Oh, Danny Boy - Cover

Oh, Danny Boy

Copyright© 2024 by Phan Tassey

Chapter 4: Tanya

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Tanya - Danny is a well-developed teenage boy at fourteen. He's had a very ordinary life until his mother wants to have the talk. This turns out to be a catalyst of a series of unbelievable events that even includes meeting Jesus.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Aunt   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Teacher/Student  

A few days had passed, and the temperature went up. It was going to get up to 94 that day, and so I decided to go to the pool. My mother had gone to work, and I had finished my chores for the day. After a quick shower, I put on my red swim trunks and a pair of sneakers and rode my bike. It usually doesn’t get very hot in Portland, but the humidity was high, too, and it didn’t take long to build up a sweat. Other than that, it was a gorgeous day.

When I got to the pool, I locked up my bike and took a quick rinse off in the showers. There weren’t a lot of people at the pool, and I was grateful for that. My coach told me that swimming helps to build endurance, and so I tried to do it at least once a week. I walked over to the diving board and checked to see if it was clear to dive. There were maybe half a dozen people in the water and the coast looked clear. I jumped once on the diving board, then into the water. As soon as I was about to enter the water, that’s when I saw her. I hit the water and did my best to miss her, but it wasn’t enough. My momentum had slowed some, but we met with considerable force, and it was enough to knock her out. I quickly grabbed her and swam to the surface. She was just a girl, or so I thought. Our heads broke the surface, but she was still out. I grabbed her around her torso with one arm and swam over to the edge. She awoke right before we got there, and as I grabbed the edge, she coughed several times in my face.

I pushed her hair out of her face, “Are you okay?” She continued to cough for a moment and I was able to get a good look at her face. It’s Tanya! Tanya was an Asian girl that was adopted by the Ratfords, a very devout Catholic couple. Despite that, she attended the same school, and was the shortest junior on record at just four feet and seven and a half inches. She had on a light blue one-piece bathing suit that looked two sizes too small, and that was probably why I didn’t see her at first.

She took a few deep breaths before answering, “I’m okay. Wh-what happened?”

“I accidentally dove into you. Are you sure you’re okay?”

She put a hand to her forehead, “My head hurts a little, but I’m fine. What’s your name?”

“My name is Danny, Danny Blake. And your name is Tanya, right?”

She finally looked up at my eyes. She seemed to be trying to read them, and then I felt one of her legs push into my crotch. It didn’t hurt, but I knew she had to be able to feel my cock. I tried to move my ass back, but her leg followed. I gave her a pensive look, but she closed her eyes and gave me a kiss. “Thank you for saving my life, Danny.” She then hugged me with her arms and her legs, and now our crotches were touching. I could actually feel the soft folds of her pussy pressing onto the base of my cock.

I hugged her back with my free arm, “You’re welcome.” I expected her to release her grip, but she stayed like that a while longer. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

She moaned and lifted her head, but still kept her arms and legs around me, “Well, I might have a concussion, so I need to be kept awake. Will you help me to do that?”

I felt obligated, considering it was my fault in the first place. I was also anxious to get out of her grasp, because I knew I would get a hard-on soon. “Uh, sure. What do you need?”

“I’d like a quiet place to lay down, but my parents have people over right now. Some kind of Catholic bible study group. What about your place? Are your parents home?”

She was giving me the saddest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. “I just live with my mom, and she’s at work until six.”

“So your place is quiet then. Please take me there.”

I didn’t hesitate as I could feel my cock beginning to grow. I set her up on the edge. She must’ve weighed maybe 80 pounds. As I got up onto the edge and stood up, she reached out her arms to me.

“I feel a bit light-headed. Will you carry me?”

“Yeah, sure.” I turned around and knelt down, telling her to climb onto my back. “Did you bring anything with you?”

“Over there,” she said, pointing at one of the lounge chairs that had a towel and one of those tiny Goodbye Kitty backpacks.

I grabbed her stuff and we left the pool. With her head condition, I figured it would be best to walk her home. I only lived a few blocks away, and it would be a good workout since I didn’t get to do any swimming. She had been quiet for about a block, and so I asked, “What are your plans for college?”

“Oh, I don’t know. My dad seems to think I’m going to be a doctor, but I’m too squeamish. What I really want is to be a professional cheerleader.”

“What, like for the Cowboys?”

