Oh, Danny Boy - Cover

Oh, Danny Boy

Copyright© 2024 by Phan Tassey

Chapter 14: The Wedding

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14: The Wedding - Danny is a well-developed teenage boy at fourteen. He's had a very ordinary life until his mother wants to have the talk. This turns out to be a catalyst of a series of unbelievable events that even includes meeting Jesus.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Aunt   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Teacher/Student  

Hello Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for your patience. I also want to add that there will be more sex scenes coming.

I want to first say that I have most of this story done, but I’ve had it on the back burner for some time. As of right now, my wife and I of nine years are getting separated. I’ll be moving out, and with no family, I’m low on options. It’s part of the reason I started writing erotica again, in hopes that maybe this writing can make some money. I plan to finish writing the first book to Oh, Danny Boy, but I’d like to move on to some ideas that I think are more interesting.

This is where you come in, and since I can’t seem to figure out how to blog on here yet, I’m posting this at the end of this and subsequent chapters to give you ample time to vote on which story you’d like to see next. I’m a brainstorm junkie, and so I have a lot of ideas and partial stories written.

1. John’s Incredible Story - John is at wit’s end with his life, and to make matters worse, he lost his wife and daughter to COVID. This leads him to driving recklessly during a heavy rainstorm where a crashing spaceship causes him to crash. The spaceship is inhabited by a special android made of an infinitesimal amount of nanoscopic robots from an alien galaxy, and was built to be the ultimate concubine as a gift. With the inability to fix its ship, it chooses to save John’s life, and now wants to bond with him to avoid shutting down without having fulfilled its purpose.

2. Neurophile - Another story that starts with a man in the dumps, only he’s losing his wife and daughters. Since she’s the successful one, he’s worried that he’ll be left all alone with nothing. That is until he meets a mysterious gentleman who offers him the key to full control. This man turns out to be a very powerful alien, and through a long elimination process, Craig was chosen to receive one of the keys which is actually a card full of the most sophisticated technology in the galaxy. It allows you to read and control others thoughts through suggestion. This gives him the opportunity to not only fix his marriage, but to fulfill all of his fantasies. By the way, this story already has some tentacle sex.

3. Trystan & Izylde - This story is not a parody of that play, but is set in a setting I designed for the TTRPG that I’m designing. It’s a setting that’s meant to have a classic fantasy feel to it. The story is set on Caldrea, which is a large island continent ruled by rebels, pirates, and refugees. Trystan is a tall, well-endowed human male who learned to grow snivelwort; used for both medicine and street drugs. This has earned him a bit of autonomy and protection. On the way to meet his handler, he sees a beautiful centaur woman bathing in the lake near his place. Adventures ensue, but the story is meant to be about their romance, although it’s a nitty gritty type of story that starts off with a bit of zoophilia.

4. The Libidomancer - This story I began as an erotica story for Kindle Vella. As far as I can tell, there are no organic readers on there, and so I gave up on it. It’s a fantasy story with its own unique setting about Lydrana Vaylen who was given Keld’Ana’s Blessing by a mysterious elven woman. Now she has an overactive libido and extremely sensitive erogenous zones, but also can now grow a very large penis and can affect others’ libidos along with powers of seduction. With the help of her gay elf sorcerer friend, Ephyas, she uses her new found powers to help others with their sexual problems. However, her latest case is something that she’s not sure that she’s ready for.

Please vote for your favorite one in the comments or message me if they’re not on, and when I finish Oh, Danny Boy, I will announce the winner.

Nerves struck me hard as I opened the double doors. I think I felt a bit guilty about what had just happened. I knew that Lakshmi would’ve encouraged me to do it, but without her permission first made it feel illicit. Even still, there was my new-found ability. I somehow knew then that I had to allow that to justify what had occurred. I desperately wanted Lakshmi to know. I didn’t want to have to keep coming up with excuses as to why I fucked someone without her permission.

As I walked in, I was surprised to see some people I didn’t recognize. They were all sitting in the front row by the altar talking to my mother. She smiled and waved for me to come over and they all stood to greet me.

“Everyone, this is Danny, my son.” I gave a courteous smile as I approached. There were two women and a man next to her. The man was tall and black and had long, tight dreads pulled back into a ponytail. He had a big toothy smile as he shook my hand. “This is Elijah. Vicky invited him to be your best man.”

“Hey, Danny. It’s very nice to meet ya’, mon.”

He had a pretty thick Jamaican accent and his dark eyes were intense, but amiable. “Hi there.”

