Oh, Danny Boy - Cover

Oh, Danny Boy

Copyright© 2024 by Phan Tassey

Chapter 13: Tanya’s Friend

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13: Tanya’s Friend - Danny is a well-developed teenage boy at fourteen. He's had a very ordinary life until his mother wants to have the talk. This turns out to be a catalyst of a series of unbelievable events that even includes meeting Jesus.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Aunt   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Teacher/Student  

It was a convincing smile, but I know that Lakshmi saw something in how I looked at her at that moment. “I can’t wait to marry you,” I said to her as I leaned in and kissed her deeply. I didn’t want her to ask the question I knew was on the tip of her tongue. I could almost taste it as we kissed. I didn’t want to allow what I had learned to change how I feel about her, or how I think she feels about me. I would do anything for her, but I knew that keeping a secret this big would be difficult. I would come to find out that my scope of that difficulty was very narrow, although not for some time.

We weren’t far from our exit, and soon, back to Vicky’s. My mother and Erika were sitting on the couch and were laughing about something as we walked in. Vicky went into the kitchen to take a call, but I was surprised to see the look on Erika’s face as we came into the room. She seemed happy to see us, even getting up to give Lakshmi and I a hug before sitting back down, but sat herself to where she would have to sit between us. It seemed odd until I thought about what I had just learned and it forced me to sigh a little before sitting between her and my mother. I hid it in leaning over to give my mother a kiss, and we all began to catch up. Even though I knew she would no longer be under the spell, the effects until now were still apparent.

“So, Mom, can I see the suit you got me?”

“Oh, yes, come see.”

Lakshmi and I smiled at each other as I followed my mother to the bedroom she was staying in. “So, what do you think of Erika?”

“Well, aside from her image, she seems like a very genuine person, and she has great taste in men’s wear. You are going to love this suit,” she said with a smile before opening the door. “Go stand in front of the mirror and I’ll hold it up to you.”

I smiled a giddy smile and hurried over to the mirror, watching her gather the suit from atop her bed. It was still in plastic, but I could see that it was stylish. I reveled in feeling my mother’s breasts against my back as she held the garments in front of me. I bent my knees a bit so that she could look over my shoulder and get a good look for herself. Her face made me smile. “I love it.”

“You are going to look so handsome. I’m so proud of you, Son.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek before putting the suit back onto the bed.

“What would you think if we were to become naturalists?”

I could tell that the question caught her off guard, and it made her chuckle. “Why, you like being naked?”

“I mean, we don’t have to make it our religion, just to be more comfortable, and ... well, I love seeing your beauty. Whether or not you know it, you and Carol have super-hot bods.”

My mother chuckled and gave me a wry smile before sauntering over to me. “Well, in that case, how can I say no.” She then put her arms around my neck and pulled me down to kiss her. My hands quickly trailed down to her shapely ass and pulled her more into me. She let out a moan, but then a gasp as we were both startled with Vicky bursting in.

“I hate to interrupt your mother-son time, but we need to go now if we want to have a reception. The damn place got overbooked and I could only manage to get two hours. The problem is, that’s in one hour. We’ll have to put up the privacy curtain in the van so that you two can get dressed on the way. Let’s go, people!” she yelled as she left the room.

My mother and I quickly glanced at each other as we hurried to get ready. I ran to the living room to put on my gym shorts for the short walk to the van. Then, I saw Lakshmi peering into the duffle bag and fiddling with one of the stacks of cash. I quickly came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her under hers, putting my chin on her shoulder. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

She tossed the stack back in and grabbed my arms with hers, then rested her head against mine. “I never thought I would see so much money. It is exhilarating.”

“What do you have planned with your cut?” I asked as I swayed with her a bit.

“Whatever you would like done with it, Husband.” She smiled and kissed my cheek. It seemed very genuine.

“Don’t you have plans, like, going to college?”

“I am to be your wife. I must make our home and bear and raise our children so that you can focus on making a career to support us.”