She giggled at that. “No, silly. I mean, it’s not like a league or anything, but there are nationwide competitions. I’m hoping to get a cheerleading scholarship.”

“Do you have a college in mind?”

“I’d like to go to Arizona State. Their coach is one of the best in the country. What about you?”

“Well, I’m only fourteen, so I have a lot of time to think about it.”

“You’re only fourteen?! You’re big for that age.”

“Yea, well, you’re tiny for your age. Was your growth stunted?”

“Hee, hee, hee, no. They do call me Munchkin, though.”

“Who does?”

“Only everyone at school, even some of the teachers.”

“Heh, it does fit. How are you feeling, by the way?”

“My head still hurts, but it’s nice being with you. You must have a good mother.”

Fuck. If she only knew. “Yeah, she’s pretty great. We get along extremely well. I hear your parents are pretty strict.”

“That’s the understatement of the century. Thank god I’m eighteen now. I can’t wait to move out of my house. You’re lucky to have such a good parent. I hope I get to meet her some time.”

“I’m sure she’d like that.” We turned onto my street, “We’re almost there.”

“Thanks again, Danny. You are such a gentleman.” She then kissed my neck and squeezed me.

“Well, it was my fault in the first place.”

“Still, you saved me, and I am in your debt.”

That gave me that fuzzy feeling, and it caused my cock to throb a bit. I turned onto the sidewalk leading up to our door.

“Wow, this is a nice place.”

“Thanks. I inherited it when my step-dad died.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your step-dad. What happened to him?”

“He got stabbed from a mugging and died in the hospital.”

“That’s so sad. Do you miss him?”

“All the time.” She squeezed me one more time as I put down my bike’s kickstand. I brought her in and set her down. We were both still a bit wet. “Did you bring any clothes with you?” I asked as I handed her the towel.

“Just my sundress. It’s in my backpack.”

I was finally getting a good look at her as I watched her dry off. She was such a tiny little thing, but she had good shape to her ass. Her tits were small, but still almost a handful. Her face looked so young and her skin looked as soft as a peach. She bent over to dry her long, black hair, and I found myself staring at the small crevice being outlined between her legs. My cock jumped and I forced myself to look away. “Does your head still hurt? I can get you some ibuprofen.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

“Sure, I think it’s in the upstairs bathroom. There’s one over there where you can get changed.”

“Okay, but I’d hate to pass out and hurt myself in your bathroom. Will you join me?”

It seemed like a strange request, but her logic was sound. Those eyes. “Umm ... yeah, I guess so. Why don’t you follow me to the one upstairs then.”

I handed her the backpack and she followed me upstairs and into the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet and let out a sigh. It was a mess, full of prescriptions and toothpastes and boxes of dental floss. It took me a minute to find the ibuprofen, and when I turned around, my eyes went wide and I dropped the bottle. She had removed her bathing suit and was completely nude. I thought about looking away, but I was transfixed. She was beautiful, and her puppy dog eyes were back. She just stood there, as did I. I was a deer in headlights, and she had her high beams on.

“So, Mr. Hero, what do you think?” she asked as she struck a pose and smiled. Her small, pouty lips opened wider than I had expected.

“I—”, I began, but I couldn’t think. The blood was rushing somewhere else. I shook my head, then said, “I do. Yes, you are absolutely gorgeous.” I wasn’t lying, either.

Her smile beamed even brighter as she began to get closer. I instinctively backed up, but the sink soon stopped me. She stopped just inches from me, and looked up at me with her doe-y eyes. “Wh-what are you doing?”

She didn’t answer right away and began to untie the string on my shorts. “It’s okay, Danny. You’ve seen me. Now I want to see you.”

It only seemed fair, I guessed. She smiled again as she put her tiny hands under the waistband and slowly pulled them down. By now my cock was straining its confinements in the mesh underwear of the shorts. They were still wet, and it was difficult for her to pull them down. Once they were passed my hips, she shoved them down, and my cock sprang out, almost fully hard and it hit her in the cheek with a light smack and then landed on her shoulder.

She flinched, but her face quickly took on a look of amazement as she gazed upon it. She then looked up at me with the same look. “When I felt it in the pool, I had no idea it would be this big.” She grabbed it just below the head. It flexed hard in her tiny hand, almost making her lose her grip, but she backed up a step to admire it fully. She put her other arm parallel to it. “It’s bigger than my forearm,” she said with a giggle.