“And this is Vivian. She is Lakshmi’s maid-of-honor.”

We smiled and shook my hand. Vivian had cotton candy blue hair that was short and stylish. Her eyes were big, but her eyelids stayed close together. She had a very slight dark complexion, but it might’ve just been a good tan. Her lips were luscious and had a beautiful shape to them as she smiled. She was a little shorter than me, and her body was so shapely. She could’ve easily been a social media hottie. She didn’t say anything, but I did notice her look me up and down before I turned to the next person.

“And this is Sammi. She will be marrying you two.”

I couldn’t help but look at her cleavage; her dress top showing the inner third of her breasts. I didn’t expect her handshake to be so strong. She was taller than all of us, with long, sandy blonde hair. She had on a nice green dress, but there was something different about her that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “Are you nervous?” she asked. Her voice was a bit husky.

I blushed a bit as I let go of the handshake. “I am a bit.”

They all laughed and chuckled, and I joined in. “Of all you told us, Beth, you failed to mention just how handsome he is,” Vivian said, caressing my cheek with her hand. I blushed hard as my mother put her arm around me and shook me a bit.

“He’s quite the lady-killer.” She then kissed my cheek. “I’d better go check on the bride. Why don’t you have a seat and relax, Danny.”

“I will, Mom.” I smiled quickly at the other three before walking over to a chair and sitting down. I let out a long sigh, putting my hands together on top of my head. I could hear Vivian and Elijah talking about drinks when Sammi sat next to me.

“You look tense. Would you like a shoulder rub? I used to be a masseuse.”

As much as I wanted to be alone at that moment, her offer sounded good. I knew she had strong hands. She got up and walked around to the back of my chair, immediately rubbing my shoulders with her long hands. “Go ahead and lean your head back.” I did so, and my head was between her breasts. I gasped inaudibly and thought maybe it was a mistake, but her hands went over my shoulders, parting my jacket, and rubbed and massaged along my chest. This forced my head to stay put. I could swear I heard her moan and when she pulled her hands back along my chest, my head was forced in place even more. It felt really good, and I allowed myself to relax, closing my eyes. Her hands came up to my temples and I let out a soft moan. She was pushing her boobs into me as she did so. The world was melting away.

That was until Vicky came back into the room from the adjoining room. “Okay, everyone, let’s get this show on the road.”

“Thank you,” I said to Sammi. “That felt really good.”

“Mmm, it was my pleasure,” she said as she stood to go get ready at the altar.

Despite how relaxed that made me feel, my nerves spiked and my stomach suddenly felt very empty. I got a bit light-headed as I stood and spots crossed my vision momentarily. I shook my head a little and regained my focus to see Elijah smiling and waving at me to come to him as he was at his position. I smirked and nodded, slowly making my way over to the inside of his spot. I smirked at him again before turning around to face the doors from which Lakshmi would enter. I could feel my hands get clammy as Elijah spoke.

“It’s okay to be nervous, seen.” he said to me with a smile and a touch to my arm.

I smirked again and raised an eyebrow as I looked at him. “Well, I definitely am.”

He chuckled. “Don’ you worry, Mon, I’ll catch ya if ya pass out. Just don’ lock yer knees up, seen.”

I nodded and then turned my focus on the double doors. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, though, as far as I could tell, it did nothing. I held my hands together in front of me, one holding the other wrist, and I shifted my feet a bit to keep one knee slightly bent. Even still, I felt myself get a bit lightheaded again. It was brief, but it gave me a pang of worry. I then took a slower deep breath, and I remember that it sent me into a slight daze. My eyes unfocused, and all I could think about was telling Lakshmi everything; my new-found powers, and the sex in the bathroom.

It was a strong enough thought to keep me from seeing or hearing the doors opening to reveal Lakshmi and Vicky. Elijah must’ve noticed that I was in a daze as he nudged me with his forearm to snap me out of it. She looked stunning. Her dark hair was fuller, and the extremely lacy dress came up high in the front, like really high. There was a thin train behind her and the veil hid her beauty from me.

It honestly felt like slow motion even though they weren’t doing the funny walk where you step in place before each step. I suddenly felt hot and could feel sweat tickling my back. It felt like my body was slightly throbbing in rhythm with my pulse. I don’t think I had ever been that nervous in my short life. It wasn’t nervousness from fear of commitment. I was ready to give this woman my life if she demanded it. I knew she never would, but I think it was the expectations that I knew others would demand of me. Those shoes still looked too big for my feet.

