Potential - Book Three - Cover

Potential - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by EroticScribbler

Chapter 25: There’s Something About Her

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 25: There’s Something About Her - A teenage boy's normal struggles growing up with his twin sister, a stepmother, and stepsister are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that's what he thinks. There might be more to the story. Too bad his best friend's moral compass is broken. NOTE: The whole story has been meticulously reviewed, rewritten, and grammar-checked.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Candy’s train had gone off the tracks, and once again, it had been voyeurism that caused the derailment. However, the spy equipment hadn’t been necessary. Candy had used her sneaky-peaky eyes from the doorway leading into the kitchen to watch Rebecca and Gloria. Once they finished, she went into the room, and the smell of orgasm lingered in the air. Her daughter’s climax had been like the ones Candy remembered from when she was that age. Those were better than any she’d had since. It was wonderful to be young and experience pleasure that is so fulfilling that it stays with you for the rest of your life.

The manner in which Gloria had handled Rebecca confirmed Candy’s suspicions about the softball sisters. She was thrilled for Gloria and proud of her. The girl was open-minded and willing to explore her sexuality despite the religious, homophobic climate she’d been raised in.

Although Candy was concerned about jealousy when she was a girl, after her brother, Bobby, had finally come for her, there were a few trying times. Sally said she was willing to share, but her feelings were hurt more than once because Bobby played favorites. If Rebecca knew about Deana and Evan, the encounter with Gloria might have been motivated by that. Then again, Candy had caught Rebecca staring and, a few times, flirting. What teenage girl would try and hook up with their best friend’s mother? Rebecca was a wild thing, for sure.

Candy poured her coffee and moved to the spot where she had been when Evan manhandled her tits the day before. It was the same area they had been in their first time in the kitchen. The memory of thread snapping and buttons hitting the floor made her smirk. Evan wasn’t a boy anymore.

All those massages in front of that sink. Over the years, the boy’s hands grew stronger, braver, and more sensual. Evan pushed the envelope, daring her to rebuke him, hoping she wouldn’t notice his erections. When she didn’t resist his wandering fingers, he challenged her and pressed his groin against her backside. His young, stiff erection made her pussy moist. Early on, the way her body reacted to Evan’s touch ashamed her, but never enough to make her stop fantasizing about the boy while his father fucked her.

It couldn’t have turned out any other way than this, Candy thought, and put her coffee cup on the table and sat down. The night before, she set out to delete the video she captured of Evan and her, but after watching it, she couldn’t. It was too meaningful, so Candy decided to copy it to a thumb drive and hide it in a secret place. That would give her something to fall back on if she was tempted again and ensure a safe ending to this dangerous affair. She’d always have it to remind her of Evan’s love and the beautiful passion they shared.

Before copying the file and deleting it from the computer, Candy thought she’d watch it one time. It was funny seeing Evan’s expression when she chose the exact spot and pose that Deana had. Then, a flaw in her plan arose, and she paused the video to study Evan’s face. She watched it through, then restarted it. The third time, Candy cut a small segment and played it in a loop. At least fifty times, she watched Evan bounce her body on his cock, shooting his sperm into her.

Candy sipped her coffee and pulled the hood of her robe over her head. She wasn’t cold, but it comforted her. The positive reminder of what she and Evan shared had become a remorseful reminder of what Candy didn’t want to give up.

If someone asked him, Evan would have claimed he wasn’t disappointed, but he was in denial. Several times during the night, he had awoken and checked to see if Gloria was there. Each time, he sighed and hugged his pillow before going back to sleep. It would have been comforting to hold her. Isn’t that what he wanted to do when he went back to her room last night? Instead, he wiped off the evidence of their pleasure and went to his room, disgusted with himself.

One thing Evan wasn’t afraid to admit was that he couldn’t be trusted alone with Gloria anymore. For weeks, his sister had been the one making advances, and Evan had been rejecting her. Well, not entirely, but at least once, it reached a certain point. Now, since he had sex with Gloria’s mother, Evan saw his sister differently. Worse than that, his love for her had changed. There was still that love a boy has for his kid sister, a sense that she needed his nurturing and protection, but his new feelings had become dominant. Evan was already thinking about Gloria being in high school with him, and it disturbed him, but he didn’t understand his feelings yet.

When Evan turned into the kitchen, he saw Candy sitting at the table. His mother looked like a monk with the thick terrycloth hood pulled over her head. She was leaning over a steaming cup of coffee with her hands wrapped around it. Evan went to her. His mouth opened, but nothing came out, so he stood there while his mind and his emotions tried to decide what to call the woman in front of him.

