Be Fruitful and Multiply - Cover

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Rogue AI program Pilot, decides that the United States population is declining too fast and he (Yes, AIs can chose their sex) steps in to fix the problem. First candidate to be drafted into his new program to develop "Future Mothers of America", aka, sex slaves, is 24 year old Alice Homack when she blunders into his new self-hypnosis web site, "Self-Hypnosis Can Help", just trying to get a little sleep. Next to blunder into the program is her younger brother Larry 22, who is

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Harem  

“You know that I figured out that you hypnotized and changed me with your posthypnotic suggestions Larry.” His little sister told Larry as she came back from cheerleader practice today. At the moment he was in his college apartment reading a book on Clinical Psychology for class tomorrow.

“Are you mad Sis.” He questioned as he looked up from his book at her.

“No, I like what I’ve become ... well what you made me ... designed me to be ... your wanton little fuck slut sister. You really did have a Machiavellian plan to turn me into your own personal hypnotized sex slave sister didn’t you big brother. I really miss those hypnosis sessions we used to have. They were nice ... they settled me down ... allowed me to concentrate on necessary things, without being distracted by such unnecessary things like chasing other boys around for sex and pleasure. You supplied me with everything I needed, and it made me a better ballerina, a better gymnast, even a better cheerleader.” Vikki told him.

“And a much better student too, Vikki.” He reminded her.

“True big brother, I aced all my finals.” She bragged to him.

“What, you want me to start hypnotizing you again Sis? I did set you up with that self-hypnosis meditation program thing. Doesn’t that help?” He asked her.

“Did you figure that I would have to share that program with all my other girlfriends big brother, was that also a part of your Machiavellian plan too big brother.” Vikki asked Larry.

“Of course little sister. There’s this test that’s supposed to tell how susceptible to hypnosis you are, it’s call, “the Eye Roll Test”. When you roll your eyes up into your head the amount of white showing is supposed to determine how susceptible you are. I can’t say I place much faith in the test, ha, ha. On the other hand it is quite easy to hypnotize you or any of your girlfriends because of built up “muscle memory”. I don’t have to hypnotize any of you little sister, because you have already hypnotized yourselves with your dance routines, over, and over, and over, ha, ha, ha. Every time you do a barre exercise, or a floor movement, or even a cheer routine you put yourself into a light hypnotic trance. Contrary to popular belief Sis a hypnotized person is not asleep, they are in a highly concentrated state. All you need is the sound of a methadone tic toking in the background and any one of you girls can be put under quickly.” He explained to Vikki.

“So what is your master plan big brother.” Vikki demanded.

“Are you bi ... bisexual ... little sister?” He questioned her.

“Euuuu, certainly not big brother.” Vikki answered back indignantly.

“You soon will be and I guarantee you will love and enjoy it little sister, ha, ha, ha.” He told her and laughed.

“You intend to turn me into a ... a ... a woman lover, a ... a ... pussy licker ... a ... a carpet muncher ... a lesbian!” Vikki demanded hotly.

“Not a lesbian little sister, bi ... bisexual ... little sister. Though I’m sort of homophobic myself I really enjoy a nice hot sex show between two hot females. I think you and Myra will make a wonderful matched pair.” He told Vikki.

“Over my dead body...” Vikki started.

“Sleep Vikki Sleep.” Larry triggered Vikki.

“This one is ready for instructions Master.” The now hypnotized Vikki answered him.

“How is Myra’s training coming along Slave.” He asked the hypnotized Vikki’s alternate personality that he had recently created...

“Myra was very susceptible to the hypnotic spiral and mandala CD Master, almost as susceptible as your younger sister was Master. She is a good choice for the program.” Slave updated me on Myra’s progress.

“Does Vikki realiz that you exist Slave?” He asked her next.

“No, Master I am just in the background, but I’m more in control than she realizes and it is quite easy to get her to ignore the missing time, tee, hee, hee.” Slave told Larry and giggled cutely.

“What have you found out about this Tony person, Myra’s twin brother.” He asked her next.

