Meeting an Alien - Steampunk - Cover

Meeting an Alien - Steampunk

Copyright© 2024 by Duncan Mickloud

Chapter 11: Henson Cigars

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 11: Henson Cigars - MEETING AN ALIEN - STEAMPUNK is a stand-alone coming-of-age story where the main character, Bill Morgan, Tom’s son, is a 15-year-old. Bill ends up on another Earth-like world where many dangers and challenges await him. A large novel slightly affiliated with MEETING AN ALIEN, parts 1 and 2. It IS a separate story with all new characters and a vastly different world. It takes place in a 19th century setting, with an Old-West feel.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Teen Siren   Fiction   Fairy Tale   Farming   High Fantasy   Historical   Steampunk   Western   Aliens   Alternate History   Robot   Time Travel   Interracial   White Male   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Nudism  

The girl down the hall from my bedroom stood and mindlessly scratched her pubes for a second. A closeup view showed she had a wispy patch of brown pubic hair. A split window displayed her pussy as she had washed earlier. Her girlish pussy has a pink open slit. She has a lighter pink covering for a hymen protecting her inner girl parts. Once again I see her inner thighs, and they are exquisitely shaped.

Ox sent, “That’s Melody McBride. Her father is in shipping. Her mother is still in town if you are interested; I say that because you seem to go for older women.”

He continued, “Melody’s Dad is Ciaran McBride of clan McBride. They ship from Glasgow, Scotland, to and from the east coast. He has warehouses and his own pier in Portsmouth and a similar setup in Charleston.”

“Those two ports allow him to ship to most places on the coast except Massachusetts. He has a prejudice against northerners. His whole clan hates the English. The population is prevalently English there. He is rich, powerful, and mean.”

I said, “I don’t think I will mess with his Missus or his daughter. I’d rather not do that and end up in a duel. If I manage to kiss Melody, she will eventually kiss her mother and she will kiss her husband. They can get Exo’s that way.”

Ox said, “If the Missus kisses her husband? Some of the men here are not romantic in the least with their wives. I have heard some of them say kissing is for fops. i.e. homosexuals.”

I sent, “Yes, I have a hard time understanding their behavior towards women. His loss. It’s more macho than intelligent. That behavior is typical of here. Maybe Melody kisses her Dad?”

“Ox sent, “Our scientists say they think it’s the men’s hormone imbalances. It may be caused because they were a hunter-gatherer culture much more recently. They thrive on danger quite a bit more as a normal consequence of life. Farming and keeping animals to provide food are a relatively recent innovation.”

Ox Continued, “The so-called manly-men look down on farming or farmers in particular. They think it should be done by women and slaves. Slavery became illegal by England and France. They just shifted to an indentured servant model. Women mostly indentured themselves to be able support themselves. Indentured Servitude is not illegal on a small scale. It has become frowned upon and not allowed in other places.”

Ox continued, “Servitude became a similar thing to slavery. It uses a different name for legal propriety. A ruse of sorts. The indentured were and are tricked into signing indentured papers. They had no idea what they signed; none of them could read.”

Ox sent, “Later, that was considered too much like slavery. The owners that held the indentured papers, treated them exactly the same as they had slaves. That was banned, and it changed over time into the sharecropper model used more commonly today.”

Ox sent, “The sharecropper model was considered better and legal. It uses low pay; once again, the poor are downtrodden. The low pay is used by the company store to defraud them of their pay, which is almost always company script. Same shit, different day again!

Ox sent, “The company script is good only at the farm. Company stores only accept farm scripts. Townies refuse the script as the farm will not buy it from them. Lack of cash money makes it nearly impossible to pick up your family and move. That traps the sharecroppers every bit as much as the indenture did.”

Ox sent, “Knowing the authorities are watching. The whipping and torture and rape had to be curtailed. It still happens in some more remote farms. Government agents can’t get around everywhere. They likely have poor maps of where all the farms are located. Bad maps are a thing here. Of course, ours are outstanding. We used a geosynchronous satellite overhead and an AI with drones to survey and map.”

I sent, “That might do it. Do we have maps of all the farms and other farm properties.”

Ox sent, ‘Yes, it’s in my memory banks. When Thomas bought the company that owned it all, Drozul ordered the big survey. We have exact markers in the ground and maps of each property. It can be printed out, although that may be too much reality for the locals. Perfect maps do not exist here. The local men are too sloppy about such matters.”

Ox Continued, “The maps can be pulled up in your eye or on virtual PC screens. Here is the big map of everything with surrounding towns and land and water features.”

I giant wall-sized map popped up.

I sent, “Holy fucking shit. Look at all that. Each property has a name. I have no idea what each does. I have no idea how this is all supervised. It looks to be too much for any one man to handle.”