There wasn’t a name that wouldn’t get stuck in Evan’s throat. Years of training required him to address her as his mother, but that would be Evan’s brain speaking. Candy, Candy, Candy flowed freely from Evan’s heart. He didn’t feel like a boy anymore, and this woman didn’t need a son. She needed a real man to love her, protect her, and treat her the way she deserved, like a goddess.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. The woman who had been, Mom, was gone. He leaned forward and tugged the hood off her head. The smell of shampoo was pungent on her damp hair. His heart fluttered in anticipation. Once their lips touched, kissing Candy seemed like the most natural thing he could have done. She pushed up. He moved aside and let the chair slide back. Candy got on her feet.

She watched him untie the robe. He let the cords fall to her sides. A slice of his mother’s nudity appeared in the gap. He followed it down through her cleavage, across her smooth belly and strawberry bush, and onto her inner thighs. “You know,” she said solemnly, “this is when I’m supposed to tell you we can’t do this anymore?”

He said, “I know,” and gently tugged. The terrycloth slipped over the edges of Candy’s melons. Their large brown rings swelled, pushing out the buds of his mother’s nipples. Evan’s hands went to her waist. The warm, sensual nature of Candy’s skin made him smile.

Candy said, “Good, it’s good that you know.”

He moved his hands up her sides, around her breasts, and outward across her shoulders. They watched the robe fall in slow motion. It piled up around Candy’s bare feet. Her naked body took Evan’s breath away. He imagined it always would.

The fullness of Candy’s ass overflowed his hands and enraged his desire. He backed his mother up until her butt hit the edge of the table. She leaned side-to-side, walking her ass backward. Her feet touched his thighs, rubbing up and down, grabbing at his shorts until his boner sprang free. Candy reached for it. He sighed when her soft palm slipped over the dense knob. She whispered, “Oh, baby, make my dreams come true.”

Evan dipped down and let his mother guide the dome of his cock to her pussy. She smiled when the wet, slippery heat of her labia made him tremble. He watched Candy take her time, coating his purple flesh with her readiness. His anticipation soared. It was magnificent and scary waiting while the woman he called Mom got him in position so he could fuck her. Then it happened, right in front of Evan’s eyes. A part of him vanished inside Candy’s body. He stopped and stared when his groin was pressed against her crotch. It was still a magical thing to be entirely inside of a woman he had wanted since she was his babysitter. “Oh, Mom, I love you, Mom, I love you so much it hurts.”

Candy tightened her legs around his ass and pulled herself up. “I know, honey, I know.” She pressed her hands to his cheeks and said, “And I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

He closed his eyes and opened his mouth for her tongue. Candy’s fingers combed through Evan’s hair while their love set the pace of his hips. He moved through his mother in long, slow, meaningful thrusts. She laid back, and Evan went along because Candy had his lip between her teeth. Her clinging legs moved to his back. “Oh, Evan, God, you make me feel so good, so right.”

The same urgency Evan felt the first time they made love swelled in his groin, but it wasn’t motivated by the fear that she might make him stop. He held his mother’s shoulders to keep her from sliding across the table. There was purpose in his thrusts. Candy’s fingertips dug into his shoulders. “Oh, baby, sweet baby, you make me ... ah.”

Her legs crushed his upper body to hers, but the machine-like hammering of his hips continued until his balls stopped swinging and slapping into the cushioned groove of Candy’s ass. They snapped upward and sent a spasm through his groin. There was no turning back and no reason to pull out. Even if he thought his mother could get pregnant, Evan would still squirt his load as deep inside her body as possible. That had been his childhood fantasy, to give Candy a baby that they had made together. Evan grunted and rammed his cock with all his might. He pulled down on his mother’s shoulders, locking their bodies together, and enjoyed the jerking swells that rushed through the length of his dick. “Uh, oh, I, I love you.”

The orgasmic elation faded, but Evan kept his cock inside Candy. He lifted her to a sitting position. The smile on his mother’s glowing face was nervous. She said, “You always used to want candy for breakfast.” She raked her fingernails down his back, around his sides, and across his stomach. His penis lurched and slid out of her. He held his breath while she kissed his nipples. Her damp hair hung flat, messy, and more strawberry than he remembered. He looped it behind her ears and examined her face. Candy didn’t just look younger; she was that young when he didn’t have to think of her as his mother. Maybe Gloria wasn’t becoming more like her mother as much as Candy was turning into Gloria.