“They are not identical twins Master. The scientific term for fraternal twins is... “dizygotic” ... it refers to two individual fertilized eggs. Dizygotic twins happen when the birthing parent’s body releases two eggs at the same time, and they are fertilized by different sperm possibly at different times. Where as Myra is very athletic and intelligent, her twin brother is not very athletic, but has an almost genus level IQ. Several leading universities have offered him full scholarships. Of course Myra has sports scholarship offers too.” Slave explained to Master ... Larry.

“Do you think Tony would make a good master for his twin sister Myra?” Larry asked Slave next.

“Tony, is ... was ... my ... your sister’s latest boyfriend. I ... she ... only dated him because he was Myra’s twin brother, He tried to hypnotize me ... your sister ... and Myra, ha, ha, ha. They both pretended to be under his magic spell and when he told them to take off their cloths they couldn’t help but almost laugh him, but they did take their cloths off. He next got braver and told them to bend over the sofa. Once again they did what he ordered. Then when he dropped his pants Myra and your little sister pulled out cameras and took pictures of him standing there butt naked with his cock hung out. Now, me ... your sister ... and Myra are blackmailing him and treating him like he’s their personal slave Master.” She told him what his little sister had done. He honestly felt really sorry for this Tony, Myra’s twin brother, knowing how cruel Vikki and her girlfriends can be.

“Since Myra is already hypnotized do you think you can get her to hypnotize her twin brother Slave?” He asked Slave.

“It should be quite easy Master.” As you the reader of my tale can see the old axiom; “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”, has been proven to be true once again. Larry had not been able to resist creating an alternate personality ... a so called split personality ... in his little sister. In this case she was his hypnotized sex slave and knew she was his slave and he was her Master. He knows this may be a demeaning juvenile pleasure, but his cock still twitches when she calls him Master, and he calls her Slave.

“In the meantime I think it is time you bring Myra over and I ... WE ... start her real slave training.” He told his dear little sister.

“Your wish is my command Master.” Vikki did that cute little number that Barbara Eden did in the TV show I Dream of Jeannie.

As with his little sister he intended to use the pleasure of sex to addict Myra to him. Yes, like the carrot and the stick. The idiom “carrot and stick” represents a dual approach to behavior motivation. It combines both rewards (the carrot) and punishments (the stick). Essentially, it refers to using a mix of positive incentives and negative consequences to encourage desired behavior or cooperation. For example, in sales management, a carrot-and-stick style might involve offering bonuses for meeting sales targets (the carrot) while also implementing penalties for underperformance (the stick). So, it’s about finding a balance between encouragement and consequences to achieve desired outcomes.

In this case Myra, like his own little sister, would dream of having sex with him and become convinced that only he could grant her an orgasm, that no one else could satisfy her like he could. Like with little sister he would become her Teacher. The carrot was the fantastic orgasm she would have, and the lack of an orgasm was the stick. Simple and very effective he had found out quite by accident on his own little sister Vikki. No, believe it or not, he was only trying to help his little sister when he accidentally discovered she wasn’t a virgin anymore and was sexually active. When she dreamed, she dreamed of him as her Teacher, who was teaching her about sex. The reality was she masturbated herself to orgasm after orgasm and dreamed it was him fucking her. Of course, with Myra it would be intentional not accidental.

I think Larry has already described Vikki, his loving little sister. she’s a petite 5 foot 2 inches tall, a 18 year old white Caucasian female. that weights about 115 pounds. She has long natural platinum blond hair which she is exceptionally proud of, blue eyes, high cheekbones, and an aquiline nose, also known as a Roman nose. She looks a lot like the Internet star Lisa Ann. Lisa Ann whose measurements are a fantastic 38-24-34, 38DD cup size. Her breasts are set high on her deep chest, and are firm without much sag, just enough giggle to be interesting in a bikini top both me and her think, and her long thick nipples were surrounded by silver dollar size deep blood red areola. She had an impossibilly narrow and well muscled abdomen and waist that flared into wide hips and a bubble butt.

