   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Nudism  

I thought my graduation was going to be low-key. Not only did my Dad show up and my Mom, but Cesar was there too. After getting my diploma, Mizz Day left. Mom and Dad escorted Cesar and me to the ship in an alternate reality, Earth 0. I knew something was up when I saw Drozul and his Heillizdt females, too. I rarely saw Drozul.

All of Dad’s women were there. Jade had made me a big chocolate sheet cake and we had several choices for ice cream. I had cherry vanilla ice cream with my Dutch chocolate. My birthday was a week away, so this was for my graduation.

I said, “Dad, What is this? We didn’t do this when Cesar graduated. I feel bad about that.”

He said. “Well, by now you have guessed that Cesar plans to continue on with the company. You, on the other hand, do not seem inclined towards a business career, college, or in one of our dealerships. By Galaxy standards, you are an adult. You are a minor in the U.S., however, so we can’t turn you loose elsewhere. Did you think I was going to let you slack off all summer?”

I quietly laughed, “One can hope.”

He smiled. “I hope you follow me. I have decided to retire or, at minimum, take a long extended absence. I want you to travel to another Earth, Earth 19. We talked about it.”

He said, “Drozul, your Moms and I have decided you are, in fact, going. You and I discussed it as a maybe for you. The four of us decided it was not a maybe anymore. We want you to go to Earth 19. It is not as primitive as Earth 0. Nor as advanced as our earth.”

I felt my stomach drop. “So, you do want me to go to this Earth 19? I am not sure I am the man for that. I am no Lothario. Which mother will go with me? I assume I’m too young to be on my own.”

He said, “Legally, here on 19,’ yes you are. I am sure you are more mature than the average folks on Earth 19. We will leave you with lots of money and a governess or a solicitor. Your choice; we could also provide you with a local woman to act as your mother.”

I said, “So, a governess is a live-in woman that will look after me. A solicitor is like a lawyer if I understand that right, he would be nearby in case I need him. A mother...”

Dad said, “We would hopefully find one you approve of. If we pick a woman who is ill, we can heal her and make her a concubine to me. Then she would be a local woman who knows what’s going on there. She would be loyal to me. She would watch over you because she is my woman. We would set the two of you up in a town.”

I said, “Where I meet girls and stuff.”

Drozul interjected, “Exactly so, hopefully, lots of girls and lots of stuff. Haha.”

Dad waved him off. “What do you think? You would be enhanced on Drozul’s ship like I was. Drozul has other new ideas for your mission on Earth 19. He has new improved Exo’s too.”

I said, “Honestly, I feel flabbergasted. Aren’t I too young for something like this?”

Dad said, “You are of age as a citizen of the galaxy. As my son, you have gained citizenship. In the old days of America, guys your age were looking for a wife and a plot of ground. You are smarter and have more maturity than most men you will meet here or there.”

I said, “So, you have been there?”

He said, “Of course. I wouldn’t drop you on just any planet and place. I have thoroughly researched the place. The United States you are going to is very different than here.

First off, there is no “United States there”. It stayed a British colony in 19’. We are also sending you back a few years in history. You will change to a different Earth as well as a different time stream. This is part of Drozul’s plan. Have you decided about a governess, solicitor, or stepmother?”

I said. “I am rather hazy on governesses and solicitors. I would probably be more comfortable with a good stepmother.”

Dad said, “I figured that. I have one picked out of you would like to meet her.”

I said, “Of course.”

Drozul said, “Follow us,” and he stepped into the hidden bridge deck portal. I came out behind my Dad and waited for the two men.”

Drozul said, “Here she is,” and he pulled a sheet back from a sleeping woman. In typical Drozul style, she was buck-ass naked.

I said, “I can’t meet her if she’s asleep and naked too. She may feel weird about meeting me that way, but I would. Am I supposed to mind-meld with her? How will I know anything about her that way?” ( pointing )

Drozul said, “She won’t think anything about it; she’s a concubine already. This is just so you see what she looks like. What do you think? Do you like her?”

I said, “I don’t know. Maybe she has a screechy voice or something. As Dad says, she probably leaves the toilet seat down all the time.”

Drozul chuckled, “Sit here, I have a vid you can see of her in her normal world.”

I watched. I had no idea how long it took, but I had a good idea that she was an ideal choice. She seemed quiet and kind. She was not wealthy. I kind of knew that Drozul or Dad would leave me rich. The point was to meet chicks and spread Exo’s, not to necessarily become a power in this world.

I woke and said, “How long was I out watching the video?”