“We should talk,” Candy said and turned the chair out from the table. “Sit.”

He picked up her robe. “Okay, but you better wear this if you want me to listen.” He wrapped his mother up.

“You do know ... um, understand that we can’t keep doing that, right?”

Evan nodded reluctantly. He wasn’t a fool.

“There’s something you have to know.”

Not comfortable with his mother’s tone, Evan asked, “What?”

“I need your help. You can’t count on me to always be the one to say no.” She got up, let her robe open, and stepped forward. He forced his eyes away from her glorious tits and looked up. Candy brushed his hair back and traced the rims of his ears with her thumbs. “Evan, I’m more like you than you think.”

He nodded incoherently. Candy slid her inner thigh up the outside of his leg, straddled him, and sat on his lap. “I haven’t been—I don’t always make good decisions. I’ve made some terrible choices.”

“Don’t worry,” he said and grabbed her ass. “I’m good at following rules, um, and doing the right thing.”

“We have to be smart and careful, and we have to stop this.”

“Mmhmm.” Candy’s fingernails moving over his skin made him quiver. The only smart thing on his mind was making love to Candy again. “Careful, yeah, I’m good at that, too.” He leaned his mother back and captured an erect nipple with his mouth.

“This is serious,” Candy said and pulled her tit free. “Is that—Are you getting hard again?”

“I can’t help it,” he said, “you’re the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I, um, I’ve always wanted this. Can’t this be our new last time? Just one more last time?”

Candy reached behind her, under her ass, and found his growing dick. “You’re supposed to be helping me.” She worked the thickening trunk of his cock in her fist. “Don’t you see how dangerous this is?”

The smooth, warm grasp of his mother’s hand expedited the stiffening of Evan’s dick. “Of course,” he said and mauled the glorious mounds of ass meat in his hands. He lifted her until his face was sandwiched between her tits. She used the head of his dick to spread her pussy lips.

“You know at some point you won’t be able to get hard again like this?”

Evan smiled and put his hands on her neck. “I know.” He tightened his grip and nibbled on her chin.

“Since you know everything, I guess I don’t need to tell you—” Candy slammed her crotch down. “Ahhh, that you should take advantage of it while it lasts.” She twisted and humped. “Oh, fuck, that’s good ... so good.”

When Candy lifted up, her fuck tube sucked on the head of his cock. She dropped her pussy in time with his upward thrusts. Her ass cheeks slapped his thighs like giant hands, applauding the incestuous act.

“Oh, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, Evan, fuck me good.”

His mother’s potty mouth lit Evan’s fuse. He spread his legs, wrapped his arms around her back, and leaned forward so he could get the deepest penetration possible. His mother’s clit crashed into his groin each time he drove into her. The hiss of her gasps, the clawing fingertips, and the flooding of her convulsing pussy all signaled to Evan that he had granted his mother’s request, but that didn’t mean he planned to stop fucking her good. He picked Candy up and bounced her climaxing body on his cock like he wanted to shove his balls inside her. Tears of joy filled his eyes. One last time, he slammed Candy down and held her tight, spilling his creamy load into her. “Oh, fuck, I love you, love you, love you.”

“I know.” She panted and squeezed him with her arms and legs. “You told your mother you were going to marry me, and she knew that I loved you, too.” Her words were more vibration in her chest than sounds. “I figured you would grow out of it.”

He shook his head and loosened his hold so that Candy could put her feet on the floor. “I didn’t.” He felt dazed. “I’ll never grow out of it.”

“I’m sorry, so sorry,” Candy said. “We’ll talk more later. I promise.”

Evan didn’t understand why she was crying, but it made him angry. “But, Mom?”

“Later, I promise,” Candy said and closed her robe. “Later.” She walked toward her room.

He knew his mother didn’t want him to follow her, and that was okay because he didn’t want to spoil what they had just shared with the anger and hate he felt. His mother knew that Candy loved him, too. Why the fuck did Candy marry his father?

After a restless night in bed with the two sisters, Rebecca woke up thinking about what she had done with Gloria. Rebecca didn’t regret it, but she wished she had gotten Deana’s permission. That wouldn’t have been difficult. Deana had kissed Gloria, and based on the expression on Deana’s face when she admitted it, her kid sister’s sexual prowess had surprised Deana. That might have been why Deana wouldn’t kiss Gloria in front of Evan; it would have given them away. That’s what happened when Evan kissed Gloria; they rocketed into a full-scale passion. When she saw Evan’s hands on Gloria’s ass, grinding his sister on his erection, Rebecca thought they might end up fucking. She couldn’t imagine anything more erotic than watching a brother fuck his sister. That was why she had gone to Gloria’s room after Deana fell asleep. Rebecca was disappointed that Evan wasn’t doing his little sister, but Gloria’s Candy-like ass working, dry humping her brother, and Evan’s hand down Gloria’s pants, fingering her, got Rebecca so aroused that twenty minutes later, she couldn’t resist Gloria.