I still couldn’t believe my eyes. Here was one of the most popular girls in school—a soon-to-be senior—holding my cock and admiring it. I couldn’t wish for such luck. I finally came to the realization that she planned to repay me with sexual favors for endangering then saving her life. My cock throbbed at the thought and precum gathered at the tip. “I ... umm...”

“Shhh. Just relax, Danny, and let me service my hero.” She pulled the head up to her mouth and licked the precum, making my cock throb again. She moaned and closed her eyes as she tasted my precum. She smiled and looked up at me and curled her finger for me to lean in. She got on her tippy-toes and grabbed my head to pull an ear to her, and then she whispered, “I don’t have a gag reflex.”

She let go of my head and I leaned back up. It didn’t click right away as to what that meant. She grabbed it with both hands, stroking it lightly. Her little hands could barely reach around it. She looked up at me with expectant eyes as she brought my cock near her mouth. I could feel her breath on it. More precum came to the tip and she rubbed it all along her lips with a moan. She then licked her lips with another moan. “I love how you taste.”

I have to admit, I was incredibly turned on watching this tiny thing service me. As I watched her slowly put her mouth around the head of my cock, it dawned on me. No gag reflex. I gasped as her tongue darted all around and flicked my peehole. She looked like a snake trying to eat a rabbit, but it looked amazing. She pulled off and gathered spit in her mouth and let it ooze down. She used her hands to rub along the length, and then she did it again. “Oh my god,” I breathed and tilted my head back, closing my eyes. My cock flexed hard when I felt her lips again. She shoved it in as far as it would go, and I could feel the confines of her throat, stopping it in its tracks. She stroked it as I felt her trying to swallow. I looked down at her and her brow was creased, but it was creased with intent, as she pushed harder. I could feel her throat muscles loosening as she grabbed my lower back and moved her head around slightly. My head passed a barrier in her throat and she suddenly had another inch inside and was halfway down at this point. She moaned in pleasure and then she pulled on my body. She had to get on her tippy-toes to be at the angle she needed to get it all in, and before I could think about it, her nose touched my stomach. “Oh, fuck!” I exclaimed. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Her tongue pushed out and massaged the base of my cock. Her tiny hands each took one of my balls and vigorously massaged them. My cock throbbed so hard, I swear I felt her lift off of the ground for a second. She let out a muffled grunt, but it sounded pleasurable. She then slowly removed my cock and held it in her hands. She looked up at me and blinked once slowly, “We should go somewhere more comfortable.”

I was still in a bit of shock from what I had just witnessed, but I managed to nod my head. She reached her arms up and I quickly took the hint, picking her up and over my cock. She wrapped her legs and arms around me and her wet pussy rested on my cock. She began kissing me and my cock throbbed, and I could feel more precum oozing out. We kissed passionately and she ground her pussy on my cock as I walked into my bedroom. I could taste my precum on her lips. It was salty, but I didn’t mind the taste. I stopped at the foot of my bed, but we continued to kiss as she rubbed her pussy on my cock. I felt her moan and her juices flowed lightly, tickling my balls. My cock flexed hard at that, and it shifted her enough to make us break our kiss.

She looked at me with lust-filled eyes for a moment before dismounting. She rested her knees on the bed and slowly crawled backwards and my cock slid along her body. Once she was back far enough, my cock flipped up when it passed her chin, forcing her head up. It bumped her in the nose on the way down and that made her giggle with a big smile. She grabbed it with one hand and gave it a kiss. She then looked at me, “When it goes all the way in, I want you to grab me and fuck my throat.”

My cock throbbed in her little hand and I just nodded my head. She lined it up to her mouth and took the head inside, flicking it with her tongue. Before I could react to that, she began to crawl forward, slowly taking inch by inch. I watched in awe, reveling in the sensations. Her throat more easily accepted it and her nose soon touched my stomach again. I could tell she was trying to look up at me. My cock throbbed before I could grab handfuls of her hair. I slowly began sliding it out until just the head was in her mouth. Her hand began massaging my balls and I could feel her prepare her tongue along the bottom of the head and I thrust back in. I kept up this pace for a bit, amazed at how she could take it all. She closed her eyes when I began to quicken my pace. Her hips gyrated and she occasionally let out a soft moan.

“My god, your throat feels so good.”

“Mmm-hmm,” she moaned.