Dad said, “Less than a minute. That was just a training tape. Do you choose Olwinna Samuels as your mean old stepmom?”

I said, “My guess is she’s a real sweetheart; I doubt you would bed a mean woman. I am not sure whether they start out as sweet or you change them somehow.”

Drozul said, “So, she’s a go? Are you ready to get the sleep training and enhancements?”

I said, “Sleep training and enhancements?”

He said, “Yes. Their English is very different from yours. Theirs is archaic, and many words are pronounced differently. You merely need the download. You will think and speak like you always have, and your A.I. will do the translations for you. You need an A.I. that will interpret things for you on the fly. You will also get subcutaneous armor installed over your body and head. This world is a little wild, after all.”

Drozul went on, “You will receive sleep training on fighting, swordplay, and other foibles on 19’. You will be in the U.S., but on Earth 19, there was no revolution. The French and Indian War, which was called the Seven Years’ War, never happened. Taxes were not raised to pay for that war and several others, so the colonies stayed happy. There are 12 colonies in New England. World population is much lower, so fighting over land is too costly, population-wise.”

I said, “Why then, swords and guns? That doesn’t make sense.”

He said, “It’s a big part of the reason that the world population is low. There are fewer men due to challenges and duels. There are three odd things on Earth 19. Some in the population have eight digits on their feet and hands. Another is that the men are quicker to lose their temper. The final thing is that because of all the challenges, there are fewer adult men.”

I said, “What about me. Am I of age to duel?”

Drozul said, “Yes, unfortunately. We will give you the same belt your father wears.”

I said, “Huh?”

Drozul said, ‘It has a built-in shield and can make you invisible too. You will also have special arms. Your pistol will not be a one-shot black powder thing, which is common there. Your bullets will be poison bullets, which will kill within one or two heartbeats. You will also have daggers and be trained to use them through sleep training. We also will load you up on a couple different lethal fighting styles. Stark naked, you will still be more than any one man there can handle.”

I said, “If this is a mission, what exactly is my mission to be?”

My Dad smiled and said, “Kiss the girls and women.”

Incredulous, I thought, “What?”

Dad said, “Kiss the girls. Your Exo’s will be a more improved model than mine. We had different missions. Your job is to spread these new Exo’s on Earth 19, that’s really all. The long-range goal is to spread many Exo’s in the future. Then, the male genome will become less aggressive and more intelligent. Currently, most of them are rather dumb.”

He continued, “Somewhere along the line, the men on 19’ became more belligerent. They all suffer a hormone imbalance, which makes them high-strung and prone to violence. The ExoCytophagales from any woman you kiss will be passed on to men.”

He said, “The women will become even healthier and more lovely. The men will become more relaxed and less combative. Your real mission is to chill the men out on that planet. Since you are not gay, you will have to kiss a lot of women. You can kiss their lips, kiss their pussies, you can even kiss their hands. Anywhere you kiss them will transfer your Exo’s to them. These Exo’s can go through the skin. A handshake will even suffice, but will take longer to be effective.”

I said, “Will there be other issues from this kissing thing?”

He smiled broadly. “All the women will want you except your stepmother. Olwinna will be exempt from your Exo’s as she’s already my concubine, and my Exo’s naturally inhibit her. She is programmed to be inhibited around other men.”

I said, “Thank heaven. Does she know what I am there to do?”

He said, “Yes. Olwinna also has been gifted with oodles of gold and silver. You are arriving in Williamsburg, Virginia, in theory, to attend the college. Williamsburg is one of two cities that have a dual college, one college for men and a smaller college for women. Both are on opposite ends of the same campus. Classes are mostly segregated according to sex.”

Dad said, “As there are naturally many more women than men, you will be in a target-rich environment. Getting a woman in bed should be easy. Your sleep training will go over all that in more detail.”

“I am getting excited about this. Will I be able to communicate like Dad does, Drozul?”

Drozul said, “Yes. You will be able to mind-talk or talk with me, your Dad, and your mothers as well. You can also mind-talk to your new house, which has an A.I. You also will have your own A.I. in your head that will do things for you. We will show you where several portals are in this town should you feel the need to visit your home on Earth 23.”

I said, “So, I can visit my Moms?”

Drozul replied, “If you want. Since you will be going to something like your past, anytime you visit home, that will be uptime. You leave, and you will return then to a quasi-past on Earth 19. You will be going back to downtime. Got that?”

I said, “Anything more?”

Drozul said, “Not if you’re satisfied. You will be briefed much better during sleep training and get your enhancements, too.”

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