Reflections - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Gunny Green

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's. Carl has a lot to learn from the women he meets; this will NOT be a short story.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   True Story   First   Oral Sex   Squirting  

Working at the restaurant was cool, most of all because of the pretty waitresses working there while going to college. Dad stopped by every week or so to check on me at first, but that dwindled down to once every couple of months. The work wasn’t too hard except during dinner time; as a cook you had to be clean, conscientious, and focused; being fast helped. I mostly worked the night shift, 5 pm to closing; which was midnight on weeknights, 1 am on Friday night, and 2 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. The restaurant had seating for about 350; most evenings we were full for supper and had enough business the rest of the night to keep busy. There were enough shopping and entertainment opportunities in the area to keep people out at night during the spring, summer, and fall; during the winter we had the place cleaned up and restocked early enough that at midnight we locked the doors and walked out.

Weekends were different, especially Saturday nights. There was a dance hall not too far away that closed at 1:30 am; at that time, we might have 3-4 people in the restaurant, by 1:45 we’d be full with 4 people sitting in the 2-person booths. For some reason most everyone wanted breakfast; we could easily go through more than 48 dozen eggs (that’s right, over 600 eggs) each weekend night, along with 50 pounds of bacon. If we were lucky, we could get the place cleaned up and ready to go again before the day shift showed up at 5 am. When we did get out of the place, most nights we were all still pretty wired; many of us took to visiting a small local diner just down the road that opened at midnight and closed after lunch. When the diner got busy in the middle of the night and we were there, we’d just pitch in and help out. The Greek owner and his wife were really grateful; once I graduated high school, I ended up working there for cash most mornings for a couple hours, just to delay going to my empty apartment.

It was a small, furnished, one-bedroom apartment over a three-car garage; behind a 2-story house. I rented it from the Millers for $65 a month plus utilities. Mr. Miller was a retired mechanic, hard of hearing and usually not willing to use a hearing aid; conversing with him was a challenge. Mrs. Miller was very nice, and had a small beauty parlor set up in one end of their house. They’d had 4 daughters, the youngest, Mary, was the only one still at home, a senior in high school; the others were off in college out of town somewhere, and/or married.

The apartment came fully furnished with a black and white TV, an old cabinet style stereo, and some decent furniture (including a double bed and dresser); obviously cast-offs from the main house. It was a nice apartment, one of the good things was unlimited hot water. Mr. Miller had installed an oversize hot water system to heat the garage; his pride and joy was a pale pink 1956 Cadillac Eldorado convertible in pristine condition, in one of the garage stalls beneath the apartment. That car was only taken out a couple times a month, and never in the winter. I’m pretty sure one of the reasons I got the apartment was that he liked old cars, and I was driving a 1960 Buick. The fact that I was waiting to go to Marine Corps recruit training (boot camp) didn’t hurt.

I bought a few odds and ends, including an electric blanket, and was set. The kitchen was outfitted with a few pots and pans, some cooking utensils, and mismatched silverware and dishes; more cast-offs from the main house. There were linens for the bed, several towels and the like; not many decorations, but I thought it was pretty good. Even my few visitors thought it was pretty nice. I had enough clothes that I only needed to do laundry once a week, and Mrs. Miller let me use their washer and dryer. There was a large public library nearby, I could satisfy my love of reading there for free. I was taking home a little over a $100 a week, I thought I was doing just fine; for an 18-year-old in 1972, I was.

I hadn’t dated much in high school, mostly because I was working in the city so much. The last high school I attended was quite small, my graduating class totaled less than 100, including the VoTech students that were only with us half the day. When I showed up the first day, I was the first new student in many years; they really didn’t know what to do with me. I tried to fit in enough not to get hassled too much, and did just enough work to maintain a C average. I decided fairly early that college wasn’t for me, and I wasn’t interested in making any life-long friends. What little social life I had was centered around working around the restaurant. I did take a couple of my female classmates out to a movie and such, but nothing serious developed; one of those dates is when I lost my virginity. She was not a virgin and had a better idea of what to do than I did; I must have disappointed her; one date was all we had.

