Be Fruitful and Multiply - Cover

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Rogue AI program Pilot, decides that the United States population is declining too fast and he (Yes, AIs can chose their sex) steps in to fix the problem. First candidate to be drafted into his new program to develop "Future Mothers of America", aka, sex slaves, is 24 year old Alice Homack when she blunders into his new self-hypnosis web site, "Self-Hypnosis Can Help", just trying to get a little sleep. Next to blunder into the program is her younger brother Larry 22, who is

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Harem  

The Experiment

The Experiment would take advantage of two key characteristics of the very susceptible hypnotizables; 8, Age regression, and 13. Post-hypnotic amnesia. He, (Yes, Pilot had arbitrarily chosen to be male) would also make use of what the psychiatrists today term Multiple Personality Disorder. He also intended to make use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), too. But first he had to decide if it was necessary to bring the Twins, Danni and Olivia, into the experiment. After some thought, for the moment, he put that decision on hold, after all they were not due back till next month. By that time Larry and Alice should be under his firm control without them even being aware of it.

Vera, their mother, was 43 years old and a research scientist at Gentex Labs, working on a new updated Apache Aviator Integrated Helmet (AAIH) and was seldom home any more, and the children were old enough to more or less take care of themselves. After all they were all adults in the eyes of the law, now anyway. The Apache helo has an IR imaging sensor, mounted on the nose of the aircraft slaved to the aviators head movements” ... a capability quickly applied to the attack helo’s 30mm automatic M230 chain gun. Right now Gentex and Vera is working on a new rotary aircraft laser system that is the future of modern Apache warfare.

In Masy’s 2009 book, “Apache: Inside the Cockpit of the World’s Most Deadly Fighting Machine”, a former British helo pilot described the mental and physical gymnastics required to fly the Apache:

“Flying an Apache,” He wrote, “almost always meant both hands and feet doing four different things at once. Even our eyes had to learn how to work independently of each other. A monocle sat permanently over our right iris. A dozen different instrument readings from around the cockpit were projected into it. At the flick of a button, a range of other images could also be superimposed underneath the green glow of the instrument symbology, replicating the TADS’ or PNVS’ camera images and the Longbow Radars’ targets.”

“The monocle left the pilot’s left eye free to look outside the cockpit, saving him the few seconds that it took to look down at the instruments and then up again ... New pilots suffered terrible headaches as the left and right eye competed for dominance. They started within minutes, long before take-off ... As the eyes adjusted over the following weeks and months the headaches took longer to set in. It was a year before mine disappeared altogether ... I once filmed my face during a sortie with a video camera as an experiment. My eyes whirled independently of each other throughout, like a man possessed.”

Vera, their mother, was working with other scientist, psychiatrist, and medical experts at Gentex Labs, to eliminate, or at least reduce, the headaches caused by the Apache Aviator Integrated Helmet (AAIH) system. The project had found that hypnosis, in conjunction with transcranial magnetic electrical brain stimulation, could relieve some, if not all, of the pain and headaches without resorting to pain medications that could dull the pilots reflexes, and even become addictive. They had also found that in choosing pilots it was important to identify which side of the brain was dominant from the beginning of pilot training.

The left hand never knows what the right hand is up to.

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated 3D content. The content can span multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. AR can be defined as a system that incorporates three basic features: a combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects. The overlaid sensory information can be constructive (i.e. additive to the natural environment), or destructive (i.e. masking of the natural environment). As such, it is one of the key technologies in the reality-virtuality continuum.

This experience is seamlessly interwoven with the physical world such that it is perceived as an immersive aspect of the real environment. In this way, augmented reality alters one’s ongoing perception of a real-world environment, whereas virtual reality completely replaces the user’s real-world environment with a simulated one.

In virtual reality (VR), the users’ perception of reality is completely based on virtual information. In augmented reality (AR) the user is provided with additional computer- generated information within the data collected from real life that enhances their perception of reality. For example, in architecture, VR can be used to create a walk-through simulation of the inside of a new building; and AR can be used to show a building’s structures and systems super-imposed on a real-life view.

