Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 8: Psychologist Kyle

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 8: Psychologist Kyle - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

(Abby giggling.)

(Abby’s voice, ) “Oh Kyle, this is going to be some great video, wait till you see it.”

And what a great video it is, mmm, hmm ... Only a couple of days later and I’m already enjoying this. I transferred copies of the video, along with the pictures Abby and I took last Saturday to my laptop. Yeah, the little pervert in me wanted to see them on a bigger screen than my phone.

Laying up in my bunk, I’m nude from the waist down with my shirt hiked up to my nipples so I don’t get it all wet. I have my laptop propped up on my chest so it’s like my own little private porn theater. My right hand is busy, fiddling down there, taking care of ... well, I think you know with what.

Oh my god, I love being able to see myself sliding in and out of Abby’s pussy, this is abso-fucking-lutely fantastic! Watching this makes me so damn horny, it’s crazy. I have it looped so I can keep watching the 43-second clip over and over. Soon, both of my hands are quite busy, my right keeps time, stroking with my thrusting speed in the video while my left is busy fiddling and rubbing my nuts.

Oh yeah, oh yeah ... Feels so good, getting so close now, this sure didn’t take long ... And, here it comes ... or I should say, here it cums!

“Ahhhtt...” I squint tight, “Eaahh-Yesss!” That’s it, there we go! What a sweet, surging, feel-good, wet and sloppy release...


Hang on ... Give me moment to catch my breath and enjoy my post-ejaculation bliss...


Okay, whew! That sure felt good! A necessary clean-up of the stingy, gooey mess I just shot all over my lower abdomen, close the laptop, pull my pants back on, hop down and just like that, I’m good to go! I remove the medallion thingy from the doorknob and lazily stroll over to the cafeteria for a late dinner unconsciously sporting one very satisfied smile on my face.

The cafeteria is rather busy for 7:30 pm on a Monday, Meatloaf-Monday is on the menu today. I see some guys from my dorm I don’t know them super-well, but we’ve talked on occasion in the past. Once I have my tray, they wave me over to join them. Their names are Liam and Evan and their friend Seth is with them.

“Hey Kyle, how’s it going?” Evan asks.

“Not bad, not bad at all!” The fact that I just had a very gratifying, five-knuckle-shuffle with myself watching some homemade-porn staring Abby and I is something they don’t need to know. “How’re you guys doing?”

“We’re good,” Liam answers, “Hey, did you hear about Beavis and Butthead in 408?”

“Beavis and Butthead?” I laugh, good names for Jay and Randy, couple of goofballs, fits them too... “No, I didn’t, I was gone last weekend. What happened?”

“The Super Sucker supposedly did ‘em ... Both of ‘em!”


“Well, that’s what they’ve been going around bragging about anyway. They said she sucked ‘em so hard they thought they were gonna lose their dicks down her throat,” Liam tells us.

“Well...” I roll my eyes, “I don’t know how much I would believe coming from those too ... They probably heard Connor’s stories and think their gonna join the party of cocks she’s dined on.”

“She has been throwing her offers around, or so I’ve heard...” Seth adds.

My phone bloops, it’s Abby texting me, “Do you want to come over and work on homework with me?”

I text back, “Sure, I’m eating a late dinner, I’ll be over after.”

“Love you! Kiss, Kiss!” she texts.

“Love you too!”

I finish dinner with the guys, all of them are musing about how awesome it would be to have Leona gobble on their franks-and-beans. I swear, that woman, and her blow-jobs, seem to be the only thing anyone talks about around here anymore...

I grab my backpack from our room and ride my bike over to Abby’s. It’s full dark now at 8:30, the days are definitely getting shorter. Abby lets me in and Belinda actually waves, “Hey,” from the couch instead of her usual grumbling about me being over again.

When we’re in Abby’s room, I motion my thumb back towards the living room, “How’s it been going with her?”

“Great! She’s been treating me like a human being for a change.”

“That’s good.”

Abby grabs the front of my hoodie-jacket, pulling me to her, kissing me, “I’m glad you could come over.”

“Me too. I have to work tomorrow afternoon, it’s one of the shifts I switched to get next weekend off.”

“I have some grocery shopping to do, maybe I’ll see you.”

Abby and I get busy, we’re both a little behind from being away last weekend. We want to try to get ahead because we will be back home next weekend. As much as we’d like to fling our clothes off, get naked and play hide the sausage, we agreed the homework needs to come first.