I’d had the ‘birds and bees’ talk from my dad fairly young; and had several longer personal conversations with the uncle we occasionally worked with, he was a real font of information (and adult magazines). The end result is that I wasn’t interested in marriage, or kids; what I wanted was to be able to comfortably support myself and see the world, experience as much as I reasonably could. Joining the Marine Corps was going to take care of the supporting myself and experience part; getting the ladies to understand that while I was available for fun and games, that nothing more serious was going to happen took a bit of effort. I quickly decided to lead off with that information when various ladies started seriously chatting me up at work, and especially when visiting in my little apartment. Most took it well, though there were many long conversations about it. How could I not want kids of my own, someday; or settle down?

One of the interesting consequences was that one of the married waitresses took an interest in me. At first it was just casual conversation, then a bit of light flirting; Chris was a little older and I didn’t realize she was getting serious (this is how clueless I was) for several months. Eventually one very slow fall evening at work she approached me with a smile on her face, and asked if I wanted to go in the back storeroom and make out. I was sure she was just joking around, I just laughed a little and blushed; but 30 minutes later, when I went back there for some supplies, she followed me in and leaned back against the closed door.

“Well,” she said, “How about it?”

“You’re serious?” I asked.

Chris was in her mid-20’s and nicely shaped, though it was hard to tell in the waitress uniform. I knew she had been married for 4-5 years with no kids, that her husband worked in one of the local factories; she was fun to work with and had an easy smile on her face most of the time. We’d had several interesting conversations in the break room and after work; she was bright and easy going with a dry sense of humor. I hadn’t realized how much we had been talking, or just how much flirting we had done; I really had no idea what was going on. That’s what I told her.

“I don’t know what to say; or do for that matter,” I spoke. “What’s going on?”

She laughed a little and said, “That’s part of the attraction. You do know the basics?”

“I paid attention in biology class, tab A into slot B; but don’t have much practical experience. I don’t think you’re talking about that, are you?”

Again, with the laugh, more of a chuckle this time. “It’s an interesting possibility, maybe later. I was thinking more of making sure you know how to kiss.”

“Well, you have my undivided attention; but at the moment I smell like an overdone cheeseburger.”

“And I probably smell like strawberry pie, but I promise not to complain if you don’t,” she said as she walked closer.

“Complain?” I said. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I just hope you’re not fucking with me.”

“Like I said, I’ll have to think about that as a possibility,” she smiled. “Right now, I’d just like to try a kiss.” she said as she moved close and put her arms around me.

The kiss started out soft and chaste, after a few seconds she moved against me a little and tightened her arms around my back. A few more seconds and I started caressing her back, gently moving my lips on hers. I moved my mouth to her ear and whispered, “Am I going to be graded on this?”

“I’ll let you know if you start to go wrong; so far, you’re a B+. Just nice and easy for now, you’re doing just fine.”

She softly licked my lips, then eased her tongue into my mouth. She ran her hands up and down my back too, and started slowly moving against me. Our tongues played with each other a bit; I completely lost track of the time. I knew it had just been a couple minutes, but I was captivated.

“This is great,” I said. “You taste and feel fantastic; the strawberry is a plus,” I said in her ear as I started kissing along her neck. “I wish we had more time, but we don’t want to get caught, do we?”

“That’s the main thing; you know we need to be careful and discrete.”

“Can I schedule another lesson? I think I need some more instruction.”

She dropped her hands to my ass, gave it a little squeeze, then moved back a step. She had a little bit more color in her cheeks, and a big smile on her face. “God, I really like you. We can meet once a day in this storeroom, but only for a minute. We’ll go slow, have a little fun, and not make anyone suspicious. Can you do that?”

“I’ll be thinking about you all the time, and probably won’t be able to sleep tonight; but I can do it.”

She stepped back into my arms and gave me another quick kiss; she didn’t step way when I reached down a gave her ass a little squeeze. “Slowly,” she said with a smile, then gave my ass another quick squeeze before stepping back again.

“Slowly,” I said, “but not glacier slow, I hope?”

That got me another little laugh. “No, not like a glacier. This is one of the reasons I like you so much; you’re quick, have a sense of humor, and make me laugh. You don’t take yourself very seriously, either.”

“Well, I’ll seriously try to figure this out, and try to keep a smile on your face.”