A head-up display, or heads-up display, also known as a HUD, or heads-up guidance systems (HGS), is any transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. The origin of the name stems from a pilot being able to view information with the head positioned “up” and looking forward, instead of angled down looking at lower instruments. A HUD also has the advantage that the pilot’s eyes do not need to refocus to view the outside after looking at the optically nearer instruments.

End of the project for Alice.

“I want to be hypnotized by my little brother. I need to be hypnotized by my little brother. I belong to my little brother. I need to be fucked by my little brother. I want to be hypnotized by my little brother. I need to be hypnotized by my little brother. I belong to my little brother. I need to be fucked by my little brother...” Alice was mumbling her mantra over and over out loud as she was listening to the latest downloaded file as she slept. Of course her busy fingers had been replaced by a heavy duty battery powered vibrator dildo device that worked both her G-spot and clit at the same time and was Bluetooth remotely programmable. There was also a vibrating butt plug plugged in too, The “Bondage”, “Daring Play”, “Submission”, “Pain Fun”, “Compulsion to Comply”, “Increased Libido”, “Anal Play”, “Clitoral Orgasm”, “Vaginal Orgasm”, “Hypnosis Desires”, “Anal Play”, “Clitoral Orgasm”, “Vaginal Orgasm”, “Hypnosis Desires”, “Incest Is Best”, “Sex Slave Training For Your Perfect Mate”, “Lactation”, and “I Want To Be Pregnant”, were all deeply implanted ... burned so deeply into her subcounscious mind now that she really didn’t need the files any longer to reinforce them.

Larry could hypnotize her any time he wanted to now, and it had been going on for a solid week. So far Larry had been patient, but today he would reap his reward he chuckled to himself as he worked.

“Alice assume downward dog position.” Larry commanded his big sister to get into the downward dog yoga pose on her bed. With that she rolled over onto her flat well muscled belly and then raised her toned butt high in the air with her long straight legs spread widely apart and then stretched her arms straight out presenting her fine naked ass to her baby brother Larry.

“That’s good Alice, but now on your knees with your butt on the edge of the bed over here. Your doing very good Slave. You enjoy being my slave don’t you Slave. “ Larry directed her into position and questioned her.

Oh, Yes, Master.” Alice answered back as she followed Larry’s directions.

“Are you nice and wet Slave?” Larry questioned her.

“Oh, Yes, Master this one is always wet when she thinks of you Master.” Alice answered back honestly. With that Larry slapped her shapely ass hard.

“Spread those legs wider big sister.” He told her as his two hands spread her ass cheeks widely apart. Standing on her left side with his left hand clutching her shoulder firmly he reached back with his right hand and put his thumb in her puckered brown ass hole. At first she tried to go forward, but he held her tight and pulled her back with his left hand. Finally she accepted his thumb and settled down.

“That’s better Alice, you will learn to enjoy anal play, but now for the main event, the piece de résistance, ha, ha, ha.” With that Larry hooked his first two finger of his right hand into her hot wet cunt with his thumb as the anchor. Soon his questing fingers found the bumps inside her cunt ... her G-spot. When he did find it and stroke it she had her first of many orgasms and squirted hard around his working fingers. At the same time Alice climaxed so hard she passed out unconscious onto her bed.

“I guess it was as good for you as it was for me big sister, ha, ha, ha.” Larry told his unconscious sister and laughed, then slapped her ass hard again.

“Wake up slut we are not finished.” He told her as she groggily woke back up.

“That’s better.” He told her as she woke up and he pulled her back into position and then lined up his erect cock on her inviting wet cunt. Using his cock’s head to separate her folds he had it placed in seconds. When he thrust forward his cock went in up to the hilt the first try she was so wet and slick.

“Giddyap bitch.” Larry told her as he started pounding her hard from the rear. When she didn’t start moving he slapped her ass hard again.

“Did you think I was going to do all the work you lazy bitch.” Larry told Alice this time.

“That’s much better bitch.” Larry told her as she started pushing back and tried to match his rhythm as best she could to his deep driving thrusts.

“Thank you Master.” She answered between pants now as she worked. When he was about to cum he pulled out and laid down on the bed beside her. His cock was still fully erect.