“Yeah, but that’s so twentieth century. Haven’t you always wanted a career of your own? We’re both still young, and we can both afford to focus on our education first. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?”

“I have always had my heart set on being a writer.”

“Then let’s make that happen. My dad told me that there is nothing more important than getting a college education, and with this much, if we’re smart with it, could get both of us into any school we choose, scholarship or not.”

She spun in my arms and forced her way into a kiss.

“Okay, everyone, it’s time to go!”

I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “Are you ready?”

She smiled before answering, “I cannot wait.”

I gave her one more kiss before we took off to the van. I can’t tell you how nervous I was. People always mention butterflies in their stomach, but it felt more like Mothro was loose in there. I just hoped Gojiro wouldn’t join the fray. Sometimes, in wrestling, you create so much tension, you can literally feel your own heartbeat. Except that, I wasn’t wrestling. My heart was pounding so hard, and sometimes I could feel a slight buzzing in my extremities. I still managed to smile at Lakshmi as Erika shut the curtain to the back of the van. I let out a sigh as I took my seat and watched my mother take hers and begin taking our outfits out of the plastic. I gave her a smile before looking out of the window and watching the houses pass by. I chuckled as I saw some kids playing with squirt guns and a hose in an open front yard. There was a slight rainbow in the mist surrounding them. To me, it looked like a possible version of our future, and it made me smile.

I was soon interrupted by my mother handing me my outfit. “Hurry up, Son.” She quickly turned around and slipped off the sundress she had on and was now fully nude. She paid no mind to my ogling, or so I thought. “Quit staring and get dressed.”

I chuckled, but then began to get dressed. I was happy to see that the suit was shorts and short-sleeves. I buttoned the shirt and as I was getting my shorts on, I saw how short my mother’s dress was. Not just a short skirt, but very low and open cut on the top that was showing the tiniest sliver of her areolas. My cock lurched a bit. I had never actually seen a hooker, but I could imagine this being something they would wear. My mother looked devastating in it, and as she turned away, I saw that it was a backless dress right down to the top of her ass. It made me wonder what Lakshmi’s dress was going to look like.

My mother turned back to me and grabbed my bowtie. “Let me help you with this. Bowties can be tricky.” Before I could respond, she straddled my lap and was flipping up my collar. As she reached around with the tie, I could clearly see down her top. I didn’t realize it, but my cock was getting hard, and it soon throbbed into her thigh. “Damn, Son, are you still horny?”

I smiled, but it was a half-hearted effort. “I guess so. You make it hard not to be.”

“Oh, stop it. Don’t forget that you’re getting married.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” Lakshmi called out. “Please take care of him if he needs it.”

“Mmmm, well, you heard the lady. I think we have time for a quickie.”

My cock was straining hard, and it lurched as she got up and knelt in front of the other chair. She flexed her hips and pointed her pussy out. I did not hesitate, standing to get my shorts down to my ankles and then falling to my knees. Vicky had to change lanes, and so I grabbed my mother’s hips to hold on. I could see just how wet she was already; her flower blooming. It made me so hot to know that my mother wanted it just as badly. As soon as we were stable, I rammed it in with a grunting gasp from my mother. I got myself more stable and then grabbed my mother’s hair with one hand and her shoulder with the other, immediately pistoning as soon as I had a good hold. Even though my mother was being loud, I could hear moaning coming from the back. It made me even hotter knowing that they were pleasuring each other.

“That’s it, Son, make me take it.”

Her words never failed to fuel my passion and push me into the next gear. I could feel my mother’s juices flowing heavily, but I think she was holding back her orgasms so as not to make a huge mess. “Oh, fuck, your pussy feels so good, mom.”

“Please do it, Honey,” I heard Lakshmi say. “Please cum inside your mother.”