Realistically, Gloria was the closest to being with Candy that Rebecca would ever get. Candy had been the first woman she had ever had naughty thoughts about. There was something alluring, provocative, and secretive about that woman. Rebecca had always sensed Candy wasn’t who she presented herself to be. She saw signs that Deana wasn’t able to perceive because Candy was a mother figure. Rebecca imagined the lady had a bad side, and now, after going for a drink, she knew it was a fact.

Rebecca returned to Deana’s room without the drink she had gone for. Her mouth was still dry, but her crotch was dripping. She bit off a third of a piece of purple bubble gum and walked over to the bed. Deana and Gloria were on their sides, facing away from her. Deana needs a bed as big as Evan’s, Rebecca thought, if they were ever going to sleep three in it again. She lifted the covers. Mm, mm, that butt. Deana’s naked ass made her want to take a bite out of it. She got in bed behind Deana. They all had to sleep on their sides, in a three-way spoon.

The years of fantasizing about Candy hadn’t been Rebecca’s motivation or justification for doing Gloria. Envy had motivated her, and Deana falling asleep gave her the shred of justification required. If Deana hadn’t fallen asleep, it never would’ve happened, Rebecca told herself. Evan had secretly rubbed his cock against her ass, kissed her better than she had imagined, then, later, he turned her upside down to see if he could fuck her in that position. At least, that’s what Rebecca thought. How could she not have fallen into temptation? Besides, Rebecca told herself that Gloria needed her. The poor girl had been fingered, had a load shot on her, and was left alone. Under those circumstances, there wasn’t any other way it could have turned out. Now, how would she make Deana see it that way?

Deana’s arm was over her sister’s body. Rebecca followed it. Now, both of them had their hand on Gloria’s chest. Fuck, Rebecca thought, right when I didn’t think I could get any more excited, this happens.

Gloria’s nipple wasn’t asleep. It responded immediately and grew to the size of an M&M. Rebecca helped Deana’s fingers make it bigger. Gloria murmured. Deana’s hand started helping itself to her kid sister’s tit. Rebecca gently massaged Gloria’s belly and groin. “That’s not me you’re touching,” she whispered in Deana’s ear and traced the rim with her tongue.

“Ah, I know,” Deana said. “Does it bother you?”

“Not if you don’t mind that I brought your naked sister to bed with us.”

“Why did you do that?” Deana asked.

“She needed someone, and you fell asleep.” Rebecca pushed her leg forward, working it between Deana’s.

Deana squeezed Rebecca’s thigh between hers. “Why?”

“She was lonely and upset because you wouldn’t kiss her last night,” Rebecca said and blew puffs of air across the earlobe poking through Deana’s hair.

“Oh, okay. Did you fool around with her?”

“Mm-hmm.” Rebecca nodded. “You mad?”

“Got more gum?” Deana asked.

Rebecca reached for the hunk of purple gum and held it in front of Deana’s mouth. She bit off a piece and said, “Thank you.”

Rebecca smiled and popped the last bit into her mouth. “So you’re not mad?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“It was all my fault,” Gloria said and twisted until she was on her back, teetering on the edge of the bed. The covers were just below her proud breasts. “I’m sorry, I started it.”

Rebecca inched her hand down. The soft, kinky hair tickled her palm. The young girl had a bodacious mound. Rebecca slowly closed her hand, grasping Gloria’s pubic bone. Her middle finger flexed and wiggled between the tightly sealed swells of labia. She winked at Gloria from behind Deana. “It was me, too,” Rebecca said. “You were sleeping, and we met over ice cream, you know, all that kissing earlier, well one thing led to another.”

“Why were you upset?” Deana asked Gloria.

“Ah, I, um, I felt left out.”

“That’s all?” Deana asked.

“Mm, yeah.”

Rebecca poked Deana in the back and rubbed Gloria’s clit with her other hand. Deana squinted an eye at Gloria and said, “Tell me the truth. We agreed we wouldn’t keep secrets.”