“Now, ride me bitch.” He commanded her, and Alice crawled over to him on her knees and was soon riding him cowgirl style. Hours latter, well it honestly seem like hours, Larry and Alice were both exhausted and just laying back on her bed panting for breath.

“Alice we still have 3 weeks before the rest of the family gets back, what are we going to do big sister.” Larry finally worked up enough energy to ask his big sister in bed with him.

“It’s not my problem little brother. I’m just your slutty older bitch sister remember Master.” She answered him back much too smugly Larry thought for someone that was supposed to be his sex slave.

“I think it is time you ... we ... left the nest big sister. We’ll rent a student apartment off campus next week Sis.” Larry told his big sister.

“Apartments little brother.” Alice put in.

So they rented two side by side interconnected off campus apartments for appearances sake, but only really used the one full time. Larry’s older sister Alice is an accomplished writer, director, actress and visual artist and had earned her master of fine arts degree from NYU. She had recently won a prestigious fellowship. Though some fellowships simply cover the cost of tuition, others fund scholarly activities outside of the classroom, such as trips and projects, or even dissertations, shows or thesis projects.

The prestigious fellowship she won with the Sojohn Park Alliance, gave her the opportunity to put her professional interest in environmental art and community design into actual practice, Of course she was required to fly to the Virgin Islands to recieve it, and attend the Reclaimed Lands Conference ... which involved curating video installations, designing the event booklet, installing scientific posters and more for almost a year. Larry would miss her while she was gone for a year, but he didn’t want to stand in her way, well in the way of her career anyway. So he wished her well as she boarded her plane heading for the Virgin Islands.

Larry helps little sister prepare for college.

“I can’t be hypnotized, it’s like a total scam big brother!”. Larry’s little sister Victoria, or as she likes to be called Vikki, exclaimed mournfully as she came busting into Larry’s room unannounced, picked up one of his books on hypnosis off the desk and flounced down onto his unmade bed. Though Larry was 24 at the time, Vikki was only 18, and was just graduating from high school. At the time Larry was studying Psychology in college and one of his classes happened to be a course in the power of suggestion. As he read through the text and wrote his weekly paper he had gotten more and more interested in hypnosis. To be honest both him and Alice became interested in what could be done with hypnosis.

For most of his life he had thought hypnotism was a joke, a parlor trick. Something that magicians used on stage to trick gullible unsuspecting audiences with. Something done with shills planted in the audience as volunteers. But the longer he studied it in his class, the more he understood that hypnosis was a very real phenomenon that had been used for centuries by both black hearted evil charlatans and real doctors to control and/or manipulate the subconscience minds of others. It’s all about the power of suggestion and the willingness of the subject to accept a suggestion into their subconscience psyche. At some point in his studies he had decided to learn how to hypnotize subjects. To do that he checked out books on hypnosis from the college library, he even went to his professor who claimed to be a hypnotist himself with some questions.

At the time his youngest sister showed up unannounced he was home visiting for some college break. I think it was spring break for high school. Anyway that was when his younger sister, “the brat”, wandered into his room complaining, really whining, that she was bored, and she had nothing to do. Right out of high school Larry had volunteered to the Marines. He had done a 3 year tour with the Marines, and was using his GI Bill now, to pay for college. Mom had let him move into a off campus student apartment in the same apartment block as his older sister Alice when he got back home.

Dad worked for GE, as a structural engineer, and had moved bask to Australia after the divorce. Mom was a Regional Manager of GoBank. I think Mom actually made more money than Dad. They were always pretty busy and away from home a lot when the kids were growing up. The house, almost a castle really, they had lived in since they were kids had 10 guest rooms besides their personal bedrooms, but Mom and Dad had both agreed him and Alice deserved a place of their own. After all they were both grown now and deserved their own space. So they now had student apartments off campus. Of course, as I’m sure you the reader noticed, dear sweet cute little Vikki never respected anyone’s privacy.