Myra, on the other hand, identified as white even though the family came from Cuba which is Latino or Hispanic, or now ‘Spanish origin’ on the census form. She was 5 foot 3 inches tall and weighted 115 pounds. She had long lustrous blue black hair and striking purple eyes. Purple eyes are exceedingly rare. Less than 1% of the world’s population has them. All eyes are naturally brown the different levels of melanin in the iris determine eye color. Because melanin is a brown pigment, people with more melanin tend to have darker skin, hair, and eyes. All eye colors besides brown are due to an absence of melanin rather than any specific pigment. When light hits the iris, this lack of melanin causes light to split into a color spectrum. Depending on how much melanin is there, eyes can appear green, hazel, blue, or purple.

Myra had high cheekbones, a sharp narrow nose, narrow lips, and a long regal neck. In Cuba she would be refereed to as a mulatto, meaning the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person, or a person of mixed white and black ancestry. Here in America she identified as white though she was dark complected. Her body measurements were a generous 40-26-35, 40DDD cup. She had started her sports training at age 6, 8 years latter, when she started to sprout breasts at age 13 one of her gymnastics coaches had told her she would have to have breast reduction surgery if she really wanted to compete professionally. She considered it, but decided to keep them even though she was considered a freak in her ballet, and gymnastics classes by the coaches and students alike. The only people that really appreciate her great fun bags were the football players it seemed.

Tony her twin brother looked nothing like Myra, or really anybody else in the family for that matter. By his senior year in high school he had reached the height of basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who he looked a lot like. He stood at 7 foot 2 inches tall and weighed about 190 pounds which was slander for his frame, but where Jabbar was skilled and well coordinated Tony was still awkward and just plain clumsy. He was also terrified of girls, even more so now, Slave had found out. On the census he marked himself defiantly as black, and had even started sporting a full beard and Afro.

Larry’s older sister Alice who is an accomplished writer, director, actor and visual artist had earned her master of fine arts degree from NYU. She had recently won a prestigious fellowship. Though some fellowships simply cover the cost of tuition, others fund scholarly activities outside of the classroom, such as trips and projects, or even dissertations, shows or thesis projects. The fellowship she won with the Sojohn Park Alliance, gave her the opportunity to put her professional interest in environmental art and community design into actual practice, Of course she was required to fly to the Virgin Islands to recieve it, and attend the Reclaimed Lands Conference ... which involved curating video installations, designing the event booklet, installing scientific posters and more for almost a year. Larry had missed her while she was gone, but she was coming home now. Larry couldn’t wait to show her what he had done with their little sister. Maybe he would even decide to do the Twins next. Maybe their family motto should be; Familia quae una manet simul futuit (A family that fucks together stays together) ... well something like that anyway.

The Twins get done.

Through his search on the Internet Larry had found a site that sold something called 3D Metal Wind Spinner Mandalas. The full add was; 3D Metal Wind Spinners - Evil Eye & Mandala Design - lazier cut aluminum - The Perfect Gift For Girls, Women, Sisters, Moms, Grandmoms, Even Wives - Is Always A Great Hit With Female Visitors - Ideal For Indoor & Outdoor Decor, Thanksgiving & Christmas. What he liked about it was that any time even a slight breeze hit it it instantly became a mesmerizing spiral capturing and pulling in the eyes of anyone looking at it. So he had bought several and put them up in his, and his two sisters rooms.

After experimenting some he found that the breeze from the rooms air conditioner started them to spinning but was not reliable as it cut on and off unexpectedly. So in the end he ended up buying some small cheap battery powered fans with gooseneck clamps that allowed you to stick them almost anywhere and had Bluetooth remotes. Now all he had to do was walk into his sister’s room and push the remote’s on switch and the Wind Spinner instantly started to spin and became his sister’s hypnotic focus point when he directed her to look at it. It was even a great self-hypnosis tool he learned.

Unlike the Twins, Danni and Olivia, both Alice and Vikki insisted on having their own individual private rooms just like Larry. They could not understand how the Twins could choose to live in the same room with each other even if they did have individual twin beds in their room. For years as they grew up they had insisted, even going so far as to throw temper tantrums, if they were separated, or weren’t allowed to dress alike. Sure they were “identical twins”, but to the rest of the family it was unnatural. Recently they had started color coding themselves, Danni wearing blue, and Olivia green.

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