I need to concentrate, but my mind is wandering again. I’m thinking about what I was doing earlier in my bunk watching the video, I make a little giggle. “What’s so funny?” Abby asks.

“Oh, nothing...”

“Come on, it’s something ... What?” she presses, she already knows me too well.

“Before dinner, I was watching the video, our video, and I was...” I make the hand motion of jacking-off.

“So was I!” Abby laughs out loud, “But I was, you know, using my...” she wiggles two of her fingers.

“I wonder if we were doing it at the same time?”

“Probably, we think a lot alike!”

On Tuesday, my afternoon class ended 45-minutes early at 2:15. This leaves me some time before my 4:00 shift at the store, I figure I’ll use the time to cram in some homework up in my room. Adam passes me in the hallway, “Hey Kyle, how’s everything?”

“Going well, Adam.”

“Good to hear. Everything good with Alex?”

“Yeah, he’s been working-out with us, keeping busy, doing great.”

We hear a door open down the hall, it’s Leona letting herself out of Connor’s room, we see her blow him a kiss and coo, “See you soon, Hot-Stuff.”

As she saunters towards us, Adam sighs, “I’ve heard you’ve been making house calls again.”

She walks up to us, flashing him a grin, “You know it, Hot Stuff! How ya been my sweet Adam?”

“Good, I see some things never change.”

“Are you saying that’s a bad thing?”

“Just don’t be stirring up trouble with my guys around here, okay?”

“‘Stir up trouble?’ Me?” She steps back, feigning shock at such an allegation, “Is that any way to be?” She leans in, pinching his crotch and whispers, “How about I vacuum the chrome off your trailer hitch for old times’ sake?”

Adam backs up, making a face, “Maybe another time...” I’m sure catching a whiff of Connor’s fresh nut-sack nectar on her breath was not the highlight of his day.

“You know my number, call me ... Anytime...” she says in a sing-song manner, continuing on her way to the elevators.

Once she’s gone, my curiosity surfaces, “You...? And her?”

“Yeah ... A couple of years ago I was drunk at a party and she did me,” he admits.

“She must have a good memory to remember your name after all this time.”

“Well, let’s just say I was the lucky winner that month, if you know what I mean.”

“Ah, gotcha,” I nod.

“Listen, Kyle ... You have a girlfriend, right?”


“Let me give you a little advice, stay far away from that floozy, okay? She has a big mouth on her and it’s not from all the one-eyed willy’s she’s entertained in it. As much as the guys brag, so does she. I’ve heard of guys losing their girlfriends over getting mixed up with her.”

“Yeah, I know better, but thanks.”

He pats me on the back, “Good man.”

I call my mom to let her know that Abby and I will be coming home this weekend, I forgot to tell her last week with all the planning for our weekend at Valley Pines. Mom is excited, “That’s wonderful, Kyle, when will you get here?”

“We’re leaving Friday morning; we should be in town about noon/1:00-ish.”

“Your dad and I will be work and Luke will be in school. Remember to bring your house-key to let yourself in, okay?”

“I will, Mom.”

“How’s everything and how is Abby?”

“Fantastic! Everything and Abby are great.”

“You’re keeping up with your studies, right?”

“I am, Abby makes sure of that.”

“That’s wonderful, I do like her, Kyle, she seems like a real nice girl.”

“Thanks, Mom. She sure is.”

“See if she would like to come for dinner one the days you’re home.”

“I will, see you in a few days.”

“Okay, Sweetie. Love you!”

“Love you too, Mom.”

I’m working in the bread aisle, pulling and logging expired stock that we can’t sell, if the date has passed, it needs to go. My mind is focused on checking dates when Abby’s arms appear from behind me, hugging me around my waist. “Hi, my busy guy,” she kisses me.

“Hi, Abby, I almost forgot you were coming here today.”

“What-cha doing?”

“I have to enter and pull any expired bread and buns.”

She pinches my ass cheeks and giggles, “How about these buns? Do they expire?”

“Not as far as I know, but they do like the attention-”

“Ah, ahem,” we hear from behind us, it’s Mr. Curtis.

“Hi, Mr. Curtis. This is my girlfriend, Abby.”

He makes a half-smile, “Ah yes, our, happiest customer.”

Abby blushes, “Well, I’ll let you get back to work. Nice to meet you Mr. Curtis.”

“Nice to meet you too, Abby.”

