Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 9: Sex Therapist Kyle

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 9: Sex Therapist Kyle - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Well, isn’t this great? We’re in the middle of fucking nowhere with a coolant leak...

“What are we gonna do, Kyle?” Abby is beginning to get upset.

“Do you have roadside assistance service, or anything like that, with your insurance?”

“No, just basic coverage.”

“Alright, let’s see where we are and I’ll call my dad.”

I open the G.P.S. on my phone and see that it’s pretty much what I expected, we’re smack dab in the middle of B.F.E., Butt-Fuck Egypt for those not familiar with the term. Scrolling the map, I see there’s a rest area about six miles up the road. If we can get there, it would be better than sitting here on the shoulder, but I don’t want to risk driving further and overheating the engine to the point where it could seize up.

I call Dad at his office and put him on speaker so Abby can hear, “Hi, Dad. Abby and I are stranded on the side of the freeway.”

“Okay, Kyle, where are you, and tell me what’s going on?”

“We’re about 80 miles north of home. We were driving along fine and I noticed steam coming from under the hood and the temperature gauge went up into the red. I pulled over, looked under the hood and saw coolant steam blowing out from what looks like a tiny hole in the radiator.”

“Are you near anything? Any exists?”

“Not much, there’s a rest area about six miles ahead of us. After that, probably another ten miles to the next exit.”

“Do you have any antifreeze or water with you?”

Abby shakes her head no on having antifreeze. I ask her, “Didn’t you bring us water?”

“Oh, yeah,” she reaches in the backseat, “I did, I brought us each a bottle if we got thirsty.”

“Yeah, Dad, we have two bottles of drinking water.”

“Okay, this is what I want you to do. Wait a little while and let the engine cool down. That steam you see coming out from the radiator will slow down and eventually stop. When the engine is cooled, start it up and pour the water into the coolant reservoir.”

“Okay. Will water be bad for the engine?”

“No. It sounds like she’s going to need a new radiator, they’ll flush the system and replace the fluids. Once you put the water in, see if the temperature gauge stabilizes, if it does, try driving the rest area. Take it easy and watch that gauge; if it shoots back up into the red, pull over and shut the car off.”


“Don’t panic, Kyle, everything is going to be fine. If this doesn’t work, I’ll come to get you. I want you to try this to hopefully get you two to a safer place to be stopped.”

“Thanks, Dad!”

“I’ll keep my phone with me. Call me and let me know how it’s going.”

“We will.”

While we wait, Abby calls her parents and let them know what’s happening and promised to keep them posted on our progress. A half an hour later, the steam slowed to a stop from the radiator leak.

Abby asks, “Should we try it now?”

“Yeah, let’s give it shot.” I start up the car and pour both water bottles into the coolant reservoir. Watching the temperature gauge, I see the needle is slowly rising again. I call Dad and tell him, “I put the water in, but I don’t know if it will be enough, I wish I had even one more bottle.”

“Okay, here’s an, if all else fails, trick my buddies and I used once on a road trip. Can you pee in one of the empty bottles? It might be worth a shot and what you need.”

I snicker, “I can try.”

On the passenger side of the car, I get behind the open door, “Abby, block the view so no one driving by sees what I’m doing.” She stands so her back is blocking the view from the road while I hold the bottle, relieving myself into it. “Good thing I drank all that coffee earlier, huh?” I tell her.

She watches and snickers at the sight of me concentrating with the tip of my cock plugged over the drinking opening. “Wow, Kyle! You’re filling that up fast.”

“I know; I hope it will be big enough.”

“I guess you really had to go.”

“Yeah, I did.”

When I’m done, I hand Abby the full bottle to hold so I can zip up. She makes a face, scrunching her nose, “It’s warm...”

“It came from inside me, what did you expect?” I laugh. “Ice-cold pee?”

Okay, with my bladder draining’s poured in the reservoir, I close the hood and get back in the car. The gauge seems to be holding steady, for now anyway. Who knew my piss would come in handy and save the day? “Let’s do this,” I say as I pull back onto the road.

I keep my speed to a minimum, no more than 35 miles per hour. I also keep our flashing hazard lights on so passing traffic will know we’re limping along here. The temperature is slowly climbing again, but slow enough that we should be able to make it.

Six tense miles later, we exit to the rest area. I find a spot to park, which is easy, considering there’s only a couple of other cars here. We just made it as the needle has climbed back up into the red overheat zone again. Shutting the car off, I open the hood to be greeted with some interesting smelling steam. Nothing quite like the aroma of hot antifreeze with a hint of boiled urine; my turn to scrunch my nose.

I call Dad to let him know we made it. “Okay Kyle, good to hear. Sounds like it’s a small leak.”