That was it. I didn’t feel like I was anywhere near an orgasm, but the floodgates opened, and I shoved it all the way in. My hips uncontrollably pushed forward with every spurt. My mouth opened, but no sound came out, and all the sounds I could hear became very dim. I didn’t even realize that I was suffocating my mother into the seat cushion as I spasmed inside of her. That was when I came to as my mother began squirting heavily. Apparently, she likes being asphyxiated. I quickly lifted my hand and she came up for air; her body still trembling. She arched her back and reached around my neck to pull me into a kiss. Her pussy still quivered heavily as she moaned into my mouth. Her hips bucked lightly and she soon succumbed to another orgasm, though not quite as strong. I broke the kiss as a shudder went down my spine, causing me to thrust one more time and one more small spurt came out.

Next was the crescendo from the back with both Erika and Lakshmi moaning and grunting out loud. I wish I could’ve watched. They were quite passionate together that morning. My mother leaned back forward and I pulled out of her with a slight peep from her. I crawled over and grabbed a towel for us to clean up. My mother hadn’t moved, and so after I cleaned myself and leaned down to clean my mother with my tongue. She let out a gasp and then said, “Oh, yes.” I no longer cared about eating cum. It wasn’t long before my mother had another orgasm, and I drank all I could before helping her to towel off. “I love you so much, Danny.”

“I love you, too, Mom.”

The van came to a stop. “We’re here.” Vicky commanded. “Let’s go, let’s go. You two first.”

My mother and I followed her into the convention center. It was packed and I felt very out of place. There were hundreds of teenage girls in basketball uniforms and cheerleading uniforms from schools all over the country. It felt like they were all staring at us, but when I would look at them, they would look away. I tried not to look horrified, but I’m sure I looked like a lemur staring down a thousand leopards. Luckily for me, my mother had my hand and kept me from being paralyzed. I had never seen so many teenage girls in one place. As if I wasn’t nervous enough, the thought of getting pantsed at that moment sent a chill up my spine. I hurried my steps as we came into a hallway, and soon through a large double door. It wasn’t a very large room, but it was perfect.

“Okay, I need you two to set this table. Everything is on that cart there. I’ll be back with the bride.” Vicky then ducked out before we could retort.

My mother smirked at me and pulled the cover off of the cart to begin setting the table. I suddenly felt the urge to pee. “Uh, I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Okay, Honey. I think I saw them at the end of the hallway.”

“‘K. I’ll be back soon.” I gave her a quick smile before leaving the room. I did my best to avoid looking at anyone. I could tell that the dozen or so girls and coaches in the hallway did nothing to avoid looking at me. I enjoyed smoking weed, but for the first time, I really wished I had had some. Before I could get into the bathroom, I managed to lock eyes with a beautiful blonde who had big green eyes. I thought nothing of it at first. It wasn’t until I saw her jogging down the hall that I realized that it seemed like she recognized me somehow. I didn’t know if any of our local schools were here, but all I wanted was some time to myself, and to my delight, there was no one in there. I went to the final stall and sat on the toilet after pulling my shorts down. I let out a long sigh and put my head in my hands, elbows on my knees. I shuddered as the pee I had been unknowingly holding for a long time came rushing out, forcing me to put a hand on it.

After a few quiet moments, the door suddenly opened and then closed. I looked at the floor I could see, but didn’t hear the footsteps I was expecting. I had no reason to fear anything at that moment, but I could feel my heart racing. I expected to hear some kind of noise. I almost leaned down to look under the stalls when, suddenly, Tanya’s face peered from under the adjoining stall with a big, goofy smile.

“O-M-G, Kelly was right,” she said as she crawled into my stall. I was dumbstruck. I was happy to see her, but I was very surprised to see her here. She hopped into my lap and gave me a big hug. “I’m so happy to see you, Danny.”

She was really squeezing hard, and it took me a moment, but I slowly returned the hug. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

She leaned back to see my face, but kept her hold on me. “Well, our girl’s varsity basketball team made it to nationals and I’m cheering for them. What are you doing here? What’s with the suit?” She gasped and her eyes got wide, “Are you getting married?”

I cleared my throat, “Actually, I am.”

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