“Don’t think too much; we’re just having a good time.”

“I won’t, just be patient with me. Gentle wouldn’t hurt either.”

“We’ll be fine, just fine. I can’t believe you’ve joined the Marine Corps,” she said as she headed for the door.

“I’m a little surprised myself; I just knew I didn’t want to be a cook the rest of my life.”

“You’re not going to be a cook in the Corps?”

“No, I’ve got a guarantee to be in aviation somewhere; not sure what I’ll be doing. Probably not aircrew of any kind, not with my lousy vision. There’s lots of support jobs available; I’m not worried about it.”

“I’ll worry about it for you,” she said as she blew a kiss and opened the door.

I eventually remembered what I came to the storeroom for, picked it up, and headed back to the kitchen. I had a few new things to think about, pleasant things. Like kissing Chris again.

We managed to act normally for the rest of the night. Chris went home after work; I went to the little diner with some of the staff for a couple hours, just to wind down. Tonight, Irene was one of them, a college girl working her way through school. She’d worked at the restaurant for several months, she was cute and very nice, always working hard and rarely making a mistake. She was one of my favorites, though I tried not to let it show. Kelly was there and going to college too, a nice looking, shorter, well-built blonde; but she was harder and seemed to be a little angry all the time. She didn’t seem to like the military, and didn’t think much of me for joining it, especially the Marine Corps. Gary was my age and looked somewhat like me; we started washing dishes and clearing tables at the same time, and it took several days before the rest of the staff realized there were two of us. Gary was more of a goof-off and was usually in trouble somehow with the management. The night manager was with us; Rick was mid-30’s and sort of bland, a nice enough guy but always hitting on the girls. The other 2 girls that night, Becky and Anna, were new hires; both very pretty but I didn’t know much about them. They were shocked to learn I had joined the Corps and would be leaving in a few months; that’s what the night’s conversation was revolving around. About 3 am I went back to the apartment alone, the place sure was quiet. After another couple of hours of thinking about Chris, I was able to get to sleep; but it took a while.

Chris was off the next night, so I was able to focus on the job; Thursday night she was already in the break room when I got to work. There were several other waitresses and others waiting to clock in at 5, we just smiled at each other. It turned out to be a busy night, we just went to work and acted like nothing was going on, though I seemed to be aware of where she was all the time. Around 10:30 work had slowed; she paused by the kitchen, gave me a wink and nod of the head toward the back, and passed through the swinging door to the rear of the store. I had nothing cooking, was just cleaning up a little; within a few seconds I followed. She was standing by the storeroom door with a little smile on her face, she led me in and closed the door.

“Please tell me this is lesson two,” I said. “I’ve been thinking about it for a day and a half now.”

Again, the laugh, more of a giggle actually. “So have I. You did good, especially mostly ignoring me earlier.”

“Discrete you said. I looked it up to make sure I knew what it meant.”

“There’s the humor I need, amongst other things,” Chris said as I folded her into my arms. “You didn’t really need to look it up, did you?”

“Nope, I’m smarter than I look; as least that’s what I’ve been told. Several times, as a matter of fact.”

Another giggle. “Shut up and kiss me, we don’t have much time.”

I shut up and I did what I was told. This time was even better than the first; almost as gentle and we both quickly got to the ass squeezing part. It was so good we both started breathing a little heavily; then she pushed me back against the closed door and really started moving against me.

“I really don’t mean this,” I said, “but take it easy, I don’t need to walk out of here with an erection.”

That got a real laugh, seriously interrupting the lesson. Then she hiked up the knee-length waitress skirt she was wearing to mid-thigh, hooked one of her legs around mine, and really started kissing me. I did my best to try to keep up, but it was mostly a losing effort. I was learning fast; I’ve got to say, after a minute we both came up for air.

“You are quickly losing your amateur status,” she said. “I like it.”

After a couple more kisses, I said “I like it too. Remember what I said a minute ago? Now I’m going to have to stay in here awhile after you leave, so I won’t be walking around with a limp.”

Another laugh, then she leaned back a little bit, reached down between us, and gave my growing erection a rub while kissing me again.

