Be Fruitful and Multiply - Cover

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Rogue AI program Pilot, decides that the United States population is declining too fast and he (Yes, AIs can chose their sex) steps in to fix the problem. First candidate to be drafted into his new program to develop "Future Mothers of America", aka, sex slaves, is 24 year old Alice Homack when she blunders into his new self-hypnosis web site, "Self-Hypnosis Can Help", just trying to get a little sleep. Next to blunder into the program is her younger brother Larry 22, who is

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Harem  

First to be tested is Vikki.

“OK, Vikki I want you to imagine yourself standing at the top of a long staircase going down to the basement. It extends straight down in front of you. As you look down the staircase ... it’s your staircase and you can imagine it any way you want. As you look down your staircase you notice something very unusual about it ... you notice it never seems to end ... it just goes on, and on, and on, forever. Now that’s because this is the staircase of relaxation Vikki ... and no one has ever found an end to a persons ability to relax Vikki. I want you to accept this suggestion now as your new reality Vikki ... from this moment on when you’re in this wonderful peaceful state ... every gentle breath you breathe in guides you deeper and deeper down. Every breath you exhale out takes you down another step on this wonderful staircase. Every breath takes you down deeper and deeper. I want you to seal this memory deep within yourself now Vikki.” Larry paused as he let the suggestions take hold.

“Now this is the most important thing that you’re going to learn Vikki. So I want you to imagine and seal this next suggestion within you more than anything else you’ve ever done in your life before because it will give you the ability to improve your life in so many ways after this Vikki. I want you to imagine your body Vikki. You have a main torso, two arms, two legs, and on top your head. In your head is your brain. I want you to imagine your brain Vikki.” Larry paused.

“I want you to imagine that coming down from the base of your brain is a fairly thick electrical cable, it’s about as thick as the index finger on your hand. After it comes out of your brain it drops down about 4 or 5 inches or so. Now. I want you to imagine it goes into the top of a light switch. This light switch is like the light switch that turns on or off the ceiling lights in your bedroom, or your bathroom, at home. Now, imagine that same cable coming out of the bottom of that light switch. Now imagine the jacket, the cover of the cable is opened up and exposes the hundreds of tiny little wires that are in the cable. Now, imagine all those wires going to every muscle, cell, and nerve fiber of your body. All that energy, all that electricity, flowing from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Now have you got that image firmly fixed in your mind Vikki.” Larry paused to allow the image to fix itself firmly in Vikki’s mind.

“In a moment I’m going to ask you move that switch from “on” to “off”.” Larry paused again.

“Now, here’s the suggestion that I need you to accept Vikki, and you must accept it Vikki if you want to be able to powerfully program yourself quickly and easily. When you move that light switch to “off’” you’ll accept the suggestion voluntarily, without any question. When the switch is “off” it will block any and all the electrical current from your brain to every muscle, cell, and nerve fiber in your body that’s not absolutely needed for your continued survival Vikki. Instantly every muscle, cell, and nerve fiber in your body will go totally dormant, unable to move no matter how hard you may try. Only those things needed for your continued survival are left working Vikki.” Larry paused again to allow it all to sink in.

“Even if I ask you to try to lift a hand, or a finger, or blink an eye, or even to answer me, when that switch is “off” nothing works. Make that your reality Vikki, with the understanding that it is your switch. Only you can turn it “on”, or you can turn it “off”, anytime you want to. But you must accept the suggestion that when it’s “off” all the muscles, cells, and nerve fibers of your body go completely dormant, unable to move.” Larry paused waiting for her to accept the suggestions.

“Now when you accept that fact, you’re going to notice something else, another benefit is revealed to you. If there’s the slightest stress, or tension, in you anyplace, when you move that switch to “off”, then instantly that stress, or tension, can no longer exist, and you’ll feel yourself go many times deeper and more relaxed.” Larry paused.

“All right, now I want you to reach out in your mind and grab hold of that switch that you have created and firmly move it to the “off” position shutting down every muscle, every cell, every nerve fiber, blocking the electric current with that switch. It’s just like you turned the lights in the room off., The lights go off and you feel your body relax much deeper. Now that you’ve accepted that suggestion, every muscle, cell. and nerve fiber in your body is totally shut down and unable to move, no matter how hard you may try everything is shut down.” Larry paused.

“Because this is the most important part of your training, something that you must accept, I’m now going to find out if it is your reality now Vikki. With your light switch “off”, blocking all the electrical current to every muscle in your body try to lift your right hand. Try as hard as you can Vikki. (after a long pause) Wonderful Vikki. You can stop trying and go much deeper Vikki.” Larry directed her and paused, then went on.

“With that light switch completely “off” try to lift your left hand. Try as hard as you can Vikki. (after another long pause) That’s great. Stop trying and go deeper Vikki.” Larry instructed her.

“So we know the right brain and the left brain have accepted this as fact Vikki. Now for the ultimate test. Know that light switch blocks that electrical current. Believe it with all your heart and soul Vikki. Seal it deep within your mind.” Larry instructed her.

“With that light switch in the “off” position blocking all the electrical current try to open your eyes Vikki. (after another long pause) Great. You can stop trying now Vikki. Go deeper and relaxed Vikki. You’re doing wonderfully.” Larry instructed her.

“The secret to the technique you’re going to learn, is when you move that switch to “off”, it’s not a matter of just believing, it’s a matter of knowing that you know you shut down every muscle, cell, and nerve fiber in your body Vikki.” Larry instructed.

“This is a wonderful state that you’re in now Vikki. Right now, you have a natural anesthesia that comes in at this level of deep hypnosis Vikki. Since everything in your body is turned off you can not feel any pain. I’m just going to be doing some general testing on you now Vikki. As I work with you, you will feel yourself relaxing even more, it just feels so good to do what I ask.” With that Larry did an arm pinch, then a jaw pinch, and finally a pin prick of the back of her hand. He could have just as easily have pierced her ear lobe or even her nose in this state because she wasn’t feeling anything at all.

“I’m going to lift your right hand and then drop it Vikki. When I do this the physical part of you deep inside will relax much more.” With that he dropped it.

“That’s good Vikki.” he told her, and did the test several more times.

“Now, I’m going to teach you how to enter this state by yourself Vikki. But before I do that, well between now and the next time I see you tomorrow, you’re going to practice this self-hypnosis a lot. Until I see you tomorrow this is going to be very important. When you move your switch to “off”, under no circumstances are you ever to override the suggestion, that every muscle, cell, and nerve fiber in your body is turned off.” He installed a warning for her to follow in the future.

“Some day when you’re practicing your self-hypnosis you’ll discover that you have an itchy nose, or an annoying fly is buzzing around your head, or you just want to move your body because you’re not totally comfortable for some reason. That is all fine, but first you have to turn the light switch back “on” then scratch, or move, your body and then you can turn the switch back “off” again after you are comfortable again.” He told her.

“Your light switch is a tool Vikki. You are never to override the light switch. When it’s “off”, you’re “off”, no exceptions. When it’s “on”, you’re “on”, no exceptions. You must believe this, you must accept this as fact, this is your reality, if you want to have real results during your selfhypnsis sessions. But remember at all times it’s your switch that can be turned “on”, or “off”, by you depending on what you want to do.” He reminded her it was her switch.

“All right. Now here’s how you’re going to enter this state of self-hypnosis Vikki. First I’m going to give you three safety suggestions, because each time you enter this state you’re going to find you go Incredibly deeper than the time before. much, much deeper.

Rule #1; You’re only going to practice this when you are in a safe and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed or bothered by others.” He started her lesion.

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