Abby gives me a cute little wave as she continues with her shopping. Mr. Curtis gives me one of those mildly disapproving looks over his glasses, but doesn’t say anything. I like Abby visiting me at work, but I have a feeling Mr. Curtis’s patience will wear thin over time if he sees me with her too often, not to mention pinching each other’s ass cheeks.

Later in the break-room, Meredith asks me, “So, how was your weekend at Valley Pines?”

“It was great, thanks for telling me about it.”

“You’re welcome. I hope it didn’t set you back too much, money-wise that is.”

“Well, I pretty much drained everything I saved up working here, but I have still have plenty in my account from when I was working at Pizza Depot back home.”

“You’ll make it back-up in no-time, Hun, you’ll see. Tell me, was it worth it?”

“Oh yes! Every bit of it.”

“Good to hear,” she smiles.

The next day, Wednesday, I’m returning to the dorm from my afternoon Creative Writing Class. In the main Floor Common room, I see Maria, one of the girls Alex plays Pool with, she waves me over, “Uh, hi, you’re Kyle, right?”


“Is Alex your roommate?”

“Yes, he is.”

“Can I ask you, is he seeing anyone by any chance?”

“No, not that I’m aware of ... Why? What’s up?”

“Do you remember my roommate, Nicole?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Well, she kind of likes Alex, talks about him every now and then. Do you think he would like to, you know, maybe go to lunch with her or something?”

“I’m sure he would,” I nod.

“She feels awkward about asking him so I was wondering if you could ... maybe, nudge him?”

“Yeah, I can do that.”

“Thanks! But I don’t want Nicole to know you and I talked, okay?”

“Mums the word,” I make a my-lips-are-sealed motion.

In the elevator, I’m thinking, this is great, this is really going to make Alex’s day, probably his whole month! Alex should be back, he’s usually here at this time on Wednesdays. I’m excited and can’t wait to tell him, but I need to come up with something so he doesn’t know Maria clued me in. Maybe I can say I noticed how Nicole looks at him or something...

As I let myself into our room, I hear a familiar female voice, “Oh, hello again, Hot-Stuff!” Leona is here, in our room, sitting on Alex’s bed. What in god’s name is she doing in here?

“Uh ... Hi,” I say, looking around, “How did you get in here?”

“Alex must be your roommate. I’m waiting for him.”

“Okay ... What’s going on?”

“I’m going to give him a very special treat,” she grins, “make his day for him.”

“Does he know you’re here?”

“Oh, yes, he let me in. He said he wanted to freshen-up in the shower for me, isn’t that so sweet of him?”

I toss my backpack up on my bed and sit in the chair. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, Hot-Stuff, what’s on your mind? Are you having second thoughts about what I can do for you?” Her gaze wanders bellow my belt, “You know nothing would make me happier than to have a peak at that joystick you keep in there, show it some love and attention. I could put it in my mouth ... and make you hard...” she pauses, getting a dreamy look in her eyes, “Make you squirm ... Make you moan ... Make you squirt it ... Mmm Hmm!” she flutters her hand in front of her face, “Oh dear, look at me, I’m getting myself all worked-up just talking about this! But doesn’t that sound like a nice idea?”

Wow, talk about a dirty-talking, straight-forward woman here. I’m not gonna lie, there’s not many guys that could resist her plan of action. I tell her, “I told you I have a girlfriend, so, no, but thanks. I just have a question, that’s all.”

She sighs, perturbed with me as she’s probably not turned down very often - if ever. “Fire away,” she rolls her eyes.

“Why do you do this? All this ... with the guys around here?”

Leona drops her eyebrows, “I hope you’re not going to try to preach to me...”

“No, I’m just curious, that’s all.”

“It’s like this. You love girls, right?”

“Well, yeah, one girl. She’s enough for me.”

“Okay, hypothetically speaking then; let’s say you were single, we’ve established that you like girls, and for conversational purposes, let’s say that you could have all the girls you ever wanted. Wouldn’t you like that?”

“I guess ... but that’s not very realistic, is it? I’m not a rock star, or a celebrity, or anything.”

“Who says you need to be? Look at me, I’m no celebrity and I certainly enjoy all the boys I want.”

“I could beg to differ; you certainly do have a particular celebrity status around here. I’ve seen what happens when you walk into a party.”

“Well...” she flushes, “maybe you’re right by a tiny bit...” she says holding her finger and thumb a quarter of an inch apart.