Now I don’t want you to think Larry’s little sister Vikki was a total airhead, but sometimes Larry perceived a slight vacuum between her lovely ears it seemed. At 18 Vikki is ‘totally’ into her sports, ballet, gymnastics, cheerleading, her cheerleader girlfriends, American Idol, the Bachelor, Survivor, Face Book, twitter and iPods. Larry himself is glad to say he’s moved beyond that stage and can actually think for himself now.

Anyway, little sister flounced in and flopped down on his unmade bed in front of him wearing a cute little sun dress. Next she grabbed the TV remote, and started flipping through the different cable TV programs only stopping when she got to the hard porn Hustler TV channel Larry’s cable service had. At the moment a well endowed porn actor and actress were demonstrating the use of a sex toy the site was selling.

“None of that Vikki.” Larry told as he took the remote back and turned off the TV.

“Spoilsport.” Vikki pouted at him and stuck out her tongue.

“Hey, Sis, since you’re already here you can help me with my class project.” Larry said, as inspiration hit him between the eyes. If you have lemons make lemonade the book always says.

“I can’t do college stuff, you know that big brother.” She answered back, as she cast a wary doubtful look back at him.

“No, no, Sis, you don’t have to do anything, just let me practice some hypnosis on you.” He told her, and Vikki’s eyes grew wide in surprise,

“You want to hypnotize me? Why?” She questioned, and he could tell by the way she answered that she was questioning her own better judgment.

“I have to practice on someone Sis, if I’m going to be a Psychologist, maybe even a so-called hypnotherapist. I really need to know how to do this stuff. You can help by letting me put you under.” He told her honestly.

“Is that why you have all these goofy books on hypnosis Larry Safari?” She questioned him, and she knows he hates being called Larry Safari. Too many jokes and fights when he was a kid about the Rocky and Bullwinkel show when he was growing up.

“Yes, brat, I get extra credit in the course from my instructor, if I can prove I was competent enough to actually hypnotize my selected subject and give him, or her in your case brat, posthypnotic instructions that they followed. I even had to buy a GoPro digital camera and recorder to document and record it all Sis.” He explained to her.

“I can’t be hypnotized, it’s like a total scam big brother.” Larry’s little sister shot back again.

“And you would know this how brat?” Larry questioned her because she seemed so positive.

“Because Tony, my latest boyfriend, Myra’s twin brother, read the same flaky book on hypnosis, and actually tried to hypnotize me and Myra, ha, ha, ha.” Vikki told Larry laughing wildly and threw the paperback book, “Hypnosis For Beginners ... Everything You Wanted To Know About Hypnosis”, she was holding at him. He knew from past experience with the brat that his cute little sister was actually bragging.

“And how did that work out little sister?” He had to ask knowing his little sister and her girlfriends so well.

“He had this fake gold pocket watch on a fake gold chain he had bought off eBay, or somewhere. and he waived it in front of us and told us (Vikki making exaggerated quote marks in the air), “You will watch as it swings back and forth. Back and forth. You are fascinated by the watch. You are getting sleepy. You are getting very, very sleepy. You are asleep now. No matter how hard you try you can not open your eyes.” We both closed our eyes and pretended to be under his magic spell. Then he told us to take off our cloths, we couldn’t help but almost laugh at him, I mean seriously Larry, but we didn’t laugh, ha, ha, ha. We actually started to take our cloths off. Soon we were down to our bras and panties. He got braver next and told both of us to bend over the sofa. Once again we both did what he ordered. Then when he dropped his pants me and Myra pulled out our cell phones and took pictures of him standing there butt naked with his dick stuck out there. He said he was going to kill us, but we told him we had uploaded the pictures to the Cloud and they would go public if anything happened to us. Now, me and Myra are blackmailing him and treating him like our own personal slave boy big brother.” She bragged to Larry. He honestly felt really sorry for poor stupid Tony, Myra’s twin brother, knowing how cruel Vikki and her girlfriends can be.