Ox sent, “Ships-Beings offspring (AI) on Drozul’s ship just finished making an Organization Chart. If you hover your eye over any property name, you will see the name for that property. Hovering longer displays the hierarchy above, listed below the manager’s name. It then displays each Boss’s location, by Lat and Long.”

He sent, “This chart is the overall Org. Chart listing each Boss and their location. It lists the particular supporting parts of the overall business.”

I sent, “I see a linen mill and cotton mill listed. What’s that about?”

Ox sent, “Your holdings are bigger than you might think. You have cotton farms and flax farms. Each has their own mills to process the fiber into cloth.”

“There are not enough males to go around willing to work so the farms are only managed by males. Most unmarried females have to do something to make a living.”

He sent, “This map shows a linen factory in Elizabeth City, NC. There are several factories dedicated to different parts of the linen business. The linens are sold as a finished product. One looms fine linen, and one looms a standard linen. There is also a dye factory. The Nansemond River is significant in the placement of all the factories. Factories require water.”

I sent, “They don’t have electricity or motor power here; how are the factories powered? What runs the looms and such?”

Ox sent, “Steam engines. As a matter of fact, bringing in coal by rail is a significant cost to running the linen business. Railroad workers and stokers are not cheap.”

“West of Chesapeake is a village called Suffolk. Outside of Suffolk are factory farms also under the share crop model. Each farm has a male manager and almost all the farm workers are female.”

Continues, “Suffolk is the smoothest running part of the whole company. That’s the center for Henson Cigars. The men and women there are all happy. It’s well managed and even provides child care services. Child care is a necessity as so many women have children.”

“Luckily, the women here are so fertile and needy when it comes to sex; otherwise, there would be no children, and the whole civilization would crumble.”

“Suffolk is a factory town; the men go to town to drink booze and the women to loiter in stores. Rooms to rent for one hour are available. Much hanky-panky occurs in the one-hour rooms.”

I asked, “Is there more?”

Ox sent, “Yes. Greenville, North Carolina, has the cotton gin setup with six surrounding cotton farms. Each farm has the typical male manager and the farm workers are females. Some other cotton planters supply the gin with cotton as well. It is run somewhat like the linen mill in Elizabeth City, NC.”

Ox continued, “Greenville also has a lot of indigenous natives that supply tobacco. They have a great affinity for growing tobacco. They run their own business, planting, harvesting, and curing tobacco. They sell it to us, and we ship that to your tobacco factories.”

Ox continued, The natives are considered civilized. They earn money and buy things at the store. They speak English as well as their own languages. They live in their own style of homes. The farms each have a manager with very few males, so it’s run mostly by women again.

Ox said, “The Pamlico River is problematic; it is shallow. It does allow barges to pass up and down the river to the Pamlico Sound area and to the ocean. The barges transfer cargo cross deck to sailing ships.”

He said, “The cotton gin mostly cleans the cotton and presses it into bales for shipping. Some bales are shipped to England. Others ship to other provinces here. Massachusetts makes a lot of cotton cloth.”

I said, “Who put this all together? How did someone build such a large organization?”

Ox replied, “It was a consortium of three wealthy Englishmen that decided in the late 1700s to make a big impact in this area. They started small and rapidly grew big time as tobacco became important. It is very addicting. Social pressure to share things makes it popular.”

“The three also diversified into other things. The various parts are managed by the original men and passed down to their eldest sons. This is the usual way to property gets transferred here.”

Ox continued, “By the early 1930s, the last three controlling males had become quite autocratic. They had degenerated to a hands-off management style. Inattention caused issues with output and quality.”

Ox continued, “The biggest problem was there was a two-year drought. It financially ruined the three idiot inheritors of the business. They had pissed away every dime they ever got and were ruined by the drought. If they had banked a small amount of money they would have been fine.”

Ox said, “They were idiots. They had spent money on drinks, drugs, and women. They loved to gamble, too. A sane man would have bought his own bars and got it all for free. Face it, pussy is free to anyone that takes a bath here. Women WANT babies. Gambling? Well, it has its own reward. Gambling is not at all honest here.”

Ox continued, “The Bank of England heard of the three idiot’s money problems and bought up all the paper. The local banks were now in distress. Your father time hopped around and bought up the different pieces. He put them under a few reliable managers.”

Ox said, “Your dad has a small, two-seat ship here. It allowed him to get from place to place quickly. The portals are fine, but there is no need to have dozens of them. The ship is here and can be accessed by portal. It is normally sitting over a remote field, invisible, and with the aversion mode enabled. Walk to the portal and address it as “Dad’s Ship,” and you will be brought aboard.”

I sent, “OK, thanks. That’s somewhat of a load off my mind. I see I need to get around to these places and put eyes on the people running them.”