Her little body began to convulse and she was now grunting on my cock. I watched her little hips buck as I began to thrust harder. Her button nose squished into my stomach everytime I thrust forward. I couldn’t understand how I had lasted this long and I wanted it to last forever. My breathing became ragged, and my thrusts became shorter, with only a few inches coming out each time. She started to grunt and moan each time her nose met my stomach. I had my eyes closed and my head tilted back as I breathed heavily out of my mouth. My balls were tightening, and I knew I was close. It felt like my cock grew even larger and then I heard her giggle. I looked down in confusion, still pistoning her throat. Her eyes were looking towards the door, and my head whipped in that direction. A strong pang of guilt flushed through me as I saw my mother there, leaning on the door frame. She intently watched and had her hand up under her skirt.

“Don’t stop on my account,” she breathed, then bit her lip.

I mindlessly kept fucking her throat, and had lost the sensation of my approaching orgasm. I still looked at my mother in shock. That was when Tanya’s hand left my balls and she deftly shoved a finger into my anus. It almost hurt, but her finger was so tiny and it quickly found what I can only describe as a button. It forced my head forward, and the pre-orgasm feeling returned soon followed by a shot of cum. Then the full force of the orgasm hit, washing away the guilt faster than it had come. It was like no other I had felt. All I could do was to force her face into me as she kept rubbing that button. Every shot felt like a gallon and my body convulsed uncontrollably. I heard her grunting with her own orgasm, and then my mother joined in, “Uh, uh,” she kept repeating, gushing down her legs and holding onto the door frame.

After at least a dozen spurts down her throat, she removed her finger and began to pull off. I let go of her hair and stared down at her, still breathing heavily. I was doubly shocked. Not only was Tanya okay with seeing my mother watch us, but my mother was okay with me throatfucking a girl, who obviously looked to be too young. Tanya grabbed my cock again and sucked on the head, getting every bit of cum she could. My mother had walked over and put her arm around me.

“Are you going to introduce me to your new friend, Danny?”

The shock still hadn’t left, and it caused me to hesitate, trying to gather my thoughts. I watched in awe as Tanya got up on her knees and crawled over to my mother and leaned in for a kiss with my cum still in her mouth. My mother didn’t resist in any way, moaning as she tasted my cum.

I cleared my throat, “Umm ... this is ... Tanya.” I didn’t feel like it was necessary to finish the introduction, not that my brain would allow me to anyway.

They broke their kiss and they smiled at each other. “It’s nice to meet you, Tanya. My name is Beth. I have to ask, though. How old are you?”

Tanya giggled, “I’m eighteen.” she stated proudly.

“Whew. I thought I just kissed a twelve-year-old.” They both laughed. “So, where did you meet this cute little fairy?” she asked, petting Tanya’s head, then running her hand along her chin.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Tanya beat me to the punch, “Danny saved my life at the pool.”

“Wow,” my mom said as her eyes widened, looking at me in surprise. “How did that happen?”

Tanya squatted back on her haunches and looked at me with dreamy eyes. “Well, I was swimming underwater and he accidentally dove into me and it knocked me out. He rescued me, and I just had to give him a hero’s reward.”

My mother squeezed me and shook me a little, “Good job, Danny. I’m proud of you.” She then gave me a kiss on the lips.

Not very many thoughts were running through my head, but I managed to ask, “Why are you home so early, mom?”

“It was a slow day, so we closed up early, and I’m glad we did.” She looked down at Tanya and smiled. “And you.” Her eyes flared with lust. “You’re so cute, I could just eat you up.”

Tanya giggled and blushed. She then looked at my mother, “And you are gorgeous.” She got back up on her knees, and my mother let go of me so they could embrace in a deep kiss. I’m not sure if my cock had softened or not, but it was raging at attention now.

It was so hot watching them, and then my mother started unbuttoning her blouse. They both moaned in pleasure. I couldn’t believe my luck, and the fact that my mother wasn’t mad about me bringing someone home. In fact, she seemed elated. My mother removed her blouse and unhooked her bra. Once it was removed, Tanya broke the kiss to get a good look at them. She gasped in pleasure and dove in, grabbing one of my mother’s large, supple boobs with both hands and shoved the nipple into her mouth. “Oh,” my mother breathed, putting a hand to her head and throwing her own head back. Her other hand fumbled for the button on her skirt, but managed to get it undone.

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