Meeting an Alien - Steampunk - Cover

Meeting an Alien - Steampunk

Copyright© 2024 by Duncan Mickloud

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - MEETING AN ALIEN - STEAMPUNK is a stand-alone coming-of-age story where the main character, Bill Morgan, Tom’s son, is a 15-year-old. Bill ends up on another Earth-like world where many dangers and challenges await him. A large novel slightly affiliated with MEETING AN ALIEN, parts 1 and 2. It IS a separate story with all new characters and a vastly different world. It takes place in a 19th century setting, with an Old-West feel.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Teen Siren   Fiction   Fairy Tale   Farming   High Fantasy   Historical   Steampunk   Western   Aliens   Alternate History   Robot   Time Travel   Interracial   White Male   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Nudism  

This is a stand-alone story. Parts 1 and 2 were novel sizes by themselves. Part 3 - Steampunk is a completely different animal, so its been broken out as its own separate story.

This short block provides a brief Intro if you did not read the Meeting an Alien Part 1 and 2. This will bring you up to date on the essentials. If you just finished Meeting and Alien Part II, skip down to “STORY BEGINS HERE.”

“Meeting and Alien” Part 1 and Part 2 relate to Thomas Morgan and his alien pal, Drozul.

Drozul is a Heillizdt, and he’s part of a galactic consortium. As an alien, he has canary yellow skin, vivid international green hair, and is quite short.

In essence, Drozul’s job is as a producer who provides something akin to a television channel to the Milky Way Galaxy. The Heillizdt call this ‘Entertainments’ (in Plural form). He films Thomas in his everyday life. A significant part of the Entertainments is Tom’s seduction of every female he comes across. The channel is multi-faceted with and offshoots of other earth people.

Thomas gets a long life and great wealth out of the deal. He has a stable of many lovely women.

Central to the story is the existence of ExoCytophagales, otherwise known as Exo’s. These Exo’s are mini biologic machines or nanorobots that provide extended life and can be used to repair health problems. They are not limited to removing hair from a vulva permanently or fine-tuning up some boobs. Fine-tuning is beneficial to make women even more desirable and beautiful.

Tom wants to retire.

William (Bill) is Tom’s 15-year-old son. Tom and Drozul have agreed that Bill is suitable for a branched Entertainments channel to replace Tom’s.

At the the date of this publishing of Chapter 1, there are over 70 chapters written.


Thomas Morgan:

I sat Bill down and filled him in about his upcoming adventure. I had gone ahead and smoothed things over for him on Earth 19, where his Entertainments show will be based.

Bill already has a nice, large, well-appointed home setup there for him. He also has several businesses, and loads of money in a few banks. That becomes more clear in the first few weeks of Bill’s new life there on Earth 19. All of this is arranged to provide him a good livelihood and a great life experience going forward.

Bill and I (Tom) started out with a long conversation about women. I asked him a lot of questions about them and how to get along with them. What were their good points, and where were they lacking? Society wants to make everyone think we are all equal. That’s fine in theory, but not in the world he is headed for.

It is very decidedly a much more chauvinistic world.

The world Bill is going to be a world similar to our not-too-distant past. It will be like the early 1820s or so, technologically-wise. It has fewer people there and the history is notably different.

It is like a Steampunk world.

Drozul had ported Bill to his ship and presented Bill with the option Drozul, and I had discussed. Bill was all for the change. He was graduating high school early and had been worried about what he would do after school. We had solved his immediate future predicament.

Bill came back from Drozul’s ship and his modifications. I started talking with him about a few of my concerns. Mostly we discussed the fact that Earth 19 women were not in any way feminists. It’s a rough-and-tumble world stuck in the past.

The men were dangerous, and the women, on the other hand, were something else altogether. They are soft and much more feminine than American women. They like sex and want babies, too. This is nothing like our Earth.

There are more women there. So they have to compete for the men harder. Many women are very easy by our world’s standards. They are very willing to mate.

There less men because they are prone to fits of anger and will duel each other at the drop of a hat. Add that to the normal poor conditions of the 1820s era, and you have fewer men.