“Again, I don’t really mean it, but you shouldn’t do that; discretion, remember?”

Another throaty laugh; then she dropped her leg, adjusted her clothes, and made to leave.

“We may have to find a better place to play, and more time,” she teased.

“Speaking of time, it’s definitely going to be a while before I can leave this room,” was my response.

“Just double up your apron, that should cover it up,” she giggled.

“Yeah, like that won’t give anything away,” I said with a grin.

“It’s worth a try,” she said as she swept out the door with her own grin.

Several minutes later, with my apron doubled up around my waist, I was finally able to leave the storeroom. I tried really hard to keep the smile from my face, but I wasn’t entirely successful. It didn’t help much when Chris kept smiling at me over the counter.

The next week or so went much the same way. She didn’t work as often as I did, but every couple of days we were able to meet in the storeroom for a minute or two. I ended up walking into the restaurant with my erection already half started. The doubled-up apron became my usual thing; I told the manager that if I let it hang long it slowed me down. Not sure he bought it, but he didn’t really care. Chris would sometimes touch and caress me as she was passing to the back of the restaurant when no one was watching. I was able to repay her teasing once; she was sitting on a low chair around the lunch table alone; I was able to come up behind her and massage her shoulders a moment, while rubbing my semi hard-on against her back. That worked for a whole 15 seconds, until she laughed and moved my hands from her shoulders to her breasts for a couple of seconds.

“Damn it,” I said. “You win; now I need two aprons.”

That got another giggle, then she turned toward me, gave my woody a little squeeze, and we both went back to work.

We kept playing around every night we worked together, mostly just kissing and gentle caresses; holding each other close for a couple minutes when we could. A few nights later, she seemed a little quiet. Still smiling, still a pleasure to be around, but she was distracted about something. I asked if something was wrong, she just smiled and shook her head.

Later that evening she stopped in the kitchen and stared at me for a long moment. I was a little busy putting a couple meals together and sitting them on the counter for pickup, but I did give her a quick wink since no one was looking. She stayed right there, leaning against the wall with her hands clasped in front of her.

“I don’t know the signals yet; am I in trouble?” I asked her with a smile.

“I think you’re ready for more advanced training,” she said; a small smile on her face too.

“I am in trouble,” I tried to joke.

“No; you don’t have to take the next class.”

There were a hundred thoughts screaming through my mind, I just stood there for a few seconds. She started to move on; I stepped close and took her hands in mine.

“I’m a guy; a young guy for sure, but still a guy;” I said, “I’ve been fantasizing about what I think you’re suggesting since that first kiss. Honey, I don’t think I could refuse you anything; not that I’m even thinking of saying no.” We’re still smiling; but it was a different kind of smile.

“I told my husband I’d be a little later getting home tonight, that I’d be joining the rest of the crew at the diner after work to wind down a bit,” she said. “Is your apartment ready for a visitor?”

“One of my quirks is that I clean up as I go; it’s not much, but it’s presentable.”

“Okay, we’ll all go to the diner after work for 30 minutes or so, and then I’ll drive back here. You come back in another 10 minutes and pick me up.”

“I hope I don’t regret asking this, but are you sure?”

“I’m sure, how about you?” she answered.

“I’m hoping this isn’t a wet dream.”

“I’m really going to miss you when you’re gone,” she laughed and left.

The rest of the night took forever. Of course, we got busy just before closing, but I was able to keep up with the cleaning and re-stocking, and was ready to go pretty quickly. Chris and a few of our other co-workers had already headed for the diner; I walked in just as they were getting their drinks and a couple light snacks. We all sat together and talked, the girls asking more about me joining the military, and when I’d be leaving.

We talked a bit, pretty soon Chris said her goodbyes and left; shortly afterward I said goodnight and left also. Chris was waiting for me in her car at work with a small bag; she climbed into mine without a word.

I drove off; and was quiet as long as I could stand it, then asked “How much time do we have?”

“A couple of hours. My husband is a sound sleeper and won’t wake up until 6 to go to work, but my car needs to be out of the restaurant parking lot before the day shift comes in here.”

“I’m a little anxious, and nervous,” I said.