Somehow, I managed to give her a smile as they came near. I could just barely see her smile and eyes through the veil. Like that present you’ve seen under the tree for days, I couldn’t wait to lift her veil. The anticipation and nerves had me gripping my wrist so hard that that hand was going numb. I didn’t even loosen my grip until she took her place and we were facing each other.

I could see Vicky smiling in my periphery, but I maintained my focus on Lakshmi’s veil until I slowly lifted it to see her gorgeous face smiling big. I knew at that point that everyone was looking at her now, and it just made her that much more beautiful to me. I wanted to attack her and fuck her right then and there. It was one of the most intense urges I had ever had, and I don’t know how I controlled myself. It wasn’t even her amplified beauty, but her willingness to fully commit to me. I knew her dedication to commitment was bar none. It only made me love her more. It only made me lust for her even more. It was a beautiful moment to me. The love I could feel from everyone in the room had me floating in place. It felt magical.

“Alright, you two lovebirds, if you’ll face me please.” Sammi commanded.

We didn’t take our eyes off of each other until we had fully turned. However, the moment my eyes met Sammi’s, there was a long and very bright flash of light that encompassed my entire vision before I squished them closed. While that occurred, there was also a loud sound that resembled a sword being unsheathed, only amplified a hundred times. It didn’t hurt to hear, and it somehow sounded angelic.

My brows immediately furled as I could tell that Sammi seemed to be frozen in time. I quickly turned to Lakshmi, but as I went to speak to her, an unknown male’s voice interrupted me.

“She won’t be able to hear you.”

I whipped my head to behind us to see a relatively short man with dark, curly hair wearing a khaki trench coat over a navy blue suit. He had an amiable face, but his expression was expressionless. He had a strange curiosity to his blue eyes and his forehead wrinkled as he raised his eyebrows to meet my gaze before looking all over at the room from where he stood a few paces behind us. Even having visited Jesus in Heaven, I didn’t make the correlation at that moment. “Who are you?” I asked, although his likeness to Castiel in Supernatural was uncanny.

He suddenly thrust his gaze back upon me, and I could somehow feel it peering into my soul. It gave me a slight chill as he answered, “I am Castiel, Messenger of God.”

I blinked at the sudden cacophony in his deep and serious, monotone voice when he spoke his name. Almost like his tone lacked emotion, though it didn’t come across as androgynous. It reminded me of my fourth grade teacher that had a habit of putting students to sleep. Then the realization swept over me. Holy shit! It’s Castiel! I swallowed hard as my eyes widened. My nerves went haywire for a moment until he spoke again.

“Relax, Danny. I’m not here to smite you or anything.” His gaze then turned to my mother for a long moment, but then he continued to look around the room as though he had never seen one. He then closed his eyes as he took a vigorous deep breath and exhaled it quickly. I was just mustering up the courage to say something when he suddenly turned to me and spoke again. “Oh, Danny Boy. Have you heard that song?” he asked, but gave me no chance to answer before continuing to speak, “That’s not important. What is important is that you’re following the rules we laid out for you. I know you haven’t told anyone about your powers, but I just had to make sure that you won’t spill the beans to your wife-to-be in your vows.”

This time, as he looked at me, his gaze seemed to peer even further into my soul. I managed to overcome the strange feeling it was giving me and went to speak again, but yet again Castiel spoke before I could.

“That is the saying, right? Spill the beans ... why would anyone want to spill beans?” He leaned his head as far forward as it would go while still staring into my soul. “Doesn’t matter.” he said as he suddenly looked away and then turned his focus on Lakshmi. I could feel a strange release when he looked away, as though he really was affecting me with his gaze somehow. I swallowed hard again as he continued to speak as he stepped closer and around Lakshmi, inspecting her entirety. “I mean, it doesn’t seem like she’s under your spell.” He was staring into her eyes intently.

Holy shit! Jesus didn’t tell him! I was as frozen as everyone else. The remnants of the saliva I had just swallowed was gone; dried up. I’m really glad he wasn’t looking into my soul at that moment. This time, I didn’t want to say anything. Castiel seemed content with hearing his own voice anyway.

“She really does have pretty eyes.” I then watched him smirk at her before he turned to me and came really close, but was looking elsewhere as he spoke. “I want you to understand something: I’m only on board with this because of the purity of your soul. Despite the recent corruption, and the powers we gave to you to win over any woman or man simply by flashing your dick, your moral compass is still pointing very close to true North, which is still closer to North than most.”

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