Al Camillari, chauffeur-Guard Ft. Lauderdale. Circa 2054, Earth 24

Al was on his way into work. He was riding his three-wheel Harley this morning with his sweet young daughter, Janice; she’s riding behind him and holding tight to him. She loves to ride with her Daddy.

He made good money working for Morgan Security of Ft Lauderdale. It was a small security company made up completely of ex-military guys like himself.

Al and Janice were headed for the Morgan spread. The Morgans had two houses next to each other. Al was in charge of daytime security at the Morgan home compound.

Years ago Al had left school in Savannah at eighteen and enlisted in the Marines with the intention of making it a career. Eleven years later he got clipped pretty good by some shrapnel and ended up being medically retired.

Al was physically repaired, but the docs determined he would not get well enough to keep up in the field. He does get a partial disability and V.A. health benefits. He’d rather have his health.

When Al got released, he moved further south and away from home. He did it on purpose. Ft Lauderdale is close enough to drive home to visit but far away enough that he had his own life.

Al drove his three-wheel Harley this morning, mainly because his daughter, Janice, loved to ride with him, much like her mother had. Janice was going to school where he worked; they have a small private school at the Morgans’ compound. At thirteen years old, Janice was beginning to look downright feminine. Too feminine for Al.

Janice’s going to a private school was like a miracle because of his job. Mrs. Connie Morgan, his immediate boss, wanted a mix of select boys and girls in the school. Most private schools split children by sex. That along with excess religiosity in many private schools today, had caused Mrs. Morgan to create her own school for the Morgan children. Sharon Day is their teacher.

Janice got free tuition at a private school because Mrs. Morgan considered Janice a select person. Al agreed with Mrs Morgan. He knew his baby girl was special.

His first job at Morgan Security was as a nighttime security guard at the Morgan corporate offices. After a couple years he’d been shifted to the day shift.

When Mrs. Morgan decided she wanted a man at her house for daytime security, and to assist when needed, she had luckily picked Al as one of her two men there. He knew she trusted him. He was married and a very steady and reliable kind of guy.

There were odd things at the Morgan homestead. He suspected if the Morgans didn’t want you in their home, you could not get in. He felt he was mostly useful as a chauffeur, but that’s OK with him. It paid very well and his family had outstanding benefits.

Al pulled into the driveway of the old house, and Janice jumped off and ran to the door with her usual bubbly and youthful enthusiasm. Al chuckled at her.

The bottom floor of the old house is mostly the school. It has a kitchen with a large dining area and restrooms. The top floor is set aside for the families that live and worked there on-site for the Morgans. The larger house, was the Morgans’ private home.

Janice loves school because there are other kids there, her friends. She opened the electronic door and held it for me. She ran right to Lorain.

Lorain’s the Morgan family personal trainer. I know Lorain’s madly in love with the big boss, Tom Morgan. She lives in the big house next door so I assume she is another of Tom’s live-in ladies. They are all ladies in every sense of the word. Everyone is sweet and gorgeous in very different ways. Tom has women of many races and nationalities - and all of them are stunning and perfect.

Tom has been away lately. He drops in occasionally. His women don’t seem to mind his outside interests and shenanigans.

Lorain, their personal trainer, claims she’s nineteen; she looks an awful lot younger. In her workout gear, you can see she has a perfectly defined ultra-feminine body. She likes to wear skin-tight workout clothes that show a pronounced cleft between her legs and ass cheeks.

Lorain has a pronounced camel toe that leaves nothing to Al’s imagination. It’s obvious Lorain is sans any hair on her pudenda. Lorain and her daily kisses and hugs of Al are his primary dream girl.

When Lorain works out, her armpits and her pussy cleft get damp. It releases Lorain’s loud call to anyone with a pair of balls. Lorain’s hormones drive Al nuts. He has to wear tight skivvies to maintain good order and discipline downstairs.

Lorain is a very affectionate girl, and as usual, I get a kiss and a hug as I get near her. It’s not a sexual in nature hug for her, but she is enticingly sexual as a natural matter, of course. She exudes sexiness and can’t seem to help it. When I get home tonight, I will pound my missus’ into the mattress. The lucky woman.