“And with guys,” I add, “It’s pretty easy to get them to whip it out for anyone and anything. Where I come from, most girls just aren’t like that.”

“Unfortunately, there’s truth to that...” she sighs again. “It’s too bad girls aren’t as easy, huh?”

“I don’t know,” I shrug, “it’s just the way it is.”

“To help me answer your question, let me ask this, and you don’t have to answer if it’s too personal, but do you ... do you do a little something special for your girl?” Leona says this with just the slightest flick of her tongue. “Simply because she loves it?”

Okay, yeah, that was a bit personal, but in all fairness, I did just ask her why she blows multitudes of guys. “Um ... Sure,” I answer.

“What’s your favorite part?”

“I enjoy it and I like making her happy.”

“Okay then,” she slaps her knee, “there’s the answer to your question. I love doing what I do for those exact same reasons, but with you guys.”

“With a boyfriend, sure, but why so many? Maybe I’m exaggerating, but I get the impression you would do every dude in this building.”

“And, if given the chance, I would love too!” she instantly answers. She goes on to explain, “I adore guys, I adore all of you, but I’m not into relationships and all the baggage that goes with them. What I love is...” she takes on that dreamy look again, “I love you boys undoing your pants for me ... showing me the bulges in your underwear ... then slipping them down to present me with your wonderful cocks ... all of you boys have such wonderful cocks, each and every one of them as handsome as the owner it’s attached to. My real reward is putting your cocks in my mouth to suck on them. Suck on them till you moan out loud and feed me your tasty cum. Mmmm...” she smacks her lips, “that’s what I like and that’s why you’re all my sweet, sweet Hot-stuffs.

“But, after all is said,” she pauses to snicker, “and sucked. What brings me the most joy is making you happy. After all, college courses can be so grueling and who doesn’t need a little healthy tension release from time to time? Am I wrong? The plus side of living in this town is every year brings me a brand-new batch of sexy young blue-jean bulges to get inside of,” she grins. “And so much fresh cum to sample ... Yummmm!”

Are my ears really hearing all of this? I don’t know what to say to follow-up. She loves making us college guys happy, even if it is with her mouth engulfing our joysticks. The real drive I’m sensing here, but don’t say is, I think she craves all the no-strings-attached attention this provides. For as much as she says she’s doing this for us, I feel it’s more about her. Perhaps we’re looking at a form of sexual addiction mixed with personal low self-esteem issues? But, then again, what do I know? I don’t know her, or her history; she is who she is and it’s her choice to do what she does. A funny thought crosses my mind, someday when I’m a practicing professional psychologist, Leona, or someone like her, could very well be one of my future patients sitting in my office trying to figure their life out.

I hop up, grab my backpack and head for the door, “Where are you off too now? We were having such a nice chit-chat while I wait.”

“I just remembered something...” I say, letting myself out of the room.

I race down the hall to the Shower Room, Alex is finishing up and getting dressed. “Hey, Kyle. You’re not going to believe this, but Leona is going give me my first-ever blow-job! She’s waiting in our room.”

“Yeah, Alex, I know. I need to speak to you about something before you go back there.”

“Make it quick, okay, I don’t want to keep her waiting.”

Timing is not on my side, so I’ll have to skip the creative approach and cut right to the chase. “Maria, one of those girls you play Pool with, told me that Nicole likes you and would probably go out with you if you asked her.”

“Oh, wow! Okay, that’s great, I will! Thanks!” he starts to beeline for the door and Leona.

“Alex, wait!”

“What?” he’s getting impatient, “Can’t we talk later? I’m about to have the best day of my life here.”

“Didn’t you hear me? Nicole is interested in you. If she finds out you got a weenie-job from that woman, she might change her mind. Do you want risk blowing this opportunity over a stupid, one-time B.J.?”

“It may be a just a stupid B.J. to you, but I’ve never had one before. I’ll just have her do me and then ask Nicole out. How would she know anyway?”

“Alex, listen to me, word gets around this place. All anyone has been talking about lately is Leona. I’m just asking you to stop and think this through. Nicole being interested is a good thing. All the girls in this dorm know who Leona is and what she does, Nicole might not think so much of you if she knew you were with her.”

Alex stops, pondering, he presses the palms of his hands to his temples, “Oh god dammit, Kyle...” he mutters, he knows I’m right.

At least now he’s using his bigger brain, I add, “Who knows, if things go well, you may very get all these things you want and with someone who cares about you.”

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