OX sent, “The men who work for you are, by and large, Bravo males. Alpha males seem to have serious destructive natures as well as attitude issues. They are more fractious, not to mention depraved, and many are even semi-schizoid. Bravo’s are great for running things. None are particularly brilliant thinkers, but they offer steadier management.”

“Bravo’s are pussy hounds. They are nicer to women and can work with them. They use that to get as much sex as they can.”

Ox said, “The other type of male here is the Sigma. In a nutshell, they are the wealthy. They are self-reliant and assertive. They are comfortable outside the regular social or group hierarchy. One might consider them lone wolves or mavericks. Does this description ring a bell?”

I said, “That sounds exactly like my father.”

Ox said, “Like father - like son, Bill. You are, in fact, a Sigma in every sense of the word.”

OX sent, “Back to business. The original partners set the whole thing up in the 1700s and wrote or had written manuals. They listed proper practices for each place. That’s in our files and accessible, too. As we go from place to place, I will be able to help you inspect things. I can compare the current management and techniques to the manuals. I’ll check for updates and evaluate efficiency.”

“In many cases, there are alpha females pulling strings behind the scenes. Truth be known, women run your businesses and many of the managerial men are figureheads. They don’t read or write as well as females do.”

Ox continued, “Your father paid the Bank of England in London in person. He used gold bullion bricks provided by Drozul and company. Your father spent several weeks moving about and checking things. He fixed the biggest problems already.”

Ox continued, “Gold is pretty for jewelry but cheaply manufactured in the galaxy. It is actually not expensive or rare there. You are not the richest man in the British empire, but you are a close third in New England.”

“Whoa? That’s quite some legacy my dad created for me.”

Ox sent, “He won’t tell you this, but you are his fair-haired child. As his youngest, he favors you a tiny bit above the others. Don’t get a swelled head or an attitude. Your mom’s pampered you and so did he.”

I said, “I wouldn’t get an attitude. What’s the saying? Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. I need to get downstairs and start my day.”

Ox sent, “I need to warn you. Your ‘mean-old stepmother’ is awaiting you downstairs.”

I laughed, “Mean-old? She’s a sweet lady. I was heading down to see her anyway.”

Ox sent, “As you say, she does have a need to talk about a few things.”


I moved to my room and dressed for the day in fresh clothes.

I sent, “Who is washing my clothes?”

He sent, “As soon as you leave, Gigziks, the girl who gave you the blowjob this morning will collect them, her or another conk. They are dry cleaned Heillizdt style.”

“She’s a ship’s concubine, so she has been assigned specifically to me?”

Ox sent, “Yes and also yes. If you need to talk to her about something, just send a message to her. It’s Gigziks if you didn’t get her name. If you want different clothes, let her know. Your clothes are all custom-made by the Heillizdt clothing designers.”

Ox sent, “Bill, there are a couple designers brought in and seamstresses too. They are dedicated to your service and your channel. Gigziks is also your liaison point to Drozul. Drozul is supervising too many things right now. Gigziks is your personal Heillizdt contact for now.”

I sent, “You know, I have been to the Nauti Buoy several times lately, and it’s always very quiet. I thought my dad was sailing south?”

Ox sent, “Ya, About that. They needed your room on Nauti Buoy. Your dad asked Drozul to build you one of those null bump-out rooms on your wall. Your bathroom is right there ‘behind’ the ankh portal symbol. From outside the building, you don’t know it’s there. All you need is authorization to enter the ‘alternate bathroom,’ which you have.”

I sent, “So, my new conk, Rebecca could shower after we get done here? I could authorize that?”

He sent, “Just inform House. I think the channel and the subscribers would like to see her comb out her wet hair. Using a hair dryer on her damp tresses would be a treat. You might have a special session with her to do just that.”

“Shut up, you made me hard with the thought. I miss her yummy body and scent already, I want to see her comb those tawny blonde locks and dry it with a hair dryer. I bet there’s an hour’s worth of jiggling boobies to be had just watching her do her hair. Think of those tits in slow motion. MY GOD!”

I entered the hall and went down the stairs. Mother was in the dining room. I kissed her cheek and sat down.

“Good morning Mother. I was out late; I apologize.”

She said, “No problem. I saw a woman I didn’t know leaving this morning; she’s not one of my boarders.”

I said, “No, she’s not. She is Rebecca Perry. We are business partners.”

I leaned over and whispered, “She’s my concubine as well. She has access to my room and me at all times.”

She smiled enigmatically. “Good. A young man needs a woman to help him keep his needs in balance.”

On my version of Earth at home, in my timeline, the feminine revolution had petered out. That was the mid-2030s as the population began to crash demographically. Men were not interested in what the more hardcore feminists offered. Children got too expensive to have. The governments mismanaged everything.

The nose-in-the-air feminists began to fade away after that. They provided few children, and other women began rejecting hardcore feminism. Southern-born and Midwestern women were different, and many raised families.

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