“Um, I wanted to sleep with Evan, but he wouldn’t let me,” Gloria said. Her cheeks were rosy. “I was horny after what we did. Can I have some gum?”

“There isn’t anymore unless you want some ABC gum,” Rebecca said and flopped over Deana’s body. They made out for thirty seconds while Gloria got half of Rebecca’s wad of bubble gum. “Dee, have you been teaching this girl how to kiss? She does it a lot like you.”

“Does she,” Deana said. “Let’s see.”

Deana rolled and lifted up. Gloria wiggle-wormed over. Deana lowered her body on top of her sister’s. Gloria wrapped her short, thick legs around Deana’s waist and hooked her feet on the globes of Deana’s ass. Rebecca stared with her mouth hanging open, listening to the sound of lustful breathing. Deana was humping her little sister, grinding her mound on Gloria’s crotch. Rebecca laid her hand on Deana’s ass, turned it sideways, and pushed it down between the flexing glutes. Deana worked her butt up and down, rubbing her asshole on Rebecca’s wrist. Rebecca found Gloria’s wet pussy, opened the youthful swells of labia, and stuffed two fingers into the girl’s body. Gloria moaned into Deana’s mouth and spread her legs. Rebecca pumped the full length of her fingers into Deana’s sister. The girl wasn’t a virgin. Rebecca practically came thinking about Evan’s enormous cock in Gloria’s young cunt.

Gloria’s legs wrapped around Deana’s waist again and clamped down. Deana did a push-up and watched her sister climax. Rebecca circled Deana’s asshole with Gloria’s slippery juices. Deana relaxed and welcomed the intrusion. “Ah, yes, yes, fuck me.”

Rebecca got on her hands and knees and stuffed her face into the deep gorge of ass cheeks. She tongue-punched her girlfriend’s butt-hole while her fingers coursed through the flooded groove between Deana’s pussy lips. Deana moaned and pushed her ass up at Rebecca’s face. Rebecca stuffed her thumb into Deana’s pussy hole and groped her pubic bone, repeatedly crushing her clit. She tongue fucked the tangy, puckered ring at the same time. The pungent smells of Gloria’s orgasm and Deana’s ass made Rebecca wild with lust. She shoved most of her tongue into the dank tube and punched at Deana’s cunt, ramming her thumb deep and slamming the engorged bud.

“Holy shit,” Gloria said, “she’s getting off. You’re making her cum. Wow, she’s really cumming hard. This is insane. Fuckin’ insane!”

Deana was out of her mind in orgasm, but she still perceived Gloria’s excitement. Her little sister was getting off on watching her get off. She planted her mouth on Gloria’s and shoved her tongue in. Gloria sucked it hard and stared into her eyes while they climaxed together.

Rebecca collapsed on her side. “Shit, that was fuckin’ hot.”

Deana rolled off of Gloria. “Thank you. That was incredible.” She inched back against Rebecca and pulled Gloria close. “I need more sleep.”

“Me too,” Gloria and Rebecca said. With their arms and legs intertwined, the three girls settled down and closed their eyes. Gloria was the first one to nod off with a grin on her face.

Hours later, after Gloria left the room, Rebecca was still spooning Deana. She nuzzled her face into the crook of Deana’s neck. “We’re good, right?”

Deana shifted her body until it was touching as much of her naked girlfriend as possible. “Mm, we’re good, very good, and if you keep doing that, we’ll be—”

“Wait, let me tell you something before I devour you,” Rebecca said and moved so Deana could roll on her back. “Damn, you’re so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Deana said and kissed Rebecca’s nose. “I don’t know how you can be so cute when you’re such a sexy, wild thing. What did you do?”

“What?” Rebecca said. “I didn’t do anything, um, well, you know that little thing that happened last night, but I didn’t do anything this morning.”

“Then why are you looking at me like that?” Deana asked. “Tell me. Did you do something with Evan?”

“I’m hurt,” Rebecca said with a pout. “You know me better than that.”

“Seriously? You fucked my little sister last night and brought her back to bed, then you—”

“Okay, okay, you’re right, but this has nothing to do with me, and, no, I didn’t do anything with your brother,” Rebecca said. “Now, Evan, on the other hand.”

“Will you get to the point?”

Rebecca put her hand on Deana’s stomach. “You know how some women with big tits and asses look better with their clothes on.”

She nodded at Rebecca, nervous about where this was going. “Your mother, Candy, she’s not one of them. Fuck, she’s all that and more.”

“Rebecca, shit, what, how do you know? What did you do?”

“It wasn’t me. I went for a drink of water, and they were in the kitchen.”