“So am I, just a bit,” was her reply. “I’ve never done this before, but I really like you and think I can trust you. I’m not going to leave my husband, he’s a nice guy but doesn’t make me laugh like you do. You’re leaving in a few months; we should both be able to keep this under control for that long.”

“Well, I’m already halfway in love with you; and I know we’re not going to be together long. When it’s time for us to part I’ll go quietly, but I’ll be thinking of you.”

“For God’s sake, tell me a joke or something. We’re being too serious about this; we’re just having fun and enjoying ourselves,” she said.

“Well, I know I’m going to have fun; I just hope I last long enough for you to enjoy it too. You won’t be my first, but being my second hopefully won’t be too bad. Did you hear the one about rodeo sex; trying to stay ‘in the saddle’ for 8 seconds when your girlfriend is mad at you? Right now, 8 seconds seems to be a long time to me.”

That got a real laugh from her; “Okay, we’ll be fine. Half the fun will be figuring out what the other one likes.”

“I really want to please you; just tell me what to do. Better yet, show me; I’m visually oriented.”

“In my experience, most guys are,” she smiled.

The apartment was only a couple minutes away; I parked and led her up the stairs and inside. She took off her jacket, and I turned on the living room lamp; after giving her a short tour she said the place was better than she had expected. We were standing next to the couch; I asked if she wanted anything, maybe something to eat or drink?

“Just you,” she said as she put her arms around me.

I thought we had been making out before; this was a whole new experience. Soft and slow at first; our kisses rapidly became heated. She grabbed my head and really went to work on me; kissing my lips and neck, murmuring encouragement into my ear. “Do whatever you want.” she whispered. I had been stroking her back up under her blouse, and caressing her ass through her skirt; I moved one hand between us and gently cupped her breast. “Yes,” she moaned, “squeeze a little harder, I want to feel your hands on me.”

I moved my other hand between us and squeezed and fondled both breasts, still kissing; then she took her hands off me, leaned back little, and started unbuttoning her blouse. “I want to feel your hands on my skin, and put mine on yours. Unbutton your shirt.” I did that, and pulled it out of my pants. Once she was unbuttoned, she unfastened the front clasp on her bra; then paused, dropped her hands to my waist, and let her blouse hang slightly open. She looked into my eyes. I put my hands on her sides, just above her waist; then slowly moved them up under her bra; easing it aside.

Her breasts were full without being too big, creamy white with a few freckles on the upper part of her chest. Darker areola, but not much; her nipples were standing up. I slowly leaned down and took one in my mouth and gave it a little kiss, then the other. She moved one of her hands to the back of my head and pressed me firmly to her breast, I began stroking and fondling them a little harder. I moved my mouth to her lips and resumed kissing her; I loved the feel of her tongue on mine. I massaged her breasts another minute, then moved my hands to her back and continued caressing there. She started rubbing her hands up and down my chest, playing with my nipples too.

I gave a little shiver and said; “Honey, I’m about to have an accident in my pants; can we continue this in the bedroom?”

She laughed and said, “We better, I’m not sure I can stay on my feet. I don’t want to stay on my feet.”

I led her into the bedroom, turning on the bedside lamp. “The bathroom is through that door; do you need to use it?”

“Yes, please,” she smiled. “Just give me a chance to wash up a little. Do you have something I can put on, a t-shirt or something?”

“Let me get one for you.” I got a clean shirt out of the dresser, and handed it to her, with one more caress of her breasts. “Will this do?” She nodded yes, took the shirt from my hand and placed her other hand on my chest.

“This will just take a couple minutes,” she said, kissing me again.

“There’s clean washcloths and towels in the closet, use whatever you need.” She headed for the bathroom; “When you’re done,” I said, “I really need to take a quick shower; maybe a cold one to slow me down a little.” That got a little giggle from her as she closed the door.

I turned on the heating blanket on the bed, it was a little cool in the bedroom I thought; then then turned the radio on softly.

She soon came out of the bathroom in my t-shirt, gave me a smile and a kiss, then moved to the bed. “Don’t be long; you’re don’t need the cold shower.”

“Yes, I do; but this is going to be one of the world’s fastest showers. Just don’t start without me; or maybe you should...”

Another laugh, “This is going to be so much fun.”