“You’re right Sis, I think you’re much too smart to be hypnotized. Heck, everybody knows that only dumb stupid people get hypnotized, but you gotta let me try so I can tell my professor it doesn’t work on you. It’s like a homework assignment I have to complete Sis if I want to complete the course. There’s nothing to worry about everything will be recorded.” Larry told her, as he twisted around in his chair to face her and showed her the GoPro recorder he would be using to record the session with. By using reverse psychology and appealing to her very overinflated ego he figured she would agree and let him attempt to hypnotize her, just to where she can say latter, “I told you so big brother”, and he was right. She looked at him hard for a few moments and then agreed to let him try.

“How does this happen big brother?” She then smugly asked, and he had his first test subject as easy as that he silently congratulated himself.

“Well, first of all you have to be completely comfortable and relaxed, lay back on my bed like you want to take a nap.” He told her as he rolled his desk chair over beside his bed as she moved up to the bed’s headboard and got comfortable with the pillows behind her head. Comfortable with that Vikki laced her fingers together over her bare flat stomach, sighed deeply and closed her eyes.

“Promise me you won’t ask me any personal stuff. If you even try I swear I’ll get straight up and walk right out of here Larry.” She told him dramatically and he promised he wouldn’t. At that point he started the GoPro to recording

Larry began what is known as the “Elman Hypnotic Induction”, he had been studing by talking softly to her, asking her questions that she answered easily. She was listening to him well as he droned on and on with his boring questions. When he finally asked her if she was completely relaxed he noticed her fingers laced across her stomach loosen slightly as she responded to his last question. He told her at that point she looked cozy, snug and tranquil, like she was almost asleep already. She murmured back something he could barely hear, and then took a deep breath and relaxed even more.

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, or noctambulism, is a phenomenon of combined sleep and wakefulness. Sleepwalking is a relatively common phenomenon. According to the National Sleep Foundation, up to 40% of children sleepwalk. It is believed that sleepwalking affects as many as 1 in every 100 people. Children tend to sleepwalk more frequently than adults.

With that last deep breath her head canted slightly to the right side and her eyes closed completely showing Larry she was completely relaxed. The next step was to make sure she was concentrating only on his voice. He told her to listen to his voice as he continued the induction. At this point Larry figured she was in a light trance so he had her do the classic staircase trance deepening exercise suggested in the book on Elman hypnotic induction he had read.

This is a traditional hypnotic trance deepener with a difference. Asking the subject what the number on the step they are at helps them and you the therapist to verify the level of trance that has been reached. It starts off with...

“You’re now standing at the top of a very long and beautiful staircase Vikki. There are one hundred steps leading down, and around, and although you can’t see the bottom of the stairs from where you are standing Vikki, you somehow know that there is a beautiful place waiting at the bottom of the stairs, a special place just for you.” He told her and paused.

“On either side of the staircase is a beautiful firm bannister that makes you feel safe and secure. The bannister is smooth and polished, and you now reach out and place your right hand lightly on it.” Once again he paused.

“When you look down you can see a number on each step, starting at 100 and going all the way down to zero.” He once again paused.

“Somehow you know that the deeper down you go the more comfortable and the more relaxed you will become.” Again the pause.

“You really find yourself wanting to walk down those stairs, and you intuitively know that with each and every step down you take you will feel wonderful, calm, comfort, and deeply relaxed.” Pause.

“So now get ready to begin walking down the stairs Vikki, if you haven’t already started.” Pause.

“Now, you are going down and down and down, stepping deeper and deeper and deeper down into this wonderful, calm and comfortable feeling of relaxation.” Pause.

“The deeper you go the better you will feel. The deeper you go the more comfortable and relaxed you become.” Pause.

“The deeper you go the better you will feel. The deeper you go the more comfortable and relaxed you become.” He repeated and pause.

“You might even decide to let the stairs fade away before reaching the bottom, and if you do Vikki, that’s OK, because you will still know the number of the step you’re at.” Pause.

“Very good Vikki. You are relaxing more and more with each step down, going further and further down into comfort and relaxation.” Pause.

“Continue walking down as I’m quiet for a few moments. At times you might even feel that you are floating down the stairs.” Pause.

“Deeper and deeper ... deeper and deeper ... deeper and deeper... “ Pause.

“Deeper and deeper ... deeper and deeper ... deeper and deeper... “ He repeated again and paused.