Deana sat straight up. “They? Who is they? What did you see? Why was my mother naked? Did you do something with Candy?”

“Stop, Dee, calm down. You’re acting like me. It was Evan, Candy, and Evan, and I can see why you said it hurt. I had no idea he was that big. It’s giant. He could be a porn star.”

Her mouth opened, but instead of speaking, Deana fell backward. Her head sank into the pillow. “You jealous?” Rebecca asked.

“No, not really,” Deana said. “I mean a little, but I knew it happened, and I was happy for her ... them. Now, it’s, I don’t know, weird, crazy, you know, having your brother and your mother—Shit, she’s married to my father, and he would kill them.”

Rebecca gave her a tender kiss. “Dee, I know it has to bother you a little. Evan and you, he was your first, and that makes it special. It’s okay if you feel bad. It doesn’t upset me.”

“It does, but I knew it was a one-time thing, you know that. We couldn’t have any kind of real relationship even if I wasn’t in love with you. He’s my brother. It couldn’t have ever turned into anything.”

She lay there for a few minutes, stared at the adorable vixen, and evaluated her feelings. Her reaction to Rebecca’s voyeurism was out of balance if compared to what Rebecca did with Gloria. That should have been more disturbing. Was she in love with Evan now, too? Candy needed a lover, and she was truly happy for her mother. The woman had always been there for them, and her husband was too much of an evil prick to give Candy the love she deserved. So why did it hurt when Rebecca said Evan’s name? Damn, my father has fucked up my mind. I’m in love with my best friend and my brother, plus I have a girl crush on Candy.

“Reb, tell me all about it ... every detail.”

The next day, Gloria stood on the edge of the gravel parking lot at the ballpark, tightening each side of her butt, alternately, the way she’d seen black girls do it on YouTube. If she could work it the way Darlene did or make it dance, then having so much ass at her age wouldn’t be such a bad thing. The rest of Gloria’s attention, thanks to Deana’s phone, was on Candy Crush. It wasn’t like Deana would need it. She and Rebecca would probably spend most of the day fooling around. That thought made Gloria even more annoyed about the current situation. It was bad enough that the softball sisters talked her into playing summer ball, but being a lookout while they fooled around behind the dirt pile sucked.

Someone behind Gloria said, “I knew it was you.”

Gloria didn’t know the voice. She whirled around, afraid it was an adult. Darlene was approaching. That girl has a crazy way of walking, Gloria thought, crazy, fuckin’ hot. Darlene’s tits bounced freely under the faded American Eagle T-shirt. It took balls to go out in public without a bra when you had a chest like Darlene’s. Gloria might have had the courage, but her mother wouldn’t allow it. Besides, her friends would give her shit about trying to show off her boobs, or they’d more likely make fun of her for being so big.

Darlene grinned. “I was on D-field, and I knew that was your ass.”

“Great,” Gloria said, “my ass is so big it can be seen from across the ballpark.”

“No,” Darlene said and slapped Gloria on the butt. “Damn, I meant with an ass like you’ve got, I’d recognize it anywhere, even in those lame softballs shorts.”


“What are you doing over here, anyway?” Darlene asked.

Gloria looked down at Deana’s phone, hoping her face wouldn’t betray her. “Ah, playing a game.”

Darlene cocked her head. “Can’t you play it over there?” She pointed at the field where Gloria’s team was getting ready to practice.

“Um, yeah, but I, I don’t want to start practice early.”

“You sure? Seems more like you’re doing something else,” Darlene said.

“Shit, I suck at lying.”

“It takes practice,” Darlene said. “Watch your face in the mirror, and it gets easier.”

“You lie a lot?” Gloria asked.

“Mostly to myself,” Darlene said with a laugh. “Don’t worry; I won’t lie to you.”

“Thanks,” Gloria said, wondering if the bodacious redhead was telling the truth.

“You want to take a peek?” Darlene asked.

Gloria thought she’d been busted staring at Darlene’s nipples. “Huh, what da ya mean?”

“You know what I mean. Have a look over there,” Darlene said. “See what your friends are up to.”

Gloria tried to seem surprised and said, “I don’t want to—” She realized she had just admitted they were back there, so she added, “We’ll have to be careful. They would kill me.”

Darlene raised her hands. “Say no more. I’m good at sneaking, too. I guess that kinda goes along with lying.”

“We’ll have to go around that way so the gravel doesn’t crunch,” Gloria said.

“So, you’re good at sneaking a peek?” Darlene asked.

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