I took the quickest shower I could manage; I don’t think I was in there two minutes, even with washing my hair. I dried quickly, wrapped the towel around my waist; and made my way into the bedroom. She was laying back on the bed in the t-shirt, legs crossed and a smile on her face.

“You’re gorgeous,” I said, “better than my fantasies. I hope I don’t finish too fast and disappoint you.”

“You’re doing just fine; you just need a couple more pillows,” she said with another smile. “I know a couple ways to slow you down, and besides, I’m sure you’ll recharge quick. Just climb in here next to me.”

I removed the towel and started laying down beside her. “I really want to take some time kissing exploring your body; is that okay? You’re so beautiful, and sexy.”

“You’re definitely saying all the right things,” she smiled. I’ve got a couple ideas on what we can do with our mouths, besides kissing.”

“Oh my God; I’m not going to be able to take much.”

“That’s okay, the first time.” she quipped.

“Oh my God,” I said again as I laid next to her. We started kissing, and I started caressing and fondling her breasts again through the t-shirt. She moaned a little and pressed her body against mine, rolling me over on my back and laying on top of me. I was then able to hold and squeeze her ass, and rub my hands up and down her back; I was in heaven.

She continued writhing a little on top of me, kissing me and playing with my hair and stroking my chest. She heard me squeak a little bit, leaned back a little and asked if I was okay.

“I’m great,” I said, “it’s just my erection is a little pinched.”

“We definitely don’t want that,” she said as she sat up on top of my stomach. “You need to call it a cock, and we’re going to put it in my pussy in a little bit.”

“In a little bit?” I whispered.

“In a little bit,” she replied. “First I’m going to suck you off.”

“Oh, my God,” I kept saying.

“Not God; I’m going to do it,” she said with a smile. “And I plan on having a lot of fun doing it. I’ll go slow and give you some time to enjoy it, but don’t try to hold back too much. Just let me know when you’re going to cum, so I can prepare for it. And go ahead and cum in my mouth, I want you to.”

I started to invoke God’s name again; but decided it wasn’t really appropriate. I just hoped he (or she) wasn’t going to disapprove; or call me to heaven before the night really got going. Chris began by taking off the t-shirt; finally giving me a chance to really look at her. As I said before, just gorgeous. Her breasts were a little more than a handful, the size I quickly verified. Sensitive nipples, standing up for me to gently pinch and pull at. I fondled her breasts for a few minutes, alternately stroking her arms and caressing her abdomen. Her pubic hair was fine and almost blond; I toyed with it a little bit while she nodded approval.

“A woman’s breasts can be very sensitive; don’t be rough with them unless she asks you to. And take your time for the most part; although an occasional quickie can be quite nice. I’m going to slide down now, and we’ll start having some real fun.”

That’s what she did; moving down my body, then spreading my legs and laying down between them. My cock was as hard as a rock, sticking straight up in the air. She gently took it in her hand, then started slowly moving that hand up and down its length. She used a gentle touch; she knew a firm hand would set me off like a firecracker.

“You have a nice cock, not too big and not too small. I’m going to keep my hand on the base of it, so you don’t get too deep in my mouth and choke me. You can hold my head if you want, just don’t force me. Moan a little bit if you like what I’m doing; a woman likes to know her efforts are appreciated. I personally don’t like a lot of dirty talk at first, though some women do. I’m going to start out slow, but I’m not going you tease you; move my head a little faster when you want me to speed up. We’re probably going to do this a couple times tonight, so try not to get in a hurry. Oral sex is all about pleasing your partner, kind of a treat. Ready?”

All I could do was nod yes; I wasn’t quite trembling, but it was close. When she first put her mouth on me I froze; I’m sure I was holding my breath for the first minute or so, I think I remember her telling me to breathe. She kept a nice firm pressure on my member with her lips, and started slowly moving her mouth up and down the shaft. I twisted my hands in her hair and just held on loosely. It was wonderful, I couldn’t imagine anything better; I tried thinking about something else, but that was impossible. She started licking me with her tongue when I was almost out of her mouth, caressing the head and making me quiver; then taking me as deep as her hand would let her go. She started moving faster on her own, all I could do was groan and start panting.

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