“Good girl Vikki, now bring your attention back up to my voice and look down at the step you are standing on and tell me what is the number of the step are you on at the moment Vikki?” Pause.

“I’m on 25 ... step 25... “ Vikki answered after some minutes.

(Note: Usually the subject will probably be about halfway down the stairs, in which case you need to suggest they go down deeper still. Repeat the instructions about pausing and going deeper and periodically check the number again. When they are close to the bottom of the stairs, i.e. they report they have reached step 15 or lower, continue with:

“I’m on step 60.” Vikki answered and Larry figured it was deep enough for this first time induction.

“When you reach the bottom of the staircase Vikki, just step into a beautiful, luxurious hallway and let the stairs and the ordinary everyday world just fade away behind you.” Pause.

“You are very deeply relaxed now, very deeply and comfortably relaxed, relaxed from the top of your head, all the way down, deeper down, to the tips of your toes.” Pause.

“Every nerve, every cell, every nerve fiber, every conscious thought of your body is deeply and comfortably relaxed now Vikki.” Pause.

“Now, you are in your favorite place and ready for your special instructions.” Pause.

Vikki only got to step 60 before she bogged down and stopped counting. The beauty of the staircase deepener is it allows the hypnotist to monitor how deep she thinks she is. Then he had her search for him with her mind’s eye. To focus only on him and his words. She was silent for a long few expectant moments as he waited with bated breath to see if it worked.

“I see you.” She finally answered back with her eyes still tightly closed. At that moment he felt a thrill of victory when she said she could see him.

“Do you see anything else? Do you hear anything else?” Larry questioned her.

“No, only you.” She answered back in her hypnotized monotone.

“I want you to listen to what I say Vikki. Concentrate on me, and what I tell you.” He started off.

“Concentrate on your voice.” She answered back in that hypnotized monotone we have all heard at one time or another on TV or in a movie.

“I am your Teacher.” He instructed her. Hey, he knows ... he knew ... back then that the hypnotist doesn’t have to identify himself to the hypnotized subject. And NO!, he didn’t have any delusion of grandeur and want her to start calling him Master like in some of those soft porn vampire movies he had watched as a kid. But he thought that he needed to establish that he was an authority figure and believe it or not teachers are authority figures to young high school students.

“Teacher?” Vikki questioned, and frowned slightly, and then even became slightly agitated.

“Yes, Vikki, I’m going to be your Teacher.” He told her again.

“Teacher ... Teach me something?” She answered back ... questioned ... this time.

“Yes, Vikki, I’m going to teach you some things.” She seemed to accept it this time. He was convinced now that she was in a true deep trance. He had done it! He had hypnotized her! His heart was pounding hard, and he even remember that he was sweating like he had ran a 10 mile marathon at the time.

“Vikki, listen to me. You have a spider crawling up your right leg.” With that his sister twitched her right leg and then reached down to brush off the imaginary insect. He was awestruck that she did what he expected.

“A fly just landed on your cheek Vikki.” She lifted her hand and brushed the invisible bug away again. He was now sure she was in a trance, but he really had no idea how deep or even what to do next as a test of how deep the trance was. His little sister was hypnotized, but he couldn’t think of anything else he could or should do to test it. And No, he was not going to tell her to strip naked like poor Tony had. So he decided to try to implant a few simple posthypnotic suggestions. First he would give her a posthypnotic trigger ensuring he could bring her back to this state any time he wanted like the book suggested.

“Vikki do you hear me?” He questioned her.

“Yes, I hear you.” She answered back in her hypnotized monotone.

“Whenever I, and only I, say “Sleep Vikki Sleep” you will return to this state you’re in right now. Deeply asleep like you are right now. Do you understand Vikki?” He implanted her first trigger.

“Yes, I understand, “Sleep Vikki Sleep”, deep asleep.” She answered back. Now, all he needed was to give her a suggestion to do something while she is awake, and then wake her up and see what happens.

“What is your favorite color Vikki?” He questioned her.

“Blue.” She answered without any hesitation.

“What is the color you dislike the most Vikki.” He questioned her

“Red.” She answered back with no hesitation again.

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