Lorain stood back and I looked down at Janice. Lorain’s a tiny gal and barely five feet tall. I doubt she weighs a hundred pounds, but she’s as solid as she is feminine and yummy, feeling against me.

I licked her kiss off my lips feeling the tingle. Anytime she kissed me I felt that tingle. That’s odd but in a good way.

I went through the garage and pulled the family minibus out. It holds 24 passengers. Soon, Connie and Jenny, the main Morgan wives, will be here, and all the school kids will load up for the gym.

Jenny Alba had changed her last name to Morgan. Lorain had not done that, but I knew she was a Morgan woman nonetheless. Anytime I saw Tom with one of his ladies, he was touching them almost thoughtlessly. He lets them know they are his women every chance he gets. I would too!

I still remember my morning kiss from Lorain. I had suspicions there was a reason for her daily kisses. I’m too old for her, and it’s just suspicious that she kisses me like she does, but she kisses everyone that way.

I got everyone situated on the bus and belted in. The kids are in the back, and the women are in front near the front seat or on it. Soon I was driving us to the gym. The gym’s reserved for us from six a.m. until seven. The door allows only us in, during that time. Elliot Ford’s employees can use the building the rest of the time, day or night, 24/7 - 365 days.

We entered and the boys and I went upstairs. We males did a modified Marine PT. We ran an easy three kilometers and did 25 scrunches, 25 push-ups, and as many pull-ups as we could.

Some of the boys lifted weights. You may think that was rough on the boys, but boys can easily do that within a few weeks of starting. I don’t need to push them; their competitive nature pushes them naturally. They have a blast working their bodies, as young males should. They laugh and enjoy working out.

I like working with the boys. I know in my heart of hearts, each of them will all grow up to be productive members of society and will have great careers. Physical fitness creates a body that is able to perform better. Even better, it makes a sharp mind. We Marines understand that. We are the pointy end of the stick, after all. That edge is very important in combat.

Every one of these kids are achievers, the girls as well as the boys. There was little grab ass or teasing. They got along unbelievably well and were all healthy as can be.

Since I started at the Morgan house, I think I felt and looked younger. I still had salt and pepper on my sideburns, but my body aches and pains from my time in the corps seemed like a thing of the past.

The running track upstairs is unisex. In the middle is a basketball court.

The downstairs workout area is split into two areas with different types of equipment. Men have an area with equipment for arms and muscle workouts. There are several running and cycling machines. The women have a dedicated aerobics parlor through a door.

Lorain teaches aerobics. I teach the boys how to toughen up enough to become a marine or a soldier. I tried aerobics once and Lorain almost killed me. I’d rather do an hour of hard calisthenics than five minutes of aerobics with her, even as cute as she is to look at. Then, there’s that camel toe and her scent.

After we finished, the women and kids trooped to the bus, and I drove us back. We all scattered to clean up and get ready for the day.

I had a shower in my office where the old house’s pool used to be. I changed clothes and put back on my Remington Recon Commander Double Stack 1911. It holds 16 shots in 45 caliber. It’s fat sitting low under my armpit, but it will do the job. I particularly like the 5-inch barrel.

Mine has been adjusted for accuracy and the trigger pull has been reduced to 4 pounds. I get as much free ammo from the range where I have a free membership, thanks to the Morgans.

The Compound security office has all the cameras on two giant wall T.V.’s. The downstairs school areas inside were all shown on one monitor, and the compound outsides were displayed on the other monitor. It has an A.I. which notifies me in the room or on my phone when something is not normal.

That A.I. is uncanny. It even talks verbally with me. It has better diction than most human people. It’s generally addressed as ‘House’ like it’s an actual person. I knew deep down this was not normal tech. Mr. Morgan knows somebody somewhere.

I went to the other garage and pulled out the Lincoln Navigator to take the two Morgan women to work after breakfast.

I went back inside to eat. Rosie Conley, the cook, made breakfasts and lunches weekdays. She did this in the school house for the kids. She feeds me and the Morgan women there, too. Evenings Rosie cooks in the main house for the family.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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