“Small? I think it lost both the bottles of water and one with my pee in six miles.”

“Added up, that’s not really very much fluid when you consider a standard car holds about two gallons of antifreeze.”

“Yeah, that makes sense...”

“I want you two to sit tight and let the engine cool down again.”


“There should be water there. Do you see a drinking fountain or anything?”

I look and see one by the restrooms, “Yes, there is.”

“Good. When it’s cool, use your bottles to get water from the drinking fountain, or a sink in the bathroom and fill the reservoir. If it’s as low as we suspect, it will take quite a bit, just keep filling it till it won’t take anymore. This should get you to the next exit where hopefully there will be a gas station.”

“I hope so too...”

“If there is, buy several gallons of antifreeze, stop often, keep it filled and you could try to make it home. How do you feel about that?”

I look at Abby, she nods, “Yeah, we’ll try it.”

“Okay, you’ll have to pull over when that gauge climbs, but as long as it’s not in the red, you shouldn’t have to wait for it to cool and you can keep adding coolant.”

“We can do that.”

“Okay, Son, just keep a close eye on it. If you don’t think you can make it, call me.”

“Okay, Dad. How fast can I drive?”

“With it filled, you should be okay with the speed limit, just don’t go crazy.”

“I won’t.”

We weren’t expecting to have a mini-adventure getting home today, but that’s how it goes sometimes. At least it’s not in the middle of winter with a fucking blizzard or something stupid like that.

Abby called her dad again and let him know what we’re doing. He said he’ll call his mechanic, but he’s not sure if the car can be repaired by Sunday afternoon when we need to get back to Milverton. I tell her, “If it’s not fixed in time, we could always come back with my Jeep. I can park it at your house and you can use it.”

“That would work.”

Abby tells her Dad and he seems relieved with this plan, takes the pressure off having to pay a premium to have her car fixed in a rush and over the weekend.

While we wait, I look at the satellite image of the area on my phone and it appears there’s a gas station and few other buildings, probably fast-food joints, at the next exit; some sort of civilization at least.

When the engine has cooled down, Abby and I repeatedly fill the bottles from the drinking fountain. Abby reminds me, “Make sure you don’t touch the one you peed in on the fountain’s spout.”

“Okay, Mom,” I joke, rolling my eyes.

“Well ... That would just be nasty. Would you want to drink from a-”

“I know, I know...” I tell her.

It takes several trips between the fountain and the car to fill the reservoir until it’s not taking any more, the coolant must have been extremely low. I fill the bottles once more and cap them in case we need the water before we get to the exit.

Alright, back on the road we go; next exit, here we come. The temperature gauge is holding at a nice medium, normal level. So far, so good. Abby seems more at ease now, “I’m glad your dad knew what to do.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“I don’t know anything about cars and neither do my parents,” she tells me, “We always take them to the garage when they need fixing.”

“I don’t know very much either. I really need to have my dad teach me a few things being we’re on our own more.”

Pulling off the freeway at the exit, the engine temperature is still holding in the safe zone. We stop at a Get ‘n Go gas station and buy five jugs of antifreeze, a gallon each. It might be more than we need, but better to have too much than not enough. I top off the reservoir before we continue.

Back on the freeway, we’re making good travel time. I notice Abby has been texting and giggling with someone for the last ten minutes or so. “Who are you texting with?” I look over and ask.

“My friend Caroline Konhapik. Do you remember her from high school? Straight black hair and she has a birthmark on her chin?”

“Konhapik?” I snicker, “I like the sound of that ... Koe ... Nah ... Pick ... Ko-nah-pick, Konahpick ... Caroline Konhapik. That’s a fun name to say!”

“Yes, Kyle, it is...” Abby rolls her eyes, “Do you remember her or not?”

“Hmmm ... not really.” Then I do recall a girl like that, “Oh yeah, okay, I think I do now. She had kind of a goth look going on?”

“Yeah, that’s her. She’s one of the girls Emily and I always had lunch with.”

“Ah, okay,” I nod.

“I text/talk with her a lot. I told her all about you and me.”

“Everything?” I ask.

Abby giggles and timidly answers, biting her lower lip, “Yeah ... kinda...”

“Oh, really?” I laugh.

“Well, it’s not like I went into details or anything ... I told her what a wonderful, awesome, boyfriend and lover you are. I hope that’s okay?”

“Yeah, it’s okay,” I smile.

“I was telling her how much I miss being with you on nights we aren’t together...”


Having second thoughts on continuing, Abby looks out the window, watching the passing hills and trees. “What?” I ask.

“Oh, it’s nothing ... I probably shouldn’t have brought it up ... It’s kind of embarrassing.”

“It’s okay, Abby,” I reach over and put my hand on her leg. “Only tell me if you want to...”

“I know, Kyle...” she puts her hand over mine. Taking a deep breath, she decides to tell me anyway, “Okay ... Caroline said I could always get a toy, like a vibrator. One that’s about your size.”

“Well...” I nod. “I guess that would work.”

“Would that be weird for you if I wanted to get one?”

“No, not at all,” I shrug, “It’s kind of a turn-on.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah ... I like that you want to imagine it’s me.”

Abby takes my hand in hers, “Thank you for being cool about it.”

“I think your friend gave you a good idea.”

“Lately, Caroline has really opened up about talking about boys, sex, and that kind of stuff.”

“She’s probably coming out her shell like you did.”

“She says there’s a store on Main Street back home called Lovers in Eden that has sex toys and stuff.”

“I think I’ve seen that place.”

“Have you ever been in there?”

“No. I never really had the need to shop for a vibrator before,” I snicker.

She makes a face, smacks my arm, but laughs.

We keep driving, singing along to some songs on the radio. One I like called, “Home Sweet Home” by Mötley Crüe comes on, the lyrics about being on our way and coming off the long, winding road to home sweet home are fitting for our trip. I’ve heard this song a million times and I’ve always loved the guitar solo; it’s not over-done, or crazy, it’s simply perfect.

The bigger hills of northern Michigan are diminishing to a farmland landscape now. The fields have all been plowed and cleared from the fall harvest, they’ll be dormant till Spring.

Checking the gauge, I notice the engine temperature is climbing a wee bit, so we decide to stop for lunch at the next exit in a mile. A Subway restaurant sounds good to both of us, we stop to get some sub-sandwiches. Spicy Italian toasted with pepper-jack cheese is my favorite. Abby likes the steak and cheese; anything with steak is Abby’s favorite.

We both text our parents to let them know we are doing good, keeping the reservoir filled and making our way home. Before we leave, I top off the coolant and we’re back on our way.

I’m sure glad we topped it off because a couple of miles up the road a lane is closed for construction creating a bottle-neck and a traffic back-up. It’s moving, but slow. One thing I can’t stand in these situations is why people don’t just get in the proper lane when the signs say they should? I hate those stupid, impatient, assholes who won’t wait their turn and have to speed up in the other lane only to jam into traffic at the last minute. All it does is make everything slower for those of us doing the right thing. I remember Dad would get so pissed off, he would get in that other lane and go at the same slow pace as the traffic to keep people from doing that.

Abby has been off in her thoughts again. After some time, she looks over at me and smiles.



“Do you ever think about sex?”

Pretty much all the time, but I answer with, “I guess so ... Why?”

“Do you remember when we first met? All I could think about was sex and wanting to know what it was like. Talking with Caroline probably sparked a lot of that with me. But, even since we’ve been together, I find that I still think about it ... a lot. Not things like, what’s it like, but about you, and me, and things we do together. Is it that normal?”

“Sure, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I love thinking about us ... and sex.”

“That’s good! I didn’t know if it was weird of me or anything...”

“I like that you think about it,” I smile.

“Can I tell you something I really, really like about it?”

“Yeah, please do.”

“Okay...” she giggles, “I know you already know this, but I absolutely love it when you kiss me here,” she pats her blue jeans between her legs. “In high school, I used to dream about how it would feel to have someone lick me there.”

“And, how does it feel?”

“Awesome!” she makes of those little giggle-snorts. “I always wished I would have a guy that would like me enough to do that to me. Is it something you like to do, or do you do it because I like it?”

“Oh, Abby, I love it. Yeah, I do it because you like it, but also because I really like it too.”

“I’m so happy you do. I love seeing you down there, feeling you on me and sucking my little button ... Putting your tongue inside me...”

“You’re making me hard talking this, you know that don’t you?” I laugh, shifting my position to allow room for my growing cock.

She laughs, “I’m sorry, we can talk about something else if you want.”

“No, no, this is fine, it’s not the first time I’ve driven with a raging woody.” I look at her, “Abby, I love everything about you and I’ll do that anytime you want me to.”

“Don’t get me wrong, Kyle, I enjoy everything we do, but something about when you go down on me is so extra-special.”

I’ve never known a girl to be so open about talking about sex as Abby is. You hear about guys talking all about their sexual conquests amongst each other, but I was never like that with my friends. I always felt what I’ve done is between my partner and me. Sure, Renee and I, or Tiffany and I, could talk about sex, but with Abby, I feel so much more open and at ease to discuss these kinds of things. I think it’s because she loves all the details about sex like I do.

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